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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT

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just wondering because it's not been made clear to me that there are plans to make changes. i know this chief is providing some information of what's necessary and i'm assuming we are just waiting for that or are we, do we know if we are going to make appropriate suggestions in the mayor's budget this coming fiscal year? >> thank you for the question, supervisor. so the exclusive operating agreement is essentially an agreement with the state that allows the city of san francisco's ambulance to have full jurisdiction over 80 percent of the calls and we have go other private providers in the market. it requires that we meet 80 percent of the call volume of medical transport. it has been brought to the mayor's attention by the chief and by others certainly, by you
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supervisor and others in the fire department that we are not fully meeting that 80 percent of call volume, and the mayor has asked the chief for her best recommendations about how to achieve that. as you know it is a policy decision for the city to continue with that exclusive operating agreement. both the chief and the department of emergency management have advised the mayor about certain risks that might occur if the city were to open up the system to private providers and they have made strong recommendations that the city main that -- maintain that exclusivity. the mention that the fire department provided to the
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mayor that in order to provide this level of service, they believe it would cost approximately $9 million a year in addition to their current operating budget. the mayor asked that i go back and work with the fire chief, work with eem to sharpen the point on those numbers and look at what options existed in terms of either phasing that in or other options to kind of balance the cost with the goal. in terms of timing, which i think is also part of your question, we will, as with all of these things, as we move a little bit further into budget balancing project we'll know more about how much money is available and the mayor will have an opportunity to direct me and direct departments about what his priorities are and what he's going to be able to include in his budget. and that work
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tends to happen in later april or beginning of may. but it certainly is one of the things that he's paying close attention to and we are working on now to determine whether it will be something we can fund or not. >> okay. thank you. >> colleagues, any further questions, comments? okay. so can i have a motion to table this. what i will say in advance as we continue to start our budget season we'll have an updated 9-month report and i know the controllers office is working with the mayor's office to go over this item. can i get a motion to table no. 26789 . we can file that. any objections. we'll take that without
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objection. >> okay. madam clerk. do we have any further business in front of us? >> no we don't. >> thank you, we are adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >> >> (clapping.) first of all, let's give horn to god alleyway mighty for bringing us here today today is a historic occasion. this sermon is dedicated to the memory of doctor george davis the man that actually brought us together here today his vision to take our issues to the bayview he's no longer with us but we know your presence here
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today says a lot about his legacy and passion. i'm honored to be standing here knowing that speaker pelosi is here with us the number one advocate for children and women and seniors in the entire country of the united states is here (clapping) in spite of her tight scheduling schedule her passion is here so we're 4u7b8 and i'm honored to have a hitters activity and great mayor mayor ed lee is here
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with us today (clapping) on the stage we have mr. salazar that actually, the developer that helped us to put all those things together to make that happen washington and senator leno who is here for things we do in our county. we couldn't have gotten this done without wells fargo and every one of you know things happen because of ms. brenda wright (clapping) reverend walking is the board the ceo of the bayview hunters point presidio center he's not
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only a pastor but an activist you talk about programs and religious activities reverend walker is the go to person in our community. thank you for being here today (clapping) i see in the audience president of the la our without him a lot of great things couldn't have happened shipyard and the community outreach making sure that people have jobs mr. cobb i didn't bonding our thank you. without any further delay i'm going to, go the program willie brown couldn't have been here today but next on the agenda pastor please come up to say a
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prayer for us today and after that we have 3 great sirens they're going to lead us the 3 sirens are martin luther and katherine are going to lead us in the national black anthem. ladies and gentlemen let's start >> if all heads would be bowed we invoke god to come in. oh, god of the universe one who loves us more than that we love outdoors we thank you for this day this special occasions we've come together to celebrate the
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activity. we ask our blessings was we go forward and that everything we say and do goplegia in our sight may the words and a be acceptable in our presence we thank you now for all who are here and thank you for the occasion we're gathered here it maybe the beginning but we're on the our thank you in the name of jesus christ amen (clapping) oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light lift ev'ry voice and sing till earth and heaven ring.
