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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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one b which was the procedure transportation bond that is coming to an end and we have not included in here, because we do we are very conservative and we have not included the funds related to cap and trade and we do suspect that we will be getting the cap and trade funds through the commission and we do not yet know what year so it was impossible for us to tie it to a project and so we are not sure quite yet when we will get it. just quickly to cover some of the proposed improvements. >> do you know what the amount the range for that cap and trade money will be and that will be in the state here. >> it will be in the state sliver and it will be between 450 and 500 million dollars. >> okay. >> so, quickly i wanted to highlight the bicycle improvements that we are proposing for implementing the bike strategy as planned and so the bike parking is definitely a focus and so we are supposed
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to have close to 10,000 parking spaces and so we are trying to move in that direction and so we are funding 5,000 proposed in in five year, cip and one point of feedback that we got from the advisory committee in many different advocacy groups is that we need to focus on the spot improvements and that was really brought up as something that we need to do where the network is there, and we have done a good job at implementing the 2009 bicycle plan and there are portions of that network that need the additional help or work and there are difficultis in areas, hot spots that we need to work on. and upgraded bike facilities and of course, larger and more complex projects and masonic one of those and a lot of the projects in the eastern neighborhood plan is a part that have and something that was discussed prior, education and out reach, and as maria noted we are going to be going forward with an active transportation and it is assumed in here and i am
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hopeful that we will get it to fund a robust program. >> with regard to the safety, walk phase one and two were funded and we have a number of those complete projects funded and columbus as an example and we still have a number of coordination and the street projects that we work in the planning department and the planning department on implementing, and then, the walk first program, and it is, something that is always very difficult for us to fund in the capitol program, and kid hodge noted that with prop k, things are difficult and in the five year capitol improvement program it is difficult to fund the programs of this type but we are doing our best with the sources that we have to find the ways to fund those. >> and then, transit improvements and 16th street and we are moving forward with the tiger, usdot tiger grant and i brought up, the travel time proposals across the system and of course the fleet
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replacement. >> and then, finally, this is a slide that is not in any other presentation other than the one that i have brought forward to your committee. and the reason is that every month when i come to this committee, i hear over and over that all of you that out reach is important and how does the mta respond to the out reach and so we have done 30 plus meetings using a lot of the slides that i showed you to many of the different community groups across san francisco and we did get a lot of out reach and i will say that we actually did make the changes based on the feedback that we got from a lot of people and so one example was the eastern neighborhood citizen advisory committee for more than a year has asked we know that we are getting a certain amount of development impact fees and this is what we would like to use that money for and we never see the other projects that mta is funding and intending on doing and we showed em that the development impact fees, actually leveraged tons of other federal funds and revenue bond funds and other sources
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sher going to give us a letter of support and the bike advisory committee and went to them three times and the feedback and the spot improvements and the network up grades and so we actually changed the scope of the larger and more expensive projects to actually add more mileage to the system and be very responsive to their request and so we are going to come back with the third this month and the small business commission and their request was that they really want to know when the construction is happening in the street and one thing that we will have in the final book is you will see the phases and planning and construction are happen and we will get a sense of when the physical improvements will happen and that was a request from them that we are accommodating, and then of course, we went to all of the coordination type of groups and to get a sense of how to coordinate and provide them with the information that they request. and so the majority of these groups if not all of them will provide the letters of the support saying that thank you for coming and talking to us and we will include them in the final document.
