tv [untitled] April 10, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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don't have that kind, and they soldiered on with our meeting and you showed an incredible amount of decorum and apparently they were raised by wolves but i do not want to insult the wolfs but wolves are some of my favorite animals. but where they learned their lack of manners and expected it to be acceptable, and to come into my turf, and act afool, i really resented that. and to have someone come all the way from santa rosa honey you should have just stayed there. but again, you were so patient, and so gracious, that i was very pleased to have you as our police commission. and i hope that it won't take 12 months for you to come back to the tender loin, maybe those of us in the hood can do a little street justice to make sure that it does not happen again, thank you.
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>> thank you, miss bryson, tom? >> my name is tom and i have been here before. and i don't have notes this time. and so, a little time so much corruption, but i will start with the police endietment and that is why i came here two weeks to speak when there was not a quorum, folks if you are not going to show up and do not tell monroe that you are going to be late and never show up and waste our precious time and it happened on march 18 and june fifth and those are the times that i have come here to speak, it is inconsiderate and it is rude, don't do it, i know who you are and i will not name you, i like you too much. okay. getting back to the police indictments from two weeks ago, i know that they have been superceded by the politician indictments since then, but the question is this was what is
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sfpd doing with regard of these officers and whereas the internal control? where was the occ action on these six officers? was it given to greg under wood again? that will explain why it was buried. the next comment and i meant to come here on june fifth to comment on the difference between the angel side station, which is a well run station as you can arrest from your may 29th meeting there where all of the people there who live from that district were lauding his efforts the contract and the mission station where you had the meeting and you were baraged by the commentary about the citizens about how lawless that has come. the bottom line is on your watch, 6 officers have been indicted by the feds and didn't involve you because they didn't trust you, a politician and many have been indicted and
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this politician was nearly arrested several times in the past 15 years like careni was too and because he was a politician, your master, nothing was done and nothing was done and i wonder how he got the message that breaking the law is just fine and dandy, what you did not punish him for previously did not involve terrorist and weapon running and nevertheless if you had stopped him when he broke the law repeatedly for years and years and years and maybe he would not have gotten the memo that said that i can do whatever the heck i want and if you read the transcript and the indictment you know that he acted like a man who was not held accountable in this city at all i wonder why that is. and just so you know one final thing, chief and i don't know if that was my two minute warning, you might want to force are shrimp boy fan boys and which members are yee
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accolites and people who are working for them while they worked for you and you might want to consider the same thing in the district attorney office where we know that there are corrupt people there. and like victor wang and the list goes on, thank you. >> next speaker? >> clyde. >> how are you doing. >> hey, good evening. and i can't follow that act. but i want to say something. to everyone. there is a friend told me today from new york he said clyde under this theft i am a human, i am just human i am just like you. i went to the academy and i graduated and i did he had it done and many years. and but he said that i am just as fallible as you are and that includes chief sur and the officers. and so i think that we need to calm down. the indictments for them, her human, people relax, they are human, we see senator, i am hold enough to know.