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ring with the harmonies of liberty; let our rejoicing rise, high as the list'ning skies, let it resound loud as the rolling sea. sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
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facing the rising sun of our new day begun, let us march on till victory is won. (clapping) ladies and gentlemen i'm having the privilege to introduce a homeboy made good he was raised in bishop in the project area he
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went on to be one of the preserve contractors in the bay area mr. michael by an is one of the general partners for the building of the george senior center we're proud of you, please come on stage (clapping) and well, it gives me great pleasure standing before you and sometimes 375 woodside we've been there and said what we're doing we committed ourselves 5 years ago i had women calling me saying your momma used to cut my hair all i can say my
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grandmother said we've come a a long way so we have to give him a hand our contempt and we have to pay respects to salazar who fought the obstacles and others we've done 5 hope projects and the person i'm going to introduce ms. contacting davis there's nobody, nobody i mean nobody (clapping) nobody i'm just going to say kathy come on up here (clapping.)
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thank you. let me just tell you i'm not willie brown. i was counting on him for all the jokes and fun, i have to do this now his back went out so pray for someone whose not feeling well pray inform willie brown and thank him if i had to think of one politician i have a four package his, see exactly what this it took the one person whose the chair of our fund committee is former mayor willie brown i promised him the video he'll get to see it so give him a hand (clapping)
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george has always told me don't go to willie brown for the small stuff. so i really want to thank even for being here. this is a spell your last name day toro everyone dr. davis family is here the family is in the house the daviss. i want to acknowledge the board of directors and we're going to do that they're my boss and they're in the house we'll have them stand but i want to thank them from the bottom of my heart so thank you. i want to start out by thinking a little bit about what dr. davis meant he was a forward
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thinker and thinking about bayview in the day and bayview has changed and is different but he was thinking about it 20 years ago. and this took 20 years. and later on i'm going to talk about the beautiful people and how they've helped us and supported our organization but it was really dr. davis is the reason we're here so i want to remember that and to know we're his legacy to carry it forward when he passed it had to be hundreds and hundreds of people to make this day happen and you'll hear about that. to get to this day so a lot of other things i want to say the other things i want to say something about this housing it's going to be for the seniors in bayview. it was advocated for the seniors
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and dr. davis would want me to say how the seniors can get in it. bouquet it the day to take a maker i went to denny's when something big happened but we'll have to go to denny's. the first time popcorn i'm going to introduce is dr. william walker the longtime advocate when people didn't bother with us he's the chair of directors and he would help us. (clapping.) >> distinguished and honorable persons on the platform may i mention one or two names this is
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the honorable and distinguished nancy pelosi we all love (clapping) and honorable mayor of the city of st. louis mayor ed lee would you give him a nice round of clause. to my brothers and sisters who are here san francisco is a world-class city you can't have a world-class city without a world-class clark class neighborhood like the bayview service center is a world-class center. (clapping.) >>. and today, we came not to just
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talk and give out information but to celebrate. i remember sophie maxwell i was in her office she said pastor walker we need a visible momentum in bayview that will represent the development and the growth and how we love those people and the senior citizen housing project and we're going to build and the senior citizen now office will be there if you building that give the lord a hand and all the people up here. come on would you repeat after me. i believe this is it >> (repeated.) the monument that will set the pace in bayview hunters point.
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it's my distinguished privilege to ask the board of directors to stand and face the audience (clapping) reverend hall and sally attorney carl williams and dr. church well. thank you very much. and we need 3 more, we need 3 more fiscal board members. 3 more effective board members kwsh said you need to diversity that board so we need someone for the economic community s that has thousands and thousands of dollars to bring and the ethnic community that's not bayview hunters point it's an ethnic community thank you very
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much for those words (clapping.) okay. next is tony salazar he and doctor davis made a handshake and now here we are >> good morning it's a pleasure to share the stage with such distinguished people. i want to share the word from our company the national real estate company that builds urban homes around the city we've build one hundred and 68 housing in rough areas around the united states. we went to cleveland decades ago when everyone was leaving and after hurricane katrina we've built 15 hundred units there.
