tv [untitled] March 30, 2014 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT
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that. >> i did anticipate that you were going to ask how many. we are trying to advance and get more officers cit trained. i don't have the answers for you as to how they are dispersed nor how they are being deployed. >> thank you. i appreciate the transfer. i do believe that is the next step in not only are we training officers and are they deployed in the skills that are being used and what happens with those responses. that's it. >> anything further, commissioners? >> next line item no. 5. >> line item 5, adjournment. >> can i have a motion? >> so moved. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> we are adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>
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>> i'd like to call the order. the meeting of the san francisco public utilities commission. today is is tuesday, march 25, 2014. roll call, please >> commissioner caen. commissioner vietor. commissioner torres and commissioner torres are xoud we have a quorum. item 3 is the approval of the minutes that you have in your binders. may i have a motion >> so moved arrest second. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? the motion carries.
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we now move into. those are items not on the agenda that can be discussed >> hello. >> hello. >> i'm david i'm here on behalf of the gun club. i know you're all aware of our concern of our future of lake merced i'm here today to ask for the commissions focused attention on two seers matters of impact like lake merced and this site. we are definitely in support of efforts to clean up the site we're definitely in support of the site of what's going on. but there are two mistakes being
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made with regard to the analysis this necessary out there. i've got a letter here for commission. two matters deal with first, the proposal that was sent by the city to the water board it is designed to clean up the site. as you may know anytime the clear up of the site the first analysis that's required for any agency to regulate this it to determine what is the future use of that site because that determines the standards under which the site should be cleaned up the end result is a warehouse or public park, etc. and each one surveys or carries its own standards for clear up.
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obviously, the highest standards are for residential use and ironically that's the standard that city has petitions the regional water board to do but this is ludicrous and waste taxpayers' money that site will never have residential uses it's not zoned nor that but it's been study to do residential studies. the current estimates are over 10 millions plus to those standards. we believe that you can clean up that site and still have recreational uses regardless of the recreational uses include the gun club but half that cost that's a waste of money and secondly under the planning department uses of environmental review there are two standards there are no alternatives so you
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couldn't study another alternative and secondly no analysis being done of the significance of the historic right away that's there the club has been there over 80 years and every building in san francisco requires an analysis if it's over a southern amount of time my point is this is a waste taxpayers' money if the question from the board of supervisors when we come to the end which this clean up and someone says well could we have done this cheaper or differently and you won't have the analysis in front of you 200 no studies you'll have to going on go over it again and start from the beginning that's a waste of taxpayers' money i'm asking the commission to focus on both of those issues studied by the
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department >> i have a question. >> i'm not terrible clear on what you're saying to us are you asking for a lesser clear up to me there's recessing residue that has to, taken away so there are other ways to do this. >> yeah. to give you an example i represents clears up on other sites through the bay area and every time they do a clean they have to go to the recreational water board and they have to say here's what i intended to use the site for later and depending
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on that use the recreational agency says i moos must do this or you only have to do this may be only cap it or pick it up and brick it to another state it requires different levels of analysis because if you're going to have a warehouse just put concrete down and you don't have to clean up but you're going to have people there and it will require a higher standard of clear up and residential uses has the highest standard and that's the request being made now that does not make sense. >> the chair if we do a lessor review they'll august they can stay on the site but the higher
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standards eliminates their presence. >> that's one of the issues. >> however, if it remains a gun club there should be certain standards to that that he you're going to tell me we can't discuss this (laughter). >> she knows. >> welcome back serena. >> i can tell by here look. okay. >> could i have this overhead, please we can zero in its stipulation document. yeah, that's good. commissioners, yesterday, i was
