tv [untitled] April 3, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> good morning, chair yee, supervisor tang, my name is miguel penn, i came to san francisco to go to school, thought i'd go back to los angeles, fell in love with our beautiful city and stayed. i was appointed to the committee two months ago and have served on the committee. we've been very active. i believe what i bring to the committee is 5-plus years of work force development experience assisting low to moderate income san francisco residents with finding work. currently we are assisting the mayor's office of housing and community development with the community outreach for their consolidated 5 year plan. and also in preparation for their rfp for community-based organizations for the myriad of services that they provide. i served on the human rights commission equity advisory committee for two years and
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feel that giving back to san francisco in these committees is a wonderful way of staying engaged in the community and for a city that's been so good to me that i feel giving back on the committee is something that i take very seriously. so open to any questions you may have. >> supervisor tang >> sure, i see that you currently are manager are work force development and public relations and wonder if you can talk about your experiences there and how that translates into your position for this appointment. >> sure. so prior to working for herrera bolt i worked for mission (inaudible) and i was the coordinate roar for city built academy and their mission is to do outreach and provide opportunities for san francisco
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residents. the medical office building, the geary hospital and st. luke's campus hospital project. >> you have been there only two months? >> two months, yes. >> i will give you a pass on it. >> did you have any other questions? >> okay, thank you. >> thank you. now any public comments on this matter? and i have a jackie lynn. >> once again, eric brooks, san francisco green party and local grass roots organization our city. i'm going to speak specifically to the appointment of mr. ahn and i'm not going to speak either in favor or opposed to it, but i feel like i can elucidate some information on that a little
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bit. personally i have a deep respect for mr. ahn and for the bright line defense project. that group helped us stop a natural gas power plant from being built in the bayview hunter's point and close the last natural gas polluting power plant in san francisco. with that said, i think it was very appropriate that supervisor campos pushed this point of clean power sf because we need to make sure that the people that are actually working on work force policy are very dedicated to making sure we do a real large green new deal for san francisco rapidly to address the climate crisis and also to address our jobs crisis in san francisco, which really hasn't gotten that much better. the lues daition that i wanted to add is that bright line defense project over the past decade has worked pretty closely in many positive ways to support clean power sf and
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that working on making sure that especially a build out that's going to hire people gets underway. back last august when the sf puc voted on the rates, which would have started the program, the other grass roots groups that were involved in this agreed that the project should move forward, even though we had had many criticisms similar to those that bright line and the commissioner from the commission of the environment put forward. so even though those criticisms are kind of holding us back now and probably should not and it was right to push the point, i want you to know that this isn't a simple thing. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, my name is
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jackie flynn, i am the executive director of the a phillip randolph institute san francisco. we serve residents, san francisco residents, that are directly impacted by planning, development and recommendations given by the citizens committee on community development. and i feel that we need community advocates that have experience serving low income neighborhoods, under employed and unemployed residents here in san francisco in order to keep our families here. i am here on behalf of my organization to support both eddie ahn and miguel penn for their appointments to the ccc i feel they will continue to serve our communities impabting hundreds of families in need.
