tv [untitled] April 20, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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yeah. this is not an action item it will be an action in our may 6th accounting meeting where that will get passed onto the board of supervisors. yeah, well let's finish up. the next item >> the next item is public comment on non-agenda items. thank you very much is there any public comment >> i'm sacrificing because i should be down at the board of supervisors because you may or may not know because i get the word with the fbi was here and they'll be here today for the board of supervisors ambassador and i was going to sing my song i would in shape to do it here
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maybe next week. i'm really kind of i want you to understand the frustration i can see i'm the only one here i'm dedicated and rededicated now because it's something that's in me. i don't know why i'm here but there's a reason for it and get used to it, it's unbearable to go home after all those meetings i've been doing this for a number of years you all should be getting paid by you all do it because you have to put up with me i'll approve that but i'm going to ask respectfully again, i know i don't have the clerk
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california no staff or computers so i ask you request that at least consider of us coming and i know budget time is coming up but if you could gives us 15 minutes to present something in the first amendment. i'm not faulting anyone my frustration goes back to 1948 when they put this together at the redevelopment agency. i hear in the parkinson's pampers that governor jerry brown is going to put together another light agency in a different form. so therefore without a doubt i have to come forth and have a hammer and is before you do anything governor jerry brown you've got to check.
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i'm not faulting none of you all but my reverend and african-american leaders you all read the papers of the corruption in the city but i'm here asking for yes, ma'am path i'm representing any african-american communities and generations my can i see kids kids. and so in closing i've got to run downstairs please ask me to put something together. thank you very much >> thank you very much i'm not to break protocol for a second mr. washington i want to hear what you're going to presents. >> oh, oh i'm sorry. >> that's the number i call i
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can't contact you (inaudible). >> wait i'm going to correct this call my number and you'll get christen good morning or afternoon. >> okay. so thank you. next item, please. >> the next sort of business is the report to the chairman and chair. >> so, now we can talk about the next meeting next week is a special meeting april 29th is a special meeting. >> through the chair that's a meeting to deal what the acquisition of cell block 33 and 34 and april is not a long month we're squeaking in a third meeting in the month of april. >> if you have questions
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commissioner mondejar about the budgeted we'll be talking about this next. >> okay. that's my report. may 6th i'm sorry low blood sugar >> the next orders of business is item 8 the report of the directors. >> thank you, commissioners i have a few items to let you know the status of ralph 14, 15 a with the department of finance. earlier this month we will received a letter of the initial review and it's a long letter there were two items that are focused on and adjusts that having to do with expenditures from a different fipd source in prior focuses this is more of an
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accounting function but there were two items we wanted to appeal i've requested a meet and confer in sacramento we object to item 40 this is a the yerba buena gardens capital line we requested $400,000 in funds and yerba buena lease funds to do capital work dof thought that was a reserve into a reserve account so they did understand that item they said you have $400,000 we'll apply to 0 other request so they selected line 9 that's a reerments plan so at the said take the 4 hundred from there and apply it and you'll
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only need a hundred so we've submitted an appeal to show them that's work that's needs to be done and for restricted funds for yerba buena gardens and therefore line 40 and 9 should be oeshl and so forth. and we will hear a final declaration to the distribution date. we'll keep you posted on that. i wanted to let you know of a couple of events this thursday is the grand opening for you hurntsz view it will be a great
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event with nancy pelosi and the mayor attending at the 10:00 a.m. there has been scheduled a grand opening of the leroy carrousel skeleton for april 26th rescheduled to may 17th due to fabrication of one part they pushed it back to may 17th. also in our packets i want to let you know an informational memoranda about senate bill 1404 senator leno has asked for bonding for affordable housing this is bans our sb 2014 for our
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replacement housing that bill was treed and in our packet is a copy of the bill with a fact seat from senator mark leno that he expect it will be heard by a committee at the end of this month either april 24th or maybe may 7 we'll keep you apprised. and finally, i wanted to you heard in the budget presentation that filling staff positions we've got two new staff ray mom and dad lee and jeff white who commissioner singh remembers is a houser commission is returning to us after working with bank of america he'll be returning as as
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project manager on monday. we'll make sure to introduce them to you but we're excited to be staffing up that concludes my report >> thank you very much. lots of >> can i ask a question. >> sure, yes senator bill 1404 will pep help to build the housing obligation were we smiled a request with the department of finance that's pending they've asked a number of questions and certainly having state legislation, you know, putting this into state law obey helpful to us. >> thank you very much. next item. >> the next order of business is the commissioners questions and answers. >> any questions and matters.
