tv [untitled] April 5, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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something that the commission would like to hear. >> i also will be setting up on the meetings with the commissioners who are chairing the committees so that we can go over the calendars and make sure that we are capturing all of the items with commissioner mcghee. >> very good. >> any other items if not, we will move on to the next item. >> which is adjournment. >> yes. >> is there a motion for adjournment? >> so moved. >> is there a second, please? >> second. >> all of those in favor of adjournment, please say aye? >> aye. >> all of those opposed? , therefore this meeting is adjourned. thank you.
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have happened in the past couple of weeks, you are going to get the details from the officer and possibly sean, about that activity, but i just wanted you to know that we have already met with the operators, and the police department based on the incidents that happened and made the lists and taken some action going forward to try to improve the operations so that those things do not happen again. >> and now, i think that is all from me, i am going to hand it over to sean and unless someone has any questions? >> i don't see any questions, thank you, executive director. good evening, commissioners. and i will try to keep this short and sweet, as we do have a full house. and this past friday, i went into the city with san francisco police department's alcohol liaison unit and we were doing the permit inspections all over the city,
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and there is a list here on the sheet and i will read it off briefly, and john collins and har lit temple and blue, finn 1015 full so many and the south of market and dj dance clubs and then, it is a sushi karaoke type of an establishment out in the richmond district and we also had a meeting in which cona par low last week and i made a stop in there after a conversation about their hours of operating and the events. and this past sunday. we did get a complaint about
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the green's bar and we will be contacting them and seeing if i can stop by, and on an odd hour and see what this complainant is having a problem with. and at the request of the bay view district, i visited dan's house at 1275 connecticut on march 23 and the condition on my license that requires the security personnel at the venue at times and they were in compliance and i believe that i will leave the commentary up to the officer. commissioner joseph and hunt. >> and so you have a party bus,
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in the lands very strange to see a party bus in the castro. >> i first noticed a larger crowd out in front in the white zoned and stopped, to investigate, and i spoke with the patrol special, at the front door who was working on the lands, and i asked him that if a crowd in the street was a normal occurrence, and they are very busy at the time. and so, what i did was kind of stood by and watched the security, and the security end was doing a good job, but, not keeping a very close eye on the street and by the time that i approached the security, the bus had pulled out to retrieve those passengers standing in the street. >> and was this from, your observation, do those passengers look like they were gay? >> i couldn't say. i don't recall making me observations along those lines. >> okay, party bus is like a
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new phenomenon. what is at 50 mason. >> 50 mason social club is a smallish wine and beer bar wine venue. i would say... >> is that barbery coast? >> no. >> that is 34 mason. >> so is this on the street or the one that is down stairs? >> this is the street level. >> okay. >> so what is there? >> i think that it is probably three to four nights a week. and they have a small stage. and say small pa. and at the time that i stopped in, they had a door opened and i talked to their new security person, and it came to light that we have an outstanding permit application that we have had some trouble completing. so notice of citation was issued. >> and did they stop? >> they did not stop. and they were not requested to stop at the time.
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>> okay. >> thank you. >> commissioner hyde? do you have questions? >> yeah, first i just want to say that a lot of parties are now going to the castro and stuff like that, i do know that is on the rise, and i also just wanted to request that we go by and make sure that reregion is looked alt. >> absolutely. >> and great, any other commissioner comments or questions? if not, let's open it up to public comment, thank you, sean. >> any public comment on the executive director and the staff report. and i don't see any. so, the public comment is now closed. and we are going to move on to item four, which is the police department comments and questions. and please come on up.
