tv [untitled] April 15, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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the city working together every day more on everything else. [speaker not understood] center, part of the somewhat related, in fact, directly related the [speaker not understood], with myself, sent a memo to all the directors of san francisco asking to communicate [speaker not understood] center and software and qualifications. and i was part of the overall plans to address this in a structural way together. >> okay. so, you expect to have a plan in -- by august, a comprehensive plan? >> yes, in fact, our plan is to have the planning in july [speaker not understood]. >> okay. we won't be here in august, so, that will give us time to review it. >> yes. i think that --
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>> we could probably give you a little bit more time. >> you will -- i think you should be able to see, even without a live demo [speaker not understood], you would be able to see the product we have is being carefully chosen in the list of available architectural solutionses from vendors and that we made strong progress to show first in dt [speaker not understood], yes, we know how to you it and we're generating buying from the other departments and then we should be able to then start rolling it out in fy '15. >> okay, thank you. any questions, colleagues? okay, thank you. >> i just want to make one comment that mr. tutitu was brought in in part because we did need a cultural hog in our city it department. i know this is something he's been trying to bring in private sector experience nerd to move our system forward. it has not been easy, it's been
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frustrating. it's been something i've been working with his department on ~ in the last couple years and with him over the past year to move this forward. but thank you for the work you're doing and we'll keep pushing. >> thanks, i enjoy the work. >> thank you. i'm going to ask the grand jury member mort raphael to present, please. >> thank you very much. i guess it's been a long time since i've been here before you to talk about our report that was the result of our work in 2012, i guess. of the three member of the board, i guess supervisor chius was the only member who what currently elected to sit on the board at that time, and i would hope that the other members of the board, madam chairman and supervisor tang, will have an
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opportunity to read our report in full. mainly because i think the title of our report speaks for the issues that i think you should all be aware of. deja vu, all over again, the san francisco department of technology need a great deal of culture shock. i wonder sitting and watching doctor -- supervisor chiu take out a staff report from the filing cabinet, and all of them were fairly similar in term of what their recommendationses were. and they went over the years saying the same thing over and over and over again. i hope that somebody is not standing before you in the future year presenting a report on technology entitled deja vu: all over again. from the comments made by the
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new cio, it look like we're perhaps off to a better start than we have been in a while. yet there remains the questions that have brought us to this table before. there seems to have been -- it's difficult to see in the outside much of the comments we've made in the report have actually been entertained seriously, is there, for example, a great deal of interaction between the cio, city cio and the department cios where they can together deal with issues that need to be more centrally discussed if not centrally organized. is the mayor of san francisco taking a much more active role in trying to use his leadership to bring this about. there is a greater need for a technology to become looked at.
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it's a much more comprehensive way, such as the report that the cio just has responded to, that having data that comes from a comprehensive city-wide basis will provide you with greater insight into how to manage a rather technically complicated area. there are a whole host of issues in the report that i think are worthy of your attention, i'm not quite sure to the degree to which the board of supervisors gives the same degree of passion as they give to, for example, the other issues that have come before you this morning. i noticed with -- that you have taken on a great deal of enthusiastic response to the report on investments in russia -- i can't remember the name of
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the panels, solar panels. that there is a great deal of enthusiasm behind those issues. and i don't know this over the time that we've made our report that there is the same degree of interest or the same degree of enthusiasm to overcome the rather difficult complex culture that has led san francisco technology in a rather unfortunate circumstance that we've found. i'm going to ask my colleague -- [laughter] >> -- colleague -- i'm really embarrassed. [multiple voices] >> who will be able to comment particularly on the report that you're considering today. but i would urge you to really pay attention to what our report says. and i think it will give you reason to become enthusiastic to make the kinds of changes, at least to encourage the kinds of changes that are necessary
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in technology. thank you. >> and i'd like to just make a equipment response before you step away. one of the things that we discuss on a regular basis is our system and our communication and how thing are happening and how different entities are communicate with one another. specifically with my graffiti legislation i hoped to bring together our 311 system, our rec and park department, our mta department as well as our dpw department to talk about and the san francisco police department to talk about how effective 311 was in terms of communicating through that system to those various departments and to the police department in general. we were, mta was already going to send some additional money on changing their technological system and this a way for us to not spend more city resource
