tv [untitled] March 31, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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mime encroachment was issued but dpw didn't approve them whenever they feel like it i am not involved but listening to this i ask you to allow the major encroachment to go through >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> supervising good afternoon. i'm the structural engineer. every step that could have been taken to minimize the size of the driveway has been taken. every per cushion u caution to preserve a maximum open space has been done. my client is suggesting a 10 foot curb cut a telephone foot
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derivative and a turn arena we're moving in the right direction the open space. including the fact we're proposing in the area that will be fully landscaped and assessable to the neighbors. every step that has been taken in regards to preserving the space has been done tastefully. he's been working on this for reinforces and made nightmares improvements in regards to preserving this green space. i urge you to look at the merits of the design. dpw has approved the design. they went through the structural analysis and the architecture merits and approved that. we went through a hearing and have agencies that reviewed those things we went through all
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the steps. we specifically want to you analysis the merits of the case. the driveway has been done in a respectful way. and that's the small property owner which will be assessable to all. thank you, supervisors >> we have copies of the presentation by the architect. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, i'm teddy live on clare done avenue i've lived there are 4 decades i'm not anti development much aware of the need for housing in the city. however, this proposal will not add any housing to the available
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housing stock it's only effect will be to enrich one private developer that's not even a resident of the city and i'm affirmatively against the idea of giving as a gift public open space to a private developer. we've surveyed has many of the houses as we could in the 3 hundred photo and a vast majority of them are opposed that is a matter of principle how we use public space in the city. i plead to reject this proposal. thank you. >> is there any public comment on item 4? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues item is in the hands of the committee any comments
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questions for anyone >> i continue ate hard not being involved in the history to not moved with dpw's recommendation so i'll move the motion forward about recommendation. >> i'm sorry a motion. >> with recommendation. >> there's a motion to forward it to the board with positive recommendation. >> cohen. >> you won't be supporting that true i don't know the long history by you represent a part of the town with social implicates are entered and agreements are made and understanding are made. i have been doing a little bit of reach and the testimony harassed been moved by the neighborhoods i came to support
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the neighbors i'm happy to move forward but not supportive of moving it out of committee with a positive recommendations >> so i'll change my proposal with motion to move forward without a recommendation. >> so okay. so i think that's the best way to proceed it's important to have the computing input from the district supervisor so we'll take that motion without objection. >> i'm concerned i didn't hear from the district supervisor and we reached it out the office and just - >> yeah. >> that will impact our decision. >> madam clerk, any other business before this commission? >> no further business. then we're adjourned.
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puc. for the racker act. it's named after john racker. he proposed to san francisco from the irrigation district to building this wonderful water system we have today. this water system not only serves san francisco but communities outside of san francisco because they are a big part of our rate base. these includes the counties of san mateo and alameda county. we serve about 6 million people. it holds electricity which powers munis and hospitals and stations and city hall. what does it do surrounding san francisco? it provided the federal right of ways for us to build the system
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we have today. that's what we are here today to celebrate that hetch hetchy regional water system. as we celebrate that, i wanted to bring up a couple speakers to speak about the benefits that the hetch hetchy system has had from their perspectives. the first one i would like to bring up is nicole who is the chief officer for the agency who represents our 26 wholesale customers outside of san francisco. nicole. >> thank you, michael, thank you everyone for being here. i'm so pleased and honored to speak. over 100 years ago in 1913, this historic legislation, the racker act made it possible for the regional water system in the bay area and made it possible to build this huge economy that
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we enjoy today in santa clara county and alameda and that provided this for numerous cities outside of san francisco. this including hayward, alameda district, park, palo alto, san mateo and other cities. our agency which was authorized by the california state legislature represents their interest. today in those three counties over 1.1 million residences are served and they exist because of the high supply of water made available. those customers may two-thirds of the cost of the system and purchased
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two-thirds of the water supply that was developed. now a hundred years later, after the passage of the raker act, the residents are paying $4 billion to improve this to ensure the reliability so they don't enjoy high quality water. this system is vital for the future of prosperity for the region by supporting the residences and businesses and communities. the economy and the public health and safety and bay areas of the community. i believe it's fitting. therefore to recognize and appreciate the individuals and the organizations that put this vision into action over 100 years ago. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> as the system developed over time in the bay area it was not only a benefit in the bay area
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but also sparked a lot of business and in the racker act around the hetch hetchy regional water system was important to the bay area. one of those areas is silicone valley. they have a pipeline going through what is called the golden triangle. they were able to locate there in the 70s. speaking on behalf of this business, i have jon to say a few important words about this business. >> thank you, michael. we gather to mark the hundredth anniversary of the hetch hetchy regional water and power system or the modern environmentalism depending on your perspective. conceived in the ashes of 1906, hetch hetchy meant the rebirth in a city devastated by
