tv [untitled] March 27, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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and there are none left in vernal heights. we fought to give sergeant mcdermott, he's going to heaven when he died. we fought to get the patrol sunny dale into courts. your cops meet with us every month. they meet with the residents of the holy court. we have block clubs all over the hill. we love your cops. your cops serve our neighborhood. i'm not commenting on what they do. please don't take that from mime time. i'm not commenting on what they do in the rest of the city. i want to hear you loud and clear. i'm obviously not poor, i'm not a person of color. i live in vernal heights in 1976 and founded the vernal heights center and we have a tremendous relationship. just wanted you to know that. when
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those folks spoke the other night, they did not speak for vernal heights. they spoke for mission and other places. we thought we would get to our neighborhood to make sure people are safe. i just want to make sure people are safe. >> we need to give everybody a chance to talk. there is a thing called difference of opinions. we are going to listen to everybody. please show the respect that everybody deserves. we can only go, listen, we respect everyone of you. we are all here. look at this commissionch . here is the thing, if we can't have a meaning, we won't have a
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meeting. please. go forward. thank you. >> hi, my name is mother elaine jones. i'm in the south of market and there has been a lot of change in the south of market. i truly believe don't just focus on yourself, but focus on your community. our crime just went down a lot. we are now, we are looking at pedestrian safety because a lot of people are dying crossing thoughts streets. but, i'm out there almost everyday working my community to make it better. it's sad that we all come together when something happens and we all get upset. but i foot the good fight on the south of market and i get to know my police officers, the youth, senior
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citizens. they call me mother jones and they even call me the mayor of sixth street. if you see somebody that is having a bad day, get away from them or something. it's not going to be perfect, nothing is going to be perfect. they are not going to solve all of this stuff today, but what you can do for yours and what you can do for your community is a plus. keep working your community. because if i know him and i know him and i know her and, you know, we can all help each other out instead of all of these people who when things go bad, where was you at fighting for your community. i'm out there fighting for my community. >> officer. please. my name
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is michael. the san francisco chronicle photographers are stalking homeless people in the public restrooms at the main library taking pictures of them taking a crap and using the urinals. i'm glad that you are investigating the library of the homeless people being taken pictures of. i want justice for alex. i want a list of every person who has been killed in an officer involved shooting. there is no such list. if you go down to 850 bryant, there is a wall of officers killed in the line of duty. fine. we'll remember those killed in the line of duty. i want a list of sheila
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detoy. no one went to jail for killing her. the cops killed her in the car instead of shooting the tires. that is not okay. we need a list compiled boo i the community, the police commission and the police force. spend public dollars compiling the list of every san franciscans killed by a cop in the past 30 years. we need to gather the names of our dead. >> you have 30 seconds. >> i have 30 seconds and i want to say that i'm old enough to remember -- eleanor, a black mother killed by the new york police department. no one, no cop went to jail for killing that black
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grandmother. can you tell me, even 5 cops who have gone to jail for killing civilians? tell me, i would like to know because i cannot -- get information on the web. give me the list of our dead killed by cops. >> your time is up. >> there is other speakers. >> my name is gloria riva in stop now raising coalition answer. a 33-year resident of the mission. i have seen plenty personally of police brutality and the result of murders by the cops. it's an epidemic in this country. it's
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an epidemic where the police become the jury, judge and executioner. it's growing, mental illness is not a crime, but it's one of the main factors for police murders. i'm not saying that's what took place in the murder of alex nieto. we see too many mentally ill people who have crisis who simply the solution by the cops is to just gun them down. we in san francisco in the bay area who have seen murder after murder by police without justice saw 1 case where police got minimal prosecution. it wasn't because of city sanction investigation, it wasn't because of city government. it wasn't because of a commission of investigation and it certainly wasn't because of a police commission. it was because of a massive demonstration that demanding justice for oscar grant.
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that's the only way justice came. if there is an independent investigation which we want to see an indictment for murder of the police who shot to death mr. nieto. we say it's the movement that's going to bring justice for nieto and everybody else who has been murdered. that's what's at hand here. we won't stop until we get justice. >> hello, my name is larry. i'm honored tonight for harriet tub man and to all the people who died in the country and in this county. but tonight i'm here to tell you that when i arrived here in 89 from san diego thinking the tenderloin was a great state. good thing tonight. yes. i found out that it was such a
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crock of epidemic, they made it where we can walk through here to geary now. i know i'm at a time where i have to definite be here. i learned how to fight battles. i have a copy for you too, police chief. it says to whom it concerns community united against violence. later also known as juicy has been approved. cuav was looking to get involved in violence prevention work. through our work together he experienced harassment in his building hotel sro's. since he
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contacted us. he's been psychologically and mentally -- he has been able to obtain civil restraint audit in the past. there is invasion on his home. this threat if filed a dog hanging on a noos in his home. i'm wearing it to take the power from it to tell people that someone sent it to neighbors new something. but, when i put it on my record it was a white string. we want safety inside and we want the police to work to make our district like cast ro. we are here. we can live in a violent country and not be violent. thank you.
