tv [untitled] April 4, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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the code or law whatever. you should punish the person that violated the permit the construction was done i didn't do it someone else did it without my knowledge without my prescription and i had no knowledge of it until after the fact and even then i don't know what had been done required a permit. so i don't know anything about permits codes anything i've never had to deal with this i don't know anything about it i'm saying that okay. and you may wonder why how it is that this could have all happened it's a long story and would take a lot of long-range 7 minutes but essentially i lost control of my property a person came in there and took over my
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property and did all kinds of other violations besides this one we're talking about the windows and doors one of the main ones i had to deal with him he built a small house in the bashed of my house and a building department was telling me they were going to charge me one thousand dollars a day the problem was i downtown move s it because he spoep had tenants rights and that was his property i couldn't touch it on the advise of any attorney and we had a director's hearing at the building inspectors and the person that z did this was told he had to get this out of there and he defied them. the deal was he was running for
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mayor at the time and his whole platform had to do with helping the homeless so this little house what a demonstration house how homeless could be housed. ; right? bp by on top of of that he turned my house into a homeless shelter having 12 men living there. he had extension cords and garden hoses out into the backyard. he was acting like he owned the house and essentially he did on the advice of any attorney i didn't do anything about it i mean except we were trying to evict him the attorney said the only way to get the little house
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out of the backyard and was first evict him and after that send him notice to remove the property he had there, you know, or else we'll do it ourself. that's exactly what happened it took months and months a months after my attorney made motion after motion after motion to different courts. most of them refused to move on it because they were i assumed they were afraid they thought he possibility could be mayor somehow. but anyway, so 150u6b8 he got evict and he had to get the house out of the backyard that was the main thing i was dealing with i had no knowledge there was an issue about the window and the sliding glass doors.
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i didn't know anything about the notice of violation being issued on that until january of this year. ; right? and that was 11 years later. first, i thought it was a joke they're coming after me after 11 years and i didn't have anything to do with it so, anyway as soon as i find out i went down to 9 building department and to take care of that. so if you were thinking that i actually economy about it 11 years ago and let it slide well, the best evidence and the only evidence that i can give that's not the case as soon as i found out by my actions as soon as i
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found out i take care of it immediately. it's not something i would have let slide so, anyway my whole thing is if this is the punishment for somebody violating the code or law then i shouldn't be punished because i didn't do it. that's and i understand and just i'm not sure i assume you know the penalty was like $2,700 and on top of i had to pay 3 hundred on top that's $2,000 that's 3 months of my social security check. you don't i can't imagine how that's just. that's the moss month you can do is to lower it plus the $300
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from the appeal. that's a pretty heavy fine anyway, thank you for your consideration >> i have a couple of questions are you currently living at the address. >> i'm there off and on. >> your renting it. >> no, no my nephews and her family move forward from connecticut. >> you're letting people stay there what's the tenants name. >> jim reed and okay jim reed. done in 2003 >> yes. >> how do you know it was done in 2003. >> i'm assuming that's when the first violation was written from the papers i got from the building inspectors my so you got the first violation in 2003. >> no supposedly there was a
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violation posted or mailed my the other thing, too anything that was posted at the house was immediately ripped down. the person that was doing this was totally defying the city. >> and where you were at the time. >> i was out of time in sacramento and are you building in skoovment. >> no, no i go visit any grandkids. >> you rented out your whole house to mr. reid. >> no, no i hadn't represented to mr. reid i knew him before. >> he was - >> you know from my attorney regardless of whether he was paying rent he still had tenants rights and on top of. >> are you knowledge there with
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him. >> on certainty occasions there was one bedroom i had retrieved stayed there. >> that's all right. i have nothing further. >> thank you. we'll hear from mr. duffey now. >> good evening commissioners. i'm glad mr. hansen kind of told the story about all the -- how this went on for several years. when i read the brief i couldn't figure out how it was so old and what was going on, but obviously there was issues with someone in the building. but needless to say, the department did write a notice of violation on the 28th of august, 2003, for windows and sliding glass door on the east side of 116 franconia street without the benefit of a permit. submit a copy of this notice
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for installation of sliding glass door and window complete all work and correct all violations within 90 days. and to abate this notice you must contact the housing inspector. the housing inspector that wrote that back in '03 maintains penalty on the value of $2000. when i printed up the complaint data sheet, which gives us a timeline. it looks like we had this -- this notice did get mailed to mr. hansen of 36 milan terrace, san francisco. i'm not sure if that was his other address at the time. it seems like it was an old case that never got resolved and every couple of years it looks like the housing inspection services reviewing it. they didn't sends it for a
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hearing, maybe because they were aware of the other issues because i did notice there was a notice of violation for electrical work done. so maybe housing had some similar think imilar sympathy with what was going on and didn't send it for a hearing. but eventually, they seem to be -- we are going through a lot of our old cases at the minute due to a directive at the commission, therefore we have to move on them. it sounds like we wrote them a letter and he did respond. he took that to building permit and for that work and that work got completed and signed off, which was for the windows and there was a penalty of i believe, $2,160 so that's where we are at the minute. >> couple questions. do you know how he came to your -- to the department's attention in the first place back in '03? >> let me see.
