tv [untitled] April 2, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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help a lot for anyone trying to get anywhere and entice a large number of people out of their cars. i think i'm in favor of the changes on potrero. the last time i road the no. 9 bus it was ridiculously slow. it stopped at every traffic light. every time it were to start moving it would have to wait for a gap in traffic. i think if the 9 bus would speed up there wouldn't be a need for cars and not a big deal to lose some parking. i'm sick of muni being slow, stuck in traffic, stuck at red lights and waiting for long periods of
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time and being told to move to the back of the bus because of crowding and that crowding is going to have an effect of people using it or not to use it or people's ability to use it or told sorry, the bus is full, get on the next bus. >> joseph blaze? good morning. joseph blair, merchant, the sunset, progress hard wafrment -- you are proposing to move the stop on 9 and inbound. that stop has been there forever. it's the gateway to the park. you are proposing to move it south up
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9th and confewest most -- confuse most of the people that come in and all the things that go on in the park for 5 seconds. apparently from mr. white's statement was this is going to save five 5 seconds in the overall 90 seconds that you are trying to achieve. i believe just bumping the bulb out to 1 car on 9th should alleviate that what people are saying about the cars passing the street car at that area. it's dangerous. something will occur. but bumping it out to 1 car would looefd --
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alleviate and the amount of cars and deliveries is going to cause i think a parking lot on 9th. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> dennis miss scoffian. good morning my name is dennis moss scoffian and i sent you a letter. here is an extra copy in case you didn't have it. through an extensive process working with shawn cattle, we worked out a consensus of numbers of key to the neighborhood. as andrea said
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understanding from your point of view the transit is most important. it's not just a corridor, it's not just a through way. i live there. i'm a native san franciscans and a mile from my grammar school. i lived here bn -- before there was a district 5. we grew what we knew. shawn and others don't live where we live. in large measure what is reflective is the consensus we reach is reflected in the agenda. however it skipped a couple place. the length of the bulb bounce wednesday to taking 3 to four or 5 parking spaces. here is an extra copy for you in that letter. there
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are several things that we think is really important that are details that you need to pay attention to and consider one aspect. we still recognize that despite the fact that it is really important for people to ride bikes. there is all these reasons to drive cars too. i would ask you to look at agenda m and tell you that you don't need the corner on irving and reduce that to 8th and look at the remaining items we spelled out. thank you. >> laurie leader man. good morning, my name is laurie leader man and 24-year resident. i would like to thank you in advance for your attention in so many details in impacting so many
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neighborhoods. i would like to thank mta staff for concerns and residents and merchants to reach compromises. it means that no one interest or group is fully satisfied and that is certainly the case here. i would like to point out while there are improvement for transit boarding and hope for reliability and negligible time reduction, the lacking parking spaces make the health providers the big losers. this may cause some that are already on the margins to fail. i know someone will immediately dismiss the parking spaces to be anti-environment and stuck in the past. if people drive to shopping malls in daley set
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the because they can't get to these businesses. the compromises that we reach on the latest staff proposals. there are a number of outstanding issues, the primary ones is the bulb outs need to be minimized. spending millions around the streetscape is not going to solve crowding on muni, it's not going to make the buses run faster. what we really need is focus on improved maintenance and service and more lines and more frequent trains and buses, thank you. joyce chin? i'm joyce chin.
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i have lived in this city for over 50 years and i have worked and trained here, but now i'm elderly and i'm legally blind and i have arthritis. so i need to take the bus because they don't allow me to drive anymore and there is a lot of problems when you have to walk and you have arthritis. they locate the transfer points at inconvenient place where you have to walk a mile to get to a transfer. such as on third and market and you have to go to chinatown or north beach. you have to get off that bus and cross the busy market street and then after you cross that, there is a little
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island and you have to cross another street which is geary where the geary buses come through and you can't see what's coming around the corner and i can't see anyway and they have two shelters there. if you were to turn left on third street, the shelter is about over close to a block away. they used to have a shelter there but they took the shelter out and if you walk over there, it's close to the mission street and there is no place to sit and when it's windy and cold, you freeze. so, that's one place and on fourth and market, they used to have places where the buses let you off and on the side of the street where macy's is and you
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can walk up to fifth and take the bus there. but, no, they cross market street and you have to cross. the bus crosses market street and you have to turn back and recross market street. >> next speaker. fran taylor. >> my name is fran taylor the cochair of the community group that sphere headed the changes on caesar chavez and celebrated in the press by some of you and i'm here to support the changes on the potrero avenue. i know this is
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somewhat controversial because it's moving along faster and it doesn't have the benefit of the an organization of community groups and some of that opposition has taken the form of an online petition which has some misleading language in it. the original one said this was a proposal to have a high speed transit link to 101 and i even had some comments from that petition to read. it should not be a high speed link to 101. would you like your grandkids playing other than this street as dangerous as it is now. a high speed transit would cause more across the corridor. you are concerned with those traveling outside the city than those living in the city. no one is proposing that anyone go over the 25 miles per hour speed limit. none of the buses on potrero even go on 101. they go on
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bay shore. they take people to public housing. this is not rich people in the peninsula being served by this. when we are talking about a hierarchy of needs. people take it public transit to the city's public hospital have much more difficulties like the previous speaker than people losing a parking space in front of their house. the only way you can have a parking space in front of your house is if you have a driveway. if you have a driveway you have a garage. this is very important. >> hi. i'm scott wicky.
