tv [untitled] March 26, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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to the transbay terminal, but also additional muni service to civic center. future ac transit service to the east bay. and an on-island shuttle system to connect users from their homes to the transit hub, as well as bike service and travel information. some of the innovative measures that are called for in the plan called for unbundled parking, congestion pricing, metering of the on and off ramps from the island, and also mandatory transit prices for all residents on ti. and the revenues from the transit passes, the parking and the tolls support the high level, high-quality transit service from the island. the implementation of this will include working with all the stakeholder agencies including
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ac transit, bada, caltrans, muni, we he da who will be managing the ferry service as well as the transportation authority and tida. ~ weda if you have additional questions on the plan or the recommendationses to designate the transportation authority as the timma, be hatch toy answer those. aloe okay, thank you very much. colleagues, any questions he? supervisor mar. ~ happy to answer >> mr. beck, i just wanted to ask about the congestion management. i know that the transportation authority has to develop plan. do you have any concept of how that would work? >> we are working with the transportation authority already on some preliminary studies for the mobility management and congestion pricing. there are a number of variables that we're looking at. but the main vehicle to
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managing the congestion pricing is calling on and off of the island. we're looking at the question of whether those tolls should be collected only when leaving the island, when arriving on the island, when leaving and arriving, whether tolls should be limited to just peak commute hours or should be -- have different prices or have some periods of day where there is no toll collected, whether toll should be applied just to the 8,000 households on the island or to all vehicle access to and from the island. so, there are a number of parameters that are being studied and we're just in the process of initiating those studies with the transportation authority. >> and i see particularly director fong and [speaker not understood] from the ta here. i know, i think it's a public-private partnership to rebuild the western -- i guess on and off ramps, but i worry
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about with 8,000 units and probably 10 to 15,000 more people as we build it out, that the new ferry and some of the increased bus service still might not be enough to deal with the bottlenecks. but i'm just wondering, the transportation plan is developed to deal with that amount of new people, including the retail, i think you said 100,000 square feet of new office space there, and then the retail as well. but could you talk a little bit about the potential for more bottlenecks with that many more people coming in and out? >> a lot of the commercial program for the island is intended and anticipated to be primarily supporting of the neighborhood that exitsv on ~ exists on the island. so, grocery, some restaurants, perhaps dry cleaning, but
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really the primary focus of the retail is not destination retail, but retail that would be neighborhood supporting and supportive of the community. so, not anticipated to contribute significantly to the transportation demands. but, yes, one of the central constructs here is to balance the congestion pricing and pricing -- parking pricing on the island in a way that encourages people to leave their automobiles behind and to support a level, a frequency of transportation service that makes it the most desirable choice. so, it will be -- the transportation authority is going to be modeling this through their champs modeling system, but that is the balance is going to be striving to achieve. >> and then i'm really pleased
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about the shuttle, the island shuttle system. i look forward to learning more about that as well. that serve the residents that are currently there and the new ones that will be coming. so, that sounds wonder. >> yes. the focus is that the bus service and the ferry service will be focused around the transportation hub as people first come onto treasure island, and they'll be -- the shuttle service would connect people from their homes to that transportation hub, which is also kind of anticipated to be the center for the grocery store services and some of the on-island retail so that people can use the transportation. they'll come, they'll do their shopping, and then the shuttles will take them to their homes. >> thank you. >> colleagues, any further questions? okay, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> we'll open this item up to public comment. are there any members of the public that wish to comment on item number 4? okay, seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel]
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>> [speaker not understood]. >> okay, we have a motion to move resolution forward and we can take that without objection. [gavel] >> all right, madam clerk, can you call item 5 and 6 together, please? >> item number 5 is a ordinance amending the administrative code to add first source hiring requirements for developers applying for permits for commercial or residential projects to disclose to the city anticipated entry and apprentice level positions for development projects, anticipated local hires, and anticipated wages; and agree to hiring and retention goals for apprentice level positions. item number 6 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to provide that the city's local hiring policy and payment of prevailing wages apply to construction projects on property owned by the city and county of san francisco. >> okay, thank you. these are measures sponsored by supervisor avalos. we'll turn it over to you. >> thank you, chair farrell. and thank you, colleagues, for hearing these item. i want to thank members of the public who have been working with my office and drafting the
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legislation. ron friend, jack clark who has been helping from the city attorney's office. rick [speaker not understood] in is in my staff as well. these two pieces of legislation are building on the promise and the implementation success of the local hire that we passed 3-1/2 years ago, december 2010. we are now, yesterday or day before yesterday was actually the three-year anniversary of the implementation of local hire. about a week ago we had approved a paw in the increase for the local hire ordinance so that we would actually have a chance to review how the program is working, how we're doing. we're collecting data, the he can economic and workforce development is collecting data on how well the program has been going. but we know that based on the numbers that have come in so far that the program has, has been very successful in getting people from san francisco to
