tv [untitled] March 22, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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we are talking about children's services and to have a concept about collaboration and to me it's critical. i think it's better in whatever form it does in a final language and i believe that is critical and we have so many great programs. but, to me your comments and what i couldn't agree more with is that we need to have a common out sets and goals. ultimately it's about the kids. it's a cliche, but we need to do this and the need to communicate with parents is so important. for me this is exciting to watch this process unfold. i really want to thank you both for your efforts. it's not unnoticed at all and i know it's hard and challenging and thank you for all that you are doing.
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supervisor breed? >>supervisor london breed: thank you. it's a long time coming. the collaboration part really i'm going to take credit for the fact that district 5 started all of the collaboration way back when sadly we had too many of our kids that were lost to gun violence. we felt a need to come together as a community to work together with the police and with all the entities that were receiving funding to support this particular population. which brings me to the only concern about i have about this whole process, the only concern about everything we are doing, we talk about kids, programs, schools, challenges and we need to continue in this direction, there is no question. the common question,
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disproportionately, the african american boys are the ones that are truant and ending up in jail and victims of homicide on our street in san francisco. and clearly something is not working in this city and unfortunately it is a problem throughout the country, but in san francisco, we have the ability to do something about it. we are so very organized. we have these incredible programs, but we are not, i believe looking at this the way that we need to to address this particular problem. we have to put it on the table. we have to be clear that we are talking about african american boys in particular because the numbers demonstrate clearly that we as a city are failing that particular population. which means we have to take a different approach. we can't camouflage it by saying diversity or camouflage it by saying we are working on this program for these kids that is
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right challenged or what have you. we have to put it on the table. something is wrong and we have to make the appropriate changes to address it. i'm asking as a member of the board of supervisors for us to put our minds together to work on that process so we can wrap our hands around this particular population like never before. when i was growing up in san francisco and i know folks are probably tired of hearing me saying that. i went to public school, i lived in public housing and i watched around as i moved on an succeeded and everyone around me either ended up in jail or dead or in so many different situations and it breaks my heart that i'm still seeing my friends kids and now their grandkids end up in that situation. we have a problem when these kids end up in our public schools. we have to make sure we keep that
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captive audience. i know someone came knocking on the door when we didn't go to school. we need to deal with this situation especially because we are going to be collaborating on services and we have all of these stakeholders and we actively engage and we have an incredible plan but it gives us also room to think outside of the box and add an additional plan that is going to change the lives of these particular individuals. this is what i care about the most. and of course this is where it's at, if we lose them in our school, we lose them in our city and we have to be sure to provide the resources necessary to protect them, encourage them and help them grow and we especially have to see that we are in the business community and to link the business communities in our school is something we have to do for a long time. i
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know we are doing it with galileo high school and the building trades and other industries and they are starting to go to i aida b wells. how can we do something to have something for them to look forward to. i didn't know anything about college until someone came to talk to me. and i thought i could never get into uc davis and the teachers told me you can and they made it possible. i think we need to give them what they need to succeed for this process because especially to increase the amount of revenue that we are generating to help our young people, i don't want to see it go to waste. i want to see it used in an effective
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manner in their lives. i want to thank you both as leaders to think outside the box and move forward in our city and collaborate and continue to work to make our lives better in san francisco, yes, we have made progress, but there is still a lot of work to be done. >>supervisor mark farrell: thank you supervisor breed. supervisor yee? >> >>supervisor norman yee: thank you superintendant carranza for your presentation. well, maybe some of the older folks know that i have been involved with this whether it's a children's fund or renewal and somewhere along the line i have been involved and i have seen the evolution of these funds and what this has brought us. and because i have seen it, i also see the
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possibilities in terms of how we can improve. so, the groups that have been discussing this, not only with ococ but the community groups and c pack and so forth and other groups that may have discussed this, i really appreciate it because every effort that i have heard and seen benefits this whole properties. sometimes it seems unconnected but people say, what is the connection here? yet, when i listen to each presentation i say well, it's all connected one way or another. i really appreciate this whole idea of alignment coordination and shared goals. it's something that eye -- i have been thinking about for years and i appreciate supervisor breed's comments about who are we
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targeting, how can we leverage more. all of these things i have seen. thank goodness while i was on the school board for 8 years we moved into equity lens in the last six 6 years and the issues that supervisor breed has discussed was a common discussion we had on the school board and it continues to be that way. the frustration for me was this always had the separation between the schools and whatever else happens in the city. this example when i took on the whole issue of early chronic absenteeism. what it means that a lot of kids were missing school. they may not be truant in a very defined way but they were missing over 10 percent of their school days throughout the years.
