tv [untitled] March 27, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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city of san francisco >> >> government audit and oversight committee. >> good morning, this meeting will come to order. this is the regular meeting of the government audit and oversight committee. i'm supervisor breed, chair of the meeting and to my right is supervisor katie tang and supervisor chiu will join us shortly. i would like to thank jeff larson and jennifer lowe from sfgtv. >> do we have any announcements? >> city clerk: yes. please shutdown any electronic devices. any speaker cards shall be submitted to the
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clerk. items will be listed on the agenda. >> madam clerk, please call the first item. city clerk: agenda[collective bargaining agreement, arbitration award - international brotherhood of electrical workers, local 6 - fy2013-2014]1400321.sponsor: mayorordinance adopting and implementing the arbitration award amending amendment no. 2 to the 2012-2014 collective bargaining agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the international brotherhood of electrical workers, local 6, by implementing special terms and conditions of city clerk: sf 11234 >> >> >> okay. we are martin grand the employer relations director who is going to present on this item? >> yes. good morning supervisors and to the chair i'm martin grand employee relation for the department of human resources. this is for the last bargaining unit for 2012. it involves powerhouse operators and hetch hetchy and involves very complicated staffing patterns that we felt needed to be addressed off cycle and we had negotiations which ended up in
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arbitration. these involve powerhouse arbitrators and these are the employees whose job it is to safely load high voltage power into the state's electrical grid. it involves delivers power to the city and this power runs our muni system and provides electricity to most of all of our city buildings. the changes required that you see in the amendment stem from regulations adopted by the regulatory agency, the north american electrical reliability association. at this has recommended training in excess prior levels and requires the city and union to negotiate new staffing levels which would allow for the training to be done on
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straight time rather than an over time basis. we have and arbitration award by the city by the controller's costing document that was finalized yesterday. on one side the union ends up with the training requirement document in the collective bargaining agreement and for the city's perspective, the public utilities commission commission is a 5-day schedule than a 7-day schedule and this allows us to do the training on the straight time rather than over time and over to one of the powerhouses. i think it's a win win for both parties even though it was a long adversarial task and we
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bring you with an award for the center. >> thank you. is there anyone from puc here today that wants to make any comments about this item? >> i think we have the puc standing by. do you want to say anything at all. >> sorry. you have a question. >> i know you alluded to this. what are the cost savings achieved not only for this fiscal year but for the rest. >> right. the controllers office has analyzed the cost and benefits and shows there is an overall savings of $40,000 per year on an on going basis. this is derived from $60,000 a year in regular salary savings. this is
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capturing a reduce in the over time in an allowing us to schedule a straight time rather than over time basis and there is a $20,000 cost associated with this because the shifts that are used up there are 12-hour shifts because it's a remote location and the type of job it is. the 12-hour shifts don't lineup with our 80-hour work weeks and this is a small amount of built in over time. by going to this schedule, we vastly reduce the over time required to do the training. we come up well ahead. it's a strong savings for the city. >> thank you. any other questions? okay. is there someone from the puc who would like to say something? it's fine if they don't. >> i think they are available
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to answer questions and we have a report from the city toeshs -- attorneys office who was the hands-on negotiator from our office which in the puc which are available. he's available to answer any details. >> great. thank you, appreciate it. let's open up for public comment. any members of the public who would like to make any comments about this item at this time? seeing none, public comment is closed. okay. colleagues, we have before us an item and there are no post amendments. can we move this to the full board without objection. without objection the item passes. thank you very much. >> madam clerk, can you please call the next item. city clerk: item no. 2 item 140147: [approving the 2014 budget and legislative analyst services work plan]1401472.sponsor: breedmotion approving the budget and legislative analyst services work plan for 2014; allocating hours for calendar
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year 2014; authorizing the budget and legislative analyst to reallocate up to 20 percent of the hours between service categories based on board of supervisors service needs, and requiring board of supervisors approval of hours re-allocation greater than 20 percent; establishing performance goals; and setting a date for the 2014 annual performance evaluation of the budget and legislative analyst joint venture partnership. city clerk: item no. 2 sf 21234 breed breed okay. ms. campbell, please come up to us. >> campbell from the budget legislative analyst office. under our contract with the city we are required to submit an annual work plan and to have an annual performance evaluation. this is our proposed work plan for before you is a proposed work plan for calendar year 2014. we are already 2 months into year. it is for 16, 860 hours of service divided into three categories. it's pretty much the same plan as we submitted and worked under last year. a couple differences are under budget analysis. we have increased some of the allocations because we would be increasing budgets in may
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of last year. we also included and overview report on the impacts of the budget which we did last year at the request of the board and this point we are requesting from the budget review. the other is we are recommending 16 hours of service and combined that category at the question of one committee. in terms of what that means for this year, already 2 months into year we have spent 1100 of those 6,000 hours that includes completing an audit on the children's fund and the fire ems audit that we just began. we have another audit scheduled on fire administration staffing. as counting for completing the ems audit and conducting the other audit, we still have
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approximately 3700 hours for the remainder of the year to complete the audit request. the legislation also allows us to reallocate hours up to 20 percent of the course of the year if for instance budget came in over under hour or legislative items came in over or under hours. i'm available for questions. >> thank you. colleagues, are there any questions? no questions. thank you. we are going to open this up to public comment. i see a line out the door today for public comment. are there any members of the public wishing to speak on this item, seeing none. public comment is closed. colleagues, can we move this to the full board without objection. without objection the item is moved. forward to the full board. >> madam clerk, are there any other items today? >> no. that concludes the business today. >> great, meeting adjourned.