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work in our construction and also making sure people from disadvantaged communities are getting work in our construction trade -- construction industry. we're seeing city build get additional resources and more people who are coming through there are getting positions and construction is happening in san francisco. so, the i mpetus behind local hire is to make sure as we're building in san francisco and using our public dollars, we're making sure that the prosperity and the benefits that we create can really find their way to the neighborhood level, not so much as in a trickle, but in larger, a larger river of water that could actually come and support people. and we're looking at prosperity to the lives of everyday people. i've actually had the experience of working with youth programs over the years. one was the san francisco conservation core where i worked 20, 23 years ago and
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there are many people who came from ~ the excelsior, visitacion valley, i ngleside neighborhoods, bayview hunters point, potrero hill, who were looking for access into -- into building. didn't really feel that they actually had the access they wanted. i think programs like first shoretion and the local hire ordinance are actually living up to that demand that is coming from our neighborhoods that we can actually create that greater access. ~ source i know that's been made through partnerships with our building trades and i want to thank the building trades for their work. for support at the local hire ordinance from the beginning and now it actually has become more open to it and now supporting it as we've seen the implementation happen three years later. so, i want to thank building trades partners for their participation and their patience and their flexibility in helping to make the local hire work happen in san francisco. today i have amendments to the
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local hire ordinance as well as, as well as an amendment to our first source hiring program that was established after welfare reform in 1996, i think it was '98 we established the first source program. i'll start with the first source program. the first source program is actually going to enable us to get a really handle on what developers' plans are for local hiring and paying prevailing wage, [speaker not understood] for a project is starting, where construction begins. we're looking now for this ordinance to establish a relationship with the office of he can economic and workforce development and city build during the entitlement process, and actually that relationship and discussion about local hiring and prevailing wage will enable the city to assist developers in creating a
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workforce plan and a clear understanding of what we need to do to prepare people for work that will happen a couple years later. that, to me, will make the city much more efficient in doing its work around preparing the workforce and enable many, many people from our neighborhoods to find access in the jobs on the private sector side through the first source program. so, the first source legislation i believe is going to be ready to go today and we can have a discussion whether to move it forward or not today. the second piece of legislation that i have is extending our local hire provisions that currently right now extend to construction for public dollars to private construction on public land. and i, in the last couple days i've been hearing from many, many city departments concerns about some of the consequences
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about this legislation. and they just now recently started to look at the legislation, how it's going to work. and they actually have asked for more time to consider some changes around the implementation. and given that the work that we had done around the original local hire ordinance 3-1/2 years ago -- 3-1/2 years ago was done over the course of many, many months with a lot of relationship building with our city departments and our building trades, i think it makes sense that we continue that process to make sure that we have real clear dialogue to put together an ordinance that is going to be supportive from the get go. so, we'll be hearing public comment on both pieces of legislation. i have a minor amendment for the first source legislation that we have before us, but with the local hire and prevailing wage ordinance on construction projects on
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city-owned property, i'm going to continue for three weeks so we can get more information from our city departments and we can actually put together some amendments. some of the city departments have asked for three months' time, some have asked for 45 days' time. i think we already have this legislation on a 30-day rule, 30-day hold. i think we can actually accomplish a lot in three weeks and have it come back here then. so, at the end he of this hearing i'll be holding -- i'll be having a motion to continue for three weeks on item number 6. item number 5 i would like to make a minor amendment that my legislative aide will bring to me that we would like to move that forward here today. i also want to thank sheet metal workers for their work on the first source program. it's, you know, based on their participation and connection with our office we were able to put this legislation forward. and overall, the first source item number 5, the first source
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program is really enabled the city to anticipate what the needs may be on development and how we can prepare our workforce and have a good relationship with developers to make sure that they are aware of the rules around first source so that we can maximize the participation of people in san francisco on projects covered with first source in the private sector. with that, i don't really have any other things to add to the, you know, legislation or to the discussion unless colleagues have questions about the legislation, how to move forward. we can go on directly to public comment. >> okay. if there are no questions at this time, why don't we take public comment right now. so, if there is anybody who wishes to comment on items 5 or 6. please step forward. good afternoon.