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(clapping.) the city of detroit declares bankrupts and we were there the next day we go where not only wants to do we built one hundred and 68 developments in those communities and built them for people that need descendent affordable housing. that's what we choose to do and those are the kind of developments we want to do. this is the only development i've done that has chosen me (clapping) and that's the gospel truth. 6 years ago i got a phone call from michael by an a mutual friend of george davis who calls me and says i have a friend
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looking for a developer i think you're the guy that can get along with him and meet his dandy live in la i flew up and met we talked about and he introduced me to his lovely wife and we had lunch and through three done some dominos and played cards ii went home (laughter) >> a few weeks later, he calls back we ate more peach cobbler and through down more dominos after the fourth time he liens over and says you're my developer. this project choose me (clapping) the board of directors choose me
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(clapping) the city of san francisco choose me i've got to tell everyone here that i very much appreciate the opportunity and thank you for your hospitality i hope we build the beyond our exceptions and look forward to having you all back for the groundbreaking (clapping.) okay. the next person what can i say when nobody be acknowledged in us and wouldn't fund the money and george talked to everyone one person believed that's brenda wright (clapping.) thank you. well pastor walker said you remember what i said
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about big dollars and it's like being in church (laughter) who can tell the pastor no. so i'm just thrilled to be here this morning. this goes back a long way and the thing that makes me feel good about this day is dr. davis i think i met you guys 10 years ago and he had this vision sea shared it and i said okay. we worked together and funded the study around the bayview compassed but for me and wells fargo this is what it's about how do you show up and make a difference. i get even though prim of being here but i have team members that do fabulous workday in and
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out they're here this morning. i want to thank them for their support of vision of helping community skewed financial. we do a lot in san francisco last year, we gave over 20 million and one thing my chairman says you've never seen the thriving bank in a poor neighborhood a neighborhood that's not successful so it's our vision and goal to help the community like the bayview be successful so i want to thank the bayview hunters point and the staff this is a fabulous staff. you know when you go to meetings they feed you fried chicken but thank you kathy you plowed open
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and your encourage and the work of the folks of this center you've done a stellar job on behalf of wells fargo here thrilled to be part of the community and so thank you very much (clapping) >> okay. the woman that needs inform introduction except we love her and she's been here our congresswoman the leader of the democratic house of representatives nancy pelosi (clapping.) >> thank you. good morning everyone. this will be the time i would
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say i'm honored to be here with you will have you with the members of the official first name of san francisco. but that's not why i'm here today, this is personal. this is about george davis it's personal for so many of us here and, of course, i'm proud to be here with supervisor cowen and supervisor campos and our gishd mayor and senator leno so many her in spirit including supervisor max wells mother who's so much a part of this. we like what brenda had to say that was great. dr. walker hopes that i don't mind if i take a little religious liberty as i talk
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about george and linda richardson has been a force and your beautiful welcome and leadership and service linda. kathy knows how much george meant to me and for decades i'd come to the senior center we'd have your birthday parties and i w0r7b9d what am i going to leave here being assigned to do you all know. to his family that's visiting i see the resemble lance making the point he's not here today but he is he had to go up there to finish this off. this is american people incredible person. a map with a dream.
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a man with a vision. a man with an intelligent. to make a plan to get the job done. a man with a heart who knew that people needed not help cooperation, cooperation to have their ideas to have a better life and community. kathy knows that george was a teacher to many of us one of the things i loved that made him different all that he was doing and all the grandness of it he had this thing about people who had been in prison. it was easy to talk about seniors and children and this it was clear he took