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>> so, with that, i can take any questions that you might have, thank you very much. >> commissioner breed? >> thank you. >> i do appreciate the out reach that has been happening to notify the public about what is going on and what the changes are and there is still of course, a lot of concerns and things that we have to work towards, and i do have one complaint in your slide, on page 13, and that is actually district five. and so that in front of mojo which is where the parklet is, and it is a great place to eat and they actually have pop ups. but enough advertisements for my district. i want us to continue along those lines and around out reach because that makes the difference, notifying people and giving them an opportunity to provide input, but more importantly, explaining to them, exactly why we need to make sure changes, and being consistent in our messages is key to being able to move this
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system forward. and in a timely manner so that it is efficient for all residents. and so, i do appreciate those efforts and i hope that we can maintain the out reach effort that is at that same place. thank you. >> thank you, i just wanted to thank you for raising that last slide about the out reach and improved really meaningfully, taking input and having that impact policies and decision making and i think that there is always been a reputation of the mta, at least having some input but then, really not listening to it, but i know first hand from the limited and some other examples that fairly recently that change is really been evident for me that you are really listing more to neighborhoods and i also wanted to say that the coordination with the transportation staff has been really significantly improved as well and i really appreciate that too. and i did want to go back to the slide of the revenue plans and just say that i am really
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appreciative that you are giving us a big picture of this. and that the november ballot measures and the future revenue sources are critical but i wanted to get back to the plan for the van ness and the geary brts because i noticed that you mentioned 2019 now, is kind of one of the benchmarks for design and completing and i am just wondering from the november or the ttf, funds that are within this can you just kind of give us a sense of how much you have committed to moving forward with the geary brt, for example and other parts of the rapid transit system >> yeah, there is so, there are two ballot, and well, three, proposed for november but the two sources that we should be talking about are the general obligation bond first and the proposal for the increase in the vehicle license fee that would generate the general funds which are more flexible and the reports developed for both of those sources include a
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category for rapid network improvements and so it could be numerous projects, and van ness would be a project that the sources could be used for and the geary would be a project that those sources could be used for. and as our thing is related to the tep. and with regard to geary, i think that the goal s and i will let my transportation authority friends answer this question further if necessary. but, we are trying to get through the environmental phase and hone down on what the scope is and really look at maybe even different ways that we can get improvements out to people in san francisco, as quickly as possible. and so that might mean things like doing single priority and getting a dedicated lane in place as quickly as possible and maybe phasing up, you know, larger more complex improvements over time and that is an opportunity and something that could be considered. we could consider, the process that we went through with van ness and we go for the gold and we go for the full design and
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construction and we do everything at once and so that is an option for the delivery and i think that we are going to take the period as we go into the detail design to determine the optimal method and improve the service for those who ride the 38 and we are in the period of making those decisions and coming up with what we can do to actually improve the service and do it as quickly as possible. but we will be working with the cac and the other groups to do that and the funds that i discussed will be available for us to porm you la that idea and then pitch it. the one thing that i will note, however, is projects of that scale geary and van ness, 16th street, which is another one, are extremely dependent on outside sources whether it be through the metropolitan commission, we will be dependent on that and so the goal is going to be to create the most ready project possible and have it ready to pitch to those people to make sure that we can deliver it. >> i appreciate that and i want us to do the best to stay on
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schedule and really follow through with some of those near term improvements that are so critical for that geary corridor. >> thank you. >> any other questions, colleagues? >> then, let's open it up for public comment, anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and this is an information item. and i really appreciate all of the time today. are there any other items before us. >> yes, item 9, introduction of new items, this is an information item. >> colleagues, actually the para transit system was one of the issues that my staff will follow up with the ta staff on. let's open this up for public comment and anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> seeing none, closed. call the next item. >> general public comment? >> is there anyone that would like to speak? >> public comment is closed. is there any other business before us. >> no, item 11, adjournment. >> thank you and i wanted to thank you, jessy larson and
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maconian from sfgtv for broadcasting us today, meeting adjourned thank you everyone. a?
