tv [untitled] March 31, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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basically. then the potrero avenue corridor landscape project began, we were not notified as the district as to what was happening until the second meeting happening. there was only 3 meetings. i went to the second and third meeting and we were told that this plan was already set up and the last meeting they reduced the number of parking spaces, but then realized or understand that there are emergency vehicles that come by on 20th street and goes all the way down from 20th avenue all the way down to guerrero. that's the only main artery that the emergency vehicles go through. i don't know how they are going through the potrero avenue areas because of all
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the bicycle lanes and parking and cars and buses. so if anybody can tell me how that's going to work. derek mcallister. good morning, may i please have a map of the 35 changes to wilder posted on the screen and i will give you my background. i'm the owner and resident of 70 nad elk street. i have lived there for 14 years. i'm the grandnephew of palmer mcallister. my mother who was coowner of wilder around the corner and her daughter is unable to be here. i'm speaking on her
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behalf as well. neither one of us were notified in writing. we found out about it with a map in the newspaper 15 days ago. the map is inaccurate. it shows a left-hand turn which doesn't exist. the bus has to turn onto diamond to an existing bus stop. the route currently as a bus stop on the corner on wilder at the side street intersection of arlington, two intersection points. the off ramp of san jose avenue and the northbound only of native for an existing stop. no need to add another. the intersection is dangers. when you turn to go to arlington you have no line
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of sight for the two crosswalks which is all traffic including kids going to three separate public schools and all of their day trips whether it's a field trip or learning exercise. they walk those pedestrian areas is extremely dangerous. i should also -- i helped design your district for fisherman. wharf. >> good morning. i don't want to take up anymore of why you are time. i was under the impression that you were going to stop the access broadway and not continue down to fisherman. wharf. you are not
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going to stop it just turn some of the buses at broadway but most will continue along their normal route. thank you. >> good morning. my name is john pole, the safety advisory committee representing seniors with disabilities in san francisco. i commend you for the proposals, for the changes you have come up with and are here to approve the changes on portrero avenue particularly the need for bike lane and pedestrian safety for multiple users of the medical facilities between 21 and 25th street at san francisco general hospital. please continue on that process with the widening of the sidewalks and the inclusion of bike lanes and bus stops for the limited. please continue on
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this for the pedestrian and bicycle safety on portrero avenue. >> bob boden. mr. chair, good morning, board, director riskin. my name is body boden, the san francisco riders union and i'm here to overwhelmingly support the transit improvement. having recently come from new york city, i feel like i now know what a transit city feels like. if anything i think all of these proposals need to go much further. if this is what we have at this point, i want you to fully approve them. i also want to commend the mta for the overwhelming amount of public outreach they have done. as an advocacy we couldn't go to all of them.
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there were so many of them. there has been an overwhelming amount of community input and they must have a lot of attention to sort through all of those comments and i appreciate them. i know there is a temptation to meddle through these proposals and maybe wind them down to particular concerns. the tep as a whole helps 99 percent of transit riders. there are 700,000 transit riders not in this room today. people at these meetings do have valid concerns. but your role is to work out not the hundred in the room, but the 700,000 of the riders everyday. when you start pulling pieces a way, the plan falls apart.
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>> good morning. my name is heidi hubert. i'm a special education teacher for san francisco. i want to thank the staff for working with the mac and hope that you continue to prioritize the services for individuals with disabilities. we would like to support the 17 to be extended to the west lake for a couple of reasons. west lake is an ada compliant building that benefits seniors with disabilities and use canes, wheelchairs. and this offers services. we would like that to be served by muni.