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thank you. >> good afternoon, my name is jackie chen. we strongly support miguel penn for a seat on the citizen's committee on work force development. as a dedicated professional he has developed work force strategies and work with various employers to create job opportunities to keep san franciscoans working. through this work he has shown himself to be a community advocate on the community to a range of issues such as work force local jobs, affordable housing and economic development. miguel is a san franciscoan with heart and passion for the people. he will bring expertise and value to the table. miguel will be a thoughtful voice to citizen community and community development and we again
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reiterate our support to him and to be on the committee. thank you. >> hi, my name is joanna lee and i represent mission hiring hall that focuses on hiring conditions in the mission district, south soma job seekers. our staff serves several thousand san francisco ans annually and we are multi lingual such as english, spanish, tagalla and we are here to support eddie ahn i observed his advocacy for jobs for local residents firsthand and his interaction with
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multiple community based organizations throughout san francisco. through these experiences he has gaind extensive experience in work force development and understands the needs of the neighborhood. he will be a fair and committed voice on this committee and as his work has just begun, we would like to see him continue for a full term. thank you. >> hi, commissioners, my name is talula bellfree, i currently sit on the ccc commission. i have in the past witnessed both eddie ahn and miguel in the community doing the things that they do as far as touching the community. i personally believe they are passionate and committed, they understand what the committee is about, the ccd's purpose when it comes to housing, work force development and economics and when you are on a body that kind of makes decisions on budgets it's really important that people
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understand the need of the community and help to support the decisions so that the community actually gets the right and proper resources. so it's been, i think, like two months since the new appointments have occurred and the committee has been moving forward, it's been progressive, the budgets are out. i find it to be very progressive like seems like we're actually able to get things done on this committee with them on board and with the other people on board who are new appointees and i'm just supporting them not only personally but as far as professionally being able to work together on the committee. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, my name is
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javier florez, i'm here in support of these two gentlemen. as you know our organization is working with the community all the time and these two individuals, they have been proving themselves being able to work with us and also with the community. here we are supporting them as well as they do with us. mr. eddie ahn and miguel penn. i respectfully ask you to reappoint eddie ahn and miguel penn to the committee. >> thank you. any other public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. supervisor campos? >> thank you, mr. chair. i want to thank the applicants for their willingness to serve
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the city and, you know, as a general rule i usually support the appointment of these kinds of vacancies where the person has served but i have to say that i am ready today to support the reappointment of miguel penn but i am not ready to move on the other one and it's nothing personal against eddie ahn, i think he is a very smart individual and i certainly have respect for him, but i do have questions about the organization that he's affiliated with, questions that to me raise issues as to whose interests that organization truly is representing. and so i will not be able to vote for that reappointment today. >> okay, supervisor tang >> supervisor campos, today i am actually ready to support both of the candidates. i think that in regards to some
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of the concerns that were shared about one of the appointees i just want to remind everyone that this committee is supposed to be an advisory body whose purpose is to make recommendations to the mayor and the board of supervisors on how these policy matters related directly to community development issues in the city. i think based on both of their past experiences i am comfortable with supporting both of the candidates. >> thank you. it's been great for me to see them come through in recent times and because of that i couldn't remember pretty much how we had vetted the first time on your qualifications and so forth. and i'm one that's very interested in local hiring and both candidates to me seem to be very passionate about local hiring and we need those voices
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on this committee. so i am also ready to support both of them. supervisor campos. >> yes, i want to note for the record the seat 3, it's supposed to, it's designed to include an individual who should reflect and advance the concerns and needs of low income neighborhoods and communities in the city. and to me the questions as to, you know, whose interests are truly being served by this organization go to the very core of whether or not the needs of low income neighborhoods and communities will be adequately represented. and that's the reason why i will be voting against that reappointment so i would simply ask that we take each seat separately when we vote. >> we can do that. let's go with the first candidate, eddie ahn, would you like to make a motion. >> motion to move eddie ahn on
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to the full board. >> campos, no. tang, yes. yee, yes. >> motion to move miguel penn on to the full board with recommendation. >> motion passes. item 4. >> item 4, hearing to consider appointing two members for indefinite terms to the food security task force. there are two seats and two applicants. >> good morning, supervisors, my name is paula jones, i'm with the department of public health and i serve on the task force as a member and also staff. we appreciate all of your support of the task force and all of our work and sponsoring the hearing last fall as well as the resolution committing to ending hunger and asking for additional analyses
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and we will be coming back as a task force to the board through the neighborhood services and safety committee next week on thursday to present data analysis on how we can move forward improving food security in the city. but today we're here to hear the applicants for two seats, seat 12 is for a nominee of department of children youth and families and seat 14 is a nominee from the san francisco unified school district. both applicants i have worked with through my work at the department of public health and on the task force and we are thrilled to have both members. >> okay, thank you very much, miss jones. first one up is heather tufts. >> good afternoon, my name is heather and i am with the, i'm
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a senior planner with the department of children youth and services or their families. my main role is in out of school time and nutrition mainly focusing on summertime. the past 15 years i have had many experiences working with children and youth ranging from infant to high school, preschool environments, i have been director for afterschool programs, all of these involving nutrition. i have a background in, master's in education with emphasis in administration. the bachelor's is in biological sciences. i have a lot of background in nutrition working with children and their youth. i find it's very important that their basic needs are met, which is the food and nutrition component.