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>> i don't know how many people get the e-mail anybody get the e-mail because in this was mentioned today that ace washington said the other thing i heard that the fbi is here in the city auditing. >> what was - >> what's the fbi doing here. >> i don't know. yeah, they don't like to devoyage >> can you talk about the first item the what? the public ceo >> public ceo yeah, i'll bring the copy next time. >> okay. i hope that everyone was make it to the hushts view
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and okay. next item. >> i'd like to state on the record that i wasn't present for item one that i would have to recuse 0 myself because my business company - received a source of income and i also would have recused myself from 5 c ignore the same reason i've also recused myself with braxton rum is bag awarded a contract because my law firm is a source for my income. >> i move for 0 that. >> next item please. the next order of business closed session we have no closed session >> and next item is
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welcome bill kelly as the director citywide division of the planning department. he will be with us at a future hearing as we move to the preservation element. i also wanted to bring to your attention the next public meeting for the african american historic context statement will be next week on april 24th at the bayview library from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.. at this time we are going to try something different. it's going to be an open style event where the public can share their history as well as have more one on one with planners and members of the city advisory committee and the project team. we welcome you along with the planning commission to attend the meeting if you are available. and that concludes
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my items on the directors report. >> commissioners matsuda? >> i have a question. i thought there was some kind of photo contest? >> there is still an opportunity for members of public to submit photos and there is a small pool of money for prizes, cities related prizes. >> that's going to correspond with this. you are promoting that as well? >> yes, we are going to promote that at this time meeting as well as the following week there will be a meeting at the ingleside presbyterian church where we'll continue to have a discussion about the context statement. >> when the agenda is formed for this can we have a copy? >> sure. certainly. >> i would like to have that. >> thank you, commissioners, any other questions? seeing none, we'll move on. >> item 2. review of past
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events at the planning commission. staff report. >> thank you. a number of items to share with you. first the april 3rd hearing the planning commission commission adopted the open space element with a 4-2 vote with antonini against. the board of supervisors and we expect to have a date in the next several months. at the end of march we forwarded a final copy of the recreation and open space element to the commissioners. however, if you would like the final draft, that has been posted and we'll provide you a link to that as well. also the planning commission unanimously recommended a board of supervisors legislation to wave planning department fees for awnings and signs. the board is expected to take up that item shortly. on april 24th, next week the
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planning commission will consider adopting the housing element including eir, this was for a courts order. after a 29 element was established in 2011 and challenged the eir in superior court and the court found that the eir complied with ceqa with all respect to its analysis alternative. the planning department revised the alternative section of theeir and published responses to the document. i just wanted to bring to your attention the reason that this element did not come to you because there is technically no changes to the element and it's a matter of making sure that the eir thoroughly documented the issues. so the commission will take up readoption of the 2009 element at it's next planning commission hearing on the
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24th. also, last week, the board of appeals heard an appeal that i thought we should bring to your attention. it was regarding the issuance of a demolition permit for a 1 story convenience station at the tennis court's. the proposed projects included construction of a replacement station within the same foot print. during the appeal period for the permit, a concerned neighbor filed an appeal to the issuance of the demo stated the communicate station was a historic resource. shortly after the appeal was filed, the project sponsor initiated an abatement which resulted in a substantial amount of deterioration and the character defining features. on january 3rd, arg submitted a historic evaluation and the property is
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in fact eligible. the property was eligible on criteria 1 and 3 for architecture. the board of appeals heard at the time about the -- testimony about the loss of resource and not properly evaluating the building. the board expressed disappointment in how it was handled and after a lengthy discussion the board continued the item for 3 months to allow the project sponsors to meet with the neighborhood and find ways to restore the building instead of demolishing and renovating for a new
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convenience station at the site. a couple months ago there was some members of the public that raised concern about 2853 broderick of the commission. at that time asked for a report on the status of that project. since then, a new environmental evaluation application was filed on march 4th. the new application was required because the project sponsor is expanding the scope of work as part of the proposed project. that is what's triggering additional ceqa review by the planning department. the proposed new work will be reviewed, we believe within the next month and we'll keep you posted on the outcome of that historic resource evaluation. so that concludes my report. thank you for your patience in getting through those items and i'm happy to answer any questions. >> commissioners, any