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earthquake and fire. in a city showered with statewide drought, hetch hetchy will continue to provide millions of californians with some of purest and reliable water in the nation. in this sense, hetch hetchy is san francisco's great monument to regionalism. the purity of that water as michael mentioned helped give birth to the silicone valley bioand researchers and some of the most resilient economies on the planet. given the season, hetch hetchy continues importance in bay area residences continue through gratitude and thanks. let me offer the first thank you. first we should thank this
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visionaries, mary jane for purchasing the water on his own dime, john for leading the negotiations through congress and of course city engineer michael morris for designing what is still considered one of the most elegant and efficient water systems ever built wechlt -- we must also thank the people of san francisco who independently financed the hetch hetchy and aqueduct but the mountain railroad necessary for the system's construction. more recently i would like to thank lieutenant governor news some and general manager susan who is here and ed harrington and har lynn kelly and for their mrems -- implementation
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of the water improvement program. it's on time and seems under budget. thank you to mayor ed lee of course whose clear and vocal clearance rallied the city once again for support of the hetch hetchy system and the entire public utilities commission staff who models civic transformation everywhere and we would like to thank the brave firefighters who battled one of the largest fires in california history. the yosemite rim fire could have inflicted far greater damage to california's sierra mountains and the hetch hetchy system and we are in debt to
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their bravery. other than behalf of the bay area and community and hetch hetchy current stewards, i'm proud to raise a carbon copy free glass of the best dam tap water in the nation. happy holidays! [ applause ] >> that was good. actually what directs us and drives us a lot are our commission, our commission is a five member board appointed by the mayor and board of directors. i would like to recognize randy who is here with us and next our president who is leading us to the next millennium of things that we need to do to protect our system and lose the generate jobs for the communities. commissioner courtney. [ applause ]
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>> good afternoon, everybody. i did have some prepared remarks. i'm going a little bit off those remarks and try to piggy back on what we heard from the representative of the business community of the bay area. council, i'm well wt labor unions and the construction council and the san francisco council that is right now rallying for some other political items. i did a little research on -- john raker. he was a judge in motion to d motion to moet dot. county. the politics that surround us around precious resources. we talked about the measure of
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2012. it's important to be here with the mayor and diane feinstein. she worked hard to make sure that we actually turned that vote around and we are strongly in favor of not tearing down that dam in the 77 percent voter rejecting prop f. i think it's important to note that we have to continue to fight to protect our resources and continue this fight and know what's great for san francisco and what's great for the people we serve outside of san francisco. more importantly to us is the #i78 -- impact it has on the labor community. the water is a resource, but the system and the infrastructure is about people. i'm proud to be standing to the with nikki, anthony and teresa. anthony works for the commission and
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he's a regional labor and we need to ensure that we sustain this conservation. when we built this dam, it pulled many of these workers out fof tough times. this enabled them to feed their families and i hope we continue to improve this plan. i'm proud to be here and honored to work with carl in and i'm glad that you were able to join us today. thank you very much. >> so now i'm going to call up our speakers to help me unveil a special display in city hall. most of you have seen a sign that went into law in 1913. it
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has always commemorative pens and usually the president signs it and hands it to somebody. we uncovered one of the pens that signed the racker act. this was given to mayor james walt who was the mayor in san francisco in 1923 and went on to be governor and he passed the pen to his son and then to a commission on the public utilities commission named oliver russo and it was lost. we didn't know we had it. fortunately, we had one of our top employees retiring up in our hetch hetchy headquarters and he said, i have this pen. what shall i do with it? we said, we will take it and give it a proper place to display it. today we have that pen and we have it mounted. it has a
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commemorative portion of the racker act and i'm asking our distinguished speakers to unveil this pen today. so, with that... [ applause ] so, i want to thank you all for coming. i hope you get a water bottle and again, let's toast to hetch hetchy system hundredth birthday. thank you very much.welcome to the san
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annunciation prohibition of electronic devices are prohibited. any person responsible for one going off in the meeting maybe asked to leave the room. please be advised that cellphone interference will cause. item 5, citizens advisory report. i do not see mr. weaver here. >> this morning we have three items. we are going to call them all at once. the question was raised earlier about the ability of this body to proceed because of an appeal filed yesterday afternoon of the planning commission's decision. my understanding from the city attorney until that is registered from the board of supervisors for 30
