tv [untitled] March 27, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PDT
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was a false one she didn't know how to speak and not even learning but she's in third grade and fluent and she knows how to write in my language i grew up in the filipinos i grew up in san francisco my dad told me and said filipino the language should never ever leave that. it's one of the languages you're supposed to be proud of where you came from the i grew up her i want my daughter and her sister going to betty and having the bilingual class they'll have the benefit to knowing that the telling gal and the filipino culture. it's nice when you go back to our own country even the
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filipino at least they daughters can talk back to them in their own language it's a nice woo to learn it i'm hopefully you guys can continue to support it and continue to be with us in knowing this b will go into high school it will be great knowing they have another language after using telling gal and thank you good night >> president fewer and commissioners and superintendant i'm a parent of a high school student at balboa. my son is a product just like chris of the telling gal unfortunately from the school
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district we were able to have a class and the school has been able to continue the program but we see now that the k through 12 is a bilingual pathway and there's a big gap just like with the korean american like the million dollar school uscf has a one person there that can teach the bilingual classes but we don't have an addendum in place. we have a similar case but in balboa we have a bigger problem we're or it's got 15 percent filipino yet many kids want to take the class but there are no teachers for that and really have been turned down twice it
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from the a g trying to get this certified as a language that they can get just like the other languages as a language requirement. i want to bring this awareness to you because it's important to get the support in order to make in happen. 6 percent of student population the filipino community role expects more to try to open this up in the high schools so, please work with us. thank you >> i believe our superintendant has something to share. >> sure thank you 2u6 we've been e-mail before and after so the principle is saying they're keeping the class but getting the k through 12 certified they're working on that and
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getting the school enrollment numbers up to insure the long term stability of the class but the class will remain. public comment is now closed. stem k the appointments to the advisory committee commissioner loftus >> i have my final piece appointment i'd like to appoint one colleague from the public defender's office. >> thank you. commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. i have two appointments that have been sitting vacant for too long an appointment to bob from who's the superintendant of rec and park her in san francisco and for the programming and i'm
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going to be appointment phillip beginning berries who's the rec and park director to the oversight committee >> i think we have a conviction for both of those. okay. that's great. anyone else? what timing. seeing none, item l i now announce the sun shining the shining (laughter) guarantee that was a slip the sun shining of the 2013-2014 miserable proposal from the brotherhood charpts and locate smith of journeymen of the plumbing and piping industry of the united states and canada local 38 united worker and allied workers and local 66 sheet worker local one hundred
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four and the iron workers and architecture metal and glass workers and teamsters and auto man or woman local 77 of and machinist local 1414 common class to the san francisco unified school district. the public has an opportunity to comment at this meeting and the regular board meeting of april 14th >> no speakers. >> president fewer. i need to make the public announcement and inform the board i'll be abstaining that. i now call the labors international union of north america local 2 61 moved and seconded of the adaptation of
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the tentative agreement i so moved. superintendant. reading of the recommendation. >> thank you president fewer i'm i'd like to call of executive director carmen. thank you superintendant and board members it is the contract for the international local 2 61 the recommendation is it the board of education of the san francisco unified school district adapts the tentative agreement and the related public documents. >> no speakers have signed up comments for the board or the superintendant. i just have one comment i'm gloo glad we have the agreement with the local 61 roll call. commissioner haney. commissioner maufas. commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell.