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we would like the platform that serve judea and 28 avenue. this would fill a large gap for accessible platforms. on behalf of the mac we would like to submit two letters of support. thank you very much. >> martin lam march -- mr. lamb is not here. roland block . >> good morning. i also serve on the muni accessible advisory committee and also the mayers office on
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disability. yes, i'm basically here also to in support of the wheelchair access platform at jud as and 28. i'm hoping this will move forward to fill in the gap between ocean beach. also for future ak sybls platforms along taraval street. i'm also going to submit a letter to in support of it to the board. thank you very much. >> thank you very much, mr. wong. >> randall glok. >> good morning, board, randall glok. thank you for allowing us to serve in the advisory community for you. this has been fun. you heard our concerns and comments
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going into west lake. we heard a lot of public outreach as well and there is a lot of support on staff and support on the board. it's a tough thing. i have been to a lot of the tep meetings myself and i have heard a lot of the concerns. i agree tep over all is a good thing for a lot of people. there are some hick ups along the way. keep working on the platforms. the people with disabilities need them. thank you very much. >> good morning. how are you? just so you know my last name is pronounced ierg. i ride
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buses a lot and you know we are talking about speeding up service. the operators hit construction traffic and it takes time. a lot of people stand at the fare box looking for money or transfer, how with a you are proposing are going to eliminate those things or lessen them? have you thought about that at all? and then the other thing is i ride buses a lot. a lot of times i will take the 47 inbound at broadway and van ness and take it to north point and mason, but now i'm going to have to transfer and take two buses which is going to take me longer. i just wanted to mention that. how are you dealing with the timing problem? have you thought about that at all? >> this is your time to tell
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us what you would like to hear. >> this is going to eliminate the operators having to deal with the situations i have described. in other words, like construction traffic, double parked cars, wheelchair and disabled person and people looking for their money or transfer. i was just wondering if you thought about that at all. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good morning, my name is maryann chang. i'm here to talk about how many of the residents are opposing the whole parking situation. i spoke last time with my personal view. i want to read the petition. "it is stressful to know that well not be able
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to park on our streets. the people don't live in that neighborhood because they would be affected by the change. when this took place they should have checked our id to see if we lived here or not. it seems the city is giving preference to all the bicyclist who do not respect our traffic laws much less the pedestrians. why don't we reroute them to new hampshire street so we don't lose our parking space. no one has paid any attention to our concerns. when my husband and i return home from work we circle for an eternity and now there is 53 spots lost, how inconsiderate." the concerns weren't met and there's no compromise. this person said,
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this is not an option agreed by the neighborhood and the community. the last one, "there is a lot of parallel streets in san francisco why can't bike routes be created on other routes. i'm a biker and i don't want the tools to manage bike down portrero if i don't have to." there were hundreds of concerns. >> i'm going to talk about the comments from the petition that 200 people signed. when the hospital started expansion we were told it was going to have a minimal impact on parking. cutting 60 is unlikely. there will many
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that are disabled that live on portrero. diane says, "i'm a senior citizen. please allow parking on portrero". patricia said for the medical needs i will drive them to their appointments. my parents are not able to rode bicycles. they are low income. now with so many of the shops, what used to be a walk to the corner is a trip to safe way. they can not carry their goods home. they rely on me to find parking. i'm a nervous wreck between getting my parents
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safely to their appointments and it's insane. please no more. the mission area has been a family neighborhood. helping them to support their groceries and -- i'm almost done. two 2 minutes is not enough. what this will make on already challenging parking situation is much more difficult. we still need cars to take our kids to school and after school activities and other necessities of life. >> next speaker, please.
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linda chapman. for many years i was an officer of the federal executive boards disability opportunity council which i'm not representing here but we attitude -- used to say that people think people with disabilities begin and end with wheel chairs. it's being able to walk at a limited scale and impacts people as they become older. i think that although you believe that you have reached stakeholders and your official advisory boards, when i go to senior disability action for example well maybe bob plant a will come and tell us there is going to be a hearing. i
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haven't seen much interaction and outreach that people tell you that bus stops 3 and 4 blocks apart are ridiculous. people have to navigate to the get there and to say it's not different on people with disabilities is absurd. your customers are people who are disabled. almost the entire bus is full of them. the three i'm glad you are saving. the other night when i was taking it home from jackson and fillmore there was already a man on a wheelchair on it and a man and woman who walk with a cane. one of my neighbors who used a walker. when you eliminate bus stop she had to take the taxi because she was already doing two 1/2 or
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three 1/2 blocks. i think it's a shame that there is no outreach in the newspaper. how is the public supposed to know about these changes. one article on the day of the hearing which mentioned 5 lines because you didn't publish anything. >> herbert weiner. these bus lines should not be eliminated or revised. the 33 line should still stop at the general hospital. the 43 line should stop at the hall of justice for those serving jury duty. the should be on 7th with the provision that the terminal point not be a 15-minute increment street. the line should run to 32nd and gary street. the present proposal