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since we last spoke in december, my neighbors and i worked really hard to develop an alternative to the plan to the originally proposed to the s 35 eureka. it's been a great experience. we've learned a lot and we also generated 165 letters of support from my neighbors and all over the surrounding community for the alternative plan. i want to speak on bafr -- behalf of that plan and being a strong appropriate -- proponent of it. they have done a great job but not finished. what i want to tell you is there is a very important part of our plan which is the decision no the to use wilder to uruq a that is very important to our community. i want to work in
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the next couple of months to finish that plan that our community helped generate and make sure that wilder street alternative route is not implemented. there is a much better way by working with our community that sf mta is working on a great proposal that works well not for just some members of glen park, but for many. thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> the san francisco bicycle coalition supports the approval of the changes. we believe it will be safer for residents. it'sian a general
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area of businesses for people walk and will provide a safer route and much needed improved area. it will also improve the connections to the southern neighborhoods opening up a health and and affordable transportation method for people. it's a bike lane on 24th street and a way to accommodate the potential for people biking will be down for implementation. this proposal will make the lives of thousands of san franciscans who travel on potrero avenue easier, the majority that belong to minority and people of color. it will need pedestrian improvements included in this project. portrero avenue between 20 and 25th street is a high injury corridor. it's a through
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unacceptable state of affairs. sidewalk widening is the first step in addressing this situation. this project has exceptionally vetted by the community dating back to community meeting efforts that were held in english with plenty of spanish translation. throughout the process we've also made sure to include businesses and area residents in the planning. i thank you for making potrero safer for people. >> i'm walter kaplan from the neighborhood association. i know it's difficult to maintain and improve transit in a dense urban environment such as san francisco and we in our neighborhood thank all of you as volunteers for sitting on this commission and undertaking this task and for
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mr. riskin for assuming the responsibility for trying to maintain and upgrade what is not a failed, but a breaking down system in san francisco and working to improvement for everybody here. i'm here really to thank you. your people at the staff level heard us at the district meeting on transit and our concern again 2 weeks ago we turned out at the hearing, you heard us and you understood our concerns that our bus and the 36th that while it's convoluted line is a result of the merging of the 34 and 36th but you have agreed that it's important to maintain service to our neighborhood, i'm here to thank you for hearing what i said and all the other people whose staff heard us and responded to us very thoroughly with phone
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calls and let us know what was happening through the whole process is going to always be bumps and grinds for every other means of transit. we thank you and want to you continue and keep sitting here and taking a beating. thank you. >> good morning. before you approve this plan. you are about to embark on and i support this. i also support
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the sidewalk for pedestrians. the many people of color they do not have access to adequate pedestrian safety issues. it's an environmental issue. the people say that you need a car to get around, it's very counter intuitive. that being said i hope that there are only transit lanes implemented in both directions when it's stuck in traffic they will rerun on portrero. in the event it is rerouted. it also helps residents from southeast neighborhoods to get to the downtown area more efficient. i also support full bulb outs for two cars even 3-car trains. it is unacceptable to water down bulb outs for a small vocal minority who will
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be gone in a few years. in addition -- for those concerned about parking removal you can replace elsewhere for parking spaces. thank you. >> i have no more speaker cards. >> good morning, laura lanes. supervisor david campos office. i just want to ask you a couple things. first we are in great support of the portrero bike projects. there has been a huge outreach on this project and the support for what has been done for the input done on this project and would urge you to move it forward and to thank sean and the folks for the work on the mta and listening to the community's voice and working
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on this issue. >> anyone else care to address the board? seeing none, public hearing is closed. we'll take a break. i would like to thank everybody because they are very thoughtful comments. one speaker referred to the process as fun. i have not heard of that before. it is a very important process. i appreciate the participation here today. as the supervisory district meetings and all of those who have commented online i really appreciate your support. i would like staff to respond to several things that i have heard and 103 jackson. the 35 wilder i would like to hear more about that one and the irving, the size of the bus bulbs will be important to hear as well. i'm sure other members have
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concerns. >> let's put them all out there. thank you everyone who showed up. i know that friday morning is not the time to be here at city hall and i appreciate your time to get sufficiently caffeinated to show up. a couple of over all comments. i was very grateful for the people who looked that the tep sort of holistically look at it as a systematic change and i think it's important to remember that when you are looking at the changes you can't assume that it's going to be what we see now. so when you are concerned about the 33 and the 9 sort of connections remember that that 9 is going to have significant improvements. so, yes, if we were to make a change to one without making a change to the other, it probably could be an ugly situation. again, this is going to be a systemic change, it's going to be staggered and put the in place so that you