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they started in kindergarten. the stereotype is kids cut school maybe in high school or middle school, but the worst were in kindergarten and first and second grade. these are kids that will cut school when they get older and these are kids that are dropping out of school. this is a definite relationship. so i was trying to have a school district take it on. my argument was that we do in this school district they do some things they do very well, not everything. there are some things that the cbo's do very well, not everything. one of the things that cbo's do well is they connected with the families really well and the families trust them because they don't feel they necessarily a part of the establishment. when i was trying to get them to
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work together, people wanted to but there were always barriers to it and i can't share my information. my database doesn't work with yours and i thought, this is bullshit, sorry. [ laughter ] this is ridiculous to listen to the excuses that we had because we weren't aligned. also. another example, early childhood education, we had a great program huge. but the community also have when you take them into totality is huge also. and yet, there is hardly any discussion between the two groups. and part of it is the kids that we serve, the low income children that we serve in the community, they are going into public schools. why aren't we talking to each
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other. i'm all for this alignment and the shared vision and so forth. you know, part of what i'm hoping for is we go beyond services. it's not just about services. that's what we've been talking about and most of the groups talk about this and this is the focus and when you look at what's happening in san francisco and most of you probably in the audience know that san francisco has a lowest percentage of children population anywhere in the united states. and, we know which children are leading. supervisor breed you know that. so, we need to look at that issue and why they are leaving? it's not the services. we have good services. we have good education here. when san francisco has the highest performing urban district any whenever in california. the
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scores keep going up. that's not the biggest issue. there are other issues that are more infrastructure in nature yet we don't talk about that. we don't talk about housing and jobs and creations for these young people. when we talk about alignment, when we talk about the discussion of services, it goes beyond services. they have to go beyond services otherwise it won't work. and i'm beginning to have that discussion with people in the community. it was difficult for me to articulate that in the beginning, but i think i created a diagram that sort of spells it out a little bit more and it beginning to become clearer how it may work. i'm hoping that our vision as we move forward will be about what's the shared vision, what's the shared goals. what are the strategies, how can we work together to not only hold the
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line with the children population, but we are going to make this city be so attractive to children and families that we are going to actually start increasing our percentages. so, supervisor avalos, thank you for calling this hearing because this is important to me that the public hear what people are doing. we are sharing a lot of things and again, i know there is a lot of efforts going on right now and i believe that none of it is to be wasted. i see the relationship between what everybody is talking about. so thank you very much. >>supervisor mark farrell: supervisor avalos? avalos avl >>supervisor john avalos: thank you. i appreciate the comments by supervisor breed and fairly as -- farrell
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as well and i have been involved with these programs through c pack and i would like to get these stakeholders together because we have not finalized a children's fund amendment to go before the board of supervisors and onward to the ballot as well. i know there is still room to move and to come to some consensus and i'm really dedicated to making sure that we can that have consensus and have that input. i believe there are probably some differences that we still have to work out and how to move forward. so the process that coc has done and what you come up with in terms of your recommendations. i really appreciate the outreach effort that you have gone through. i would like to ask that maybe we can put more meet -- meat
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on the bones and if you can describe what you can put forward regarding language to give us a sense of whenever we need to go in terms of coming together and having unity. >> supervisor avalos you are referring to these policy solution here? >> yes. >> okay. in terms of cheaper are you talking specifically about our proposal to create the children and family council as well as the staffing for the council? >> that part is actually, we had discussion about it and that was pretty clear to me. i wasn't sure if the charter was going to make that happen or not certainly but i think
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it's possible that it could. i think there are other differences that people have about having a commission, but mostly i'm interested in what language you are looking for and the children's fund and you will hear the recommendations from the community stakeholders have talked about an in accrues to the children's fund: i'm not sure if your proposal is going to include that in the starting point or not. sunset day, some of the language that we would expect that charter them as a whole. >> so the working group which is the body of leadership that's between the school district and dcyf right now is still working through those specific questions that you had increased. how do we craft the charter language. right now what we have are these
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preliminary recommendations in our conversations supervisor avalos that maybe today we can present this and gather some feedback and input from both you, the supervisors as well as perhaps cbo's and community folks if they have any if they have any input on this and feedback on this and at another meeting we can have further conversations. right now we are working with our city attorney to figure out the language, the draft , the charter language itself. we haven't landed on anything. we sent to our city attorney this which are some are ideas around collaborative language or common language to link our two funds together. and we've talked about the planning
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cycle and knowing that other city departments have much longer planning cycles than the 3-year that dcyf has or the 1 year that the school district has. we definitely feel that having longer than three i doers is appropriate. >> have you considered 5 years? >> i think this is where we would love to hear feedback from our community about some of the recommendations. i know that i have seen the recommendations from the community coalition as well as recommendations from other community groups that reference the 5 years. i think these are things that we can have a conversation around. i know that under supervisor yee's leadership as well as partnership with you and supervisor kim there are separate meetings and perhaps we can come together and have a larger conversation to discuss some of these issues.