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>> it has been a busy couple of weeks with the activity and working with the entertainment commission and staff, and dealing with some of the issues. and real quick, i will just go over just some of the summaries, and there is going to be not a real order, that we are going to delve into things. >> could you lift your microphone up? >> as far as summaris on march 21st, one march fight interrupted inside of club monroe and they were able to... and a disturbance occurred in the atmosphere knocking over the garbage cans and they were soon arrested, and no arrest was made and the subjects refused medical attention. >> on march 22, large groups of
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intoxicated individuals roamed the corridor and they were able to keep the sidewalks clear and fights broke out in front of atmosphere and they assisted sfpd in breaking up the fights and they had to be objected from the club, and one large fight erupted in front of 510 broad way and one fight broke out in front of royal pizza and one broke out inside of the pizza place and when the officers attempted to intervene the crowds interfered and the unrulely crowd at club atmosphere, they focused most of their time in front of the club, and basically from eleven at night until two in the morning. and 7 drunk arrests were made in front of the club and one in front of royal pizza. last summary was on the 29th, a fight broke out inside of a club, and all subjects were ejected and then continued the
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disturbance on the sidewalks and the police reports were offered to the subjects and missing cell phone, but the subjects were convinced to leave the area and no arrests were made and no medical service is required. for the last couple of weeks, actually in the commission hearings, we talked about the club atmosphere and we have been working with the management as well as the staff and we were able to get bennett to come and see us on monday and so we dealt with the different issues, as far as from the entertainment aspect. and the police aspect and the city resources. and they just tried to problem solve, and different things and joslyn king was there and burke and myself and then bennett, but, the different we were trying to work on operational changes to reduce the violence and the need for services and he spoke about maybe making a food component and lowering the occupancy and one of the things that we talked about is bringing the id scanner back and he said that he had one initially when they started to
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come out on broad way, but that it was having the technical difficulties, and he went further into it and we asked him if we had the id scanner and if he saw an improvement in behavior as far as the disturbances in the club and he said that he had and we were thinking that might be the way to go here and so he is going to look into an id scanner. and i know that besides there being a record, of a person if they go in there, and besides that, the behavior changes often times if you go into a club dp you are not anonymous and i used to work with the schools if you get the people coming in even for the teacher conference they will be under the guisse and they were looking into continuing the fight as long as we could identify them, as far as having them sign in and knowing actly who they are, the behavior just actually got much, much better i think that is one of the avenue and that could help, and we talked about over serving and overcrowding, and also
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meeting with the police at nighttime and sis security. and trying to work more cooperatively between the different groups and so that way if there is somebody that they kicked out, and then it should have been, and basically in front of arguing about not getting in and close to 20 minutes, and i said that is when it is important, advise the person that they can't loiter and you can't say that they have been here for do long, look at the clock, if they don't leave the area we talked about him having the security and up and down broad way and also have a radio that goes into the lieutenant that is on broad way and between flagging an officer down or having the security call them, it could be helpful. and because, you know, we want to assist the clubs if they are doing the right thing and they are advising the people that you can't be and you can't loiter here and that we support
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and come up in that fashion. and i talked about the party buses and asked him if he is doing the walk throughs and the evaluations to see if it is someone that they want, and they have turned away many party buses and the problem is that sometimes when they go down the street and took a left on the street and they all come up in waves and that is one of the harder things and so we are looking at both, you know, he has to evaluate on whether he wants to take in these different groups and we said, if you see a group of 40 people coming up the street and appearing in front of your club that is a little bit unusual and you might want to look at and if that is someone that you want in the club and he registers the party buses and that is something that he will let the central station know about, but if the people are just showing up and that can kind of wreck havoc on the club and we talked about the buses that are just dropping off people and we have a couple of names of companies so that we can work with sfpd and the
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motorcycle officers and they are redoubling our efforts as far as if there is any violations as far as pulling over if they are not registered in front of the clubs right now, we are working on different improvements. and also, as well as, entertainment commission, and maybe, even the permit officer and we also have lieutenant santos in charge of the alu and he does all of the enforcement and he is actively looking at this case, and you know to see what we can do to change the behavior and the calls for resources. and the next thing that we have is a shooting at the keller, 685 setter on march 22, 0207, and real quick i am going to go over the narrative and talk about the corrective action and meeting with the seller, and the owners as well as their security, and the entertainment