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we got a complaint on the 7th of august, 2003 from a complainant from tom mayer, so he's a neighbor or he lives in the building, but that's who filed the come /phraeupbts. >> you said there were other violations as well? >> over the years there was electrical done without a permit and the structure done without a permit. >> what's happened with those? >> they've all been abated. they've been taken care of over the years. >> has there been any penalties? >> i didn't see any penalties on those. maybe the shed got removed. i didn't notice any penalties on that work. i didn't look that up to be
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honest with you, but it hooks like the cases all got abated for whatever reason. >> and you often will give your opinion on whether the penalty is appropriate or not. would you care to do so in this case? >> i mean, if the story is the gentleman was in a problem with a building and -- we put violations on a property, we don't go after the tenant, we have to put it on the property and the owner. it seems like it would be fair enough. the penalty seemed a little excessive. it could have been a little bit lower. $1,000 would have been half the amount, so i would say i wouldn't be in total disagreement to lower it, yes. based on what he's saying is that's a bad experience to get through so, you know, i don't know -- there was nothing in the brief that mentioned about the eviction process and all that sort of stuff. had i seen that -- to be honest
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with you, many hansen -- i don't know if he brought that up with anybody. i know we do give for a /hraering to people during their time at the department based on their circumstances and we hear everything, so this would have been -- obviously the circumstances probably we would have lowered that penalty at dbi. from what i do everyday i probably would have given it good consideration so i wouldn't be against dropping it a few. >> thank ewe. you. >> that's the way it is. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> any public comment? seeing none, mr. hansen, do you have anything further to say? you have three minutes. >> yeah, what you asked about or what he was saying that if i would have come to them they would have considered lowering it before, and i did go to them, but i didn't, but i did
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it after -- excuse me -- after i had already paid the fine and so the person that i talked to there, he told me exactly what he just said. he said we would have been happy to work with you on this, except now you've already paid it, it's too much paperwork to undo it. that's what they told me. that was that. then the other thing you asked about who was the one who filed the complaint. that was the person named tom mayer and like i told you, jim reid had taken over control of my one time i came there and tom mayer was walking around in his bathrobe and i was wondering what's this guy doing in here walking around in his bathrobe and i asked him and he said i'm paying rent to jim reid. eventually i was trying to
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evict tom mayer and then he was trying to extort money from me and told me if i try to evict him that he would call every department in the city and file complaints against me and that's how that complaint got filed about doors and windows is he did it. and eventually i ended up having to pay him $15,000 to move out, cash for keys. i've already paid. thank you. >> mr. duffey. >> what mr. hansen stated is when the penalty is paid and once they paid it, the only chance they can appeal the penalty is the department. just wanted to add that. >> thank you. commissioners the matter's yours. >> i'm very sympathetic to be honest. >> do you have a motion? >> yep.
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i'll -- i make a motion to reduce the penalty to two times. >> and just for the record, before i vote on this matter, i want to disclose that i am familiar with mr. reid. i've represented him in the past on an unrelated matter, but it would not impact my decision here. >> i have a motion then from commissioner honda to reduce this penalty to two times the regular fee. on that motion to reduce, commissioner fung. >> i. >> long long. hwang. >> no. >> president lazarus. >> i. >> thank you. the vote is four to one. this penalty is reduced to two times. thank you. >> thank you. our next item is item 8,
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property is at 1626 12th avenue protesting the issuance on december 19, 2013 of an alteration permit to add one bedroom, one bathroom family room, add one great room, one powder room, remodel bathrooms and kitchen on second floor per plans. we'll start with the appellants. >> my property is on the left of the subject property and i don't have any complaints about the structural design that they're doing. it doesn't infringe on my light, air and privacy on the property. i'm concerned about the parking. there's now four bedrooms in a pretty small house and we did a walk through with the owner and architect and seemed like there was no way for them to get two cars in the garage.
