tv [untitled] March 28, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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>> good morning mr. dale. >> good morning noland. >> we work on the capital budget and programs, i'm going to walk you through the specific items i think were requested to be presented this morning and we'll be happy to answer any questions. as mrs. pose said, there's an increase in the funds that we're dedicating towards safe and complete streets and also towards improving our transit system specifically in the transportation context. so as you remember, we had come to you before to talk about the budget itself and how to implement the upgrades and remove the areas where it's not safe to travel through and fairly strong barriers for people to actually want to consider riding their bicycles so we've
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been focusing on those corridors and the areas that are outlined in the black, there's 50 miles that the board requested us to focus on. we've been working to prioritize those areas. we try to make them more like the areas that's in green so there's high capacity corridors continuous. in the five year vip recommendation, and again, this is a recommendation. the initial back strategy had three scenarios, one was the business as usual scenario which was without current funding and a strategic fund scenario, and what we need to fund to get us to that nine percent fund and a build out category, so what is it going to take to shift the needle on bicycling
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in san francisco to make it really its full potential. that slide in particular is showing the estimated cost of the strategic plan scenario which was $190 million if -- in addition to what we have. the number is getting close to half that number we need, but we're still short obviously from what we need to do. when we were looking at the specific safety goals and strategic goals for the plan and the bike strategy, we're aligning it by saying our focus is on reducing collisions and we had a public work shop last december that reinforced that with the public involvement and what you're seeing there is the -- what the current cip recommendation needs to focus on improving those corridors and we're looking at increasing our
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bicycle parking and our goal is to have at least 500 spaces fer year and the cip is recommending doubling that to 1,000 spaces per year. on the proposed improvements, we'll be doing a number of improvements which include looking at ways to fix specific complex at intersections and increasing bicycle parking and doing separate bike lanes. some of these projects are capital intense projects that bicycle pot off, but it's not the sole reasons for these street changes and they are more expensive that we've had in the past. they're more like the valencia street capital improvements so some of those projects are outlined in the cip and focusing on education outreach, and we've started some campaigns this year that will
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launch to improve bicycle and transportation safety overall. here are the bicycle programs under evaluation. they're target improvements which are the areas at major intersections or key segments and there's corridors and planning which are the bikes recommendations which are the 62 miles that were recommended to be in the planning phase. most of these are actually upgrades and some of them are actually new extensions to the network that are additional mileage. >> may i ask a few questions on the bike thing before we move on to advise you'll zero. >> thank you mr. papredero. on slide 40 which has the network upgrades and separate bike lanes, for those large bike lanes and the
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second phase howard, is the entire funding for that coming from the bicycle bucket or is that coming from traffic coming and other sources of money? >> yeah, these slides -- i'm giving you the full picture but we don't have a complete streets category in our capital program so that's what we'll be working onto have a complete streets category. and you're right. this bike category is basically the bucket that we're using to pay for these street changes, so -- >> that's always when i hear, we're not putting enough tort psyching, one of my responses is well, when we do a complete streets project, we're focusing on pedestrian, car, and bicycle safety and just efficiency of the street. >> and transit. >> thank you, and transit. the
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page up which i guess is page 29, i'm a little concerned about the network comfort in gaps, if our strategic plan objective is ten miles per year, and our cip recommendation is 2.7 miles upgrades and one new mile, that's getting us to 3.7 and have added a lot of bike lanes that are new over the past however many years, i feel like from the feedback we got from the public and what we had in policy and government, the network upgrade is important because where there is that hot spot, that stops people from riding if they can't get from point a to point b and point b to c without feeling uncomfortable in part of that, i think they're less likely to ride, so
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i'm a little concerned about that, that maybe there's more focus that should be put on the hot spots because i'm seeing so much red on the map, and to me it really -- another thing that's important to me, it becomes a gender equity issue. we don't have enough women riding out there yet and women can still be the ones to do those after work errands whether it's childcare or grocery shopping and i think the red spots effect women in my age group more or disproportionately. speaking for myself, i'm risk adverse so those red spots are a big concern to me. i don't feel like we're going to get the numbers riding and get the gender equity if we don't put a big focus on that. that wasn't clarifying, that was more like discuss. my apology. >> so i think that just to be
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clear that it is a recommendation and the board continues to change that. it's what -- that's why we're here to present this. one of the things i want to callout is the reason why the mileage here looks so low is because the investment decision or the investment recommendation is to fund howard and masonic which are closer to $10 million each and that's a whole street change, so it only ends up being a few miles but it's what we call the premium cycle tracks which were not really in the strategic plan scenario which was at $100 million, but it was in the $500 million. this has been in the planning pipeline to be delivered, but they're trying to find a home in the five year cip, but again
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this is the choice of the board if we do that or if we focus more on the temporary low cost so we can get that safety improvement done through the network first. >> we can ask clarifying questions. we'll hear from the public and we can discuss this among ourselves. moving right along. >> the next category on the vision zero category which is implementing walk first and morgan used on this side and the estimated cost of walk first was $240 million over the ten years, and try to go get that whole program in place, and there's $50 million that's focused on the targeted areas that has the greatest next to get us those improvements and we're focusing on those and the
