tv [untitled] April 17, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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can only speak to what i see and what i know. and what i have seen is the improvement in the quality of life for multiple high-risk youth and success of many high-risk youth due to work done in part by commissioner chan. but something i would like to say even higher than that is i support her and trust her because of the years i have seen her both a commissioner chan and angela chan san franciscan. i have never seen a waivering of her integrity. and [inaudible]. [laughter] >> you could have just finished the sentence, but that's okay. thanks. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is cynthia munoz and i am the [speaker not understood] casa justa just cause [speaker not understood] housing committee. [speaker not understood] in oakland and san francisco now
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around housing justice and immigrant rights and i have had the good pleasure since i started working at st. peter's to work alongside angela chan that impact the community as a whole. tenant rights, youth rights, especially undocumented immigrant rights. and i have seen nothing but the utmost dedication to get the job done, to do the work in the way that really brings communities together across racial divisions and lines and work, service providers and organizers. she has really been fantastic in her work in the police commission as well as the san francisco immigrant rights committee as well as asian law caucus. and, so, i'm here to ask for your support and urge you [speaker not understood]. she has done great work. also to reiterate, it is [speaker not understood]. >> thank you. what is your name again? i'm sorry.
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cynthia munoz. good evening, commissioners. i'm king john from united players. i'm here in support of victor hahn. i believe mr. hwang would be the right person for the police commission. he would be god for our community because the experience he has. [speaker not understood] with youth that are involved with the juvenile justice. i feel that victor has [speaker not understood] the da for a very long time. and y'all should put him on the board because he's a good perp. thank you. >> thank you. i want to call a few more names. gabrielle a [speaker not understood] ~.
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[speaker not understood]. deborah lee. dionicio web. david lang. hello, good afternoon. my name is brian goldstein. i'm a policy analyst with the juvenile justice system here in san francisco and i'm here to speak in support of angela chan [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood] youth, adults and other vulnerable populations. we also offer technical assistance and policy analysis. and it's within that lens that we're here to support angela's reappointment. she has been dedicated to strengthening the juvenile just physics and mental health services. she's been an excellent resource for our agency. and she's been a [speaker not understood]. we've been proud to partner with her in the past and we look forward to doing so in the future. thank you. >> thank you.
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i'll call a few more names. [speaker not understood], number two, i guess. joshua gardenas. elizabeth [speaker not understood]. good afternoon. my name is dan [speaker not understood]. i'm a resident of san francisco and i'm here to strongly express my support for the reappointment to the police commission for angela chan. from being a champion to language access and [speaker not understood] to mental health issues, to her support for community policing angela has demonstrated nothing but the utmost commitment to bettering community relation with the police. i personally had the privilege of working with angela on a few matters in the committee and i've been i am probesed by her willingness to listen to all members from every did he verse background, all are concerns whether or not they had been previously raised.
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and she has done the sear i leadership [speaker not understood] on many policy issue. i can't think of anyone that i would endorse more wholeheartedly for the police commission commission. i'll also express by [inaudible]. >> thank you. leo [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood] hatfield. annette wong. and sarah yuan. good evening, my name is ramon gomez. i'm a youth commissioner. i'm vice-chair of the youth justice committee. several year angela chan has consistently been an admirable ally to our committee and commission as a whole. she has devoted her time to attending youth justice committee meetings both this year and over the last -- over
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the past several years to hear our committee members' priorities. furthermore, she ha been an ally [speaker not understood] around improving youth relations and police training. she has been instrumental in helping us pass the m-o-u and s.f.p.d. we all heard so many thing for having us be heard. angela has been an outstanding ally not only to us but our peers. we strongly urge the rules committee to appoint commissioner chan. [speaker not understood] district 10, [speaker not understood] district 11, bernal heights youth and [speaker not understood]. thank you. >> after this speaker coming up is petra de jesus. [speaker not understood].