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>> president mazzucco i would like to call roll. >> please do. >> president mazzucco? >> present. >> vice president turman? >> here. >> commissioner marshal, in route. >> commissioner dejesus. >> here. >> commissioner chan. >> here. >> commissioner loftus? >> here. >> we have a quorum mr. president and also with us is
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the chief of police gregory sur and hicks. >> welcome to the san francisco police meeting and before we start i want to announce that we adjourn in the honor of fallen police officers or former police officers, and unfortunately tonight, we have to adjourn in the honor of two officers who passed away recently and we will do that in their honor, but before we move into the meeting a little bit of background about the officers. the first officer everyone knows him as jr, and james richards was assigned to company a, central station, he is 50 years old. he is married. he has been a member of the san francisco police department for over 20 years. he is a native san franciscan, and went to macatire high school and played football at
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city college and sacramento state university and also an accomplished musician, dj, and everyone says that he was quite the character. and he was serving at central station at the time when he passed suddenly, and without any warning. and so we will adjourn in his honor. and secondly, we also lost a 37-year veteran of the san francisco police department, officer stewart who was assigned to the permit bureau and prior to that he was one of the original officers at the international airport and leaves a wife and two children and i mentioned about him is that he always had a warm smile and a big smile for everybody. and both of these members the san francisco police department, remembers the officers for justice. and so, we will adjourn in their honor and honor of their family for many years of service and they will be greatly missed. and so without further adieu, could we call line item number one?
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>> line item one, general public comment, the public is welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission, and the speakers shall address the remarks as a whole and the individual commissioners and cc personnel and on the police commission rules of order, the police or the occ personnel or the commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public. but may provide a brief response and the individual commissioners and police and occ personnel should refrain, however, from entering into any debates or discussions with the speakers during the public comment and you can limit your comment to three minutes. >> good evening. >> good evening, commissioners, chief, and director joyce hicks. my name is jackie bison i am currently a resident in the
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tenderloin and my time this evening i wanted to spend to first of all thank the police commission for our attempted meeting that we actually did have one and it got hijacked. i want to apologize, for the bad public behavior of those who invaded from the mission who believed that they could come to the tender loin and act a fool and prevent tender loin residents from feeling that they have the opportunity to have this once in a year hopefully, i think that we have to wait another 12 months, but, this opportunity to be able not only to address the commission but have you closer than you are right now. i want to thank the commissioners for and the chief for their extreme patience i don't have that kind, and they soldiered on with our meeting
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and you showed an incredible amount of decorum and apparently they were raised by wolves but i do not want to insult the wolfs but wolves are some of my favorite animals. but where they learned their lack of manners and expected it to be acceptable, and to come into my turf, and act afool, i really resented that. and to have someone come all the way from santa rosa honey you should have just stayed there. but again, you were so patient, and so gracious, that i was very pleased to have you as our police commission. and i hope that it won't take 12 months for you to come back to the tender loin, maybe those of us in the hood can do a little street justice to make sure that it does not happen again, thank you. >> thank you, miss bryson, tom? >> my name is tom and i have
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been here before. and i don't have notes this time. and so, a little time so much corruption, but i will start with the police endietment and that is why i came here two weeks to speak when there was not a quorum, folks if you are not going to show up and do not tell monroe that you are going to be late and never show up and waste our precious time and it happened on march 18 and june fifth and those are the times that i have come here to speak, it is inconsiderate and it is rude, don't do it, i know who you are and i will not name you, i like you too much. okay. getting back to the police indictments from two weeks ago, i know that they have been superceded by the politician indictments since then, but the question is this was what is sfpd doing with regard of these officers and whereas the internal control? where was the occ action on
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these six officers? was it given to greg under wood again? that will explain why it was buried. the next comment and i meant to come here on june fifth to comment on the difference between the angel side station, which is a well run station as you can arrest from your may 29th meeting there where all of the people there who live from that district were lauding his efforts the contract and the mission station where you had the meeting and you were baraged by the commentary about the citizens about how lawless that has come. the bottom line is on your watch, 6 officers have been indicted by the feds and didn't involve you because they didn't trust you, a politician and many have been indicted and this politician was nearly arrested several times in the
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past 15 years like careni was too and because he was a politician, your master, nothing was done and nothing was done and i wonder how he got the message that breaking the law is just fine and dandy, what you did not punish him for previously did not involve terrorist and weapon running and nevertheless if you had stopped him when he broke the law repeatedly for years and years and years and maybe he would not have gotten the memo that said that i can do whatever the heck i want and if you read the transcript and the indictment you know that he acted like a man who was not held accountable in this city at all i wonder why that is. and just so you know one final thing, chief and i don't know if that was my two minute warning, you might want to consider which members of your force are shrimp boy fan boys and which members are yee accolites and people who are working for them while they worked for you and you might
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want to consider the same thing in the district attorney office where we know that there are corrupt people there. and like victor wang and the list goes on, thank you. >> next speaker? >> clyde. >> how are you doing. >> hey, good evening. and i can't follow that act. but i want to say something. to everyone. there is a friend told me today from new york he said clyde under this theft i am a human, i am just human i am just like you. i went to the academy and i graduated and i did he had it done and many years. and but he said that i am just as fallible as you are and that includes chief sur and the officers. and so i think that we need to calm down. the indictments for them, her human, people relax, they are human, we see senator, i am hold enough to know.