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we fulfilled 24 wishes. our chapter covers from movntd ray 17 communities and we expect to fully 3 hundred and 50 wishes this year. we send verizon's it out to the wish families and interviews the wish child and if you do their heartfelt wish then go to work to make it happen. dismissals is a 5-year-old boy who was diagnosing diagnosed with life without parole when he was 20 months old he's 5 hose now in remission he had his port removed hose monopoly on the chemotherapy. this particular wish the parents wanted to wait until he had
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energy. i began assigning this wish with the family in march and started to understand the two miles how are we going to achieve that i made a bold statement into turning this into goth am city. it codify catapulted. so, now it's a much for ininaccurate indicate from the divorce. people starting twoet and reposting and it went viral. it was incredible about make a wish he wanted to be thinking
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about being batman. there's been a lot of super issues that have happened cross the country but i think that can only happen in san francisco the mayors on board and the city hall it's an incredible outpouring and i love how san francisco is in the spotlight here and people around the world sending their love to san francisco. you kids we thank you for your encourage and we wish we can erase the pain we hope this is the day of magic and that you'll remember this forever. bat kid forever in san francisco >> san francisco is unique in this way and it's part of our
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compassion and we have a civic duty to be involved and people are stepping forward if in huge way. it's about san francisco and it's inspired by miles and about every child who has a severe st allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> i would like to call roll. >> president mazzucco, present, vice-president
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turman, commissioner dejesus issen route. commissioner chan, lawson. >> thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen welcome to the wednesday march 26, 2014, community meeting. ladies and gentlemen, what we do a little differently to community meetings, the commission meets every wednesday at city hall. the last wednesday of the month we go out to the community. we have 10th district stations and we rotate to each district station. this is the best part of our job when we get to go out to the communities away from city hall and higher -- hear about concerns that happened in your district. we'll hear from our captain. we get a chance for the commissioners to introduce ourselves to you and tell you what we do on our day jobs in addition to the commission.
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i'm going to start to my left with commissioner chan. >> good evening, thank you for being out here tonight. as president mazzucco said this is our favorite day of the month. my name is chan. i'm on this committee for about 4 years. i'm an attorney serving immigrants. i focus on issues such as language access and immigrant issues. i'm happy to see everyone here tonight and especially reporting from the captain. thank you for hosting us and thoughts and suggestions from community members here tonight. thank you. >> thank you. commissioner? >> good evening, everyone. my
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name is joyce turman, vice-president of the police commission. when i'm not vice-president, i'm a partner at the lawfirm reed smith for a group for northern california. thank you for the great turnout. i'm looking for the to the presentation by the captain about his district as well. thank you for having me. >> hello, my name is susie loftus. my husband and i are raising our three daughters out in the sunset. i used to be a prosecutor in san francisco and then a district attorney and attorney general. now i work in the bayview at an organization called the center for youth wellness where we respond to health impacts of kids being exposed to violence and chronic adverse teechlt --
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adversity. i'm happy to be here and would love to hear from you. thank you. >> like commissioner loftus i'm a native city san franciscans. i raised my family here. i too circumstantial -- served in the prosecutors office and now i work in a law firm where i'm a partner. this community here, i tell my wife this is my favorite community meeting here just to see the families who live here and the changes that have taken place here. i have enjoyed coming here and would love to hear from the community. i will tell the audience about how we handle the meeting. we have a very brief report, the adoption of minutes and then the main
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event which is captain's presentation and then we'll take public comment after the captain's presentation. please call outline item one. >> also with us is supervisor kim. >> the action for the meeting of february 26th, and march 5, 2014. >> commissioners, you have the minutes in your packet. are there any changes? >> no. >> can i have a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> thank you very much. please call line item no. 2. >> report to commission. discussion, chief report and review of recent activities.
