tv [untitled] April 3, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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into it. >> more comments. >> i have another question i know not everybody's had their chance to ask questions. >> i have a comment thank you for this study what it shows any is sort of there's a how many gap and a lot of work to do. and what i also would like to see the dowel emergence students to have data to compare to the countered parrots if we only compare e ls with e ls never compare them where e os the gap will be persistent for every.
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i'd like to see the comparisons and i'd like to see what kind of schools that we know there are some schools that the majority of students are english only. it's not the balance withhold to see also. i think that's also sort of an issue what we are doing and then i wanted to know so we had those lc s fund we have an opportunity to invest in our english learners i believe that's what the money is designated for. optimum wondering how we are going to use 80 this data and money to close the gap and i'd like to see some data comparing our e os with the e ls and the gap. so we're seeing if both the
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students come in those students e o and e l these it should mean then by 7th grade they're at the same level for math. i'm wondering about the language target language how bilingual are they you know what is the level of - i saw something in this room or something else. so i think it's sort of the question is - i hope there's not a skunk in the board room. i'd like to see sort of that data if we are having those students and getting the same instruction; right? by the language proficiency level will those students be able to get
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the feel of bicycle proficiency in high school is the level different between the which they think so emergence program he the latino program. the spanish emergence program or cantonese we have to look at the recommendations from our d. the recommendations are strong about the 0 level of the proficiency of the taken care of the bilingual teachers that are teaching the classes they said that last year and saying it this year those are parent that have children that participate. i think that when we hear from the parents themselves and what kind of assistance they need
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that's an important question they're asking. i want to hear an answer what are the plans to target those students that can close the gap. it is this a standardized curriculum is it up to the site. how does that work i'm trying to tell figure out the gap from school to school and program to program what are the gaps. sorry i have so many of those kinds of questions the study sparks that well, why goez what's the other gaps because we're looking at a district not a program that meets the school and are some listing the data when we see when we put our rates of achievement with latino
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and which they think so constitute together but when we operate them there's a huge gap and i guess my other question is how do you can we use the information at all to be a predict our of how the students do on the assessments that would be difficult for our e ls to actually, you know, show a high-level proficiency so i think this sort of study don't get me wrong i love the brains in this room they work just as policymakers at this level it really when equity it the focus it lends itself to all those questions of exits and what's
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happening in those programs. i believe commissioner norton as it and chinese and then oh, can we take commissioner maufas i'm sorry and after all the commissioners have spoken our superintendant wants to close with word. thank you very much. >> so sorry i have something to say studio ditto everything you've said thank you. and based on what cuffing said i don't know if you're grant fund is done or do you still have more opportunity to do work and with that little bit of opportunity can you apply some of the questions that cuffing has asked you and i think those are going to be could he do you
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have more money to do the work and will you be able to incorporate some of the questions you've heard tonight but there's a tape and can look at this on line and can pull the information it's for those rich pieces of information we can use especially in speaking to families out in the community there are some many of their fears and particularly commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell has been talking about this for years and for our kids maintain didn't but it was a priority for her long with her questions as well. first how much more time and money do you need but in time the translation with about go and we will respond to some of
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the comments from the commissions here >> that is the last year of the plan but fortunately, this has been one researched process we meet every month to discuss the finding and the same exits that have come up we're looking at those results and hopefully, we'll be able to do some of the finding that were addressed by the end of this year this arithmetic year that's when we have the fund. and the hope is, you know, this participating was successful and is noted for being a go partnership it would just the
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program work we had this or some snurdz that are nationwide we can apply to another plan so - >> so along the same lines i i mean, my question is where do we go from her. it seem like there are interesting findings and there are a lot of questions i thought all the questions that everybody articulated are things i want to know the answer to and i've looked this in the past and been told there is a spur robust the different programs for e l so the fact this is pretty robust makes me wondering are you going to be publishing that and it is rip left leg out into the fold
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and is important my other question to you, chris 10 where do we go from her if we don't have the funding partnership how do we take it to the next level >> over the last 3 that's helped to build our capacity and it's been form lisdz so in the fall of every school year we get all the data and for example, at hours man they do get the data and look at it how their students are locking on the results the c s t that's actually of the no more and the conversations we have around how do you make the high strategic actions to counterfeit the
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actions of students in the pathways the that's a no more in the data discussions and embed the into the scorecards so the by the time at that they are looking at mathematics our working with a pathway how are you working with the different languages that's a key shift and change. so that's on ongoing confidence we've stoortd and we're getting more data >> just to answer a different part of our question so two things one is we have presented this work rachel presented it at several national conventions and i you presented it to the department of education and we