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he, but [speaker not understood] work to gather the data more efficiently, go through the appropriate departments as well as the san francisco police department and to analyze it in a way where it what just -- it's just a more efficient way to do business. so, i would think that's thai fairly -- and i can speak for myself, i and other member of the board of supervisors ~ are not enthusiastic about this. it's one thing that we talk about with all of these departments on a consistent basis. we've made incredible gains, both with the department of children infants and families, and some of these predate -- these happen over the years before i became a member of the board. but it's something i watched very closely and have continued to advocate because i think that it's important for us to do so as a city. and, so, i appreciate your report and i appreciate the fact that it takes into account the larger perspective of what the department of telecommunications should be doing, which a lot of it they
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haven't been doing efficiently. and i mean, just, for example, the board of directors for the bridge board, we have this detailed technological system with our -- in our -- that we can download into our ipads and have our meeting notes. we can write notes. we save a lot of paper, we save a lot of time, it's ease toy maneuver, and at the board of supervisors we have our ipads, we have our computer, we have papers, we have our binders. we're not in the same boat. and i think that's a problem. and, so, i will say that it's important to me that we look at it from a holistic perspective and we try and develop the most centralized system so that each department is not operating in its own bought, but these system have the ability to communicate with one another. ~ bot it's important to me, but i just wanted to let you know that. i truly believe it's important to other members of the board
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because we always have these discussions with various departments regardless of the civil grand jury report, which is very helpful to understanding the complex details of what's really going on, but we experience it when we're having these discussions about budget and different departments and why don't they have information. so, we're on the same page here, and i do appreciate the work that you've done to bring this before us. >> i applaud your comments, and i just hope that other members of the board of supervisors gain that kind of enthusiasm. there are others on the board of supervisors who do and it's just an issue that is so engrained in the activity of technology in the city that's very difficult to overcome. i think everybody recognizes that. but with that leadership from above, it ain't gonna happen. ~ without leadership from above >> before you walk away, i'm
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going to call on supervisor president chiu. >> i just want to thank the civil grand jury for the work that you d. you heard me say this before. i actually agree with your comments. i think that because this area has been extremely challenging to understand, because the public hasn't really focused on it, because it's so technical, there hasn't been the kind of i think scrutiny by policy makers on these issues that we need to. and part of the reason for me why it's important is, is making our city technology work is not just about helping to make our government more efficient and more effective, but we're talking about the expenditure of what's estimated to be anywhere from 200 to $250 million a year. and if we can find cost savings on that -- by the way, much of that budget is not under the department of technology, it is scattered throughout many disparate departments that have not yet figured out i think how to work together as well as we should. and if we could figure out how to be more efficient in those areas, we wouldn't have to have a conversation around go solar s.f. we wouldn't have to be fighting
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about the monies we need for young people, our seniors, or folk who need health care if we could be more efficient. and, so, this has been a long frustration of mine and unfortunately it has been difficult to focus both the public and i think our amour ok iss on it. but again, want to thank the civil grant fa grand jury because you help us do that. ~ you help us [speaker not understood] our relatively new installed cio and work together to make sure we won't see deja vu again. as you pointed out a few years ago when this report came out, i did come with five reports, ten years that showed the same thing. all the same problems, nothing had been done and it is my hope that we will not see that again. >> thank you. one second. supervisor tang. >> thank you. i just wanted to also echo some of the sentiments of my colleagues here. i do remember reading these reports when i was serving as the legislative aide and glad to see i did have a chance to
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meet with our new cio, was very enthusiastic -- he was very enthusiastic and i'm very confident in the direction he's taking the department and that positive changes will be happening in the near future, not ten years from now. so, with that, i just again want to -- i explain we do have these conversations ongoing. it may not be in the forvv of a hearing, but we certainly do appreciate your work on the civil grand jury. ~ form of -- >> i wish you well. >> thank you. we're going to open this item up to public comment. i have one speaker card from todd lori. hello, supervisors. my name is todd lori, i'm a former member of the civil grand jury. i worked on the technology report that, that is the subject of today's hearing. i did want to talk a little bit about funding more than the asset management system, which is the recommendation that you're reviewing. but first i would like to say
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that mark tuitui and miguel and favio and all of the people who were involved with coit and the mayor and all the coit subcommittees are doing a lot of work. and i appreciate that. they seem to be working together, you know, a lot more. i was particularly excited to see that one of the projects this year being done by dte is actually -- i'm just excited about the title and it is fix the fundamentals. it's about networking and so forth. so, that was good to see. it is glad to see that dte and the city are working on asset management system either its asset management or physical assets. it is really great to see that. i would point out, though, that on this year's rest of coit approved -- coit proposed projects for the general fund, there are three item that are being proposed that follow the
