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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2014 1:00am-1:31am PDT

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what we've learned from other counties remember this work started two years ago it's taken the county to get to a place to implement something and only one of them is ready in april and hoping for too more in june. we believe as far along as we are in our collaborations with your county partners there's a lot of work to do to present. we believe that that work let's say managed care and the cc i never came it will help to us better serve the people in san francisco. we see a lot in the plan we can moved on whether cc i comes or not. with that, we will entertain questions. >> was there any public comment first and there's no public
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comment. >> okay commissioner melara. >> yes. a couple of places ilene i'm familiar with the case by it would be good for the commission that don't know about this it's a great bottle to say in san francisco. >> the pace stands for the all inclusive care for the elderly it started in san francisco it was started over thirty years ago and it really is designed to focus on individuals who are certified to be eligible to be in a nursing home but want to stay in the community as long as possible it begin with medical services and primary care services as well as long-term services and community services. i think that where it is kind of
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a blend a managed care program but also a provider because those programs operate their own centers and clinics where people come during the day it get a spectrum of services including home care. it is a complete package of medi-cal and medicaid services in addition to the services that the interdisciplinarian team and physical and occupational theorists put together. >> those buses you see on the street initially pickup those seniors from their home i even operate housing facilities. >> housing is not covered by the pace program but knowing how important housing is ease certainly san francisco has been
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a leader is housing is so important to having people stay in higher home and community and getting care there soaps to going into institutions. definitely some of the non-traditionally home delivered meals are part of the package >> and the second and final question is this is more for ann as the leader of this. is what is comes to in my mind all the time is that those services are targeted for those people who are medi-cal eligible but we have another group of servers r search and seizure in your community that are falling through the cracks who were probability a hundred dollars away from not obeying being eligible for medi-cal we're a aging population for a comprehensive city and yet we
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have no services or least e at least the eligibility criteria if we can in our future vision look at healthy san francisco where san francisco, california become the place to create a program that can look at expanding the eligibility criteria and cover people also in need but unfortunately basis of, you know, $30 or $20 kw4s nothing in usual city are truly falling through the cracks and not being served. some of the legislation both our advisory committee and commission looked is the asset limit and income limit on medi-cal. their share of costs program a great if you can afford the
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share of costs but a lot of people can't afford to pay that. so i think we have been looking and every time we run into people one of the things i'm hoping that happens with the business collaborative we'll inevitable grow the dollars that exist within our community in addition to what we do as departments and mayor on board put together but find other ways to grow that pot that can help and use the innovative and creativity thing in the san francisco village we're looking at the cafe in chicago they've been doing looking at where those opportunities to do something that's not the same as what we've been doing by bring the education and other kinds of
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things that can be helpful to people and help connect to the things they can't afford. a that's an excellent comment >> commissioner sanchez. >> this has been an excellent report we had on the population our public health committee a while back when presented in depth and also vice president ma letter was there and the presentation was quite in debt and brought out critical issues but the fact that this process has taken over two years you've been inclusive in the dialogues in which you've that been generating in a comprehensive program and i mean institutions
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such as the honda and our community input our community programs like central latino and all have been parts of the dialog and found out how we're going to face the challenges in the future so your key he recommendation is to have this task force to really provide oversight plus the leadership through the aging is critical as we move forward and the projected date is 2016. there's only one question i had in reference you've presented 44 thousand was that the projection of 2014 or 6 and that will grow by 10 thousand and more was that your understanding >> it was scheduled to go. >> could you please speak into the microphone we're mindful
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because this is being picked up by our sfgov and requires we speak into the microphone. >> so i can get you the exact date but i expect that number to grow. >> great a great report and long overdue and taken a lot of leadership and collaboration that's the spirit of how things get done in the city. >> commissioner sako. >> i agree it's thorough the questions i have, you know, being someone from the lgbt community it comes up about social competency and also when you mentioned the service providers setting on the working group was there any open house
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group part of that or the lgbt seniors were they part of the planning body? >> trying to remember in the task force had been formed i don't think it had been so some of our staff was certainly involved in that and keeping in mind this at the same time, we through the net were trying to make sure we were 2011 everyone to the table also, because the communication of what's going on is so important so we did do a series of town hall meeting we're going to do more in the future to a gather back from people what's working and not working so again those are possible venues and there will be more in the future we'll be looking to do as well. thank you.
