tv [untitled] April 19, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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we'll look forward to the final presentation for our submission next meeting. >> thank you. >> thank you. next item please. >> item nine is other business. >> other business? >> under the item of other business, i'm curious to know whether the commission would entertain getting more information and what is happening at saint luke es 's with the diabetes center. >> the diabetes center. you want to give us background on what you're thinking we should be looking at? i just got this. >> if i may, we followed up on this from the report from mark and i received some direct information. kolg lean did call and i'm
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still getting information as of today so maybe colleen can give us an update. >> i contacted suter to ask this question based on the communication that you all have received about a week and a half or so ago. and what i was told is that suter is consolidating their diabetes services between two campuses. they found there was under utilization at each campus so they will consolidate the staff and have that staff cover at both campuses and there wouldn't be a reduction in the level of service provided at either hospital. >> the next information i received is there could be reduction of bilingual staff and that's the next phase we'll go to in our reading. >> and i did have that conversation specifically about bilingual staff. they indicated to me that that's not the reason the staffing changes were made
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irrespective of the language spoken and of course pointed me to their translation services. >> so i guess the question then is whether they have any bilingual staff that are providing services or they're just going to rely on translation services. >> i could find out. i don't know if there are any bilingual staff in the program. >> okay. >> our role is what? >> i believe it's the reduction of hospital services. >> this would have to be a closure. it doesn't sound like there's a change of functions, but the staff saying the patients' needs aren't being met so it's a bit of he said she said. so the commission doesn't have
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an official role. i think as the dph continues to vest gats, investigate it may be more clear. >> commissioner sanchez. >> i would just follow up on commissioner's comments. this commission was an active partner within the discussions reviews and recommendationings regarding the status of saint look r luke and the cpm and we had multiple hearings and staff who have been involved in this, you know. and then here -- and the thing is there are specific changes going on within the area of which saint lukes serves its populations, but if we look at the data we'll see that we still have a significant spanish speaking population, both at saint luke's and within
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our community, even though many have been forced out they still work there in different places, whether it be restaurants, whether it be as taking care of the babies and bringing them all over the mission and going to the hospitals and parks. there's been significant change, yet the need to provide language pertaining to our mission has a health department for a culturally competent service i think is still part of our principle and we even had earlier today where we increased theling wis linguistic part to meet the specific needs. i think we have a efficacy of dialogue to follow up on this because this is one of the major areas we were concerned
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with pertaining to are we going to provide these multilingual culturally sensitive services to that area. let me just give you one other observation too. there's other things going on even within the public schools in that area and even within some of the, quote, banks -- a number of the banks had spanish speaking personnel, managers, et cetera, many of these have been shifted out within the past six months, a year, and it's as if the culture is changing and the latinos are being low priority pertaining to what's going on regarding the uniqueness of that community and i know that there's a lot of frustration among many of the parents many of the kids and many of the services that were there before
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because of these new models coming in. all i'm saying is that one of the most critical areas is healthcare and access and saint luke's has been part of that community for, you know, generations, just like general goes back to 1896 or before that. so it's a commitment that was made to us as a health commission, and as i said, some of our commissioners were active participants in the signing of that and we had hearings on that so i really think we need to follow up on that and make sure we're in tune and could help navigate so we don't lose a critical patient service that has been there. if you go to other parts of the committee they're expanding linguistic abilities pertaining to russian and other types of languages the tpmc has been doing on the other part, but they can't forget the fact that