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my name is anthony urbina, i'm a representative for sheet metal workers [speaker not understood]. proposed changes to our local hire and first source agreements, 15 young men and women stood with me who were hoping to change their lives by bettering themselves and entering into an apprenticeship program. we are in support of the changes of both the local hire and the first source ordinances. these changes would expand opportunities for those seeking a career pathway into the middle class. the changes proposed for the city's first source ordinance will give an even greater impact because for the first time it declares our city believes construction workers in the private sector deserve a family-supporting wage. it also calls upon developers to have apprentices from the state approved programs on
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their construction sites. i could tell you with certainty that there are active construction sites in our community being built by workers being paid next to nothing with no health care coverage and few, if any, additional benefits. on these projects, hundreds of opportunities for our youth, veterans, and ex-offenders to be in a state-approved apprenticeship program are lost since they simply won't use apprentices on these projects. these improvements to the local hire and first source ordinances are not only good for construction workers, it's good for everyone in san francisco because it means tens of millions in wages currently leaving our community will be spent here, generating sales taxes to support the social programs important to us all. i believe a strong economy is dependent on having a healthy construction industry and we must take every he can economic advantage we can out of every
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construction dollar spent. thank you. >> thanks very much. anybody else in the public wish to comment? afternoon, supervisors. eddy young with bright line defense project. thank you, supervisor avalos, for introducing this legislation today and the subsequent amendments. the importance of this proposal cannot be emphasized enough. local hire has seen three years of success now with the increase of over 75% in economic opportunities, job opportunities for our communities in san francisco, particularly low-income communities which have created a virtuous cycle of he can economic development throughout the city. and that three years of success would not have been possible without very thoughtful input and broad stakeholder input. and as you pointed out today, it has -- it seem to be appropriate to potentially take more time because that broad input has ensured that local hires had negative cost impact to the city or other
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departments in implementing opportunities for our residents. so, in that -- recognition of that input, 2 to 3 weeks seems appropriate to perhaps gather more thoughts and to make sure we can i am preempt the best version of local hire possible. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. ~ implement good morning, my name is jacqueline [speaker not understood]. i'm the executive director of the a. philip brand [speaker not understood] institute in san francisco. and i do want to applaud the city's efforts to stimulate the economy while carefully ballet workforce initiative that creates vital opportunities for unemployed and under employed san francisco residents to be able to access work here in the city. and as the city continues to grow, careful and well [speaker not understood] plans are not only essential for the city's budget, but we're also -- in order to take strides for the
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overall goals for the city to address low-income families that struggle to live here and work, i encourage you as you take a further look at supportive data as well as vital information from our construction advisory committee, just to remember to take care of our communities. and we're looking forward to hearing back in three weeks. thank you. >> thanks very much. next speaker, please. good afternoon, supervisors. manny flores he, recently retired from the carpenters union, local 22 ~. pleasure to be here. you know, these two ordinances here, they make a lot of sense, especially on the first horse. it holds these developers accountable. exactly what are they paying? what are their plans? what do they plan to do? you know, hold their feet to the fire. and i think it's, it's well written and explains it.
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second one, it's a no-brainer. you're expanding more work opportunities. supervisor avalos says, you know, on the local hire ordinance, how has it been working? it's been doing pretty good. so, here's an opportunity, you know, to expand it more. more opportunity, that's what it's about. for our residents here in san francisco. now, obviously more study needs to be done exactly what the cost-effectiveness going to be. but this is going to help level the playing field for everybody. all the developers and say, hey, let's get with it, make the playing field for everybody -- level playing field w. that, i look forward to supporting both of them. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. ~ with that good afternoon, supervisors. don marcos, director mission hiring hall. been doing the workforce
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program in the city for the last two decades. equal opportunity has been called many different things in this city, and it's good to know that somebody keeps the focus on equal opportunity for san francisco residents, especially low-income residents. these two legislations is probably the best job development tool that we have. [speaker not understood] everybody that comes to do work in san francisco, there are people trying to stay in the city. and with the living wage jobs that construction offers, the entry and access that city build provides, it keeps the opportunity going and it keeps the city and its residents in the city. i want to thank supervisor avalos for championing this. it's a great legislation. thank you for your support. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please.