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days. so we are able to act this morning? >> chairman, nolan, the answer is yes you can up until an appeal is cal endared by the board of supervisors. you can take action. >> great. call the items. city clerk: item 6: 6. approval of the transit effectiveness project, including a service policy framework and, at a programmatic and conceptual level, the service improvements, service-related capital improvements, and travel time reduction proposals, including a transit preferential streets "toolkit" described in the final environmental impact report, and adoption of ceqa findings, including a statement of overriding considerations, and a mitigation monitoring and reporting program under the california environmental quality act. explanatory documents include the feir, a staff report, resolution, findings and program.. city clerk: sf 61234 item 7: 7. approving proposed service and route changes as part of the transit effectiveness project including frequency increases and decreases, new routes, expanded limited-stop service, realigned transit routes including eliminating segments of service in me casess, a route elimination, and expanded hours of operation to municipal railway transit service including the following route additions, realignments, and modifications/eliminations : e embarcadero; 1bx california "b" express, 2 clement; 5 and 5l fulton/fulton limited; 8x bayshore express; 10 townsend; 11 downtown connector; 12 folsom/pacific; 16x noriega express; 17 parkmerced: 18 46th avenue; 22 fillmore; 28 19th avenue; 28l 19th avenue limited; 29 sunset; 33 stanyan; 35 eureka; 43
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masonic; 47 van ness; 48 quintara/24th. street; 52 excelsior and 76x marin headlands express, and the following service frequency modificatis: 1 california; 2 clement; 3 jackson; 5 fulton/5l fulton limited; 6 parnassus; 8ax bayshore 'a' express; 8bx bayshore 'b' express; 8x bayshore express; 9 san bruno; 9l san bruno; 10 townsend; 14l mission limited; 14x mission express; 17 parkmerced; 21 hayes; 22 fillmore; 24 divisadero; 28 19th avenue; 28l 19th avenue limited; 29 sunset; 30 stockton; 30x marina express; 31 balboa; 33 stanyan; 35 eureka; 37 corbett; 38 geary; 38l geary limited; 41 union; 43 masonic; 44 o'shaughnessy; 45 union/stockton; 47 van ness; 48 quintara/24th street; 52 excelsior; 54 felton; 71l haight noriega limited; f market & wharves; j church; k ingleside; l taraval; m oceanview; n judah and t third street. explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, mmrp, proposals sf 712341234 various muni lines. >> item 8: 8. amending transportation code division ii, section 601 to eliminate the transit-only area on potrero avenue from 22nd street to 24th street northbound and to designate a transit-only area on potrero avenue from 18th street to 25th street southbound, and approving traffic and parking modifications to implement seven fast-track segments along rapid transit routes included in the transit effectiveness project's the travel time reduction proposals including:1234 >> director riskin? >> thank you mr. chair. good morning. mr. chair, members of the board, obviously this what we are contemplating today is the culmination of about 8 years worth of work, really tremendous work by mta staff by planning department staff, the city attorneys office and many others. it really is a once in a generation opportunity for us to look at and make improvements in muni service that so many people rely upon and that really is
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one of the english ines of the san francisco economy. i'm really happy to be at this point and i would like to thank the staff for the incredible work they have done and gotten us to this point. we have a presentation that we'll walk through focusing a little bit more on the capital changes that are recommended in item 8, since those have been a little bit less before the board and then we look forward to hearing from the public and from the board. >> thank you, dr. riskin. ms. chris baum? >> good morning, thank you for having us today in a time to a milestone in this project. today you have three calendar items before you. the first relates to approval of the
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tep project description, ceqa findings, the monitoring program and as well as the statement over ride consideration. we are also bringing you a set of parking of traffic legislation for a set of fast track projects that we have an opportunity to integrate into various related construction projects as well as the service chain proposals which we have modified against on your feedback on march 14th, as well as the feedback on the policy and governance committee. the key elements of the tp include the policy framework which really shaped all of our work and includes providing extensive access throughout the city while concentrating investment on our heaviest routes and about a 12 percent increase in service. you will be considering a 10 percent increase as part of your budget conversations. the
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additional 2 percent would be before you for consideration in the next budget cycle. the third piece is a set of capital investment which is 40 miles of transit priority throughout our city streets. the rapid network in the grid network, they combine to get to that corner to corner experience for san franciscans so most people can get to where they are going without having to rely on a car and without having to make one transfer. the connector network is what covers the hillier network. this map shows the frequency. most of our routes are proposed for increased service under this proposal. this next map shows the
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capital investment program. the red corridors are corridors that we have currently resources to bring to design to be shovel ready to receive a geo bond. the second set of corridors would be carried through with preliminary resources and would be used for potential geo bond. the gray corridors are corridors that were addressed in the environmental document at a programmatic level and we don't have specific designs yet and we'll work over the next several years to develop those proposals. the capital projects themselves draw from a tool kit and you will see some of that carried out in the projects themselves. it's a set of different devices that we apply to give transit more
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protection and traffic and to improve the pedestrian environment. this map here shows the really strong overlap between the high collision pedestrian network and the tep which is good news in many ways because many of the walk first priorities will be able to be addressed as part of the transit effectiveness project. the tep will be able to become a delivery tool for our transition. as i discussed in the beginning, the tep is now about a 12 percent increase in service although not part of your base budget. you will be considering a 10 percent potential service increase at a cost about $35 million. the tep capital program, the entire program including the programmatic corridors is
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approximately $300,000. that first 40 miles is about, sorry, $300 million. the first 40 miles is about $200 million and about $150 million of that would be pending voter approval. but it is currently in our cip with the intent of delivering it over the next 5 years. we met a key milestone yesterday when the planning commission voted to certify the tep ir with a vote of 6-1. the e ir is a service improvement and capital improvement. we are retu
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