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>> okay. thank you. i think we'll certainly have some details from the members of the community and go on to public comment and maybe call you back towards the end and hear reactions to that. mr. carranza? >> yes, supervisor avalos we have from the audience deputy city attorney mr. young lee. i will have to leave to address some students myself. i don't want to be disrespectful. we have flushing out what this concept will look like. i just want to be clear that the evolution now is really predicated on the wonderful work that we've had for many many years to really impact and an at some point for us to take this for a spin. what will this look like so it's not dependent on goodwill and
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we are really excited to listen to what the community has to say and it's a really strong theme that will come to the boards. thank you very much. >>supervisor john avalos: thank you and thank you for being here. i appreciate your presentation and all of your work and your staff as well. you are always the person who can really come in at eye level. so thank you. >> so, let's go on to public comment and i have a number of speaker cards. if you can please come up in the order that you are called and we'll do 2 minutes per person. the first card i have is chelsey boy lard; maria torrey, star goul, irene cass , sorry if
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i get your name incorrect. i do have follow up questions for the speaker. >> thank you so much, good afternoon. my name is chelsey boy lard. i'm here representing the children's coalition which we have been organizing and staffing for over a year now. we have been meeting since the sum of 2012 and really came together in representing over 75 community based organizations from across the city, different neighborhoods and types of services and demographics and families and we have come together to put forward policy recommendations for children's amendments and i knowu -- you have seen this and i won't
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take up too much of your time. i do want to mention that we've had coalition representative and part of the community engagement process. i want to clarify the distinction between what the ococ was doing in terms of a very big system wide for system youth in san francisco and diving into weeds about policy recommends on how to strengthen these charter amendments for both of the measures. we believe in strong citywide services for the goals and outcomes for kids in san francisco. our recommendation towards that end is to have the mayor release a citywide coordination plan into the five year5-year planning
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process. >> please continue. >> we are recommending the planning process to be five 5 years and the plan would be 40 mayers from the community and needs assessment and that will be transparency and accountability for the agenda and coordination plan. for both children's fund we are recommending to eliminate the sunset dates for each and include instead mechanisms that would allow for deep audit every five or 10 years and enabling legislation to the children's fund. in addition to citywide coordination that there buy an commission for the children's fund rather than a citizens advisory council. we believe both are need one towards the strategies towards those
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outcomes and provide accountability for the funding that is allocated through children's fund. we are recommending the commission be jointly appointed by the mayor and board of supervisors and recommend the package for dcyf expenditures. there are currently 9,000 young people who are not working and not going to school and young people who are disconnected from school and unemployment and services are at high risk for homelessness. there is no clear funding strategies for that group of young people and that needs to change. while the children's fund is an incredible resource, there remains massive and unmet needs. there are thousands of children on wait list for after school programs and youth jobs and we know there is a number of young people
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in san francisco has been increased but the income gap has increasing and the poverty has grown by 14 percent. in order to meet the both disconnected as transitional youth and all families in san francisco we are looking to increase the funds $0.03 at every dollar and to incentivize to $0.05. i would allow the city to more deeply invest in services and safety nets for children youth and family and the peak. the enrichment fund we are looking to remove the language which has it impeded programs and
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we want to remove the contribution, which led to the double counting of city resources and we are inventing language to over see that two-thirds portion of pete and we support c pack to expand for all to include 3-5-year-old and priority for 4-year-olds since they are getting ready for kindergarten but provide the flexibility to serve the amount of children as much as possible. if we can have everybody who is here who has been involved in the coalition. if you can stand up. so you have an idea of who our coalition is and over the last year through our community
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had really broad and community engagement. thank you so much. >> good afternoon supervisors yee, avalos, farrell and wiener for staying and listening to us. some of our parents left because they had to work in the evening. when my children were little like preschoolers i was an advocate for youth and now i'm a member of coleman and c pack and we support the children's fund coalition that chelsey just mentioned. as an apparent i want to say that it's really disheartening to hear that poverty rate has increased by 14 percent. in san francisco it's even higher, it's one of
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four children. when we translate that to latino and african american children the ratio goes up higher it's one of three children in poverty. children's fund and the public it indication enrichment fund provides pathway out of poverty. parents are able to work and the children are in care when they are in early childhood education and a lot of services. one thing i want to say is living in san francisco is very expensive. poverty rate to just make it for a family of four, the self sufficiency bare bones is $94,000. none of these families make that. this is why we need the children's fund and we recommend to allocate by age group. 45 percent of our population is vert cert -- certified and
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they get expanded. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good afternoon board of supervisors. my name is dargo. my youngest son is a currently in a preschool program and his brothers and sisters attend the boys club . there are currently 3200 children on the waiting list in san francisco. 0-19 are 0-5-year-old. we recommend the children's fund distribution be based on need, be equitable and proportional to the population size. when we take care of our young children their parents are
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able to work or participate in a training program or earn their college degree and provide the pathway out of povt. we also support c pack's recommendation to expand schools for all to include 3-5 years to allow flexibility for providers prioritizing 4-year-olds and getting them ready for kindergarten. >> good afternoon board of supervisors. my name is traiven hill. i have the opportunity to receive quality child care and now i'm on the honor roll at the student academy. it's important to have child care. please vote for children's fund.
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