tv [untitled] March 31, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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may come identity the strategies we take a look at the strategies in the midterm. so there are two pilots i'm going to be talking about the first one is the fold street circulation. i'm going to give a brief overview and let you talk and ask questions we're early in the initiation of into both the pictures say a thousand words this is a snapshot looking at field street this is the south traffic approaching bryan street. and as you can see is there a - oh, you're looking at can i say
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that? well, i'm sorry i just wanted to point out the way the street is organized it's one lane northbound and one southbound on the southbound lane it's getting long as you can see the local traffic what i'm calling local is the traffic wanting to get through the intersection their popping out into the ongoing traffic in the northbound direction. i don't know we've had any collisions at this point but it's dangerous and also inconvenient for the resident in the area so we want to look at can we do some simple restriping in those wide streets to cast an
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additional southbound lane to allow a through movement through the peak periods would help to organize the traffic movements and improve pedestrian safety and local assess and people access to their driveway and so forth. so the phase we're in with those pilots right now is developing the metric we'll use to elevate the plan we want to make sure we're precise in how we measure them we want to know are they promotions that should be implemented for full-time after the piloted or something that doesn't work.
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so the second pilot is intersection enforcement if you've driven south of market during peak time you'll know but we're looking at the effectiveness of working together with the mta and the sfmta working together to force movement through the intersection that is a photograph of an accident the roads get backed up and it aggravates the congestion that's part of this. the mta pcos are not able to get
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citation so the work they're doing is moving the traffic but not doing anything to lead to effective changes of behavior we want to work with the pd and start experiencing things issuing sizing for the parking in that section. and those are some of the intersections we're looking at. this diagram is a summary of a lot of things we're we've heard the purple dots are on mission bay association it was delivered to supervisor kim in november of 2013. owe those are the intersections they think needs to have pcos in them all the time we had a meeting with the warriors on
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february 19th and the yellow intersections are the intersections that role arose that is important during the meeting. we took that information back to the agency and worked with our enforcement division to understand where we might best add new enforcement to three or four intersections to test this pilot. again in the same status we're developing measurements for step forward the pilot. we're now working closely with our colleagues at the mta that implement pilots to help us design that and will be coming back to the community i think on april 30th to talk about this
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more. the timeline this is excuse me. that is an overview of the different steps we're in this back one right now. we're planning on the before the pilot begin collecting data to compare to the final outcome of the pilot and anticipating the pilots 4 to 6 weeks. we're going to design that as we move further along with the metric and finally analyzing the pilot data for or against operations. so this is sort of an overall timeline phase one is complete and twaes phase two is anticipated to run through the summer and one of the benchmarks is thriving of the warriors
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project they're anticipating august right now. so in phase two again, we're looking at the two pieces the longer bar is the sf they're doing is an in debt regional network to understand how the big picture is going to be causing demand we noetd need to meet and below the pilots the red line developing the pilots and implement that and be done with that with that, we would love to take questions. if peter and diane want to come up. nope. okay >> do we have any public comment if so. corrin woods
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>> hi, corrin woods i actually service or serve on the arena cac that i've been involved in the transportation assessment. when we start we said oh, oh well, what will happen with new construction and projects we've learned that we're already in a hold. with existing conditions and not the big promgdz but the growth that's happening in the eastern side of town. we're very grateful that both sfmta and the transportation authority have grasped that we can't go forward until we figure out where we are now and we have a bog. those two pilot projects are a
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good start because the bay bridge in the afternoon means nobody moves so finding short term interim solutions is really critical. but when you see the dir in august we're hoping you've gotten further we we can actually funds the kind of mitigations that are going to be necessary to deal with did growth that the port is hoping to see think the eastern waterfront because we can make all kinds of fancy plans been there with mission bay but unless we figure out how to fund the plans it's going to be a mess. and we don't want to end up even
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further behind than now >> thank you. any other comments? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners? (laughter) commissioner adams go ahead >> first of all, i wanted to thank you and peter i tell you something n this is tough but i appreciate you take that it's like driving 90 miles per hour and no matter what you do people are going to claim but i like the vision this is thinking out of the box i've run down the street and seen the improvements and run down there went by the dog park and tried to cross the
