tv [untitled] April 3, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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executive directive report and that is on reports on our b r t and gather b r t. it seems like there's cost ex /hraeugzs that we need to get a hold on and a handle on. i would like to see if we can actually discuss the leadership of the transportation authority. we can meet with the director to discuss how we will proceed. so i want to discuss vice chair scott wiener ander er eric mar to attend as well. >> thank you. we will take that direction and convene that meeting the next month. >> we usually have a special trip. we took one last /kwraoeur to look at how we can move more effectively, these projects. i'm really concerned that we're not moving them, even after this added
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attention that was given, we're not moving them quickly enough. >> great. thank you, very much. >> okay. can we have public comments on the executive director's report? seeing none, we will move forward with the comment. >> this is the next item. >> okay. comments and questions on item number 5? seeing none, we're going on to the public comments. we will close the comments. we're required to do a roll call vote. so we will have a roll call vote. [roll call].
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>> the item passes. >> the item passes, let's go on to the next item, please. >> item six, not to exceed 598,000. the off ramp realignment project during the construction phase. and non-material terms and conditions. this is a national item. >> thank you. comments, concerns or questions? okay. let's go on to public comments. any member would like to comment on this item? seeing none, let's close this and have a roll call vote. [roll call].
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>> this item passes. >> great. next item, please. >> item 7, for an additional of 1 year period, not to exceed 167,000 for city built services for phase two of the city of park way project. modifying agreement terms and non-material agreement terms and non-conditions. this is a national item. >> okay. colleagues, comments or questions? seeing none, we'll go on to public comments. public comments is open on item number 7. seeing none, we'll close the comments. and another roll call vote.
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[roll call]. >> item passes. >> item passes. let's go on to our next item. >> item number 8, amend the adopted fiscal year to increase revenue by 2, 907, 000. decrease other financing sources by 290 million, 23, 510. and amend the prop k strategic plan. this is a national item. >> thank you. colleagues, any comments or questions? okay. public comments? public comments open on item number 8.
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request. subject fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules. relevant prop aa and prop k programs. this is a national item. >> thank you. colleagues, any comments or questions? okay. we'll go on to public comments. any member would like to commented on the item number 9? i also have a number of cards as well. why don't you /tkpwr*d and line up in the order the cards are red. tailor, steven son, bruce, patrick and howard wong >> my name is steven /taeuber. i am here as chairman of the transmission chair for russian hill neighbors. we have been working over the past several
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years for the extension of the central subway. as pointed out earlier, while it is greatly in support of the subway, it is a major dictionary addition, it is supported through the transportation system. it doesn't extend enough up market street to the full detail of that investment. we urge that this project be extended and we greatly support the allocation of funds to renew the first part of this study. about a year ago, at the sponsorship of conspire enwith the participation of m ta, and participation of neighborhood associations, businesses and community associations throughout this neighborhood and throughout the city, there was virtually a unanimous
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consensus that the subway would be a desirable improvement for the city. the transportation in this part of the city is rather poor. it's crowded, slow and unreliable and we believe that the extension would be a tremendous benefit, both to the nearest part of the city and to the city as a whole as we build a rapid transit system for san francisco. we urge your support of this allocation of funds to get this study started. thank you. >> thank you, very much. next speaker, please. >> good morning. my name is bruce ago /et. i'm active in the community as a transportation rep for the south beach neighborhood association. i'm also involved in many other community and transportation advocacy efforts. i support the subway work and at this time, /spefpbgly the initial study. this study is critical for
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several reasons. first, the north eastern neighborhoods are essentially cut off from the rest of the city and the rest of the city is essentially cut off from the northeastern neighbors. there's many reasons why this study makes sense. it will begin to identify the overall benefits and costs. if this study determines there's a strong case for an extension, it will label two critical next steps. first, to revise the f t cma board and the site that re/srerts back to the owner. and secondly, it makes it a formal project. the study of information can then be used to inform the study. based on the results of this study, the project will be prioritized and ranked with other projects agreed to based on the
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parameters. i urge you to support the study. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, my name is pat valuety no, i live in the south beach neighborhood. i attend quite a few community meetings in our neighborhood and surrounding areas. what i've noticed recently is a lot of talk is about supporting the transportation subway. in fact, our first meeting out of the gate was about the subway and 20 minutes of conversation ensued from that. what i've found going out in the community and talking to people is there's broad based support in continuing this line in getting transit going underground. i think one thing important for us to consider is that we don't live in separate gated communities. connecting neighborhoods is important. extending the subway will do so and it's the first step for us
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getting there. it's better for business, it's better for the environment and for our neighborhoods. if you think through the number of neighborhoods that are immediately connected, russian hill, north beach, bay view, financial district, mission bay and dog patch, many of the bus lines would now have a significant north, south connection. so i urge you to support the funding for the initial subway and the project over ail. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> my name is julie christian. i ask you to support this as well. the toughest thing is to get the people to believe this isn't already happening. in a couple months, those machines are going to couple out and we're going to have a tunnel to go a half mile to fisher man's warp.
