tv [untitled] March 29, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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loop. the muni drivers are professional drivers, safety is the highest priority in the agency. so i don't believe that we are do you think anything that is going to compromise that really wonderful environment that the glen park village provides and we've enjoyed working with stakeholders in glen park. i'm sorry we haven't gotten to a fully community supported proposal, but that's the choice before you today. we can operate on wilder or we can operate on arlington. there has not been outreach on arlington folks so that would be a change for this em to absorb. for the 3 jackson, we've also agreed with the community to monitor rider ship. in part
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because we continue to have concerns about the overall strengths of jackson as a corridor but also to address any concerns about rider ship, significant rider ship changes over time. the lower haight issue it is a trade off. for the policy and governs committee we looked at three options, the proposal, compromise staff proposal or the proposal that would reduce on haight street and that proposal does address concerns for lower haight residents. it is expensive. we go from about 50 additional hours on
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haight street to 100. it was not cost-effective to address this trade off. you had a lot of questions. >> that's a good start. >> maybe just one other with the inner sunset you spoke to the landscaping concern which can absolutely be addressed. i think we got a letter on that one. there was some discussion about the length of the bulbs and i know they originally proposed to be the full length of a 2-car train and they have come down and there were some concerns that the length were, there wasn't clarity on those. could you walk us through? >> yes, i think that has to do a little bit with doing sketches in the field versus going back and doing the actual engineering in the office. i think, do you want to speak to what the proposal
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is and if it's changed in anyway? >> good morning. dust inn -- wine in the transportation engineering team. i don't know if i can get used to the overhead project or. just to what julie mentioned part of the confusion has to do with is the fact that this quickly moving process has been -- we've been listening to feedback on a daily basis. on irving street one of the things that's changed is we have abandoned a proposal to widen the remainder of the sidewalk transit to both locations in part in responses and concerns from the fire department. that change is meant that the transit bulb
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transition lengths have had to change which is part of the confusion on that particular block. this is a diagram at the corner, southeast coroner of 9th and irving there is some confusion about the proposals at that location. in this example, we are not talking about transit bulbs, however we are proposing short pedestrian bulbs in order to prevent cars from parking at what are now red zones but what potentially violated and they block the dynamic envelope of the turning trains. we are hoping to implement some measures on that corner to make it possible to park that vehicle there. several weeks ago in discussion we mentioned on street parking corral of additional measure. we heard concerns about how that might change and look at feel that
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corner. so we've come back with a modified proposal to look at concretes in the form of small pedestrian bulbs. >> thank you, sir. members of the board, it seems like the test in all of this is looking after the city as a whole but being sensitive to neighborhoods and individuals. it seems to me there has been an awful a lot of cooperation with staff and neighborhoods groups and concerns and pedestrians and bicycles. it seems to me also that if i understand this correctly what we do today is on going project. modifications can happen, there are some things is that correct? >> yes hard escape capital are easy to do. in terms of
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routes, frequencies, we are putting forward our best idea of what would work for the overall system and there is plenty in opportunity and process in place to monitor and make those adjustments. i want to point out that the overall effort and the scale of the changes is pretty monumental and i don't want to lose sight of the fact that it's recommending a 12 percent increase in the overall service more than half of the lines of that increased frequency. so this very large body of work what were down to a few small issues left to be resolved. i don't want to loss -- lose sight of the fact that there is an -- enormous amount of positive changes. >> director ramos was first last time. >> thank you, chairman nolan.
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i do want to thank everyone. we are supposed to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. theology. i'm hoping here to really express my gratitude to everyone, the community especially for going out to all those meetings. you know, some folks are saying that this has been a hustled process, we know that focus have been working on this for 8 years, if not longer been thinking about it. i know for me as a daily transit rider, lots of these different improvements, these improvements are too long in having been implemented. last night, on my commute home i spent more time pressed up against a stranger than pressed up against my wife.