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presented it in sacramento about a month ago so we're trying to get the finding out. san francisco has relatively in the course in several important ways in the field of english learner instruction it has multiple different structural models and that provides the opportunity to sort of learn about what works and for whom is it work and questions of school districts around the country so the two papers that rachel and i have are under publication so the other question what happens next here from and there's loofdz things you guys have but
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in terms of our role one way to think about the study so far is the educational epididymis metrological it's at&t's the rich pattern who's doing well, and not doing well but not necessarily tell you how to improve things but the state of the world and the next step is to sort of figure out what new strategies to try and figure out how to learn from those we'll be happy to be partners and learn to try to figure out how to help you elevate those strategies wherever they're going forward so even though this grant is wrapping up it doesn't mean we've not stopped it's
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rewarding. for us i'm used to the district so - >> i wanted to thank you all and but i also was wondering if this presentation could be put on our website so we can promote some of the information through our network and have a place to which we can point people and get some we want to know i'd like to know about the papers when they're available and we have opportunity to promote that in other places so thank you very much. >> superintendant. >> so thank you, commissioners for a very engaging presentation and our presenters you may not have heard me as a a lot but i want to thank our director lisa.
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a couple of thoughts to set the context we're absolutely committed to continuing our work with stapling for the record. we think of fund development and opportunity for funding this is a rich area noble not only to learn more about san francisco unified but to contribute to the prosecute field field and commissioner norton's comment we are as a certified teacher i'm thrilled about the work and analysis we're doing in this particular area thank you for partnering with us and stanford. dr. had spoken to the board a while back how do we look at prnz and make sure their high
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leverage how impact studies wherever you hear that question this is a high the evidence will then show and its actionable data for us. many of the questions that have been asked that i commissioners hear here this evening we're all smiling? the kind of questions we're grappling with as staff what does it please step forward in terms of where we invest our resources what pathways do we grow and support. so those have steak the kinds of questions we've grandpa willing with and we'll move forward. i do also think and i appreciate the question we've heard tonight board meeting some commentary rewarding those biscuits of money your flushed with cash no
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we're not this is a perfect example of the control formula from the legislator not only requires us to but morally obligate united states to provide better serviced to our english language services this is a target rich environment for us in san francisco that requires an investment in developing capacity for changing the students if you couple that permission with the committee presentation last wednesday where our students are coming and identifying the achievement opportunity starts and structurally and systematically becomes ingrained and couple that with the data today, i, tell you i used that analogy
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before when your gas tank is empty it's just empty this is telling you put gas in the tank whether it's early education or language path and programs in the district we now have robust do not that's clean up that's latitudeal and that's specific to us in san francisco that we can now take action with around professional development and capacity developing and program development how we hold ourselves accountable. they say i don't want to, you know, your opinion we have data. now we have data to have data information that is focused. i'll just want to thank everybody for their work in this regard just where we were two
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years ago was different. the final thing i'll say in terms of xhekt context and i appreciate i mentioning this we're in some such a special place in san francisco because the vast majority of suggestion in california when you talk about english language learners you're talking about spanish but we have rich and robust there's a dope culture there's a premeditate respect for culture and heritage in san francisco that we can build on and add to the literature please accept my thank you for your hard work and selfly thank you for helping us to develop the robust
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conversations about the next steps up to the plate and help us to improve the language for all you have students in the about how far city of san francisco >> thank you very much. (clapping.) yeah. i think so. and consent calendar resolutions >> oh, yes. >> i wanted to recognize the study being featured in the publication so you'll have the whole presentation. >> thank you very much and consent calendar resolutions for the second reading action there's no one tonight and o we moved to have that under section f. >> commissioner haney commissioner maufas. commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell
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>> yes. expect on item k-2. >> commissioner norton. commissioner wynns and president fewer. 6 i's. consent calendar resolutions for discussion noun tonight eat superintendents proposals none together and boards proposals so motion to second been through the committee what committee? it went straight to rules oh, i was going to have it go to cripple so it's recommended that's the proposal in support of the unified school district student guardian handicap book standards and board member's reports. i think committee of the whole march 18. >> yes. the theme for the committee as a whole for march
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18 is an informational item of the early education department i want to recognize martin and others. we were able to review a school by school analysis of how many are kindergarten rode and it was role detailed very rigorous analysis. a secondly, that analyze was presented by race and gender that's helpful to look at. achievement gaps and thirdly, it was discussed that the gaps that arises monk 4 years old are the gaps that persist throughout the upper grades so it's very, very valuable information.