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are not left hanging. we do understand and we under the policy and governance that people have built their lives around these transit lines and we note what supervisor wiener said about the letter about the wilder street and the 35 is that we want to connect that to bart. it's so important to make those regional transit connections and the bus has to go down somebody's street to get there. while we appreciate that, the people that don't have a bus on their street don't want a bus on the street and we also appreciate the people that want a bus on the street want to keep a bus on their street. i think the staff has done a great job in addressing those. i'm concerned about the lower haight concern. i know julie can address that. i saw the grid that came out in the e-mail exchange that came out. the jackson, we should look
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at the three rider ship and the reliability of that route and we can make changes going forward. if the changes in frequency really start to prove to be a problem, maybe going forward there is a way to address the reliability. 35 and wilder i know we are going to talk more about that one. portrero hill, there were some concerns about 16th street and i know that 16th street we talked about this and is going to include safety upgrades so people catching that bus or changing on 16th street are going to have a better environment in which to make that change. portrero street, i will talk about that one as well. i appreciate the supervisors office showing up for support to that one. i worry a little bit that we are missing the opportunity to make this a cycling corridor
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but with the amount of parking removal. very supportive of that one. 9 and irving, the streetscaping with the bulbs, i think that's a good compromise. i understand the push for the community for full train bus belts and understand the concerns for keeping the loading zones for the commercial corridors and i think that one staff has reached a good compromise. i think that's about it. i know we talked a lot about the 17 park merced at policy and governance and it would be great to continue to look at how we can provide access to the west lake shopping center because i think that is going to be a future situation. i think many are concerned with
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safety. we have to come back and see how things are working and make change and do some safety improvements and make sure that people are comfortable with the changes in their neighborhood. >> dr. rubke? how about you? thank you and thanks for point outh the routes because those were on my list as well. i have some general questions about the process and you just touched on some of them in terms of modifications as we go along and you said this during these presentations. the idea is that we are getting data as we go and we can make further improvement. can you talk when we are done with these comments about the process by which that will happen and what the publics options are in terms of feedback and what the agency's role is in collecting that data and making those
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adjustments as we roll this out and along similar lines, i would really like to hear if you reference this again in your comments talked about you shouldn't decrease service here without increasing service there and this idea as a whole holistic plan and housing will roll out in implementation and we are not taking things way without having other service coming in and there is some plan about that and i know it's addressed. if you talk about that, it would be really helpful. on the west side of the mall i really appreciate that. and separate from the tep perhaps we can make sure that we have staff following up with mac and that we have other transportation. >> director heinicke? >> my understanding is that you wanted us to propose the questions for staff and aif
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discussion and comment? the questions that i had have all been covered by you. my focus is the inner set sunset and wilder street. >> i'm going to agree with director heinicke on this and wait to hear back from staff with respect to some of the questions that have been posed. >> okay director riskin do you have anything? >> i think the issues of some of the concerns related to decrease frequency i think to some extent get addressed or offset by the genre liability improvement and with generally how we are managing the service and hopefully investing in this service. and i was going to ask her to speak to this as well as to director's rubke's comments about one of the slides that
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showed the feedback group that there is time to monitor and look at the frequency and to make sure the 9 service improvement are there to accommodate the fact that we would about changing service on the 33, for example. there is a lot of opportunity on how we implement and how we monitor and manage this to ensure we are keeping the benefit that we are trying to realize. i think on the 2 that seem to have a fair amount of controversy on wilder and irving it seems like a good community process and at least 90 percent there. i think there is a lot to work from for all of these. >> thank you. director riskin.
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>> thank you for being good listeners. a lot of this process is about listening and i appreciate that. i'm also extremely supportive and any other you heard me say this before of the staff that's doing this work particularly shawn kennedy who is leading our tep team and our service team and bruce tanner who is doing all the transit engineering supported by a great team of engineers which makes my job amazing and this agency amazing. in a lot of cities, these fast track projects would be something that the service planners would have to beg their colleagues and some other agencies to consider and we have the whole team dedicated to pry try
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