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taking all that into consideration, you are growing. the city is growing. we are the second largest city that's anticipated for growth in the nation. we have to do more with what we have to be efficient. we have to reevaluate how we are doing things because the challenge is what we've managed to put our finger on that we are still grappling with only going to get worse, i'm talking about the parking, accessibility and traffic and delays that we aren encountering. the things that we have managed to hone in on i think are only going get worse without us doing something significantly different. that being said i appreciate all that is said on this and appreciate all the community coming out and sharing your perspectives and
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your opinions. a couple of things that i want to respond to, i understand that there is a lot of gratitude from the community from protecting and staying on the solution to the nadac and the comment we heard from the formal public hearings and there was some concerns about that and i appreciate that. i understand that there are still some folks concerned about the 10 and 11 and the connectivity that is going to really allow for continued travel from north of broadway to downtown and south of market. i am hoping that staff will continue to work on making sure that those changes really do continue to be addressed particularly i heard concerns about how safe it is to cross columbus street in making some of those connections. so i'm hoping that we will continue to work on refining this after these changes are
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implemented. i think that's what i got earlier that we will continue to evaluate these things. that's what i want to put down for the record, the 10 and 11 and make sure the connectivity is better as we move along. i want to talk expressly about the end judea because i'm a regular patron of nearly all the circumstances businesses that we've heard from. it was great to see the owner from progressive from the hardware store talking about the changes. as someone who regularly rides there, that intersection at 9th and judea is hoshg -- horrible. when you talk about 5 seconds here and there, when we multi-plea -- multiply the changes, i think it's savings on the
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corridor travel. if my commute is 30 minutes everyday and i'm saving three memberships a -- minutes a day each way times 5, that's 30 minutes more that i get to spend with my wife or family or whatever else i would like to be doing. i'm just one guy. when you multiply that times tens of thousands of riders, that will multiply into huge changes that allow for the frequencies that we need to avoid the types of problems that we incur. so all of that to say that i really appreciate the proposal and i recognize that it's still going to elevate some changes that we put our finger on which is the parking in that district is out of control. i know this because i do own a car and occasionally i do drive down there and
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park in the 9th street area and i know how challenging it is to find parking there. that's not necessarily a reason to hamper the tens of thousands of people that travel through there on the end. i think that what we do need to be doing is reevaluating and revisiting how we are programming the parking in that district and every other district so we can keep so that i have seen and i know personally and i don't want to call them out. there are merchants who park in those spots all day long and they regularly feed the meter. when the merchants park there, there is no place for the customers to park and the businesses start to lose potential routing. i'm not saying it's something that we can ignore, i'm saying it's something we have to address as we continue on this great work that we are doing. i won't talk too much more about this because i know we are trying to get out of here in a
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few minutes for a break. i do want to also highlight the fact that we put our finger on another with the san transand getting down to west lake. i hope we make a deliberate effort to work more with sans frans and work with people that do need to get down to places that go beyond our service area and to make that transition as easy as possible again with more people in need of better access as we get more disabled or older and injured and grow in that population, we are going to see more of a need for that kind of connectivity. the sooner we can get started, the better off we'll be. thank you for your great work on this.
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>> vice-chair >> are we going to move on this agenda item separately? >> these three items need to be voted on separately. >> i would be happy to offer a motion to approve at this point i don't know if we are going to get to it before we break at 11. >> break at 11 doesn't necessarily need to be at exactly 11:00 a.m.. >> i will echo, as we making the decision we have to remember we are making the decisions for 700,000 riders thaefrd we are here to serve and look out for their interest. and frequently we are not transit only, but we are transit first. i think we are transit first, safety is definitely our number one goal. these changes that i'm happy to move on are really going a long way to making people realize what transit can be in this city and
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realize that we can make those connections as the tep team points out. we can that have grid work of connections to help people get around the city. i have no more input other than that and i'm happy to move it. motion on item 6. >> i'm happy to second it without changes. >> okay. >> i have a few comments i will try to keep it brief because i know director ramos needs to get home to his wife. [ laughter ] from one husband to another. there were some questions asked by members of the public about efficiency, what are we doing to speed up boarding that sort of thing. those are great questions. the silence is not to ignore this. it's the procedural rules to address here. we are looking at procedures this board is
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looking at reducing cash payment and expanding fair media and of course we recognize the bulb outs are perhaps an opportunity for that. it's just not part of this proposal. before i thank the staff, i also want to thank the members of our pag committee. director lee is not here. the three of them; you all should know took on the really hard work for this board by reviewing and working out a lot of the compromises that have come before us. i personally am very appreciative for the three of them for that work. also i think we have to thank the staff. i'm glad mr. kennedy has walked back in and of course ms. kirk baum this was your baby before you had a baby and you have done a
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wonderful job in working with us and patient and collaborative in this process. i give you my thanks. like director brinkman, as we look at the package, i have to reference the comments of mr. boden and we have to look that the as a package. this is a whole package and if we pick and peck at it and we try to solve every little problem we lose the large scale benefit of this. large scale efficiency require small scale tradeoffs. that's the simple reality of this. i'm very impressed to all that's been done to address the small scale tradeoffs, but i think the overall point is the one that director riskin made at the beginning. this is a monumental change. this is a real significant increase in
