tv [untitled] April 19, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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thank you for the opportunity to speak. i'm speaking on behalf of the public land. we create parks and protect land, ensuring livable communities for generations to come. and while we fully support local hire policies, we are concerned that this legislation will discourage charitable gifts that help build parks for all san franciscans to enjoy and that this legislation will decrease the flexibility needed for effective public/private partnerships to build world class parks that this city deserves. we rehe expectfully suggest that private donations and charitable organizations be exempt from this legislation at the least and that the board of supervisors slightly delay the ordinance to study it further to clearly understand the full impacts. in the past five years the trust for public land has had a strong partnership with the recreation and parks department and together has completed
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projects such as hayes valley playground and balboa park. for these projects, rec/park has successfully encouraged charitable donations, public private partnerships and a variety of public and private grants. this legislation would strain the flexibility needed to accomplish these projects. we are currently working with a generous donor to explore redoing the playground in front of civic center. the proposed legislation again concerning the budge and schedule of this project and challenge the donor's intent to make this city more livable and have great public parks for all san franciscans to enjoy. thank you. ~ >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thanks. it's great to hear we're looking at the civic center play grounds. i don't think they've been redone since maybe the '93. i used to work at the conservation core and they did some work on that back in '93. my kids go there and play all the time. it's just not the standard it should be. so, right in front of city hall it would be great to see that happen. thank you for your support for that.
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~ good afternoon, supervisors. joshua [speaker not understood] with bright line. thank you, supervisor avalos, for your continued work on the evolution of local hire in this amazing community labor partnership that has developed here in san francisco that's led to the success that you talked about. when you talk about 36% local participation on public works last year and 34 and 35% since 2011, remember that right before you passed the historic landmark local hiring ordinances, 24 in the few years, 20 in the height of the great recession. so, to the speaker from trust for public lands, if you're still here, okay, i can give your card and share with you the report that local hiring does not increase costs. it actually -- we saw from the projects covered by local hire that costs actually decreased. so, that was important to know that this was really working to really put folks to work, not
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increase costs to the tax payers and not increase costs to folks like the donors who are going to potentially support these parks. so, but it is important. we do support taking more time to convene the mayor's construction work force advisory committee, the mayor has been very csus port i have of the implementation of the local hire ordinance. ~ and we wouldn't be where we were if we didn't have a chance to develop the community support, contractor support, labor, nonprofits, a fortedable housing folks. sound like we'll have a chance to answer those questions. i know we're very supportive. we just met over at our office at bright line with about six different community based organizations that are supporting this proposal. we're very interested to make sure that we keep, as supervisor avalos said, the winning com benation to see this ordinance be prevailing wage and local hire. local hire and prevailing wage. we see it as a package that supports the community work force that supports everything we are trying to do ~. i'm a member of the local hire task force, look forward to that, and all of us getting together with the union labor
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contractor [speaker not understood] come back the 21st. thanks. >> thank you. any other members of the public wish to speak? okay, seeing none public comment is closed. [gavel] >> thank you. as a amendment of the whole, like to have it accepted, motion to accept the amendment of the whole. >> which can take that without objection. [gavel] >> and then we want to have more time for the city to discuss how to move forward on possible amendments. we've been hearing from rec and park certainly on the issue of donations that go to the park system. also from the port and developments that are happening on the port. i think they want to make sure that they are going to have an ease in implementation of the new legislation that we have here. so, i want to give more time for that. so, would like to continue to the call of the chair to have our meeting hear this legislation on may 21st. >> he may 21st. okay, motion to continue this item as amended to budget committee meeting for may 21st
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>> chairing this committee i'm joined many supervisor avalos and supervisor scott wiener. all right. everyone if we could get started i know to thank jennifer lowe and other madam clerk, any announcements?. yes which can please turn off all electronic devices and copies of the documents to be submitted to the clerk and the agenda will be for other items >> call item one. >> the update open the san francisco international airport for 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. >> thanks we have john martin here thanks for being here. >> take about six or seven a
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minutes to provide an overview off our budget we have to provide an exceptional airport this is reiterated to our staff everyday of the week we're working towards this. we've had strong growth on the air traffic and looking over seven years we're the fastest growing airports in the world and even in the u.s. we do expect slow down in the growth as oakland and san jose pick up a larger share of the airport activity but the air traffic should be 5 plus annual growth for the for seeable future. finance continual emphasis on
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increase the spending rate per passenger basis we've done well, because a conditional continues to invest in san francisco and we have new flagrancy from china and air lynn dpus we're competitive with the airfare and services. the city receives 15 permeation of our concession revenue that's in effective a divided to the city. in the current year the general fund it 37 million and projected to grow to 40 million over the two year budget period. we've seen dramatic improvement over 2003 that was our lowest year.