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>> any further public comment? call line item 2 a. >> excuse me. reports and announcements, chief's report and discussion. >> and presentation of earthquake safety and emergency response bond. >> good evening, chief, how are you? >> get you a mic.
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>> well, we will skip the chief then. >> yeah. >> give it just one second. i will be brief because i know that we have a presentation and a couple on a high note, we bid farewell yesterday or safe voyage to our operation genius, and so jj, and officers and they took the kids from the willie majs clubhouse to africa on friday and we have been getting pictures right along and they arrived safely and they were nervous to go. but they are happy to be there and we will have a full report when we get back. i believe from a week from
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friday and very exciting and a trip of a lifetime for those kids. >> we are going to have a gun buy back this weekend as part of the mayor's ipo program and it involves alive and free, and central resource center and the river of live church and gun by gun and the inner faith council and it is to be held at 2630 bay shore, saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and it is going to be a drive through and you have to arrive by car and the weapons are to be unloaded. and the guns in working condition and 100 dollars, and up to 200 dollars for a working assault weapon. and no questions asked. and i can't tell you how important things like this gun buy back are as you know, for the past several years, it is all been about targeting the guns and as we close out the first quarter, of 2014, although, one homicide is too many, there had been five
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homicides total in the city of san francisco and only two homicides by firearm in the city of san francisco and you don't have to go that many years particularly to 2007 in this exact point in time we had 20 homicides by firearm on the same day, april second. so, i think that working together with everybody as we have been, really really working with our young people about the positive choices in education, and certainly all of that just the tremendous partnerships that we have had with the community, and then, being smart about how we do things, and getting our as many guns off of the street as we can, and i think that paying dividends and so hopefully we can sustain this and it becomes the new normal around here and so that is going to conclude my reportnd i am going to defer the rest of my time for the presentation in the earthquake safety and emergency response bond.
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>> okay. >> okay. >> good evening, president mazzucco and commissioners. my name is sam elcherry and i am a public works project manager responsible for the public safety building and so tonight, i will also be giving you an update on the easter earthquake safety and emergency response bond which is coming up on the ballot in june of this year. >> and so as a quick reminder, the earthquake safety and emergency response bond of 2010, included three components and the neighborhood fire stations, and auxiliary water supply system for the firefightering and of course the public safety building the largest component which consists of the future police headquarters, and a brand new fire station for, the relocated south of district station. and also, the project where we have the existing fire brick structure for the officers and the task force and the community group as part of the
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community campus. and on the public safety campus we are on target to a ribbon cutting in november of this year, so that means that we are tracking to find a completing and in august and september of 2014 and just going back, we start the design in november of 2011, and construction started in december of 2011, and substantial completing which is to the point where the building could be occupied as june or july of this year. here i think that most of you are familiar with the rendering on the left and comparing that to actual construction. the photo of the construction recently. and there are, and we are getting there. we are completely, weather tight, and two weeks we will finish the last of it in the parking side. and here is another view,