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>> get you a mic. >> well, we will skip the chief then. >> yeah. >> give it just one second. i will be brief because i know that we have a presentation and a couple on a high note, we bid farewell yesterday or safe voyage to our operation genius, and so jj, and officers and they took the kids from the willie majs clubhouse to africa on friday and we have been getting pictures right along and they arrived safely and they were nervous to go. but they are happy to be there
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and we will have a full report when we get back. i believe from a week from friday and very exciting and a trip of a lifetime for those kids. >> we are going to have a gun buy back this weekend as part of the mayor's ipo program and it involves alive and free, and central resource center and the river of live church and gun by gun and the inner faith council and it is to be held at 2630 bay shore, saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and it is going to be a drive through and you have to arrive by car and the weapons are to be unloaded. and the guns in working condition and 100 dollars, and up to 200 dollars for a working assault weapon. and no questions asked. and i can't tell you how important things like this gun buy back are as you know, for the past several years, it is all been about targeting the guns and as we close out the first quarter, of 2014, although, one homicide is too
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many, there had been five homicides total in the city of san francisco and only two homicides by firearm in the city of san francisco and you don't have to go that many years particularly to 2007 in this exact point in time we had 20 homicides by firearm on the same day, april second. so, i think that working together with everybody as we have been, really really working with our young people about the positive choices in education, and certainly all of that just the tremendous partnerships that we have had with the community, and then, being smart about how we do things, and getting our as many guns off of the street as we can, and i think that paying dividends and so hopefully we can sustain this and it becomes the new normal around here and so that is going to conclude my report and i am going to defer the rest of my time for the presentation in the earthquake
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safety and emergency response bond. >> okay. >> okay. >> good evening, president mazzucco and commissioners. my name is sam elcherry and i am a public works project manager responsible for the public safety building and so tonight, i will also be giving you an update on the easter earthquake safety and emergency response bond which is coming up on the ballot in june of this year. >> and so as a quick reminder, the earthquake safety and emergency response bond of 2010, included three components and the neighborhood fire stations, and auxiliary water supply system for the firefightering and of course the public safety building the largest component which consists of the future police headquarters, and a brand new fire station for, the relocated south of district station. and also, the project where we
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have the existing fire brick structure for the officers and the task force and the community group as part of the community campus. and on the public safety campus we are on target to a ribbon cutting in november of this year, so that means that we are tracking to find a completing and in august and september of 2014 and just going back, we start the design in november of 2011, and construction started in december of 2011, and substantial completing which is to the point where the building could be occupied as june or july of this year. here i think that most of you are familiar with the rendering on the left and comparing that to actual construction. the photo of the construction recently. and there are, and we are getting there. we are completely, weather tight, and two weeks we will finish the last of it in the
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parking side. and here is another view, and here you see, the apparatus bay doors for the fire station at the north end of the building and you can compare that to actual construction. and this shot was taken standing at lot a of the at&t structure or the parking lot. and the main entry to the police headquarters is mid block third street between china basin and the mission rock streets and so here is the rendering and the actual construction photo of that main entry plaza between the existing brick structure on the right and the lobby space to the headquarters to the left. >> the china basin side, again, there will be a plaza which is one of the art installations for the project, and as well as access from china basin to the
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main entry plaza from the china basin. the police station is also on this side if you look and if you see the two-story concrete block, that is the relocated south in district station. and the second piece of art installation is the memorial piece dedicated to the fallen officers and the entry lobby of the police head xwauters, and it consists of a glass cylinder, about 9 feet in diameter and 16 feet in height hung in the ceiling of the two story lobby space and it is a ten by ten skylight and a poem etched dedicated to the fallen officers. and also, if you look on the rendering to the left, and the bottom left where the main lobby space is, where it is going to be relocating the plex from the halls of justice to
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this location. so both of these locations will be very prominent in the day as well as at night as you drive past third street. so, looking into the future, easter 2014, the two major pieces of the two components of the work, and relates to the police departments are the traffic company, and forensics division and the police and infrastructure projects for nine stations and noting that southern district station that is part of the public safety campus is the tenth. >> so i believe that i understand that all of the commissioners have received a cd rom with the facility studies that were performed on all nine district stations to evaluate and look at the conditions and the need for
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improvements. and that study will inform which of the stations and the levels of work that this needed. going forward, on easter of 2014 as well as potentially a third bond after that. so, easter 2014 bonds will be applied simply in the manner that we have spent the easter 2010 bonds fund and 30 million will be allocated to the district stations and the total need is 253 million, based on the study that was completed and so the $30 million, it is like a down payment towards the total work that is needed to bring it to a level of public safety and end code.
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some of the issues that will be addressed as part of the police facilities and improvements, of course, the safety and security deficiencies, require the expansions and a lack of compliance with it is directions and standards of authority and regulations and a lack of gender balancing and the equality rooms and present in some of the stations issues such as ada and public access within the station space and then the need for seismic strengthening in some of the facilities and the need for the building system repairs and or up grades.