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>> i'd like to clarify you're looking for us to actually not simply support the report that comes from the design group but it's not the xylophone group that carries on the work your suggesting we point towards the l tci implementation body as being a parent on that body. >> yes. that's correct. >> so it won't be the design group i was going to ask the director that the direction we're looking at we might be able to modify this commissioners, if someone would make a motion instead of continuing to work with the design group it would be to work within - to form - >> i participateed in the implementation. >> to participate or we're
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spotted to help formulas. >> right the language in the resolution i think where the language is off we know that times are changing fast we don't want to come forward with a resolution to implement this because things could move faster we're wanting to form that implementation body and we believe it's critical for the partners that have been mentioned in recommendation 13 didn't have a package number that we go forward with that. >> okay. so actually you're asking us to continue to develop a implementation plan including the formation of l tci implementation body? because now we're not working with the design group.
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>> ; is that right. >> that meets with the departments. >> absolutely we'll be more than happy to participate. >> yes. yes, that's why i'm trying to change the resolution so it doesn't point to the design group we take that out and instead we develop an implementation plan including the formation of an l tci implementation body. so if someone thinks about that i do have two or three questions and we can go forward >> i can move for us to add that amendment. >> okay. so why don't we hold that until i finish my question we can take the resolution then number one is obviously the program is a pioneer and this is a result of it which was caring for the frail and elderly is it
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intend to take care of and in order to subcommittee rule have to be part of the elderly. >> so it's focused on the elderly unlike the other two plans serving san francisco it would be designed to take care of the dial eligible population so people who are well, but the pace program is focused on the frail elderly. >> so in terms of it's really wonderful there's no question in fact, it was a bicentennial so here san francisco got highlighted which is wonderful. so talking about unlock in the community and cultural competency as part of what we were talking about in
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accessibility how will the agency along with our doors be able to respond to different ethnic sisters and language issues and even the communities along with the question where will the funding come for this? is that part of the states core program to fund directives for the central office and however we're involved with this? i hate to ask for the funding >> the coordinating care is coming from medi-cal and medicaid so programs are clear requirements of all the health plans related to accessibility and cultural competent and language assess so that's part
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of the health plans responsibility to meet the needs or reflect the needs of the community. >> but if you're going to become one of the doors is one of the doors going to have the language capability to point you're talking about we're still able to look at many doors but the door at dos would be able to triage culturally. >> we see the door at dos that exists now is enrollment where people can enroll but not under the cc i the health plans have to do that but we do have programs in place that are
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assessment programs and advocacy programs help consumers to determine the options and which option would be best for them. we already have a contract with the san francisco health plan for example, related to the health centers where money comes from the health plan to us we push out to a community nonprofit it does the assessments with the idea that the health plan doesn't have the expertise we fund other programs like that so it works within our capacity to keep the relationship with the nonprofit. we see the door not as on that enrollment door but help people sign up for other programs their eligible for. but also to help educate and lead people to doors that can
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help them discern the right possible solutions to get them to an answer quickly >> you have the language capability in dos to do that. >> yes. and if in the traditionally program not only do our staff have the languages but your community partners are statistically placed around the city and are contracted with because of the language and cultural backgrounds and so on. going back to funding the programs are funded through medi-cal and medicaid how are the navigation services funded is that f this part of our program through the health department is there a southerner certain amount of money through the pilot >> i want to mention for the
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first 8 counties there's been additional funding for the department on aging to get more resources like the medi-cal counseling program and so there are some new funding streams that are coming to help the initial counties but there's going to be increased capacities so there will be some in the future as well. >> the thing i didn't mention it was on one of the slides but i didn't highlight it enough. i ask the in house supporting services programs is one of the 4 mandated programs that is a program that sits in our department. we're already and we use the program obviously to enroll people in the program but we put people into the hospital and
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other types of settings we're talking to people who don't qualify for this but something else. we've been coordinating this because there are 22 thousand people i mean home care is the basis but other things are neat. we're using that platform as a way to do this as well. i ss is a medi-cal funded - >> sure any further questions or are we ready for the resolution. >> let me make sure i have the amendment it would be for the resolve for the public health department will continue to work with the long-term care to have