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>> good evening, commissioners, good evening community. it's the tenderloin is always one of the meetings that i particularly enjoy because i started in the tenderloin back in 1981 and spent 4 years here before moving on to other assignments. briefly, incidents of significance that have just happened of late today there were about 28 search warrants served all over the bay area. 28 were served in san francisco an fbi leading investigation better than a year long investigation. the indictments are out now. 137 pages. in those arrest senator leland yee was taken into custody
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amongst some 27 others and those investigations are federal in nature and all commentary to those will come from them, the san francisco p.d. police department as well as many other local agencies along with the fbi and execution of search warrants and arrest warrants this morning. last friday night there is an officer involved shooting in vernal park where alejandro neato lost his life. the police encountered mr. neat oh and asked to show his hands and he produced a taser from a hole --ster, and the officers took
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it to be a pistol and they fired in defense of their lives. mr. neat oh was hit and he did not survive. there was a town hall last night in the mission. feelings are very very real, very very raw. that will be, i don't think that's going away anytime soon. again, i apologized for the police department for the loss of alejandro to mr. neat oh, he is as any father would be. i can't say anything more about that. friday night there was a shooting here in the tenderloin. it appears to be over an amount of money owed over drugs. the suspect vehicle pulled up. the suspect got out, argued with the person that he believed owed him a debit and he was not
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satisfied, he went to his car and produced a gun and he grazed then intended victim. that victim left the scene and went to bayview after getting treated for his injuries. san francisco police officers arrested him with a tech 9 machine pistol.ness he is in custody, the next day investigation led us to arrest of the suspect. a lot of credit has to go to the emmeraryville p.d.. lastly on some positive notes, we broke in the first days of little league baseball across the city over the past couple
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weeks, on friday, officer johnson, citizen of bayview will take seven youth ages 4-18 to ak kra ghana in africa in a 9-day trip. officer johnson raised pretty much the money himself. he has a college friend who is a schoolteacher in liberia and he's taken the kids from the boys and girls club. it should be pretty much trip of a lifetime for these kids as they go to see what they see in ghana and will make a full report when they get back. finally, next week, dpw will be updating the police commission on the new headquarters building on the easter bond and you will be getting a copy of the powerpoint with the facility studied with the new station to be proposed. the study is
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lengthy and very detailed and a comprehensive overview. muhammad and have been heroic in putting this together. i will defer the rest of my time to captain. >> thank you, chief. line item 2b. >> director hicks is feeling under the weather. frank from o cc will give the report. >> good evening, president mazzucco, commissioners, supervisor, chief and members of the public. i would like to take this opportunity to talk to everybody about the occ, office of citizens complaints. we used the district meetings as an opportunity to do outreach and to tell you all what we are all about. my name is i nez, a chairman
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at the occ. i'm here instead of director hicks, who is under the weather. i will speak a little bit about the functions of the office of the citizens complaints. it is the third largest civilian oversight of law enforcement agency in the united states. only surpassed in size by new york city and chicago. the office was created by a board of supervisors charter since 1982. it was later placed under the as as spis by the police commission. it's formed to building trust in the
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community by being the bridge being the public and police matters and misconduct in the commission and policy. to accomplish this, the occ's mission is to ensure police accountability by committing fair, timely unbiased investigations and making recommendations on police policies and practices. we also conduct mediation between complaints and police officers in order to better relations. in short, the o cc investigates civilian complaints against san francisco police department officers, and it also makes policy recommendations on the department's policies. in california law enforcement agencies are obligated to
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investigate procedures by complainants. the occ serves that purpose in this city. a diverse ability of backgrounds but never have been police officers in san francisco are staff members and investigators at the occ. we have 35 members. many most are investigators. there are four attorneys and then the rest is support staff. we try to basically find out what happened. we can only do this the help of witnesses and complainants who will give us as much information as possible. we follow the evidence by interviewing the person who complains and any witnesses that they lead us to. we also have subpoena power and can compel testimony at times. we try to get additional evidence from the police department in the form of police reports and other
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department generated documents. we also visit sites and of course conduct investigations in the best way possible, take photographs, talk to everybody that will talk to us. we try to complete our investigations within a period of 9 months. in california it is mandatory that we complete investigations within a year in order to be effective and to actually be able to discipline if that is warranted. the standard of proof for the occ is basically a preponderance of the evidence. it is more likely than not that something happened that we have to be able to articulate the evidence, not just have a feeling but be able to bring witnesses and articulate the report that why it's more than 50 percent that it happened. we need to get that point. if after afternoon
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-- an investigation we find the police violated a practice, we serve the report to chief sur. chief is you are can impose a suspension on an officer. if it's warranted to termination, then the police commission will have the jurisdiction of the case and they will consider it and hear the matter usually in a mini trial form. this is specifically disciplinary matters. so it's a personnel action against police officers if it is warranted. we also provide something that's very effective which is mediation between complainants and police officers on a one to one. our mediation program allows complainants to resolve issues with an accused officer or
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