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hi, my name is army morgan and i'm speaking on behalf of the operating engineers local 3 [speaker not understood] international operating engineers. and we're excited about these two ordinances and we'd like to, you know, give all our support towards it, with the local hire and prevailing wage. you know, we're definitely on board. me being from, you know, and my family being from the southeast part of the city and that community stands to benefit greatly, you know, by, you know, these middle class jobs that could be created through this legislation. and, you know, it will help, you know, create, you know, a lot of, you know, you know, better, you know, opportunities for the, you know, the community and all the city, you know, and all these communities in the city. and they have a better, you know, standard of living, [speaker not understood] health care and all around the board.
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so, i just want to get up here and say my little piece and thanks for listening to me. thank you. >> thanks very much. any other members of the public wish to comment on items 5 or 6? okay, seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> supervisor avalos? >> thank you, chair farrell. so, colleagues, these two items, 6 we want to keep in committee, make a motion that we continue it to the call -- not to the call of the chair, to appear back in budget and finance on april 16th [speaker not understood]. continued three weeks. >> we have a motion to continue item number 6 to the budget meeting for april 16th. wednesday, april 16th. we can take that without objection. [gavel] >> great. and, so, item number 5, which is the first source hiring program, we want to strengthen our first source program around development projects, residential and commercial development projects.
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what it will do, require that developers at the time of [speaker not understood] when they come before planning to present plans or how they're going to pay prevailing wage and do their local hiring plans, presenting those to the office of he can economic workforce development city build so that we will have a real handle on development and expect in terms of local hiring and wages. this will actually enable the city to do a lot of planning of how we're going to prepare our workforce for these projects and also make sure the developers are aware of what rules they will be asked of when they're building. we do have an amendment to this legislation that i think jon givner will be helping us read into the record. deputy city attorney jon givner, i believe it's around the [speaker not understood] apprentice, correct? >> deputy city attorney jon givner. through the chair, yes, two amendments that supervisor avalos is, is introducing
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today. one would amend page 8 lines 20 and 21st ordinance which is the definition of apprentice level position. ~ 21 of the apprentice level shall mean a [speaker not understood] a worker endentured in apprenticeship program approved by the state of california industrial relations. i understand the purpose of this amendment is to clarify that, that the definition covers he apprentices who are currently apprenticing, not apprentices who have graduated from an apprenticeship program. so, you capture a wider pool. >> great. >> and the second amendment is on page 13 lines 8 and 9 amending the definition of prevailing wage to make it match up with similar definitions elsewhere in the
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code. so, if the definition would read prevailing wage shall mean the highest general prevailing wage -- prevailing rate of wage plus per diem wages and wages paid for overtime and holiday work paid in private employment in the county where the work is performed for various crafts and time of labor, et cetera, et cetera. so, clarifying that the prevailing wage is focused on the county where the work is performed rather than only in the county of san francisco. ~ of that >> great, thank you. and these will be done [speaker not understood]? >> yes, the committee can make these amendments and pass the item to the full board. >> thank you very much. i'd like to motion we accept these amendments. >> we can take that without objection. [gavel] >> and if we can on item number 5 move the underlying ordinance forward with recommendation. >> we take that without objection. [gavel] >> thank you, colleagues. >> okay. madam clerk, do we have any other business in front of us? >> no, mr. chair. >> all right, we are adjourned. see you at 1:00.
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built. thanks to the passage of the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks bond, the sunset playground has undergone extensive renovation to its four acres of fields, courts, play grounds, community rooms, and historic gymnasium. >> here we are. 60 years and $14 million later, and we have got this beautiful, brand-new rec center completely accessible to the entire neighborhood. >> the new rec center houses multi-purpose rooms for all kinds of activities including basketball, line dancing, playing ping-pong and arts can crafts. >> you can use it for whatever you want to do, you can do it here. >> on friday, november 16, the dedication and ribbon cutting took place at the sunset playground and recreation center, celebrating its renovation. it was raining, but the rain clearly did not dampen the spirits of the dignitaries,
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community members and children in attendance. [cheering and applauding] ♪ ♪ >> when the new california academy of sciences opened in 2008, it quickly became one of the top tourist magnets in the city. part of the cal academies' astronomical success is the weekly nightlife party. >> i am joined by helen, who is here to school me on all the nocturnal activities that are getting ready to take place here. tell us a little about what we can expect to see at nightlife. >> we open up the doors every thursday night at the california academy
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