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key areas, we've identified 170 intersections that have different layers of improvements based on the impact that those in turn treatments are do. so we'll test and see and come back and add more as we move forward. there's a great more focus on education, so we're working on getting more funding. we've government existing funding to create a vision zero safety program, and reating driver's safety curriculum and all these programs that's going to target safer use and better understanding of how to navigate san francisco's street regardless of the merger you use. and working closer with the police and working with legislation to see how we can get automated transportation and what can we do to get some of these in the ground and test and see
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how effective they are and grow them as they make sense. some examples include looking at the first phase of walk first which is really looking at the immediate safety improvements and then as we learn from those, layering more improvements which is the more capital intense programs and you look at the map and say that's 265 locations, but there's a different layer of treatments that go over them. there's things like columbus avenue and the other pedestrian targeted corridors and some of the specific walk first programs which is looking at the education enforcement and more technology for data analysis. so we have a category that was separate but
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we've kind of combined them now which is our traditional coming program. one of things that we've been working on over the last year is to really get a better handle on that backlog and get us to deliver more of those traffic coming projects you do know, so is making good on the promises that we've made to the community and finishing those projects and launching an application base where it's going to select and design and implement and there's a category that we're putting in for corridors, so that traditional the traffic program was on the neighborhood streets within the corridors and the arterial streets, now we're looking at a corridor project and we're following our opportunities whether it's following the public working paving schedule or working closely with our network projects whether it's the bike strategy or the
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transit effectiveness project. one of the things that's happening with the plan department is looking at this program called green connections where looking at setting to develop those neighborhood connectors, and those bike boulevard treatments which is really important to start that whole process of making it more convenient and safer to connect neighborhoods without having to rely on more intensive improvements. the area we have our category of school improvements, these are particularly focused on an equity perspective, so it's the areas where the schools specifically have the highest walking and bicycling ratios but it's based on the income levels of the neighborhood. we target the schools that have the free and reduced lunch program, so
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we make sure our resources are going where it's needed most and we're working with the health department and the health environment where the bicycling and walking is less, so we can do more education there. there's the highlights and there's examples in the photos. and then am i going to continue. just to highlight here, the capital budget development process looking at the bicycling and walking comparison compared to business as usual, when we -- when we get the cip approved, you see a dramatic increase in the dedicated funded for these categories compared to the previous cip. that's important to make. we're investing as much as we can in these two categories
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over the next five years. >> i'll toss it back to sanally. >> the last several slides talk about the ttf, transportation task effort. on slide 37, this is the recommendation the ttf for november 2014 measure. it would bring $55 million over the average to street improvements and an allocation of $73 million if the vote is approved of the vehicle license fee. for a grand total of $200 million a year on the average which is a significant amount of revenue for us for our needs. this next slide gives you an idea of what the
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revenue will support. it serves 65 percent of the riders. we'll be able to purchase 66 buses and six light rail vehicles. and of course it would address our improved infrastructures and improve wires and things we haven't taken care of historically. it would allow us to leverage the funds. it would be an awful if we weren't able to get that match program. this is -- it would increase the city's ability to increase -- it's apart of the strategic plan and deliver high profile projects such as the market street project and the cal tran. in addition to our needs,
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there's other needs of other agencies across the city that the ttf is proposing to support. the one item that we've been asked to identify, you have it bucket of money, it's not enough, what are you doing to bring more to the table. slide 40 gives other revenue items to discussion but how can we include them in the budget because they're not fully realized but there is a discussion about house and sale's tax going back to the voters and that can add $70 million annually. there's a discussion about the cap and trade and future regional measures such as the bridge toll revenues. if you know the recent federal president has made a commitment to transportation in the next budget cycle, is we're expected to see additional
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funding for the competitive and formal grants and these are the areas that's competitive on, and we look at public private partnerships and other measures to bring to the table but until they're flushed out, we can't add them to our budget yet. >> on that point, are the revenue bonds, their budgeted in as if they'll pass. >> our revenue bonds don't require voter approval. >> i'm sorry, the two items up for approval, are those budgeted in? >> we're including them. all the numbers you're seeing, we're assuming the first two from november, we haven't incorporated the 2016 sale's tax. when we put the budget together and sent it over to city hall, we'll need to separate out those items funded from the november measures because i don't believe the controller would certify those revenues at this point, so we're assuming all of
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that, so all the outcomes and the things that we're saying we're going to do assumes those. the budget document will have to separate those into below the line categories. >> the document will explain what will be loss and the consequences of not passing -- >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> passing onto my partner here, tim, who is going to finish off the presentation on the market street project. >> good morning, popdale. i'm going to give you an update on the market street improvements. this project that we've been looking at has been coming from the vision zero discussions that we've had on how can we improve safety on our streets, and the one thing that has been popping up that has been needing attention is market street. it's not part of the market
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street project, it's a longer term program. it's looking at the current situation out there, and i'll walk you through the -- some of the data we found and some of the is statistics we've been looking at and what we need on market street and it's a response to director hineki and move this along. some of the things happening on market street, we've been trying to resurface part of the corridor so we could have a smoother surface for our transit vehicles in our tax season and there's been occur side land paving that has been talked about. we have targeted pocket control at some kilo indications so we can move some of the congested