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i'm fine with that if that's the way it's going to be. all i asked them to do was to get a permit to have part of the easement between my house and theirs for a red zone because what happens is people do not park their car in the garage. the last tenant that was there could not fit his car in the garage so he'd park down the hill and create a problem for me getting in and out of my garage. so all i asked them to do was to get a permit to put a red zone on the easement. one of the assistants to the architects said that he put in the paperwork to get the red zone and i talked to him today and he said that he gave paperwork to the owner and that now it's out of his hands so
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that's all i'm asking for is to have that piece of the easement painted red so i can get in and out of my driveway. and if you can grant some kind of condition to their permit do that, i'd be very pleased. >> you stated that light and privacy were your concerns. are those -- >> no, it's not -- >> those are no longer your concerns? >> no. because i had an architect and contractor look at the plans and -- >> now that you understand the plans it's not a concern anymore? >> yes. they called me about the plans and i understood so my main concern was the marking parking because we have parking issues in our neighborhood. people are parking on sidewalks, blocking driveways. >> you answered my question,
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thank you. >> you're aware that an mta red curb is 75 bucks. >> i'll pay the 75. >> okay. >> i mean, 'cause if i could get the permit i'd do it, but it's on their property side to -- so it has to be the owner of the 1626. >> and neither of the curb sides. >> and it would be a complaint red, so you would have to make the complaint for the ticketing and towing. >> exactly. that would, you know, make my life much easier. a: okay. >> my property is to the right
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and i agree with michael. i do not have a problem with the construction inside the property, but like michael have said, in our neighborhood we have recently been experienced very difficult parking situation and people park on the wrong side so i would like to ask the building inspection to relook at the plan again and i think for four bathrooms, three baths, it would be fair to ask for two parkings instead of just one parking spot because that's just -- it's just -- to me it would just create future problems. and i also think there's a problem with the entrance to the garage because, like, next to the building i experience the difficulty to the previous tenant who couldn't get his vehicle into the garage so that's something that needs to be addressed and then i think the plan needs to be done
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properly, like, two parkings and proper entrance to the garage. thank you. >> excuse me. which is the subject house? i couldn't tell from the photos and the -- >> this one? >> my property is just right to it. >> you have the larger one? >> right, this one. >> no, she's saying this one. >> the right to it. >> it is this is your property here. >> and that's your /propberty? >> thank you. >> we can hear from the permit holder.
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>> good evening, i am the daughter of the permit holder. i just asked for permission if it would be okay if i were here to speak on his behalf. he's sick and so for someone that potentially would like to live here, i personally don't see a problem with me blocking anyone's garage personally, being a san francisco resident and born and raised, i know exactly how difficult it is to finds parking and i'm very regardless if it's red or not painted red, mainly because i have a fear of people towing my vehicle to begin with. i believe -- this is also included as well if we could
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[inaudible]. >> can you speak into the mic please. >> they both have two car garages. they're speaking about this curb right here. i don't know if you can see with my finger there. although i guess it's just a very awkward situation, mainly because they have a two car garage, although the sidewalk stops right there. and they are expecting for us -- is there a way to zoom in maybe? and so right here is very close to our property already and i don't see how this is a feasible parking spot to begin with. if they expect for us to be of
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that i mainly because they do have a two car garage. i don't see a problem with the entryway to the garage. from my understanding the reason why we had -- it's a single family home that would be my father, mother and me. i plan to move out sometime soon, so i don't see that as an issue and i acknowledge that down below i believe that cross street is lotton. that's a school there and there are no garages so there's plenty of parking there. i'm perfectly capable of walking up half a block or so to my home without this problem so i dunno, that's just my personal thought from a
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recently, unfortunately based on the postponed project, so this is what had happened right here against the side of the walls. which i don't feel like is within the standards of living. i believe that's all i have to say. >> are you finished? >> yes. we're finished. >> your family purchased this recently? >> i bought that april. so i cannot -- i cannot move into [inaudible]
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>> and my father is a licensed contractor if that -- >> i got the city permit [inaudible]. >> you purchased in april of 2013? is that for your residence or spec purchase? >> that was intended for us. >> intended for you. because looking at the picture you've shown somebody went to the effort to get a red tip on the driveway and that's not that easy. it shows as the red tip on the property. >> that's the other property.
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>> that's right there. >> thank you. >> maybe we should hear from the department. >> mr. sanchez. >> thank you. i had the opportunity to review the plans the permit holder provided before the hearing and don't see any code compliance issues with the proposal. the deck is code compliant. there's no requirement for adding more parking, even if you were to add one more unit in this district, you would not need to provide one more parking space so we don't have any experience with the existing parking situation. seems that most of the issues are not related directly to the work that ease in the permit, but more of a private matter about how that curb is used because my understanding is mta
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