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there's a major commitment here to ensure that linguistic access, both in reference to the new department in what we have made as a commitment as the department of public health and commission stands as part of our values and i know all of us believe in that and will continue to follow up on it. again, i know -- i'll tell you, you know, we really need to stay aggressive and make sure we flag it and then whatever is the proper protocol let's follow it and make sure the due diligence is done. sgh >> thank you. i will commit to working with our deputy director and if i need to i can talk to -- >> i think there are other issues that i think commissioner sanchez raised and one would be also that i'm not sure when saint luke's -- well, cpmc is supposed to report back to us the progress and we're
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supposed to get an update on the agreement and that's another point of public contact that we will have. do you know when that's going to be also? >> i do. so the report for the development agreement, the report for all of the healthcare and other obligations they are committed to is due 150 days after the close of their fiscal year. their fiscal year is the calendar year so due at the end of may, may 27, i think is the day it become due. they'll submit to the city on may 27. at that point the department of public health and planning department must post it online immediately thereafter and the public had 30 days to comment after that . after that 30 day period is up, health department works with the planning department to come up with a final report on cpmc's compliance with the development agreement. that takes us into september for the health exhibition
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commission and planning commission to have hearings on the final report and the health commission is to have a hearing as is the planning commission on the final report and the board has an opportunity to hear it sometime after that if they choose. just to point out too that the report that they'll be -- the reporting period is from the period that the development agreement was signed in 2013 which was in august to december so it's a very small portion of the overall length of the development agreement that will be reported on. >> commissioner chung. >> yes. i think that that helps to clarify some of it and i am just trying to make sure that i'm not here to make a assumptions what the positions are, but i hear the concerns from the community as well as commissioners. because we have a process in place, i think that we need to be able to honor that and also
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incorporate some of these concerns into that process. so it sounds, like, you know some conversations that are happening and like i said, you know, i don't think we are here to make assumptions, that they're not, you know, fulfilling you know, like, their commitment and also the plan they have agreed to, but also at the same time it is our interest to look at how they provide some of the charity [inaudible] and including the care to the populations that might be mono lingual and i think that's something we should look at. >> sounds to me like what we will do is what the director had offered is further conversation. the value of prop q was that out into the public it was transparent what was happening
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and often it was to the side of the initiator of their program that they were able to explain it. we're not getting explanations at all and i'd hope that the cpmc officials will feel it to their benefit to be able to give us some explanation beyond the fact they're not going to be discharging anybody because they don't address the linguistic or the skill issues that have been brought up here. any other comments? >> item 10 is the joint conference committee reports and since there were no meetings this item will not be discussed unless you all have any comments? . okay, so we'll move on to item
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number 11, which is the committee assignments. >> these are have been handed out and they will be effective [inaudible] 1. i'll leave it to the committee as to how they'd like to handle that throughout the month? fshlths any questions sp >> no. just that i want to remind you that commissioner and i made trade on the laguna honda appointment. possibly i'll cover for her in the next two months because the times don't work for me. >> we'll make an official change at the time so it doesn't confuse the scheduling of the committees at this point. thank you. >> thank you. >> any other items? i actually visited -- well, we were visited by one of the shanghai institutions that were looking for relationships with various hospitals and they came to san francisco general
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looking for that. i don't know if there's been any further follow up. >> no. there hasn't. but i want to let you know we were visited by the health administer of dubai and that was very interesting as well. they have very similar structures and when they looked at our organizational chart they said this was very similar to what they're looking at. any other announcements by any other commissioners? if not, we're prepared for a motion for adjournment? >> so moved. >> any second? >> all in favor, please say i. >> i. >> all opposed, this meeting is now adjourned.