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i have a lot to bring to the table and i feel that working or attending the half course meetings the last few meetings have been very beneficial in bringing the city-wide planning and ensuring that youth are fed. >> any questions? how long have you been on the task force? >> i've just been attending. it's been about 7 months that i've been attending. >> okay, thank you. orla okeeffe >> good afternoon, supervisors, it's a pleasure to be here, i'm very excited at the possibility of being on the food security task force. i work, i live in the city of san francisco, i work for the unified school district and i have been working there since 2001. i have for the last 18 months one of my roles has
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included supervising student nutrition services, which is the largest public food program in the city of san francisco. we serve about 30,000 meals a day, that's breakfast, snacks and lunches. and i'm very excited about the work that the food security task force is doing, i think addressing the needs of our students in terms of their access to healthy meals and addressing issues of hunger and lack of adequate access to nutrition is, i'm very passionate about that. so i'm excited in my role at the district to be able to leverage our opportunity to increase student access to three healthy meals a day and i think that this partnership provides a great opportunity to do that. so thank you for your consideration. >> any questions? orla, i have one question for you. i know what you do at the school district and it's demanding on your time. i'm just wondering
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do you think you'll have the time to spend on this. >> thank you for that question, i appreciate it. yes, i think this is a real priority for -- in my current role so that about 50 percent of my time right now at the district is working on student nutrition. so i see this as an amazing opportunity to really increase access for families to meals and i think there's, i've been engaging with the food security task force over the last year and a half in various ways and i think that the forum and the partnerships and just working together with the folks who are involved increases opportunities on multiple levels. so i absolutely will make time for this. >> thank you, miss okeeffe any public comments on this matter? seeing none, public comment is now closed. colleagues, supervisor campos. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i want to thank miss tufts and
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miss okeeffe for their interest and i think they are both extremely qualified and i know it's a little intimidating to come up to the podium. they both did great and so i make a motion to move these items forward and i just want to note, you know, i have known miss okeeffe for quite some time, i was actually on the panel that hired her when she came to the school district. and you are not going to find a more amazing dedicate the and hard-working public servant than she, so i'm very proud to be able to vote for her appointment today. >> with no objections, motion is passed. congratulations. >> item 5, hearing to consider
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appointing two members to the graffiti advisory board. there are two seats and two applicants. >> john. >> good afternoon, thank you for having me here, supervisors, i represent the garden project which some of you have endorsed previously. i'm the director of education and i hail from vermont originally but i have my master's in business administration and i work with the youth there from bayview and hunter's point to see that they see education as an important part of their life. they move forward, they harvest, we donate all the vegetables that we create back to the community so it's exciting to have that. i live within the mission so i have direct interaction with murals every day, this is something very close to me and i'm excited to be up for.