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three up grades, renovations. >> let me fix your mic and see if that will work for you. >> that works? >> i will use this one. project and comprehensive reno vasing and replacements of building because of seismic deficiencies. and this slide shows a very high level definition of how each of the stations were categorized for the study. so the traffic company is located in the seismically unsafe halls of justice area and so both the traffic company and the services will be relocated for the site that is required in 1995, and which is near tolen.
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here is the work and it has been accomplished to date on those two components of the easter 2014 bond, the sign in environmental review, and negative declaration and published and it was actually published in november of 2013 and the site lease purchase, option was approved by the board and resolution signed by the mayor in november of last year. the built that is planned for these two facilities are 85,000 for the forensics services division and 20,000 for the traffic company. so the total project budget is $165 million for both the sight acquisition and the improvement and at 1995 evans site and 11.9 million dollars will be allocated for the furniture and fixtures and equipment for that
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and now i will end with an exciting rendoring of the traffic company answering well, i want to and say on behalf of the mission thank you for your presentation. >> thank you. this is something that you know, as a police commission i have been on here along with marshal and dejesus, and we were on when there was a dream of a new hall of justice, and new facilities for our officers. and there was talk about the bond measures, and to see this come to be and actually be there for them and captain gold berg and he is not sitting there but he is enjoying the show, but i want to thank you
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and this is incredible. >> thank you. >> and we look at this, and it is just amazing that there will be a new hall of justice but the one thing that sticks out for the commission the most is that when you show that one slide showing the central station will be replaced and i think that this commission has reached a conclusion that it is not in our jurisdiction that it has to be the most unsafe, and unpolice station like location in the parking garage where the female officers are changing down stairs in a container, it is just not acceptable and so i am glad that we are moving forward with that. and there is a locker there with the container i think that there is an important issue.
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>> and i want to thank you for the commissioners. >> and if you were allowed to say a few words and anticipation and smiling. >> we can't do this. >> i can't say it first because i was so stirred by that presentation. >> i did not think that it was boring in the least. >> thank you chief. >> and we don't always agree any way. >> you know, this is and i am, as far as the new building goes, i just think that that building that everything were okay that we determined later on and you just named a couple of officers funerals that we are going to be going to, many of these officers now whose funerals we are going to worked for a long, long time in the hall of justice. and so, i don't know that it has been proven, but i know that is urban legend among many, many police officers that the building itself is making certain people sick. and i don't know, but i mean, we are happy to get out of there and i am hope that the rest of the folks, that are there are out of there soon enough and that is why i think that this other project is critical. and i think that the
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rehabilitation and the detoxification of that building, is important, not to mention that if there is an earthquake it is coming down and there is, and there are very, very many, many, many reasons, which all kidding aside is why this presentation is anything but boring. >> i am glad that he gave a schematic of the chief's office. the office is actually smaller. >> really? >> yes. >> and actually, i would love to offer the commissioners a chance to see the construction site. and work on logistics. >> great, and the building has really, really taken shape. so i think that if you go there it is not hard to visualize how it is going to be. >> and it is different in person, than it. >> that would be great. >> we will be there it is a field ship. >> commissioner loftus, >> thank you for your presentation and the building is beautiful and it does look like i am pleased to see that there is a location for the forensics service and we want
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to get the traffic company out of the hall of justice and i would feel that when this does come up to bring up do you know who is going to be left in the hall of justice? i know that the da's office, i believe that the adult probation. do you know? >> kathleen? >> one time it might be one billion and a half dollars and the campaign did not support that kind of a cost along with the city's capacity to develop the projects that size along with the other projects that are going on and so the move out is being staged and the first move out is as a result of the 2010 easter bond and that is essentially all of the administration, and southern station, and should easter, 2014 pass, which is june of this year, it is on the ballot. and that will be the traffic