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dr. murase. commissioner norton. commissioner wynns and president fewer. we have a motion and second in support of s b authorized in the california state senator by the proposition for 227 and the district prohibition. i have a brief report from the rules committee. oh, can i have a motion and a second. >> so moved. i was at the rules committee so if you want to have me report on them >> okay. >> this is a bill before the senate it was recommended we take a position of support which
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the rules committee approved, however, commissioner haney the chair of the committee suggested that we have the opportunity to discuss this proposal publicly here and before the - oh, sorry before t before the commissioner norton duo did so the public would know there's for the superintendant and commissioner haney to support this and also our district has been on record of opposing those rieksdz in the participation of the lawsuit after the passage of this for the rules committee they recommends we take it public not only the rules committee taking a public support open this
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amendments and the reading as recommendations. thank you president fewer. the requested action that the san francisco unified school district supports s b-1164 and engage in the passage of the bill anonymous limited to public testimony and press for the support of the legislation >> comments from the board or superintendant that is. vice president dr. murase >> the number of the language programs is very important that we commit to having all our kids speak a second language to honor heritage languages so i'll be
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supporting this. >> any other comments from the board. i think we're ready for roll call >> commissioner haney. commissioner maufas. commissioner norton. commissioner wynns. and president fewer. 6 i's. thank you. item m discussion of other educational issues. superintendant. thank you president fewer so as our presenter come up and get ready to present i think that's very, very important it seems like the theme of the evening that we're very, very fortunate but very strategic in san francisco that we have not only embraced but actually supported language development and
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probably one of the most robust pathway initiative no california but particularly important is that we've been applying the research less than to our programming and actually looking through a study at what have been the outcome for our students and pathways. we're very fortunate to have a robust partnership with stanford and professor has been with us and do we have researches from stanford as well as our own internal research department and special have an opportunity assistant so we want to share with the board and the public the results of some of the elevation work i'd like to start and call optional special
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assistant to the superintendant ms. wong >> we're going to start out with our superintendant with the research accountability to introduce the study and also our partners. good evening >> good evening, everyone let's talk about traumatic things let's talk about the l go park it was a 3 year study by the i s grant it paid for san francisco to actually clean up it's parkway data so we were able to clean up the data from 2001 to today and build a data system that contracts so this has been a good grant. so of the other benefits you'll see are the results of study
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right now, we're trying to implement into our practice and professional development. with that i'm going to turn it over to the research team we have professor shawn and the two students are here rachel and another and will come back with implementations. >> can i ask a clarification question what is the clean up data. >> what happened they were not only the students in the different pathway that were not identified but by course they weren't deleted in the data system that's what we had to do. >> thank you very much you're welcome. >> good evening, commissioners
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i'm shawna professor at standing for the record working closely with the colleagues on this study for the last 3 years and very closely with several of my graduate students who will tell you about the results of the study i'm going to do an introductory overview. we wanted to do this study in partnership with the unified school district to help the school district elevate the effectness of its learning pathway and second to inform the research field about the effectness of the different kinds of pathway instructions there's a lot of diversities whether the programs are best for the english learners so we were excited about the opportunity to help the district and help the field. we couldn't have done this
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without the roll great working relationship with rita and christen and other folks on our team. so let me give you a quick overview we looked at the students that entered in kindergarten in the san francisco unified school district over the last deek from 2002 there were 18 thousand students that entered into kindergarten and 2/3rd's started out in the english plus and 4 thousand started out in the bilingual program we tracked their outcomes both their outcomes on the self-efficiency test and the s l a and math. as long as we could observe
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them. we looked at not only we looked at the e ls together and the chinese and the latino so see the different pathways by the ethnics. so you know the basic context in san francisco about 40 percent are spanish speaking and 20 percent speak cyanide poisoning 68 other languages but because the language groups are relatively small we didn't do an analysis separately but the entire population together. the district offers puths for the literacy and the new comer pathway we focused on 3 there's if you kindergarten for the new pathway that's not relevant
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track during the period we are we were studying most there would the bilingual program so we're going or we're not going to have the program information. instead we'll look at bilingual maintenance and dual and bilingual maintenance is certainly the closest in format and intent this slide is the pathways i'm going to belavish this it's in our handout. and so to give a little bit accepts we looked at kindergarten and students entering candid and compared the students were the same in two important aspects one is the