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>> i want to thank all of those that are here with the solidarity with the family of alex. thank you for your energy tonight. it's very grounding and i appreciate it. i would like to just begin by asking chief sur, is it true that your family owns a funeral home? okay. not anymore. so, in kgo you have been quoted to say that it turns out that alex has a history of mental illness. i would like to know how is there evidence of that? you know, because i'm no mental health therapist and those records, if that's the case, it's private, thank you. confidential. so right there, that's a violation of his privacy, his confidentiality.
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okay? second, on that moment when he was surrounded by how many policemen? do you really think or who would actually point and taser at how many police officers aiming g a gun at me? i don't believe that. but, what choice could there have been anyway. okay, in the dispatch calls, we want a full transcript. was the cit activated. the crisis intervention trained officers. was that activated. if not, why? >> 30 seconds. >> again, just to bring up the point in why i asked if your family owns a funeral home. how would that be relevant, right? how would having a restraining order relevant in this case if that was no the the reason that these calls
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were made. i know alex, he's one of the greatest sweet hearts, very peaceful and not confrontational. he was about peace and harmony. i do not want to be here tonight. but i'm here because this is wrong. i have a family to go home to. i'm a mother of a 15-month-old baby. [ applause ] >> good evening, everyone. my name is marco. i'm a musical artist in the bay area. i taught two artist as well. i have two kids. on october last year, it was a saturday, i was attacked by seven police officers. they sent me to the hospital and they left me
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with a ticket on my chest. they arrested my brother and they left let him go because they didn't have no paper, nothing against him only because he recorded the beating that they gave me. i'm here to support. i didn't know this guy right here. but i know the people. i nope that people that know him. i can say that i'm actually pretty lucky to come and support here because nowadays, police, they don't act. they just shoot. and let me tell you something, let me tell you all, it's very sad because nobody feels safe now. nobody. not even me. when i see a police car behind me when i'm driving, i don't
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feel safe. i don't feel safe. then what is police then here for? to kill us? that's what they are here for? i work seven 7 days a week. okay? i don't have no holidays. what? pay my taxes to this country to kill me? i don't think it's fair. i just need justice. for him too. [ cheers and applause ] >> my name is juana and i'm here because of the anger and frustration and sadness of what i feel about the murder of alex nieto. you try to justify the color of fear. the color of fear that is rooted
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in racism. you don't understand. i don't think the san francisco police department understand how it feels to have to explain to young black and brown people that their very existence is a threat to young people. it's a threat to people that are not from here. that we have to feel that we have to look behind our backs that we have to live in paranoia in our community. i think it's a shame that alex nieto was treated. we understand the contradictions in our city, we are people who are working here and working class of color that are inconvenience to white people. i'm upset to see that the san francisco police department is trigger-happy. they shoot
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people later. i think it's crazy that we have to think about living in a war zone where we have to be worried about shooting 14 times. that doesn't make sense. i have to give my nephews advice on how to survive with the police department. that is not enough. their skin is enough to feel fooer -- fear when they walk out the door. we demand to know the names of the officer. we demand transparency. i think it's a shame when they get paid for leave. that's like a vacation. that is a shame. right now san francisco has an opportunity and obligation to say that police brutality will not be tolerated in this city. justice for alex and justice
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for andy lopez. [ cheers and applause ] >> good evening. hello, i'm mostly addressing the public. my name is frank laura. i'm an organizer but also a teacher in the mission. i think it's important to expose the dog and pony show. because what happens is not the police they are hearing us and staring at us as they are sympathetic for taking it in. the truth is they don't fear us. they don't fear me or you. they do fear is the political movement because it's the only thing that can bring justice. what we've seen this table we've seen it over and over. we are
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a rubber stamp institution. they pretend they care and they pretend it's a problem and you want the information over and over. you want the facts on that. 3 years ago kenneth hardening was killed for $2. they looked at his history and they started saying this atrocious thing. that's his life. you don't kill somebody two $2 and they don't investigate it and they kill him for $2. we also organized in the mission for that brutal killing. they have in the mission that go out like this and skew the personal lives. now we are seeing the same things with this case here. brothers and sisters, on saturday it's important that we come out and march. that at 3:00 in the
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mission, we have the family of andy lopez and the relatives that struggle here. harding was killed. that's what they fear. is they start seeping -- seeing this as a problem and they start seeing this as a system. they defend themselves with these types of institutions. [ cheers and applause ] >> hi. i want to speak about the shooting here the other night. my sincere condolences to the family of alex and the friends. i moved last september. i was appalled at