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call roll. >> commissioner low. sxhafs. commissioner mcdonnell and commissioner levitan is in route just a few reminders if you have electronics please these off at this point. and also, if you going to have a secondary examinations we ask you take to outside in order for the meeting to proceed accordingly and last unless the point of the commission i will have 3 minutes on each item all 3 minutes >> as a reminderer when you come up to the podium please comment to the commissioners neither of the staff or members will respond until the minutes is over and with that in mind
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we're on item 2 the president's report. >> to the delight of many i don't have a president report thank you. (laughter). >> it is there any public comment this item is closed now the general manager's report. >> not to lucky but i have a few quick announcements so first of all, we encourage the public to join us this saturday april 19th from 11 to 3:00 p.m. for our x traffic ticket featuring games and mobile recreation and life xaerment a heated barbecue between the recreation and park commission and the san francisco police department and fire department this year it's existing try delicious barbecue you can
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purchase the tickets from ma clinic lounge or visit our website at the this is going to be a busy weekend obtain sunday is april 20th i think you all know there you go a whole other party that happens in golden gate park. every year this day an estimated 10 to 15 million people par take it the activity in addition to our normal crews we have 25 people to dispatch to clear up more than 10 thousand pound of trash. that's an unpermitted and we're grateful to the mayor and supervisor breed for cooperating
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several city departments including dpw and mta the department of park and traffic and juvenile probation to better insure that our parks are healthy and safe there will be a lot of resources invested in pedestrian safety and traffic and parking we're encouraging people that choose to come to golden gate park on sunday to be healthy and safe and abide by the park rules owe procedures the police department will be closing parts of john f. kennedy directive and cannon street and strike parking regulations will be imported the juvenile probation department will have
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patrol on site and sfpd will be in the park. in advance i work to think the hardworking men and women on our staff will extend 12 or traffic signal hours cleaning up to insure our park is clean ready to go on monday. moving back to the happy summer park registers it's april and as parents are gearing up we're proud to announce in noos nora there a month we have this or that thousand registers we're once again the top chris's choice for recreation pardon me one of our priorities is make sure that everyone can get and play this fiscal year we've offered over 7 thousand scholarships to san francisco
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families approaching many million dollars this is helps insures e insures that our kids can go to the park and adults can go to the parks. marsh your calendar for the coit tower the repayne of the towers and the yugdz and it has murals that was lead by the architectural group affidavit and ar g if partnership with ann art on the opening on mark 14
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we'll be joined by the mayor and for a ribbon cutting celebration on may 14th. i want to thank you for our ongoing leadership in one of the san francisco's most i only thing places. before we look at the past month in parks i'm excel proud to announce our department is the trail merit with regard for our peaks to trails it is the restoration of 32 feet of trails that connect twin peaks for hikers a runners and decommissions social trails that contributed to erosion. the directly signage was snuffed to connect a eco system the
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creeks to peaks project was are from the grants of the habitat conservation fund and thank you all the staff and i know they had theable avoidance of m fact ward winner and now jamie if we can take into account quick press >> power point. >> this phase bring our kids and families have picnics and make it would it should be a place for people to come together and appreciate nature and families that go to our parks ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> thank you very much jamie and that concludes the joint custody report. >> is there that any comments seeing none, this item is closed. >> martha. >> one quick question. i realize i should know the answer what's the process for families assessing the scholarships? 7 thousand >> so fantastic. >> so our scholarship programs tracks commissioner to the san francisco unified school districts legislature program so
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any student in the public school program is eligible for the scholarship there's complete information on sf park organizing or 311 or came back rec and park directly we're able to answer the questions that violated have. >> go ahead martha. >> now that item is closed now on item 4 address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda. where respect to agenda items your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting i have one card catherine howard. >> good morning catherine
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wwwocean edge ego i'm not speaking to the item but the sierra club and awe bone society a coalition for san francisco neighborhoods as well as other preservation organizations - what's happening. >> everyone back up. >> as well as all major preservation organizations national state and local oppose this project over 10 thousand people have signed letters in opposition everywhere i go people are horrified it's a unpopularity project one of the reasons it the stadium lighting the leader letter leading .
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the proposal set forth in the report don't inadequately talk about the light pollution from the sports stadium lighting and nor the weather conditions on the western side of san francisco one and 50 feet from the beach it enroll talks about the north birds in the park and shorebirds and other species knowledge in the invent is fails to acknowledge the basic property of light or in which did light effects animal species it will have a lump news bright
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light this stone under foggy conditions that happens would be the denying visible feature of the dynamic in the national park to the west and increase the pollution and would be destructive and this is on our website i encourage you to look at that. there's a valid alternative that provides an equal number of hours for play that protects the golden gate park. we once again ask you to reconsider our earlier decision thank you very much >> thank you. is there monthly who would like to make general public comment at this point. please come forward
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>> good afternoon. by now commissioners. >> still good morning. i'm lynn. maybe i'm a little bit nervous i remember in the 70s each of you from mo cd citizens committee we shared office when i was what the mayors place and you gloria in the mission and i hope i don't cry but if i do i'm sorry i don't know, you but i know people in the labor union. my grandson plays successor this summer he was on a field 8 hours a day volunteering and he came
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