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before the san francisco ethnics commission on an issue that deals with ethics and morals and standards. i've spoken about this directly and indirectly many times. a bunch of people came from the east bay and there was some from supposed to live in san francisco i'm not sure about that. but anyway, there were representing san franciscans but they were not representing san franciscans in the right manner what do i mean by that. in this place when any type of deliberations took place as i'm talking to you and others are
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sitting down over there they shouldn't be talking and making noise and acting like i say holy goods. they shouldn't why am i saying this? commissioners in the last 5 years we have had over thirty incidents or instances some of sexual harassment and robbery and others are harassing people and i can say very clearly and my name is francisco that one of the who was discussed at the san francisco ethnics commission has been doing that for a long time it's simply wrong simply wrong for people who are in a position
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and for people who are on the commission to come up front and say that all those things that are stated in this document which is on the overhead if anyone can read and the person admits to them that it's okay. so i said so somebody you know i had a feeling i shot him oh, you know what i really didn't know i had to steal but now i'm sorry. those types of things shouldn't happen it sets a bad persistence thank you >> thank you, sir. i'd like to call dr. jackson. >> good afternoon, everyone. i want to state that the fact
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that this commission operates under the robert rules of order >> actually, we don't. >> no oh, no wonder it's messed up here. >> it's a little known a fact but we don't. >> now i understand thank you very much. >> don't you want to add anything? >> well, i still got two minutes up here i was going to request that you all suspend the time today especially on item 7 on the limited time of speaking because 3 minutes is not long enough especially, when the staff is making a presentation
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i'd like to have equal time to make comments on those issues. thank you very much >> i see well, we'll think about that. any more public comment? good moving long next item, please >> item 5 communications. >> any comments on communications advanced calendar. >> i'd like to point out i've been in communication with commissioner president courtney about the two twin fooifrdz that would like to be painted silver to i have a communication out to the foyer chief joanne to see if
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that he, accommodate that. >> and that's going to occur april your date on that? >> the 17, april 17th. >> the 17th. well, that certainly was a little known fact did anybody know that >> i don't think we could have a silver fooifd. >> but the roll is in a great fire. >> thank you. would you come forward, please >> good afternoon. i'm bill san francisco fire department retired and museum director and
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presently guardians of the trustee we're the ones that presented this proposal to you. i gave you the package of material if i can answer any questions >> are there other silver fire hydrants in san francisco. >> i've seen some but i've seen some. >> better check these out and paint them white but i'm not the fire chief. >> thank you very much for your service to our city. >> thank you. >> and presenting this to us. >> it's - >> a revolution. >> i can say in 18969 the doctor asked the mayor to paint the hydrant on church street
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it's been going on and four years ago the history committee started the research been the water sources in the 18906 water and in 1905 there were over 5 hundred hydrants and we found 45 had water working and the hydrant on buchanan supplied water a anytime of 19 hours in not longer and during the ceremonies that for many years i mced the golden hydrant and what about the western edition hydrants we didn't know where to look for the hydrants and the other one on ellis and venice
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avenue to california street. you can picture that that's a greater distance than the length of the hydrant at 20th and church so was the haze and buchanan was twice the distance and all 3 hydrants supplied the water to stop the fire from good morning into the mission district and the ham and egging is district was the first arriving company didn't know where to find water they found water locally and it turned into a longer period of time because the 395 gulf street fire was large but the fire department stopped it from going west at
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california and van ness avenue. so generally, that's it and we think it's time that the two hydrants be honored by calling them the silver twins did outstanding work in 1906 >> i think it's an outstanding idea hopefully, they'll do the same thing. >> they're still in service fire hydrants we've been in touch with the chief and she knows about it we're proposing to have it on buchanan at 10:00 a.m. and invite you to be there. >> thank you very much. thank you very much. >> all right. any public comment? moving on to other commission
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business. anything new? >> so item 7. report of general manager >> first up i'd like to have steve risky to gave you an update on our water supply outlook. >> steve risky assistant general manager for water again, this is an update on our water supply because the drought we're in. some of those slides are familiar and our water is down a little bit from what we presented previously in the amount that's indirectly available for water supply it's up we have started to use the water bank we're emptying it out and capturing for water at the