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street you're right i really role appreciate this. last year supervisor wiener came down we give him a tour of the port one of the biggest things he talked about what this transportation and congestion and how to deal with it was important to him he was trying to get his head around that he thought you guys were doing the best. he said all of this is happening we're growing so fast how do you figure it out it's like trial and error i think those programs are good this is a good problem santa fe san francisco is growing we're coming into our own there are other problems we could have this is a good problems are the people we're a world-class city we have a little bit of everything we have to figure out how to do it we're a small city and make that more
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impact and efficient this is making us think about how to get the cars off the road. but you can't do it alone we've all got to pitch in we've got to help and you have my support on the commission. i see a way that it can happen games will run efficient and it will be a win-win for everybody >> thank you very much i don't think i need to put a fine point. >> commissioner brandon. >> thank you very much for the report. i think corrin was right there are things that need to be looked at now i drive in embarcadero everyday and sometimes, it tanks me 20
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minutes to get from the app park not just because of signaling i'm holy you're looking at embarcadero and the surrounding areas along with bill street and the circulation throughout >> we absolutely are there's a lot of focus on embarcadero between the subway and the caltrain station so one of the greatest opportunity for all the new development coming even though we don't have the transportation we need for the developments on the way is the chance to really open up and create the planning effort with the port and mta and the planning department and the mayor's office and our development partners and it's really a great opportunity to inform some of the decisions kind of the final thing so it's
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great we're helping the developers and the developing the plans with the transportation management strategies we're helping to access the value of you know a given transportation improvement and how it benefits cross the city cross the developers when we start working on our green projects so its been a really difficult and challenging process but it's a very important undertaking. thank you >> then i had a couple of questions again as i say thank you but a couple of questions i had somewhat about specifics assuming you find something acquit effective you'll be able to continue if you see demonstrative results quickly
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that will continue as further assessment; is that correct we will make the recommendations that continue. >> peter overlooking better from mta working closely with aaron one of the points aaron's made the pilot is looking at to a number of intersection we can x traits the results we can have the intersection with the bay bridge line is effecting the traffic and extrapolate to six or seven other intersections that's where why we go small with the pilot by big with the violation. >> it's not going to be scrapped but that's assuming all goes well.
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in terms of bicycle lanes there's been a number of thoughts and possible ways of modifying our bicycle lanes that's often done in europe where lanes a shifted in golden gate park where we have the bicycle lanes between the sidewalk and the cars rather the parked cars to the moving cars any thought to how that will work in the downtown area >> absolutely we're looking at everything from a pretty high-level but working with the divisions in the agency and working closely with our bible and pedestrian folks. i believe the bicycle people have coming to talk about the planning that is just flaw with the embarcadero bicycle study >> we're scheduling an informational presentation on your advanced calendar it is
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under the first may meeting but actually, i think there's a request to move it to the second meeting are with the embarcadero. lastly i know many years ago and the first bloom in the part of embarcadero with the influx of workers we modified some of the mta and muni transit lines and added a new line south of the market area any thought looking at reconfiguring or males or females or adding new lines and put muni in this as well. >> we're a team. peter albert from mta we're worked closely with the folks and it refreshed the whole muni effort for the first time their
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now certifying their environmental. we've use our information for the waterfront assessment including the community outreach to rethink the network and they've given us to push the project to perhaps jump start some of the challenges and corrin woods made the point about the fillmore but that thing is jumping out the 22 is launching in terms of how the technology we're beyond that and it's a pilot it's a shuttle between the bart station in the mission up to third street >> thank you. commissioner adams >> aaron you and peter can answer this what's the rate of the congestion in the city and
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do you expect it to level off or it will level off but what's our projects. >> what we have is really good analysis liz would have been here but shows sick aaron showed the phase one the pilot shows getting at the capacity and the real constraints of the network the transit network and, yes both recreational and local networks including the highwayed and ramps she want to show you the levels of growth and the congestion what happens people give up and drive into another