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staff, in, i felt that it went very, very well and i was very pleased after sitting down with them. here is the narrative. i spoke to, and i am just going to say a victim or a suspect rather than listing names for this. i spoke to the victim and we stated the following he and his friend had been in the club, and the located at 685 suter street and the victims were inside talking with two females. and that were suspects, and they became upset with this, and the victim and a brief argument took place at about two in the morning, the victims left the club, and while standing on the sidewalk in front of 685 suter street, the victim was again, confronted by suspects one and two, and the victim separated the parties and took the victim across the street in front of 688 suter street and a few minutes later and an unidentified white mercedes westbound on suter street stopped on suter street,
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and four suspects got out with the two females and the two males and exited the car and they approached the victim and started yelling at them and as the suspect one, reached the sidewalk, he held up a black, semi, automatic hand gun and fired four rounds at the victim after shooting all four suspects and got into the car and fled the scene, obviously, they are just concerned whether it is a shooting or a homicide, a shooting can turn into a homicide. and first from the staff and the seller, and realized this is very important in their very much into changing some of the operations at the club. and as i said i was very happy with what i heard as far as the improvements that we are dealing with, and we have set the different deadlines and said that they were going to fulfill, whether it be their staff allocations as far as where they are positioned or, even coming down to the music as far as having a variety of
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music. and they really came through it with quite a few ideas. and so that was one of the meetings. and next topic. is morning life, and we have the night clubs and also we have the day clubs on broad way. and the different things going on there. and we had a disturbing the peace and allowing the music on march 23rd at 7:54 in the morning. and from monroe adam day, and the live music and so the police responded to that one, and another call on monroe as far as the traffic backing up on march 23rd at 9:57 a.m. and the text here said advised taxiand one town car and blocking in monroe and asked to move. >> and it was a or another arrest made on broad way in the morning, and this is in front
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of club cosmo at 7:30 in the morning and there was a vehicle in front of cosmo and the club was open and arrestd for marijuana as well as narcotic offenses and the last one on broad way, this happened this last weekend on march 29th, at 10:41 in the morning, an officer passed by a car and then alerted that it was stolen, and the officer went to take on the vehicle, and one of the doors opened and suddenly hit the gun and the gun went off and the car fled the scene and the vehicle was found about an hour later but it was unoccupied but they are still looking for suspects and that is as far as the morning life that is going on in the central. last couple of cases, is or there is a battery at the parlor, and this was three or four guys that were inside of the club and they said that there were not any problems as they went outside and they were
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attacked by this person, and they didn't know why. but, the interesting thing here is was after the suspect hit all three victims, they went and he went and jump on a party bus and the party bus fled the scene and they didn't have any description or a license plate of the party bus. >> and last two, with that one was at the cafe royal, and the other one was at the ruby sky. >> yes. >> and commissioner, joseph. >> so, atmosphere? so, the reason that they don't have the scanners is because they didn't work well? is that what they said? >> in the very beginning, i think that there was a push for a lot of the clubs on broad way to have them. and so, if i understood it right, they are hooked into the clubs, so the adult entertainment clubs has a system that is if somebody gets kicked out of a club, that there is a communication but,
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then it was saying that the system would often freeze and we would create the problems because they could not process the people to get them into the club, and so right now he was looking at the new technology. >> i don't know, if ben wants to spend the money, exactly. but there are id scanners out there, that are battery operated and you can, and you have these little boxes and you swipe a driver's license, and tells you how old it is and it collects a little bit of data and you have to download it every night and there are about $150 each. and they are cheap, and they are right up, and bennett'sally and he can't do that, why not? >> this is not a money issue, he was spending twice that amount on the other machine. it was simply that it was not only functional and it was, trying to do a lot. and it was trying to communicate up to the cloud and back and so any way my point is we have a discussion with him and he didn't kick up a fuss about the money which is about finding one that worked.
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>> quickly for volume, that is it. >> all right. >> so these battery operated ones are quickly for volume. >> and they appear to be scanners, so if the idea of what appears to be a deterrent, and then he should get something that works. do you believe that that is really a deterrent? >> i mean that you should get something, i think. and the other question that i have is that if he says the party buses go around the corner, and then wave to people that come up the street? why doesn't he just place a security guard on the corner? >> the corner, when i say down on the corner, it is about two blocks and it is down the hill. >> oh, okay, all right. >> okay. >> and my own other question for you, is do you find this an uptick in violence? in the central? >> i have seen, there has been a lot of activity at the atmosphere that we have been dealing with and it has been on
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