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same scores in kindergarten by the students who's parents requested the same kind of program in candid they might have requested one for one program but not 234u6 seats so we compared them they're similar in their english proficiency so that it is good comparison if they look different that's the features of the pathway instead of the initiative pathway. i'm going to turn it over to alondra who is going to talk about the study and my other colleague the rest >> thank you shawn. it's a pleasure to be here tonight thank you very much for having us. the outcome i'll talk about the
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english proficiency outcome it as a critical main goals of the english learning designation and services for the english proficiency allows the learn to participate in society. this graft you see shows the total percent of english learn students reaching the proficiency both by grade on the x acting excess and english learn go pathway that's the 3 distinct lines in the graft. basically, we're tracking students over time looking at the overall percentage reaching the english proficiency so talking about the main,of course first of all, by fifth grade
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over 80 percent of students are reaching english proficiency pits a good proportion of students. and by the 7th grade 90 percent of students have reached english proficiency. now to talk about the different pathways as you can see there's a gap between the english plus and the two language programs in the early grades. so basically this tells us that students that are enrolled in the english plus are making strides but following those students over time the pace of the students needed as low as in the pathway but slows in an acute way so basically this means that by the fifth grade
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the bilingual politeness students have catch up with the english plus students and by the sinth grades the dual e merng students have caught up so by the 7th grade no difference of the students reaching english proficiency our estimates suggests that the two lapsing programs have reached different proficiency. we're looking at just at latino english learners. the first one is the latino english learners are reaching the proficiency more slowly by fifth grade we're at 70 to 75 percent and 7th grade to 85 percent. we see the same overlay pattern
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there's a gap in the early years between the two english pathway so the english learners are making more progress but slowing down from the students making the english proficiency and the two languages rates so the students in bilingual are catching up with the dowel are catching up with the english emergence students in the 7th grade so by the 7th grade no english advance anywhere. this is the same graft for the chinese learner students and overall there's very high proportions of students reaching english emergence in all the
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pathways. in fifth grade we're over 70 percent and 7 letting grade one hundred percent of students have reached english proficiency there's a gap between the latino and the which they think so english learners in terms of rooech the english proficiency. there's the difference between the 3 pathways. what we saw was the latino students. the second outcome we are going to talk about is the reclassification reclassification is an important practical outcome for students to stop receiving speciality services and also has practical outcomes once our reclassified and loss our status you get a wider array have teachers and
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curriculum services and can avoid some of the nothing implementation that sometimes hoop when you reach middle school and be in specialized classes that happened mostly in the middle schools so it's an important practical outcome to look at. those depravities have the exact same structure we're going to be looking at the overall percentage the students that are reclassified both by grade and by their english learner pathway. the first one is overview their slightly lower rates than clarification of english proficiency because english proficiency is only one of the several criteria you need to reach is to be reclassified in san francisco you have to reach
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a c organization c benchmark and get a approval from our teacher. that said we see a different paper from the especially proficiency and an initial vandal for english learnersers who are enrolled in the english pathway but that advantage disappears and overall the rates are 70 to 75 percent in fifth grade and 80 percent for students overall in 7th grade. the same pattern of the slowing of the pace of new students reaching reclassification particularly in that english pathway in this case we see the students are catching up with students by the 7th grade.
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here's the graft for the latino english learners and the same lower clarification rates among the latino and non-latino english learners in the fifth grades it's 50 to 55 percent of the students with reclarifying and under 70 percent so 6th lower than non-latino speaking students. the classrooms have an initial advantage optional in the early grades and in this case we see bilingual catching up with sixth grade we don't see dual catching you been u up with english by the 7th grade but in high school we see the dual high schoolers catching up and finally, there's to look at the chinese english
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learners again, we see that the chinese learners are out perform the non chinese learners so to 85 percent on overcame in the fifth grade and 80 percent by the 9th grade we don't see the students on the performing you see a difference between the dowel and english plus pathway and the bilingual pathway it actually not a statistically difference and i'll pass it over to rachel who will talk about the cf addictiony >> i want to reiterate what that was said thank you for
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taking the time to hear from us it's important work. i'm going to talk about english arts and outcomes just to say those are important outcomes in addition to the reclassification that was discussed that all students in the district in the state are not just english learners. just to keep in mind when looking at the grafts within the c s t cirrhosis the proficiency scores are around 350. this looked at the trajectories by pathways on the y act excess we have the l a scores we look at those scores over grades you'll see we find those
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trajectories are relative to the state average the state average is relative with the state pathway they overlap well but most clearly similar to the alondra finding the = lrngs starter is below their state average their trajectories flow at a rate that by 7th grade their scoring below their peers in all the other 3 pathways. in addition the bilingual pathway while it appears flat it is a similar trajectory especially noteworthy because in spend large amounts of structural time is not
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