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efficiency, in all of those 5 seconds, 2 minutes and add up and it's not just director ramos 30 minutes, it's everyone's 30 minutes in what it increases, happiness, productivity. i second it with no changes. i think we should approve this with no changes. i do want to address one issue from the community and that is our fellow citizens from the inner sunset. i hope you stay around for a long time. i heard that comment. i don't think the speaker meant what he said, whether he meant it or not, i appreciate all the input you put in to a neighborhood near when director ramos lives and i live and my family and i frequent that neighborhood a lot and the civic pride that you have shown is quite commendable. on that, i want to say while i want to approve this thing wholesale, i would
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encourage staff to follow up with the residents but on the condition of the inner sunset this idea on the bulbs is fantastic and if this can be done in cold valley is great as well. please do understand, residents of the inner sunset that ms. kish baum means about monitoring. if there are small changes to be made to make things better, please come back to her. i will be the they are very representative and you will find a good answer, if not, please come back to us because we want this to be an on going process. congratulations to the staff and congratulations to the city. this is going to be a better place to live and that's why i supported this for so long. >> i don't have anything to achltd >> we have a motion and
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second. we have been joined by an aid to supervisor breed. would you like to say anything ms. johnson. >> i'm sorry to interrupt. i didn't expect this to end so quickly. on behalf of the supervisor i want to echo what mr. heinicke said particularly on the inner sunset. they have been phenomenal and interest and their passion and the interest they have shown and the collaborative approach. your staff, shawn kennedy, tanner, they have all been phenomenal and they really deserve a great deal of thanks. they are doing the lord's work and as the director heinicke said this is an effort to make the system more efficient for the 700,000 people that use it everyday and we are very supportive of what you and the staff have
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done and the inner city heights have done. thank you for hearing us out and thank you for all the work you are doing. >> thank you. we have a motion and second for item 6. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> motion approved. for item 7. >> motion and a second. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. item 8.? we have a motion and a second. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. that is approved. this meeting is adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>
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recently, the airport unveiled the new state of the art terminal. let's take a look. the new terminal service and american airlines and virgin america was designed by a world- renowned architecture's firm. originally built in 1954, the building underwent massive renovation to become the first registered terminal and one of the must modern and sustainable terminals and the united states. the public art program continues its 30-year legacy of integrating art into the airport environment with the addition of five new commissions that are as bold and dynamic as the new building.
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>> this project was completed in record time, and we were able to integrate the artist's early enough in the process that they could work with the architect said that the work that is completed is the work that really helps complement and instill the space as opposed to being tucked away in a corner. >> be experience begins with the glass facades that was designed with over 120 laminated glass panels. it captures the experience of being under or over clouds when flying in a plane. depending on the distance or point of view, it can appear clear for more abstract and atmospheric. the subtle colors change gradually depending on the light and the time of day. >> i wanted to create an art
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work that looks over time as well as working on in the first glance. the first time you come here, you may not see a. but you may be able to see one side over the other. it features a couple of suspended sculptures. each was created out of a series of flat plains run parallel to each other and constructed of steel tubing. >> it is made up of these strata. as the light starts to shift, there is a real sense that there is a dynamism. >> it gives the illusion that this cultures might be fragments of a larger, mysterious mass. >> the environmental artwork livens it with color, light, and
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the movement. three large woven soldiers are suspended. these are activated by custom air flow program. >> i channeled air flow into each of these forms that makes it move ever so slightly. and it is beating like a heart. if-0 when as of the forces of nature moving around us every second. >> shadow patterns reflect the shapes of the hanging sculptures. the new terminal also features a children's play areas. both of the market the exploratory n.y. -- exploratorium. the offer travelers of all ages
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a playful oasis. using high quality plywood, they created henches shaped like a bird wings that double as musical instruments. serving as a backdrop is a mural featuring images of local birds and san francisco's famous skyline. >> in the line between that is so natural, you can see birds and be in complete wilderness. i really like that about this. you could maybe get a little snapshot of what they are expecting. >> it is an interactive, keck sculpture that is interacted with by the visitor. >> they are a lot about and they fall down the belt.
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it moves the belt up, and if you turn that faster, the butterflies fall in the move of words. >> the art reflect the commission's commitment to acquiring the best work from the bay area and beyond. in addition to the five new commissions, 20 artworks that were already in the airport collection were reinstalled. some of which were historically cited in the terminal. it includes major sculptures by the international artists. as a collection, these art works tell the story of the vibrant arts scene in the early 1960's through the mid-1980s's. the illustrate san francisco's cultural center and a place of innovation that is recognized and the love throughout the world. one of the highlights is a series of three left tapestries.
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they are on view after being in storage for 20 years. these tapestries representing various gardens. from his years of living in san francisco. hydrangeas, chrysanthemums, and whilst dahlias in rich, deep shades as they make their way to the baggage area. they can access behind-the- scenes information and interviews with the artist through an audio to work. it features archival audio as well as interviews with living artists. he can be accessed on site by dialing the telephone numbers located near the artwork or by visiting the commission's web site.
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