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category of asset management. and, so, they're not going to be duplicate of one another. there is a project from the previous year that is continuing as well. but what i would like to say is the project that dte is proposing is $450,000 from this, from this fund. the total of all funds before coit are about $56 million for this year, and the amount for this project is really only about 1% of that $56 million. but sadly, most of the funds for coit have been previously allocated for the previous year. so, even that amount becomes 25% of the available funds. so, there's -- there's a giant gap between $56 million [speaker not understood] and $2
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million [inaudible]. >> thank you. next speaker. may name is [speaker not understood] and i was the foreperson of the 2012-13 civil grand jury. and since this issue of communication and technology was so important, i would perhaps suggest that it stay on the calendar to be called at the request of the chair so there can continue to be this, this oversight, if you will, of the technology report. i want to thank you for setting all of our reports for hearing and for setting the 2012-13 report for hearing today. i just wanted to say that we appreciate the support that you have given and we've gotten from this committee and the cooperation from elected officials. although some time the civil grand jury is maligned in the
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press, the grand jury provides a useful and unique function. as mentioned by your peers, we're the only entity that can only take a look at some of the hard issues without concern for political retribution. briefly, last year the impact of our report, we felt was pretty significant and it was positive change. the closing times for going to the park, regardingedth syphilis property report as of july 2013 ~. there is no integration in the property map database with real estate information systems. currently individual can go online and find out what is going on online with city property. the building inspection resulted in increase on [speaker not understood]. in response to the city services auditor's report, potive changes were made including adding 26 new efficiency measures. so, we appreciate the
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opportunity to be of service to the city and county of san francisco. thank you. >> thank you. are there any other members of the public wishing to make public comment at this time? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, any final comments? i have a few final comments. i just want to say that i do appreciate the work of the civil grand jury. i know it's a lot of hours and i don't think you get paid for it, from my understanding, zero? so double your value. just a little. but nevertheless, you do it because you love the city and because you want to make sure that government is doing its part in making sure that money is being used appropriately, that folks are held accountable for the things that they say they're doing for our citizens. and, so, i do appreciate it and i do want to see changes in the department of telecommunications or -- it's changed its name so many times,
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dtis, at the end of the day whatever you want to call it. we're responsible for the overall efficiency and quality of how we use technology in our city and i do think it's important that we revisit this. i'm looking forward to bringing forth the plan once it's completed. i'm happy to look at september as a time to schedule a presentation around that particular item so that we have a chance to see exactly what's been done and what we can look forward to in the future as it relates to changes in technology in our city. i mean, in some instances, it is embarrassing and we have to make some significant changes, especially because often time we're getting requests to spend significant dollars on antiquated technology and i don't want to see requests like that come before us unless we have a plan to move our system forward more efficiently.
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so, when we're thinking about the future or when we're thinking about making plans, we need to think about how this relates to the future, how it gets us to where we need to be in terms of technology jill for our city as a whole. and, so, looking forward to hearing from your department in september at this particular committee meeting. and, so, with that, colleagues, do i have anything -- any suggestions on how we should proceed? yes. so, i guess we would make -- i'd like to entertain a motion to continue this until a meeting in september of 2014. >> so moved. >> thank you. without objection, the item is -- >> to the call of the chair. >> okay, yes. thank you. all right. without objection, this item is continued to the call of the chair. [gavel] >> madam clerk, are there any other item on our agenda today?
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>> no, that concludes our business for today. >> so, we are adjourned. thank you. [gavel] >> so what brought you out here for the bike ride today? >> i grew up in san francisco but i have been living in new york. i wanted to see what san francisco is doing with infrastructure. >> cities are where people are living these days. the bay area is doing a lot with
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construction and the way to change the world starts here. >> we are about to take a bike ride. we have 30 cyclist. i'm really excited to hit the road and see what the city has in store. >> i definitely recommend it to people. it's a fun afternoon and you learn so many things. >> this is so much fun. i go to
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april 9, 2014. welcome to the san francisco board of appeals at the control is the boards legal assistant and our legal clerk i'm cynthia gold at the scene we're joined by the representatives for the board corey is the assistant zoning administer and rep the planning commission and planning department he's joined by joseph duffey
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