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it was tough information to review because our schools are not doing as well, as we want but a benchmark that on should which to build >> i need a motion and a second open this and i'll refer that to curriculum thank you for the report now for the budget and oversight commissioner i believe commissioner wynns has a report. >> we have the committee members meet together first of all, we have an issue that persists with scheduling the committee meeting at the beginning the most not a convenient or appropriate time the things are not rode at the
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beginning of the month now we have april spring break so searching for a better time to have the budget committee on a regular basis, however, we noted to review things liquor the two charters and we have the issue that both the rules committee and budget committee because of the elective advocates discuss the state budget we have have our advocates her meeting was wah-wah-wah too longs and didn't give us time to go in debt so we're going to be looking arapahoe better way to handle it. however, we've talked about the chartered and this is the first meeting of the realize committee following the bill deadline so
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the big pact of every bill identified by our advocates in it and you also received we had two other lists of bills that were recommendations that we take a position now and there's some we have some results that we have i don't have here please review the big pact of bills because it is inclusive includes the recommended list and to see if there's any you want discuses or if you are read the in a certain position. so you will get a list of the bills that the committee took a position that's a relatively small list. so we did that and then or then
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there were we had there's we still have the issue with our voices committees of them not being full i have 20/20 vacancies on the bilingual xhounl council they've asked for changes in the forum rules so they can operate and also i'm sure you're aware of we are trying to sync all the terms of the appointed members of the advisory committees about board members terms there were changes made there and i pronounce commissioner haney will give you the results whatever recommends is modest one thing you can help me to say let's continue to kind of not follow the rules when it is impossible for the committee to operate because any roll we
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want to change has to go through this rolls change proposal that actually takes a long time and it wouldn't be helpful so that's a practical way to deal with it now and please get our appointments made you've hired about the reds that was approved by the committee for the informational items the main one besides the update on the main budget you'll get an update from the staff. we the nutritional services and it will come up later. so the report that we got from nutritional look at that and ask
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any questions ask lee or - >> may i president fewer. so chair winn i had to leave not early nor the meeting i was denied way too over >> we had the meeting start a 5 o'clock. >> i noticed a big pact was there a recommendation that that come to the committee as a whole there was other information regarding some sort of an update. >> there was a recommendation but we should discuss that later with the board. >> i think we should have a discussion on that. >> i ago just looking at the packet i'm sorry, i had to leave
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but it's quite a bit of information. >> we only got the report, of course, that night so there are questions about the budget we need an opportunity to probe n in more debt. >> actually there was an article in the chronicle open friday i believe that was about the spourp pilot they're doing and the breakfast. so i recommend that report to everybody >>was a good description of what we're doing in the financial process it's better in the program >> if i may 1st of the examples we need the full board to discuss we discussed there was a lot of discussion about the new supper program and discussion who that was an ideal proposal and indeed they're not they're
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not resdrushl this is an opportunity and the whole board needs to know about serving supper to the students and they're n they're n they're not sdprrsz. >> i think we should have that. thank you. report inform the grounds committee commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell >> he did a positive recommendation for renaming the school and having had two kids. >> pardon me. >> the library. >> we speak to a different resolution. and then we had a really good informational item we got an
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