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hetch hetchy reservoir and hopefully, the system will work and february precipitation was up one hundred 20 percent and one hundred percentage local bely but in early march the dryness has started again, the predictions for hetch hetchy between now and next 20 tuesday is two to four inches and will be welcome to adding to our water supply. the demand response has on variable since the call for reductions and use it's been staying down the week of march 17 it was up and within that week was the large 5 alarm fire in mission bay and the water supply system our estimate is
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that fire alone accounted for 10 million gallons of water being used those kinds of incidents can be significant. and, of course, we'll keep you updated on in. we're presented this table regularly and make that available and the conditions in our reservoirs and we're about 68 percent of totaled capacity citywide. the favorite slides are the waterline and as i see it's gotten above 7677 but it was flat 90 nor more precipitation it would go through below those numbers but we're having rain and expect more in the next two
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days and maybe we'll capture with the blue line to represents 2007. the snowpack not a lot of snow so we've emphasize to our customers while we are doing the 10 reduction now that will continue i'm convinced easily through this calendar year regardless of what happens because we can't get enough water and, of course, if perspiration didn't pickup we could go to a higher level of reduction. again, we have an inch and a half but based on the current forecast it mr. be above 18977 and another 6 inches by july will help to fill hetch hetchy
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reservoir. reduction in demand we're proposing for folks we've had a contracts for the lower aqueduct. the state relieve legislation was passed accelerating a lot of fund and people have been talking about how that can best be used. so we'll be looking at how to benefit our rate fairs in the potential of the relief drop. this is a skew mask we don't show and in particular they don't have the cherry aqueduct on the maps it is role for bringing water over from the cherry side of the system for
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the hetch hetchy for drinking water availability. this is a excuse me. mask the distances are not exact it's much shorn that you but what happens if we let water out of cherry lake to slow down cherry creek and water is diverted through a tunnel to the early intact below the powerhouse and flows into our system we filter that water it's comparable with hetch hetchy water but doesn't have the protects that hetch hetchy does so we don't have the filter protection we're trying to build a new convey as an to bring water ore hopefully
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starting availability are be later this year so we have it nooeks next year >> is that already there. >> well, the cherry aqueduct exists there was one in the cherry creek that burned in the rim fire it was used in 1988 but it's largely a concrete challenge that runs along the cherry road and some of the back country areas there and dumps out so there's an xhoift conveyance there's a lot of fire debris around the area it was heavily burned area so basically to put a pipeline in the chaenlt the aqueduct so the water that's
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contaminated it will help. >> so i assume the aqueduct is open. >> yes. >> so we're pitting the pipe to replace. >> yes. and we've actually got a designer on board and looking at getting a contractor on board to have them working together for the efficiency of the project to have it going later this year. we'll see how march end up and by april 15th we are obligated to give our customers notice of the affordability and that will be done in the seconds week in
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april hopefully, we'll have good news now and then and have additional water storage to breathe easily but not out of the one side but breath easily and just e-mail the report >> i have already. >> this slide that talks about total system storage when did we start to get real concerned with the 68 percent is there a certainty point to dermatitis a drought or we kick into emergency action. >> the total storage was down in the 7 thousand fleet ranch that's one trigger and if we get down to it level. >> that's like 50 percent. >> yes. roughly there in this
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case we're looking at the whole package and hetch hetchy beingoblast low and while we have plenty of water to stay 0 above that it's not as much value to us so, you know, this is where there's a little bit of art and less science but you don't have the trigger that's the only thing you do not only look at that but what the next year might be we're looking at 2 and 3 years ahead what about drought in the next few years. >> and what would he do? i know we're trying to bring options on line but if the likely event we have continuing dry years >> the first option we'll building there is a deep drought we're not going to get through
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the drought but we'll looking at 20 percent rashings cherry lake we have a full reservoir setting there we're ceasing that and we're going to start the ground water project to add to our supply the ground water storage is not ready to go but we have another 20 thousand gallons we have so there's lots of tools in the most extreme case it things are bone-dry and the roadway starts to dry up very frankly, we're looking at the other potential for desatfa
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