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mode. audits people have gridlock i want to recommend we come back to the board with liz and talk about those issues >> we'll put that on our new business agenda items to have that scheduled? sure >> thank you. >> thank you peter. thank you very much >> thank you all the team for presenting this and going forward with it. i'm excited to hear how to turnout >> item 13 b request the contract with aecom and addressed fees to two excuse me. ic from two estimates previously approved for an amount nationwide 8 hundred thousand plus we've preceded past the
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construction drawings to the documents and repair cost prices costs for a fee of 8 hearsay plus and the four construction a fee not to exceed $216,000 and b the contingent amount 8 how $16,000 not to exceed to 2 million plus including the already completed task point and to extend the contract to december 2017. so moved >> good afternoon, commissioners and commissioner katz. >> i'm happy to take that. >> we don't need our reward
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(laughter). >> i'll be belief crane park is a long planned park it was identified in the land use plan and also called out in the and were neighborhoods plan the pier 70 plan. this illustration shows ruffling the location in the western corner of pier 70 between 19th street. the funding for the partial primarily cross-examines comes from the 2008 funding sources the original authorization to request this request is anticipated when the court approved the orientation in december of 2010 and again, when it was approved by the port
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commission in june of 2011 when planning was underway for the 2012 park bond were when the original requests for the park was approximately $10 million from the 2008 bond. during that approval process through the recommendation of the civil service approval we awarded the project in two phases they had two tasks the first task was iowa to prepare a process plan and we completed that in december 2013 and the second was for the cost plan and that work is flaw. phase two which we're in front
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of you to proceed forward with the construction documents and task force administration support of the construction portions of the project. with we awarded the original contract in july of 2011 there was an opportunity that dpw could perform the work with the consultation of public works they alexander agreed it was the most efficient plan to move forward in delivering the park in a timely manner and the team supported the complex project since the 2011 authorization the 2012 bond passed. the port secured additional grant fund and capital fund and the total budget has increased to 24 and a half millions thus,
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the need to increase the excuse me. acting design fee. with the increased project budget we were able to deliver more park which was a benefit to the community and the port. aefld tasks we typically complete with the design phase was moving forward into the excuse me. acting design process so there's technical coastal engineering work that rather than waiting to go into the detailed design that information will help us keep the cost intact and the budget for the total budget in control. additionally with the original $10 million budget we depend we'd have the opportunity to touch the historic buildings but now we'll treat them and
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increase the fee in the excuse me. acting design. this slow down basically shows the original budget in needing with $10 million from the 2008 geobond. and the various budget and fees for each of the tasks and then in 2014 where the budget is 24 and half million dollars the task fee state the same and task two fee went up to aid the excuse me. acting nodes and task three and four were based on the new budget. the park master plan which was reviewed constraints a multiple purpose screen and restoration
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of the four and the park behind the restaurant and in park interpretation about the park but pier 70 as a whole. the consultant team of aecom includes 4 certified lbe consultant and the old plan was growing and the park one master plan retained a 24 participation and we anticipate maintaining that level of participation in the phase two capacity three and four. the next steps that on our approval is to seek the civil service approval at the april
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meeting and execute the contract and precede and ilene has helped me and aecom a principle with the corporation and the project manager are in attendance and able to respond to any questions. thank you >> thank you. >> any public comment? no, i'm sorry i see have one card. with the sf parks alliances. hi, i'm ann i'm with the san francisco parks alliances you want to speak in favor of this we're a land organizations that helped to renovate many of the parks in the city and we've been
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doing this for over temple years. and the port is our primary partner. this project is very excited for us for many repeats one we're excited by the amount of community engagement and participated in the meeting also expressed with the variety of the recreation projects will be the programming for the site it has been thought of and lastly the total amount of park space is really exist because we know the eastern neighborhoods are growing and that's spaces will be well utilized i'm looking forward to the construction of the project there are a lot of park advocates that are 0 excited and looking forward to
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the parks results >> thank you for the parks alliances continued effort. >> next speaker. >> corrin woods. >> good afternoon, commissioners corrin one side. formerly with the neighborhood park council before it became the parks alliances. this is a very important park for the city as well as the port. it's also a really important catalyst for the historic rotation of the 20th street buildings we need to keep it moving to get it done and open to the public as quickly as possible as anna said the eastern neighborhoods when it was rezoned it had
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