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for our budget for your own the next two years we show a high rate of growth in 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 we have two circumstances because of the two year budget cycle we have expenses for 34r0i789 benefits we didn't budget for in 2014-2015 and that's 26 million results with a altitude $26 million that relates to our capital program so the 58 of the 72 is the item. we will continue to promote the safety and security being a leader on the safety and security front. promoting opportunities for
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small businesses we're obtaining several contracts with sbe and lbe at food and beverage we're doing better we have a better pop up facility we've invested in the facilities with new operators to come in so that's the way we're hoping to get new local talent into the retail market. we're very proud of our rfp program wre have over one hundred interns and an important source of hiring for permanent employees. we have the career connect program for at risk youth and a new cuss tall internship program that's been successful reaching out to local san francisco
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residents. $2.5 billion capital program over 5 years if i extended that out it the $4.5 million that's an enormous investment in the airport and economy. that is growing for the need for security requirements and bringing the unique amenities and services up to poor that raise the bar for the airport industry overall >> mr. martin which terminals. >> this is the cost saving terminal we'll be on terminal 3 and one and we're developing a program for the international terminal. >> got it thanks. >> so terminal 3 i'm sure you're aware of we opened
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boarding area 3 and we're going to be opening a new main security checkpoint in 16 months in terminal 3 and unit is adding an additional flight we're wanting to get for space foyer food and retail. over the next 5 years expanding and improving all boarding f so those areas are congested it will be a multiple year program because we'll have to work on three to four terminals and >> question on that one first of all, the terminal 3 looks awesome. what's the how does the cost allocate is it a full burden
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obviously, the gailts gates are there >> under our agreement with the airlines we charge one rental rate regardless of the terminal building. you might be want to look at boarding area b so the carriers understand the cycle but they all pay the same rate and under our cost center accounting system we take our total annual budget and the difference is make up from airline fees and rentals >> so american have been happy for a little while and terminals a and b are the ones that might be claiming a little bit. >> american is happy and united
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wants the rest of terminal 3 to look like terminal b and they want the same improvements. >> got it. >> terminal b was built in 1962 as a temporary structure but it's ready to come down we're going to start construction later this year and the new boarding area will be built next to the old boarding area to keep it open increasing the gates to 24 gates a large boarding area in terms of the size of f and we'll have some overflow to the international so the passengers can arrive here and we'll have more international capacity.
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this is a large project. we're beginning to select the architects. the tower has reached 2 hundred and 25 feet we're a year away from completing the structure and the faa will install all the systems so it will be in operation 2016 and begin the process of tearing down the old tower after that. the runway safety project will be in the news we'll be closing down 1 to 3 runways so we'll see some increase in delays and arrivals shouldn't be detailed but it could be detailed on an average of 10 minute for a bad weather day or worse. we have a gate management system
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we're installing to help the timing of the departure gates and we're aiming to complete that early we're going to be working two hours a day 6 days a week to get the runways open. a lot of job impacts are 5 and 10 year periods we're meeting the local hiring requirement and in connection is san mateo couldn't and make sure we benefit the san franciscans from our enormous spending. in conclusion i feel we're doing a great job and this is our
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recognition of our good performance. i'm happy to answer questions >> thank you, mr. martin. colleagues, any questions for mr. marty know the airport will be back shortly for the budget. any questions? okay. seeing none mr. martin thank you four allowing the lady to be here in city hall >> at this point we'll open up for public comment are there any members of the public who wish to speak. >> i do have a question for the airport staff. i dissipated out for a second there. so i wanted to ask about the clear challenge contract that was before us last year, we have $10 million or 12 i forgot >> 10.5.