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mohammed sheck. hi, my name is vicky hatfield. i work for bernal heights neighborhood center and i am in full support of the reappointment of angela chan. my executive wrote a letter write i'll be reading followed by my own comments. i am writing a letter for angela chan's reappointment. i have had the pleasure working with her for [speaker not understood] highest integrity, dedication and energy ensuring the transparency community voices are heard. as for me personally angela chan has been very inspiring. as you'dthtion i got to work on the police general order. the mou between sfc she advocates for more police training. she is not blind to what is going on outside, immigrant youth and their family. she fights for everyone. please appoint angela chan [speaker not understood]. take away my voice. thank you. >> thank you.
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good afternoon. i hope you can hear me. my name is nancy [speaker not understood] and i am the associate director with the antidefamation league here in the city. we are a pretty broad based civil rights agency and hate crime is one of our primary areas of concern. and i just want -- i'm here to support and to urge you to support victor hwang for the police commission and i want to just show you our perspective because [speaker not understood]. i've been with adl for over 10 years and one of the saddest days that i had at adl came earlier this year when victor told me that he was leaving the da's office and would no longer be our hate crime prosecutor because in this whole state there are few people who are really as dedicated to
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protecting the community from hate violence as victor has been in his position and i would urge you to support his candidacy [inaudible]. >> thank you. next speaker, please. supervisor tang, supervisor campos, phil chin, community advocate for over four decades which makes me kind of an old dude. i've seen people come and i've seen people go. in my 40 years of community service i have never seen anyone with a combination of skills, experience, and passion for justice that i've seen from
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victor hwang and i urge you to support victor hwang for the police commission. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. my name is mohammed s hurricane eck. i'm the community advocate for advancing justice asian law caucuses, national security and civil rights program. and i'm here today to advocate for the reappointment of commissioner angela chan to san francisco police commission. we have done extensive work through san francisco to ensure transparency and accountability with regard to police profiling and collaboration with federal authorities in regards to members of arab middle eastern, muslim and south asian communities. we are part of the coalition for a safe san francisco and advocated for the passage of the historic san francisco civil rights ordinance. one of our allies in this work was commissioner angela chan and we stand here today to strongly advocate for her
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continuation. because of her regular contact with our communities and other vulnerable communities, commissioner chan has a pulse on the issues that are most necessary to raise and advance at the police commission. in closing, commissioner chan has been invaluable member of the san francisco police commission and we ask that she be reappointed. thank you. >> thank you. francisco [speaker not understood]. lydia salazar. lisa [speaker not understood]. ron aloe song. my name is petra de jesus. i am on the police commission. thank you, supervisors, for that. i am here on behalf of commissioner angela chan who has done a wonderful job on the commission. i think everyone under estimates what she has done with cit. she drives the cit. she is the force of cit and she has the fire lit under the department and with the
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community and that is a very important program. i've seen her in the disciplinary process in the department. she is fair. she is a fair person. she also holds officers responsible to the community and she does whatever needs to be done. and people need to know that. she's not afraid to ask the hard questions. she's been criticized for asking the hard questions, for voicing her concerns. but that's what she does what needs to be done. we are an oversight committee, we are not a rubber stamp committee. when we do the hard work, she ask the right questions. she is an important person to stay on the committee. i know victor hwang. i respect him. i think he's a strong candidate, but it should be done in this way and i'm honored to support [inaudible]. >> arianna gill. dean ito taylor.
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alex bastian. june rodney. what is it? nalauder kasasa north korea si. cathy black. ~ go ahead. good afternoon, [speaker not understood] senior attorney at [speaker not understood] senior services. also on the board of [speaker not understood] aclu of northern california. i worked on social justice issues since graduating from college in 1994 and i have rarely if ever worked with a person with such extraordinary commitment, passion, dedication and skill set as angela chan. i met her in 2008. we've worked together for seven years. and if you recall in 2008, under federal pressure the city started transferring undocumented youth to ice.