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i didn't realize it until i started watching the construction of phase two, it's difficult to find the conditions to handle the underground construction that needs to take place. the theatre is an unusual site. it's 10,000 square feet in a tiny neighborhood of lights. it is a perfect place, not only for a station entrance but to stage the construction of an underground station without undue disruption to the neighborhood. yet, in a few months, that station is going to revert to the ownership and probably get turned into condos. whaaat but when we are finally ready to build the subway, it may take us a decade to find site to do it. they had to take half a million
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dollars to find location of the current church. today we're at 173,000 to study whether or not we should extend the subway. my operative word is yes. thank you for your support. >> the thank you. the last card i have is mr. wong. >> al ward wong. we all love subways. as a transit person, i've been in subways all over the world as many of you have but we oppose this allocation of 173, $212 for a subway study. unfortunately, as we have seen, the subway is taking valuable scarce funds for the rest of the systems and have not only cut services not only
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in north beach but throughout the city. prop k 3 is a more higher priority for our scarce transportation dollars and that's a fast reliable bus system, rapid transit study like in mexico city and throughout the city. that hasn't been done. al train downtown extension, huge priority. in 1973, voters of /stkur ex switzerland rejected funding for transportation instead. today, it is the highest point of the highest per capita required says in the world. 62 percent of public transit for trips to work. there are other very important items that should be studied such as the trend for free circulator buses throughout the
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united states as seen in baltimore, dallas, denver, rolly, oakland with a free downtown, emory ville. with the multicity free shuttles that connect vertically and in oakland and all of regional transit. the mission bay shuttle is funded but very valuable. there are many, many things that our moan should be implementing >> thank you, very much. next speaker, please. >> good morning. my name is lance and i'm a resident of north beach. i also support extending the transit into the fisher man's wart. i read the study submitted by the ct a and m t c, the very first thing on
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the scope, one of the items that was requested of the people requesting the funds is the level of input into the prioritization process. and, that wasn't answered in the thing, in the bottom here. as far as i know, i don't recall any public requests or input on this or at least open public input. page two under city objective, it says three possible alignments will be examined as part of the initial study. at last week's meeting, we raised a point. we asked, okay, of the three possible alignments, are you considering any surface options and they indicated that yes, they would be. we sent some /skpwaoepbs the planners at s fmta and s f g ta and
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received no reapplies. we don't know what the alignments are and what surface will be considered. the /sur plan is the primary being s sfcta managing this study. it seems like it would be much better for the /r-pbtsz and this neighborhood to have an extension of whether we need that transit into fisher men's wart. this is probably going to be like the tobacco causing cancer in the 50s. so they're going to build a subway. i think options should be looked at as well on the surface and otherwise. thank you >> thank you, very much. neck -- next speaker, please. >> chairman avalos, members
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of the board, fill from the transportation and research and improvement project. we strongly support the study. we think it only makes logical transit sense to extend the t line further north all the way to the waterfront. and, we urge that you approve this proposal. thank you. >> thank you, very. . any other member of the public would like to comment? seeing none, we will close for comments. and, mr. chiu. >> thank you, very much. i would like to say i appreciate the support of our programs and plans committee. and, i want to make really two brief points. first of all, this is a study that is long overdue. we owe it to future generations
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to understand the options, benefits and cost of extending a crucial transportation project that's has already been in the making. also, our project connects the eastern parts of our city where so much growth is expected to occur with a few of our northeast neighborhoods as we consider another half mile extension. we also know that north beach and fisher man's wart is a destination for jobs and /taourist all over the world. i believe it's a study that deserves a lot more thought and a lot more analysis. i want to take a moment and thank the dedicated efforts of the community who worked hard to get us to this point, the a for their support and everyone for
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their persistens as we continue with this. for that, i ask for support of this item. >> thank you, very much. if there's no other comments, we can go on to roll call [roll call vote]get us to this point, ta for their support and everyone for their persistens as we continue with this. for that, i ask for support of this item. >> thank you, very much. if there's no other comments, we can go on to roll call [roll call vote]. >> item passes. >> item passes. /hretsdz go on to item number 10. >> this is national item. >> questions or comments? seeing none, we will go on to public comments. anyone of the public, come forward. seeing none, we will close comments and have a roll call vote.