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segments along and there's been minor improvements along the corridor including putting if the bike share program. and the bike counter which has been averaging 3,000 trips each day. it's the biggest in the state. i can safely say in the bay area, but it's probably in the state. we've had -- we've looked at retiming some of the signals at certain intersections, particularly at 6th and market and mission. we're putting in a request to install don't block the block signage at those key areas especially the closer end to the financial district where there's a lot of queueing and congestion that's happening in those key intersections and we are going to move forward with painting the lanes just to
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see the epic sees and creating rush -- you all know this. there's 24 mini routes that serve directly or chris cross through market street. and brings people from all over the city regardless of the neighborhood, people that are coming in from there. there are 200,000 people that we know that are walking or across market street and a good chunk are coming off the transit system. it's important to note that pedestrian who are walking on market street are coming off the mini network. there's a strong connection. bicycles are out numbering the vehicles. inbound the ratio has exceeded 3 to 1 and i've been taking pictures,
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there's 60 peoples and 20 cars. the ratio is working in our favor. taxi use has been doing a good chunk of that as well. and there's more people we've seen and more taxi service on market street. safety is a concern. the lack of the separation and the rationalezation of the space is making it difficult to see those safety improvements, so under the walk program, market street has a high corridor and it's of significant concern. between 7th street and 6th street is concern. it targets a more comprehensive -- market street between 8th and montgomery has more collisions.
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there's definitely something there with the people walking, getting off transit and that small number of vehicles causing enough of that conflict that needs to be address. the four of the top 20 intersections are along market street. so that is just -- there is something there that from the cross traffic that we need to address. and market street has the two the highest bicycle areas in the city. houston is third. that's where we've seen the most collisions. our solution recommendation is to restrict traffic on market street. we're going to recommend pco support at the key intersections where they're needed and we'll see them as we install them where it makes sense to add or move them around. we're going to improve compliance of the existing regulations.
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working closely with the police department enforce the traffic situations that are there that needs to be reinforced and putting in signage to remind people this is how you're supposed to navigate through and across this area and you'll be fined if you don't do this. the red treatment of the existing transit lanes, and then beefing up the awareness before they get to market street on how to get around to reach their destination because people still need to get to their destination. we want to be mindful of that. our goal is by spring, we'll have the treatments in place and that by early winter of next year, we want to implement the regulations to extend the -- they go to 5th street and we want to
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extend them south forward. that's the right thing for us it do. and then look at more turn restrictions. even though we make restrict order traffic, it needs to be done for the pedestrian order conflicts. here's an example of one of the proposals we're looking at. if we do restrict traffic private on market street, how would we do the circulation and it's complicated but the point of return is we're addressing the north south movements and trying to reroute people to get around to their destinations by not having to use market street but still reach those destinations that's closely off market street. so some examples include eastbound out of farrell, and taking it to grant to montgomery. and westbound at montgomery and go to mission howard to move people around as needed and we'll create a
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system so it's freight forward to the driver population on how to navigate san francisco. we're talking to goggle and to the garmon map companies to -- once we get this approved to take it off the system because a lot of tourist use it and if we take that of on and say use these alternatives then they won't be so confused. looking at technology as well to do that. so we're estimating right now and ed is very encouraging to try to narrow this down as much as we can and get it to a closer enough, but our current estimate is for these treatments are $2.2 million to do the color treatment and signage and implement some of the customer theft improvements through the customer transit grant so we can do those quickly and it includes
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staffing for ppo and we may need additional ppo for six months to see how the public addresses this and we need to come back and look at what's the long term staffing solution, is it more physical ppo or is it more police -- what is the actual appropriate thing, maybe technology can help and maybe after a year or six months, compliance will come up. but we're going to evaluate that and see what else can we do. our goal is to start it in a segment and grow it as it makes sense. that's the end of this presentation. so i will defer back to the cef. >> do you have anything addition or go straight it the public. >> thank you popendale. >> the public will be given two minutes. and we have howard
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followed by charles and jenna lion luna. >> good morning mr. stressner. >> i want to speak ahead of your budget. you have no item on your budget to really improve subway operation for the metro. here you are doing great work in the tip to speed up the l and the n, and that's going to attract more drivers. the n is over load and the n is close. and the solution is to do more on street coupling the way the system was originally designed. we don't know if it's going to work. we don't know if it's going to take more study or capital or
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if the coupling has to be improved. i would love to see you put something in on that to get started because whatever you do it's going to take time to work it out and you have to be ready for this. just a little item, you were talking earlier about the fines for sunday. i walk down west pearl and i don't see signs telling people, on sundays, we have -- we're collecting for meters. it's only fair to be straight with the folks so they don't get up set. if you're fair with people, you can get more revenue on evening parking meeting and that's going to be big revenues in time. and so and you need these fundings so you can do more service improvements. i'm glad to see the little money is creeping into the budget. you're going to get some service improvement,
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