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questions? commissioner johnck? >> yes. so, so that convenience station, that didn't come to us, but you said it, had that come to the project that just went to the board of appeals, that hadn't come to us? >> that is correct because the building was not formally designated. it was determined eligible for the purposes of ceqa. those reviews are handled at the staff level >> you sitd -- said it did go to the committee. you said arg. >> arg was the historic resource consultant part of the ceqa work. >> okay. got it. >> any other questions from staff? seeing none we'll move on. that places you under item
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3. landmark designation work program report. >> good afternoon. project staff here to report to you on the most recent quarterly report for the work program. after our discussions around the budget and request from several commissioners to make the report a little bit more useful we have restructured the report. i want to quickly walk you through some of the changes. if you have comments to make it more friendly we are happy to incorporate those in the next report. once that report is on your calendar. so, again the beginning of each quarterly report will now include a small summary on the civil rights from the last quarter. then we've broken down your designation program into active cases which are the first several pages of individual buildings and the most recently completed task
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from that quarter associated with those buildings. then there is a second section active cases for owner designated. those are when the neighborhood groups or other entities are requesting designation of entities outside of the work program. either the program thinks it's largely compliant with the preservation program or the ahp has given us direction to work on those. that is on page four and you will see several properties listed there. beginning on page 6 are the pending cases. so these are landmark designations that are proposed as part of your work program, but we have yet to begin our analysis. either research or preparing a report. all the owners have been notified they are on the work program and from time to
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time we'll have discussions about the status of their property on the work program, but other than that, our work has been fairly limited on those properties. and then, beginning on page 11, you will see this is an area where we'll include properties removed from the work program. at this time we have the fly shaqqer pool building which you remember burned down a couple years ago. the last 2 pages include you the recent designations. this is just a way for us to keep a tally and graphic manner of the hpc's accomplishment over the past several years or since the work program was last visited. it includes individual buildings and districts. it's a variant article designation. as part of this report, each quarter, you will also receive this appendix. this appendix
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contains two items. one is a graph that will show you graphically just how we are performing in terms of designations from literally the beginning of the program to current day and we have broken that down into landmark districts and individual designations. it maybe more useful to have this graphic produced every year rather than a quarterly basis given the process it takes to move these items through designation process. we are happy to provide it during each, as part of each report if you would like to. and we felt it would be helpful for the commission to understand a variety, the other projects that are in the cue as part of the survey teams day-to-day work. a lot of this work has to do with community initiated historic context statement for other projects funded through the
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preservation fund committee and also certified local government grants which we generally receive every year or two to further survey our work or other documentation work in the city. this last page just explains some of the work that's in our current pipeline and then i forgot mention any national register nominations which we bring to you as part of our programmatic agreement with the state that this state review comment on any international compensation before going to the historic resource. with that, i'm happy to take comments or any advice on how to make the report more useful to you. >> commissioner matsuda? >> i have a curiosity question
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on the appendix for the designations. from 1980-1989 there was a lot of activity going on with landmark district properties and then it plummeted. could you give me a 1 minute summary? >> sure. what i think is the most likely cause here is a result of the downtown plan. the majority of these properties here were recognized as part of articles, 10 and 11 designations within the c 3rd district. which is compiled of hundreds of buildings at that time. >> one other comment on the memo on pages 9 and 10. for the peace pogda and plaza?
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does it include the plaza? i thought it did. it's not japan y town wca. there is a legal fight. i'm trying to figure out what their new official title is. the owner of the property is -- little friends. on page 10, the 1st word is spelled wrong. it's kinmon. >> okay. thank you. >> mr. fry, thank you for organizing the report. i think it's very helpful. this graph is very helpful. but also it's sort of a punch in the gut to be honest with you with how few landmarks we have designated in the last few years. that is all of us not pushing it. it just came on our radar again by expanding the budget for this. but i think that we really need to
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set a goal, an agreeable goal of so many per year. because as i said there is a couple that have language wished that public structures that should not be an issue. i would like to actually maybe everybody think about and then we'll speak more about a hard number goal. and then also, when does our new budget kick in when we get a little bit extra? >> july 1st. generally in terms of the staffing for the work program, generally we get the recommendation or the approval to start hiring in the fall. what our experience has been is posting it, doing our interviews and making a formal offer. we
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