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angela was part of an extraordinary coalition building moment that worked with the supervisors to change the sanctuary policies to protect youth. it required tremendous bridge building skills and that's one thing that has not come across enough tonight, that angela's skills in building bridges among different communities to get effective and successful legislation passed. i support angela. thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon, dean ito taylor, executive director pacific islander legal outreach. i am here to support victor hwang. no one in my over, almost 40 years of providing social justice services in san francisco has as much qualifications as victor. he is going to be an outstanding addition to the commission. i asked victor before coming here why, why spend an inordinate amount of time
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committed to the commission's work, and he [speaker not understood] out of a sense of community service. no one i've met in working in my years of san francisco has committed as much time and effort to make san francisco a better place. and for us to appoint victor would just solidify that drive to strengthen law enforcement in san francisco. thank you. >> alan -- come on up. alan kriege. [speaker not understood]. jennifer [speaker not understood]. kevin bocus. malcolm young. david newsome. good afternoon, my name is john rodney. i'm the communications manager for the california immigrant policy center. we're a statewide immigrant
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rights organization and i've had the honor of collaborating very closely with commissioner chan for over sick years and she is essentially a one-person civil rights advocacy operation. ~ six her ethic puts all of us to shame and the best outcome for the community is unassailable. when the young man was facing deportation [speaker not understood], when a san francisco mother was facing deportation for being survivor of domestic violence, angela played [speaker not understood] and her work has really lead to changes that are known not just here locally in california, but nationwide from the trust act to the due process ordinances. and it is really imperative that the board allow her to continue her work. it is not just here the people watching this, but all over the country and i do not exaggerate. so, please reappoint her. >> thank you very much. i just want to remind the audience that if you need to
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talk, please go outside. [translating] i don't know if there is anybody in the overflow room that may want to speak, but i am pretty much called everybody that submitted a card. so, if you want to. public comment and you did not submit a card, you can line up behind these people. hi. my name is alan and i have come to speak on behalf of victor. i think he's hands down the most qualified candidate for the seat. and a couple issues that have been pressing for me are pedestrian safety and safety on muni and i really believe with his experience over 20 years in law, whether it's the da's office, whether it's public defenders or just civil rights, he's the one to be in the seat. so, i support him.
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hi, jennifer friedenbach, coalition on homelessness. when young girls are opinionated, they are called bossy. when young boys are the same they are called leader. and as us bossy girls grow into women, we find if we dedicate our lives to social justice that it's going to take a lot more to make change than simply getting an appointment on a really powerful commission. it happens with hard work. it happens with courage. and angela has demonstrated courage and i have never worked with a harder working commissioner than angela. she has worked incredibly hard to get the crisis intervention team in place and it is taking a huge effort to absolutely change the way police address people in psychiatric crises and we are nowhere near getting it in place. and we need angela to carry us
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to the finish line. thank you. good evening, supervisors. my name is malcolm young. i'm deputy director at chinatown community development center. i'm here to speak in support of victor hwang. i've known victor for 16 years now and victor is the most dedicated community advocate that i have met in my career. i would not be here serving the community if it hadn't been victor's mentor ship for me. and rather than speak for myself, i'm going to read a quote, a line from a letter that my boss reverend fong submittedierver today also in support of victor and this refers to the win ho lee case. to me this epitomizes why i'm here to support victor. victor gave us courage to advocate when we were cynical that we could achieve justice.
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and when things looked down, victor always encouraged us to look up and to look forward. and that is what epitomizes my support for victor. victor brings the community along and we've always gained courage from that. >> thank you. good afternoon. my name is chris parks. i'm a member of the national alliance for mental illness and i have called upon and i am to the police department for providing help to families and those who struggle with mental health disabilities. training is crucial to support the police department in providing though services. commissioner chan, i've watched her champion and take on very difficult issues that are important and i deeply care about. i feel fortunate that she has devoted her time to the commission and i cannot imagine
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the police commission or the city without her. also knowing she will continue to serve for another term. and i just have to say that it just shines through every time i see her that she just has utmost ethics and dedication and i appreciate the opportunity to express my support for her. thank you. joel owe, supervisors. ~ hello, supervisor. my name is [speaker not understood] and i urge you to [speaker not understood] angela tan. [speaker not understood]. i serve transgender survivors of violence [speaker not understood] hate crime. also a founding member of the domestic violence consortium or the dvc. we have taken the lead with language experts, with the police together including [speaker not understood].