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>> how have we done compared to what we have expected we were told we were on the kurp of where we were going to land and do you have any report if i don't if you could share that with our office. >> i'll follow-up with a report to your office. >> one more supervisor breed. >> hello director marty wanted to ask i know this is an informal presentation you'll be coming before us soon and i want to know more details about the museum the project you have underway. >> we're adding additional resources to the program i'll be happy to provide you with the briefing. >> thank you. >> thank you. again. anybody wish to let's open this
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up for general public comment comment seeing none, public comment is closed >> colleagues could you have a motion to file item number one so moved week to week. >> item 2 is the motion ordinance for the election to be held on november 4, 2014, and is ordinance tax regulation enforcing a tax on sugar sweetened beverages and the active recreation and improving the access to nutrition for the school district u unified school district for the nutrition programs and school lunch and other programs. >> thank you very much. this measure and this hearing sponsored principally by supervisor wiener and supervisor wiener >> supervisor mar. the court: thank you. chair
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farrell and everyone. we're here to meryl discuss this historic legislation that will place the soda tax on the ballot we're not going to be taking any action today. this is the organizing within the low income community but in communities throughout the city. this ballet measure if we pass it in november mr. make san francisco to challenge the big soda companies and their lobbyists and begin a step to create healthier community in our low income neighborhood. the soda tax and initiative will be critical to improving the health of the san francisco families and to reduce hunger and the lack of tap water in our
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city and create many more opportunities for physical fitness among children and among everyone in the city. i think the opposition will and led by big soda companies and corporations they'll spend making anything to defeat that and the muddying of waters and confusion of voters the mass malicious have gone out but do our best to listen to the facts and don't believe the hype especially, if it's sent out by many millions of dollars to defeat that. this hearing will present the facts from some of our top experts in the city and recreationally and nationally it will address many, many ways the
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diabetes and obesity epidemics in our neighborhoods in san francisco also the hearing will talk about what the ordinance or initiative and not. it's important to say that the environment created by mass advertising especially to kids has led to limited healthy options in neighborhoods and billboards we've seen a increase in disease like obesity and type two diabetes and various maps we've produced and in the elective deft this refers to
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coalitions like shape up sf we see the neighborhoods in the lowest areas of the city are the most heavily impacted by the big sodas environment they've created and issues. i want to say this is a modest measure that creates 2 pennies per ounce and it will lead according to yale and varies institutions we have the best research from sf to back us but lead to a 20 to 25 percent reduction in sweet drinks in san francisco this tax will create thirty to $31 million of revenue for corner store initiatives in our city. we're here if small businesses
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and how we need to create healthier option in our neighborhood and create healthier school tuesday afternoons and fitness activities programs we'll hear from the parents organizations that support of the unified school district on how physical fitness and teachers themselves as well. that will also fund dental hydrogen in our city's public health department and with conversations with the sf dental society there's a wide awareness of shrug sweelgd beverages harm teeth health and it will help to tap the water and create the educational programs throughout the schools and city. many of us know been working on
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this for years a soda tax isn't a silver bullet but one strategy to protect the community and reduce consumption and raise revenue that helps in schools and park in the city but to put the connection with the harmful beverages and the lack even if things in our city this provides a real solution as it funds the thirty to $31 million across the city how we program where the funds go as well. there's a majority on this board of supervisors 6 of us that are the co-sponsors and i want to thank supervisor wiener and his staff and peter from my staff that worked closely we're joined
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at the hip at times and malia cowen and supervisor avalos from district 11 and supervisor chiu and supervisor wiener but thank you to all the people that opportunity out to speak i think this will be a lively hearing i'm going to turn it over to supervisor wiener >> thank you sxh mister chairman and supervisor mar. i want to reiterate thank you to our elective aid particle any staff and i don't i don't and supervisor cowen's office that have just done tremendous work on this important public health issue. we have a real problem not only in this country but in san francisco there's a mantra out there san francisco is a healthy
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city it's afflicting across the country everyone is healthy here and we don't need the height intervention we and know that's not actually, the case when you look at our city as a whole the health problems that are afflicting people throughout the country are a big problem in our city as well. he know with the rest of the country we're experiencing an explosion of health problems that are accused by over consumption of soda and particularly diabetes two nearly 10 percent of our population has type two diabetes and thirty percent of teenagers are
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prediabetic. and we know that we are health care system is experiencing more and more problems because of the explosion of diabetes and other problems being fueled by soda and other shrugy beverages. we know that half of the sugar consumed in the diet comes if those drinks and those drinks you don't lose our appetite so unlike eating a piece of cake or cookie you can gulp down and your appetite does not doctors and 10 teaspoons in a 12 onions can is more than what we're to consume in a day and the huge amount of sugar those drinks are
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giving people diabetes and causing other health problems. all of us taxpayers and insurance rate pairs we all have to pay the consequence of the people that get the diseases those have huge increases for taxpayers and it increases insurance rates. we have a responsibility as government to take steps to address this growing health problem in our country it's directly linked to the consumption of insuringy beverages the consumption of sugary beverages is going up among teenagers it's time for us to take steps to address it. we've been here before we
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