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>> i want to say thank you for your service. rebecca delgado rottman. >> good afternoon, chairman yee, supervisors tang and campos, my name is rebecca delgado rott man and i am delighted to be here to ask for your support to my appointment to the graffiti advisory board which i have been a member for 6 years and i think i happen to be the second oldest, not in terms of age, on the committee but rather length or number of years in the committee. i think over the 6 year period i have demonstrated and proven
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myself in making significant contributions to the committee. some of these are, but not all limited to i founded our student volunteer program at the academy of art university whereby -- and this was 10 years ago and still holds true today that every month we participate in the community clean team. students show up enmass in their academy art vests abating graffiti, cleaning community gardens, sweeping and cleaning up litter on the streets, as well as i also initiated the partnership with dpw for the community watch program. again, this is probably 7 years ago, and our kappa sigma fraternity are the ones that have taken the
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leadership for 16 city blocks, cleaning, abating graffiti and public properties, 17 times a year. that's twice a month, every other weekend when school is in session. as far as my seat in the graffiti advisory board when i took over in 2008 i was the chair of the education subcommittee and we have worked in conjunction with the then school superintendent collins garcia in creating best practices so we can reach out to these kids while they are young so we can teach them to respect other people's property. because really the difference between people, it's kind of controversial because san francisco is an art city and when you hear about graph grf people graffiti people
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think of it as art but the difference between art and vandalism is permission. so we wanted to teach the young kids while they are young because by the time they get to high school they have a mind of their own and they think they are big boys and girls and they are adults. so we try to reach out to young people to learn how to respect other people's properties. i also was instrumental in co-producing a video and planning the second graffiti super huddle for the then-mayor gavin newsom and that was well received, well, well received by the community. other things that i do at the graffiti advisory board without them telling me what to do, usually i ask them what you want me to do and i do what they tell me to do. but some of the things that i take advantage of sitting at the board are the things that i learned such as murals. when
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you have a mural in your community, it really deters graffiti tagging so we happen to have a school of fine art specializing in mural design so we get them involved in the cities, in neighborhoods, putting them up. right now we are in, this semester we are in the process of putting, painting a mural of the history of the tenderloin right there at the entrance of the little saigon and that will be done by the end of may and we have also completed a mural right in the tenderloin at eddie and mason, a big 16 by 13 feet, i believe, if my memory serves me correct. it is on the historical bristol hotel. so the mural really brings the pride of the neighborhood, it promotes safety, particularly for the families and the children living in that neighborhood. i am obviously very passionate
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about art and about children and about the quality of our life in san francisco. i have been living here for nearly 35 years, i have raised my two daughters here and educated them here. i've lived and worked in this city, i love the city and i have the passion, the energy, and the resources to make sure that i make a difference in this beautiful city. i think i might be forgetting something else but i think that's enough for you guys to consider my appointment. >> you gave us plenty. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. okay, public comments. ron grant, genevive
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joponda >> hello, my name is ron grant of the kappa sigma fra attorney tif. rebecca delgado rottman has been the driving force. in 2010 when i left my home in the virgin islands to pursue my education i was terrified to say the least. leaving my safe haven was no easy task. but having a mentor like miss rottman has made it easier. she demands nothing but the left of us. because of this we have been able to serve our community, hence her strategic insight has brought us to our main objective which we participate in the graffiti watch program every two weeks, myself, my brothers and numerous volunteers cover a 16-block radius in san
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francisco to abate graffiti. this program has grown and successfully grown into a ray of light for the students, the academy and san francisco. in fall of 2013 we were instrumental in removing over 2,000 cigarette butts from the streets of san francisco which was an initiative spearheaded by herself. it was because of her unselfish dedication that allowed myself and other young men to develop social graces, the art of good manners, good taste and developing the power of an education. she is more than just a member of faculty or board, she is to us a friend, supporter and cheer leader. she leads by example. rebecca delgado rottman is our champion for change. >> thank you. are you running for president or something?
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>> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is genevive dupond, it is my pleasure to speak in support of the reappointment of rebecca delgado rottman. i have served with her in numerous organizations. rebecca has demonstrated leadership and resources in maintaining and elevating the progress of the graffiti advisory board. she is quick to garner support and quick to coordinate with dpw, sfpd and the board. rebecca is also not shy, as you guys could tell, about expressing her enthusiasm for the work she does and promoting the work of the board by rolling
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