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company, services and so they will be going also and so for the police department, and the other ones will be there and we will still be investigations, and the courts will still be there and probation, and the jails. the jails are the working on a plan there to develop the site and much to the current hall of justice and using the certificates of participation, and to develop that within the next couple of years. and then they would use, there is another bond anticipated for 2021, and that would move out kind of the remainder of the hall of justice and also, relocate the courts to hate to say the new annex but that newer part of the hall that was built, 30 or 40 or 30 years ago where the chief's office is, that far in the hall that is the mcdonalds and that was an addition that was added 40 years ago and so the idea is to move that and tear down the old hall of justice and use the state bond money to rebuild
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that and move the courts back into that. and then tear down you know, the anex so the courts will be there across the street and the other criminal justice, agencies somewhere nearby. and so it is a long ways planned and it is probably going well for the next bond, and it is the final bond anticipated is 2021 and maybe, 2025 is probably if we are lucky assuming that everything goes according to plan. >> 2025 would be completed or it would begin? >> well, 2021, the bond would pass, and then there would have to be design, and construction. and for that final aspect, and so, you know, maybe 2025. and now, things could change, and also if the state bond money came available to speed up the courts, and speed up the jail, and speed up some and so if the bond money and other funding became available that made it feasible to move the
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projects forward but right now if you look at the city's capitol plan, the final bond issue is easter of 2021, as it is envisioned today. and so in construction, we start out for that money that became available assuming that it passes. >> there is a plan to seek that money. >> there is a plan. >> and to move everyone out. >> yes. >> the urgency is for the first responders first. >> correct. >> and then it would, and we are talking about the ten years before other folks have been moved out of what we know as the seismic land safe building >> correct. >> okay. and now that is approximately, give or take, depending on based on the assumptions that these bonds passed. >> yeah, right, okay. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner dejesus. >> so i want to say thank you to and it is important that we all move out of there, but i also want to note the bridge took 25 years to replace the bridge and you know it is a process and i am glad that we are moving up.
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and i just have a funny question on the very last page says penthouse, i just wonder who is in the penthouse? >> the public safety building? >> the police commission. >> the commission will have a nice office area and the police headquarters on the 6th floor. >> really? there is a penthouse. >> it is a for mechanical space, it is all in the maintenance and it does sport a good view, currently. >> and nice branding. >> thank you. >> commissioner turman? >> that was basically my question. >> you can tell where their minds are at. >> i moved not too far from it, so one of the things that i am glad to see is you seem to be taking the public access areas very seriously. very light, very inviting which is not always something that you contract about 850 bryant.
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and so i am thrilled to see that this is moving in the right direction. >> thank you. >> thank you so much for your presentation. >> i enjoyed it. >> and i think just to comment lightly on that, part of the architect's ambition is to make sure that these buildings are a civic and an out look that they are apart from the commercial or the glass blocks that you see so often, for residential or office buildings. the landscape and the mission bay has changed dramatically in the past decade and so in the past five years. >> and it will continue to do so. with all of the buildings. that were going on in that area. >> correct. >> so we are glad that you are taking the steps to make this particular structure fit in there and also just really to be an open part of the community and inviting to the public. so thank you for that. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioners? i just want to thank you, for those of you and the three of us here on this site actually served at the hall of justice and there is a lot of history, and a lot of us served there and a lot of police officers have served in that building and there has been a lot of
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events that have taken place and the courts there that effect the people's lives significantly and there is a lot of great history and the building needs to be replaced so thank you. >> it wasn't boring at all. >> thank you. >> and now i can sleep. >> thank you. >> and was boring to me. >> thank you. >> call line item 2 b, please? >> occ director's report, and discussion, and review of recent activities. >> good evening, direct hicks. >> good evening, president mazzucco and members of the commission and chief suhr and members of the audience, the occ has no recent activity to report this evening and however i was not at last week police commission meeting in the community and the day before, i did attend the meeting that chief suhr hosted regarding the shooting death of nato and it did want to say that since that
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time, the occ has received several phone calls and we have opened a complaint to investigate that matter. but, next week, you will hear a lot from the occ. i will deliver the reschedule 2013, annual report. as well, as providing you the confidence and statistical report for the month of march. and that concludes tonight's report. >> great, thank you. >> you are welcome. >> any questions for director hicks? >> great, please call line item 2 c. >> commission report and discussion, and the commission's president's report and commissioners reports. >> i have nothing to report, do you have anything that you would like to report. >> just happy to say that once again be able to partner, with the department and
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