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eliminates any service on clemente street. these bus stops should not be eliminated. the bus stops at 17 park merced. the bus stops for 28 limited on 19th avenue. the bus stop for the 18 line for the residue -- for the handicap and the san francisco landmark. the 18 line should stop at that as was previously done. dr. conversesky a geriatrics specialist. this report has been given to the mta board and planners. why did this finding the proposed elimination to the elderly as well as the disabled. instead
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of making changes and deletions on bus routes on the basis of supply and demand, the proposal should be based on the actual needs for transportation services. police and fire do not operate on the basis of supply and demand but actual need. so should mta. i had time to compliment you on the time to made but you still have a long way to go. thank you. >> next speaker? ga wah. >> good morning commissioners and mr. riskin and congratulations on mostly pronouncing my name correctly. that's rarely done. my name is am an jawa a conservation representative. i'm very
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excited for this proposal to move ahead and become part of the mta's actual plan as opposed to plan. this is a systemic change. when you make systemic changes it is risky for individuals, stakeholders and there are a lot of honest concerns in this room that we value and respect. that being said, this is a systematic change and this is the first time in memory that mta has a chance to redesign our muni from the ground up. when you have systematic changes picking it piece by piece is ineffective. we understand that there are real honest concerns, but i would ask that before we start knit picking apart this entire project, let's implement it and look very carefully at what
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doesn't work. because on balance it is our belief that these are really really good set of changes and the system of changes will affect 99 percent of muni riders and san franciscans for the better. thank you for your time and thank you for hearing our concerning. we encourage you to support the tep forward. >> hi, my name is marie sorenson. i live on 24th and new hampshire. is this the street scape meeting also for 24th? okay. i went to the meetings and it appeared that the planners came in with their own agenda. and portrero avenue is a freeway onramp p and off ramp. people drive
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down it to get on the freeway to go home and when they come into town. so what you are doing is you are going to widen the sidewalks that nobody seems to walk down and you are going to add a bicycle lane that nobody seems to ride on. they claimed at one point 1.50-60 people a day when the reality a few people ride on it. it's a thoroughfare. cars to the freeway, that's what goes on that way. i'm a bicycle rider. i don't ride on potrero avenue because it's too dangerous. the other thing is 58 parking spots. first it was over 100 and then it was down and then at the last meeting we'll only take out 23 spaces. that was how we left the last meeting.
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now we are now up to 58. it's just not fair. they are not listening to the neighborhood. when they they would meetings at 33, i swear to god they put the sign up on the day of the meeting and the second meeting was on portrero hill. it's a bus that rides down portrero avenue. today i went to take the 9 down here. i happened to get the 9. the next best was 45 minutes and for the 9 l, it was 48 minutes. if you think it's going to run faster, good luck. >> good morning ladies and gentlemen. that was an interesting powerpoint and a lot of research into it. not a lot of research near general
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hospital on portrero avenue. i have lived on potrero for 25 years now across the street from the methadone clinic. it starts at 6:30 in the morning for the written record i'm imitating the movement of the ramp. that goes on for about a minute. anyway, in 25 years parking has been gradually eroded. i commute to work in all weather. i don't really need the bike lanes in potrero avenue. for years i road down new hampshire street. i will prefer you save the parking spaces. to have it easy close to my home parking has always been a silver lining. i'm concerned about the increase, sexual and verbal assaults in my neighborhood as we walk longer in distance to our parked cars and home and
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businesses. all in the name of safety and saving time. why does the hospital has 3 blocks east of potrero avenue? are they giving up any of those spaces or are we neighbors the only ones supposed to be sacrificing once again. i have been to many of these meetings. why don't you get rid of the methadone patients that hang around all day?
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>> can i have the overhead? >> that's sfgtv. can they get the overhead? >> okay. good morning ladies and gentlemen thank you for hearing me out. my name is joseph saber i live right in the middle of the inner sunset. this is in reference to the paving project. in particular, the intersection at 9th avenue and irving. the proposal to block two lanes on irving street at 8th avenue would not enhance the timeline and could cause increased traffic and pedestrian safety hazard. inbound train coming
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off 9th avenue has to come due to traffic on irving and before turning out to irving and stopping at 8th avenue again then it would have to stop. an alternative on the screen to the inbound on the southeast corner, about the sidewalk expand the sidewalk from irving to the parking public parking driveway, this would allow one 1/2 cars to be loaded directly this would make it three stops. the time
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savings would be realized. additionally it would free up parking spaces on that northern side. that would have been eliminated by putting in the expanded sidewalk. a side comment. >> your time is up. next speaker. >> good morning. this you for the opportunity to publically comment. my name is andrea jad win. i'm one of the authors for the letters that you received yesterday signed by some of my other neighbors with the detail about the plan. first
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