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a implementation plan including the l tci for the long-term care strategy for san francisco. >> well, you don't want the design group because they're not there. >> take out - >> take out the design work and we'll continue it to work with the design plan including the formation of - >> that works. >> and we can hand that over to mark. can someone second the amendment >> we have an amended resolution and a second. other comments or questions on the resolution >> there's no public comment commissioners. >> thank you all in favor, say i. opposed? the resolution is passed congratulations for the hard work and that looking forward to
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wonderful results. >> i thank the committee for recommending we do the presentation today. >> our next item. >> it's the san francisco genre build update. >> commissioners i have to run back to my office i'm going to grab the thimble drive. >> i'm going to go ahead good
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afternoon. i'm with the rebuild project i'm standing in today for keri he's unable to be here. so the san francisco general hospital rebuild project continues to progress forward with a lot of final touches on the exterior and if you wanted to reference which power point >> yeah. so there's no slide we're trying to introduce the topic. a great deal of progress and a lot of finishing touches on the exterior. a sight work for the walkways and plaza a lot of work there. right now a lot of focus on the interior. and the mechanic and electrical and putting in the drywall and the patient room it's exciting
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to go into the hospital and see the changes happening. we're also actively coordinating the move in with the staff being involved in the planning and move power as requested in the february 11th jc c update we got feedback to include more feedback on the transcription and more information about the percentage rate for the bond and how that ties into the budget that information will be included in the presentation today. overall the project is on schedule with the construction slated for completion in may 2015. i guess i'll hold off on the next slide until the actual
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power point. >> do you have copies in front of you i'll precede then. >> moving on the the transition program it refers to the planning and implementation of the acute services from the current hospital into the new
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hospital. so the transition fdr consultant they've been on board for about a year and have experience with the hospital moves over $200 moves many in california. they're helping to facilitate all the coordination activities. the transition will be planned and performed to insure that all services are available for the nauseates the new hospital and the current patient in the old hospital. the staff across the departments are engaged. we've looked the key components of the transition highly highlight a few the committee work is the first one. those are the transition steering committees and 6 subcommittees made up of staff from many departments are
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working on identified critical paths to prepare for moving into the new hospital. the work is going on. they're meeting monthly to track the progress on each task they've got do you dates between now and the actual move in date. those committees are there's a steering compel focused on patient care and orientation and education and support services and information technology and telecom and communications as well. those groups have been meeting since late summer of 2013. the transition master plan work has begun towards the master plan started in february with moves subsequence analysis and the f d i met with the
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individual department leaders and began planning the i could think so of relocating the departments to create a comprehensive calendar for the entire hospital with with the only subsequence how we move. that's leading a up to the patient move day which will be a one-day activity. the next steps are to develop the actual development moves we're looking the activist that needs to be accomplished during each of the department moves and some of the other key activities to develop policies and procedures clinlz and operational education and training that's the planning for that that's gone in the committee work i mentioned
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earlier and will be executed later than as the hospital becomes more finished and the equipment is installed in that education piece and training piece needs to happen at this point. there's another key eliminated is licensing after the final completion of the construction occupancy and the transition of the master plan then what we do to carry out the move in phase and finally the post management and the compounds will be helping us to facilitate that as well. our next presentation will have more outlines with the key milestones we expect to see between now and the move in. moving to the furniture and
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equipment the next slide i'll catch up here. so our furniture's is all the furniture's and it equipment that goes into the new hospital. the bond funded project sf and e is not covered and the funding will come from the nonprofit community and city. the target sf and e budget is one hundred million the city is giving 1 million and we're working closely with the community to identify support for the sf and e as well. the next point is sf and e is styling the procurement and purposing process. san francisco general is working in e in conjunction with the office of contract and office of
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public finance to identify ways to streamline the procurement process and that will include the review felt contracts and city procedures and that's in the early phases but will be continued to be streamlined. information technology finally we have a rebuild it program and compounds in place to make sure the infrastructure and systems for the new hospital are in place to support the patient care and improve the workflow and provide a stronger foundation for future systems. i'm going to turn it over to ron alameda >> thank you ron alameda department of public works manager for the