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i have witnessed firsthand angela's work. she always listens to all parties involved while still being accountable to the people of san francisco. public safety and equal rights are very important to me as well as the communities i serve for eight years. i urge you to make this seat the people's seat and have somebody who is going to be accountable to the community of san francisco. thank you. good evening, my name is david newsome. i'm a board member of the national alliance for mental illness otherwise known as nami. [speaker not understood] crisis intervention training with the san francisco police department. i'm in my third year now and i've had the pleasure of working with angela chan on the meetings prior to and during
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the actual training. we're in the process of up loading the names of all the crisis intervention trained officers into a database so that all the police officers can have a joint resolution of any problems they may have. thank you. >> thank you. so, is there any more public comment on this item? come on up. thank you. my name is stephen katz. i'm here in support of victor. i think victor would bring a whole 'nother level of expertise to the police commission and i think it is really needed. i think it is a very important position and i can't imagine anyone more qualified than victor. and don't miss the opportunity to really add something that is needed. like i said, victor adds a
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whole 'nother level of expertise. thank you. >> thank you. okay. this is the last chance. any other public comments? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, supervisor campos? >> thank you, mr. chair. i want to thank all of the people that have come out and spoken on behalf of both candidates. you know, one very positive thing about this is that we have communities that are very engaged. as i noted at the very beginning, any time that you have two incredible candidates, it's really hard to choose between them, and i personally believe that both of them should be on the police commission. and since we have a vacancy at the board of supervisors and a vacancy with the mayor, i hope
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that whoever does not get the board of supervisors appointment will get the mayor's appointment. i think that both of them are deserving of this. let me say this, that i have a great deal of respect for victor hwang and i think that he would make an excellent commissioner. the challenge that i have in terms of this candidacy, though, is that we have a sitting member of a commission that is applying right now. and when angela chan approached me awhile back to tell me that she was interested in being reappointed, i did what i do. any time there is a reappointment before me, if the person has done the job that is expected of that individual, i will support the reappointment. and i will be doing the same thing if it was victor being reappointed. the question is ha this
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individual done the work that they're -- that you expect them to do as a member of the police commission. and i believe that angela chan has done that. i believe that she has done that in terms of, first, the most probably important thing which doesn't always happen with commissioners, which is making sure that you show up and that you do the work. and i think that she has consistently worked harder than anyone that i have seen on the police commission, including the time that i was serving there. the second thing is that i do think that she has gone out of her way to not only work harder, but to also reach out to the various parties that are involved and not just community, but i think including police officers and the various community groups and organizations and entities that work with the police commission. i am especially grateful to
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angela for the work with youth because from what i have seen, the involvement of youth around issues with policing and public safety have really improved the city as a whole and there is still work to be done. that said, it is not in any way a negative regarding mr. hwang who i think, you know, it's very self-evident and very evident in his presentation how impressive a resume he has. so, based on my prior commitment and based on what i think is clear in terms of angela chan having done the work i here by make a motion to move angela chan's name forward with positive recommendation. >> thank you, supervisor campos. let me -- i want to say almost every meeting i would say, boy, this is a tough decision, and i
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truly -- when i say this today, i have to say this is really truly the toughest decision i'm going to have to make. i came into this meeting pretty much undecided and was able to meet both angela and victor one on one to listen to their stories and to ask questions and, so, a lot of what i heard, i couldn't really make a decision. what make it difficult today -- the people that have come forward to support one person or the other person, and i have to say that the many people that have stepped up to articulate their opinion i really respect and on both side
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of the aisle. like supervisor campos, i go in judging a person who has been in the seat to see whether or not that person has done their job or not. and what i've seen, there were two things that are going to make me make this decision. one of them is that -- is the volume of accomplishments that angela chan has made. and that's one thing. my concern, as i was asking her the question, and i still would like her to maybe think about these things, is what is the role -- what is your role in the commission? is it to do the policy -- to push for policy to make sure that people follow it and [speaker not understood] to benefit the community?
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she still has pushed policies. part of it is one of the days when that person leaves, without that person, can that policy be implemented or not. and she has the strength of creating some policies, but following up, she also has the energy to be very immersed into implementation of it. so, there is always that danger if you were on the policy level whether you should be doing a lot of that or not. and maybe asking the staff to be doing that. and, so, today i come in and i listen to the testimony and i really don't -- i didn't come in -- i mean, i wasn't counting how many people were saying what. what i was listening for was the quality of what they were saying. it's one thing for -- when i speak to a candidate and they tell me they'
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