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the drug activity that goes on in that block and the lack of police presence. i walk in stores where i see drug transactions happening and people in the stores selling drug paraphernalia. it's allowed to be sold in our community. i don't understand the reference of mental health, what bearing that has on anything. to me that's sensationalism at every worth. i appreciate the effort that the police are trying to make in the tenderloin. i feel like i'm at a propaganda meeting tonight. look at the great
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things that are happening, but look at the great things that are still happening that is reality to those of us in the community that are disenfranchised. a lot of us can't speak for ourselves. i live in that hotel and there is a lot of people who can't walk across the street on their own and yet they have to walk through drug transactions to get in and out of the hotel. it's not right and it needs to stop. whatever i can do, if anybody has any suggestions for me, i'm happy to do it. i'm really angry. thank you. >> good evening, my name is henry , i was born and raised in san francisco. i'm 61 years old. i don't claim 1st district. this whole city is my city. now, what i have heard and when i found out about this, it hurts because
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i have been jumped on, beat up and tried to be framed by the police. and my question is to the black, the chinese and any other culture in here, do you remember your history? when you put too much pressure on a twig, it will break. when you put too much pressure on a twig it will break. just like everyone's history in this room. you put pressure, they will fight back. god bless you. [ cheers and applause ] >> hello, my name is shane. we are just moving in to the block on third street and i'm here to speak on the shooting and i would like to extend my condolences to the family of
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mr. nieto. as to the shooting on sunday night. i'm a new member of the community, a new member and we are committed to the positive am -- acclimation of that block and willing to work with the community and the police to make this a livable neighborhood. i would ask the police commission support all his staff in the engagement work they are doing in the community and get to know us. the more the police know the people in this community the less reasons for this to happen. please support captain turns with funds. thank you very much. hello to all of our neighbors.
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>> hello. i work in the tenderloin. i would like to offer a shout out to the members in the city tonight. i want to speak to the tenderloin which is to echo some of the remarks that were just made. the community police advisory board is working as a group and public safety is improving within the tenderloin. it is about the community and not just about the police. i think that the department here in the tenderloin under captain chemiss watch is due to community needs. he will hold people accountable and admire that he's willing to be accountable. thank you for being here and please join
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the community advisory board and join the local station in making the tenderloin a safer place. thank you. my name is robert living stone and i have lived here for almost 60 years. i read the article. i thought it was very interesting because he mentioned that rossberg was able to convince him of freeing up police and other districts in the city just not doing it here. and, that raises a lot of questions in mine mind. i know russ really has his own agenda to attend to. as do many people in this city who pursue identity
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issues and ignore the problems of class that poverty is the chief cause of most of our troubles. a rich class that exploits before. it's interesting to hear about this talk about city streets and twitter and there is people walking down the streets giving tourists on the streets saying things are getting better. i see people dying and i know the police have too. i would like to see that bus stop across the street at jones disappear. it's awful. i don't know why they are there. i hope people
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ask more questions about the problems with class in this city and the problems they are causing people. ask why chief sur doesn't pursue justiceo help better in the tenderloin. thank you. >> good evening, my condolences to alex family. my condolences also to the officers involved. if you think killing people is fun. i was in the military, it's not fun. as far as i want to a test to your credibility in the system. we have parallel investigations going on now. we have d. a. involved in the rampart station in los angeles, crooked cops. we have chief who just recently laid off six cops without pay for misconduct. we have the
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police commission, the oversight body. trust me, people, let the system work. i know emotions get crazy when someone is killed. let's the system work. we need more body cams. i know they are working on that . los angeles has them. they have 40 of them. every time an officer draws a his weapon, a camera should come up. thank you. >> good evening, my name is tammy bryant and a resident of the western addition. i'm a mother of three children that i raised had are in san francisco. i did not knowal hand alejandro, but i am heartbroken. i am here to
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stand in solidarity with them and request for justice. there can't ever be justice because we can't bring him back. you cannot just investigate your own department and your own staff. so we need an independent investigation because there was no justification to shoot him. the mentality to shoot first and ask questions later has got to stop. too many unarmed civilians are dying. make no mistake that i consider this to be very racist. just as i watch here tonight i was almost hit by a white woman on a bicycle as a cop car pulls up the street and i watch the black man getting beat up by the cop because he was told to take his bike off the sidewalk. if you don't know how many times i'm getting hit by white bicyclist. this is racial profiling and th
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