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[roll call vote]. >> item passes. >> item passes. next item. >> the citizens advisory commission, this is a national item. >> colleagues, any comments or questions? okay. go on to public comments. any member of the public would like to comment? seeing none, we will close comments and roll call vote [roll call vote].
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>> item passes. >> okay. item 12, please. >> bus rapid transit, citizens advisory committee. this is a national item. >> colleagues, comments or questions? okay. seeing none, we will go on to public comments. any member of the public would like to comment? seeing none, we will close and have a roll call vote. [roll call vote]. >> item passes. >> okay. let's go on to item number 13. >> item 13, adopt the 19th avenue transit study final report. this is a national item. >> colleagues, any comments on questions? we will go on to
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public comments. any member of the public would like to comment? seeing none, we will close public comments and another have roll call vote. [roll call vote]. >> that item passes. >> great. we will now go on to items for direct board consideration. item 14. >> item 14, the construction of the 0-vision committee. this is a national item. >> i ask for this to come forward and it's really in the spirit of collaboration. i want to make sure we can maximize the commissioners in vision zero. i want to expand so we can have commissioner
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breed on the committee. all of us have played a large role. commissioner breed has been in the west area and i think she has a great contribution in our area and support our /tr-pgsz on the vision zero committee. any comments? >> thank you. i just want to thank commissioner avalos for allowing me the opportunity to participate. we have a lot of challenges all over the city but our district is central. what i consider in the heart of the city and we all want to do everything we can to make sure we roll back the clock or roll back the challenges that we face with our challenges and
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safety in ensuring that these projects move forward sooner rather than later. i'm just excited about the ability to participate in the process of this capacity. thank you so much for bringing it forward. >> thank you. any other comments or questions? okay. any public comments? public comments is now open on this item number 14. seeing no one coming forward, we will close comments and move on to roll call vote. bracket [roll call vote] >> item passes. >> great. the item pass. next item please. >> item 15, introduction of new items. this is an information item. >> colleagues, comments or introduction to new items?
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okay. public comments? anyone in the public who would like to comment on anything relating to the transportation authority? no one coming forward, we will close public comments and move on to our next item. >> item 15, public comment. >> okay. >> i'm not holding my breath. i see no public comments to the county transportation authority is now open. seeing no members o-coming forward, we will close public comments and now we'll exhale. next item, please. >> item 17. >> commissioner kim. >> thank you chair avalos. i was told this is the appropriate time to submit an memorial in memory of our chair joseph flanagan. in many years, it has already been mentioned on our transportation authority advisory committee.
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actually, chief commission of district 6 lives blocks away and came to every single one of our meetings and probably had a better attendance than many of us on the transportation authority. to thank him for his work on behalf of the city and for his commitment to improving transportation for all residents here. so we'll like to end and adjourn in his memory and thank him so much for his work. >> and, on behalf of the entire county and the transportation board, i'd like to adjourn in his memory. thank you for bringing that forward commissioner kim. >> so madam clerk -- >> on behalf of commissioner kim and we will adjourn on behalf of commissioner flanagan. >> thank you. and colleagues, we are add
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>> we love our parks, but we love... >> and the community who is really the core of it all, came together and said what we need is a place for our teenager to play, not just play grounds for the kids and soccer fields but we need a skate park that will keep the kids home in the neighborhood so they can play where they live. >> the children in the neighborhood and it will be a major boone. and we have generations, the youth generations that will be able to use this park in different places. >> the best park in san francisco right here. >> creating place where people can be active and lead, active, healthy life styles that are going to just stay with them for life.
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♪ >> the commission will please come to order. yes. >> and commissioners please make sure that you speak into the microphone commissioner taylor-mcghee. >> present. >> xh*ix chow. >> present. >> and commissioner karshmer. >> present. >> and chung. >> present. >> first is the minutes. >> so moved. >> second. >> are there any comments on the minute. >> i have not received any
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