tv [untitled] April 21, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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pursuing housing. and, so, that is probably one of the major goal to pursue and being one i believe could be pursued. other ones are disability specific. still are important as far as trying to categorize and prioritize these such as that one, pops out as being crucial. >> others? well, i have one. i -- you know, it's a bugaboo about the whole thing, the feuding. ~ funding. and we're seeing federal sources of housing funding decline rather -- well, regularly. and, so, i would like to see
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some activity around creative sources of funding for affordable and accessible housing that might include -- and that exploration was also -- hit on number 11 in that i think that developers, tenants rights advocates, disability advocates, advocates for families, for the poor, as well developers, city staff, and even, even the financial community be included in a search for some -- some solutions to this ever declining pot that we have. it's hard to reach any of these goals without money and i know that's the hardest part.
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but that's my suggestion. >> i would go with number 6 because recently in the news there's been a lot of problems with the elevators. so, that's a very serious concern. for someone -- for elevators to be out that long and someone living on the top floors, there's really not much of a life for them. and what if there are emergencies, how do you expect them to get down? i think elevators are a big priority.
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i've even seen that in the private nonprofit right now, that elevators are down and elderlies are staying inside. i mean, there's just no life. >> councilmember roland wong. >> yeah, as far as affordability of housing, you know, lately the last three years, the rental market has been sky rocketing. so, basically number 4, number 5 maybe, you know, really look into how we can keep the housing more affordable. it is just astronomical the way
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the rents are just sky rocketing like crazy and people are moving out and people with disabilities need to really kind of stand up in san francisco because we do have a diverse, you know, culture here and transportation is awesome, you know, but we really need to emphasize, try to figure how to keep it affordable. thank you. >> councilmember senho. >> well, you guys picked my top three, so, i'm going to go for number 5. i mean, it's already been discussed that basically there needs to be, you know, money -- excuse me -- money involved to explore housing and construction and rehabilitation of existing facilities for people with disabilities. and i think number 5 kind of
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touches on making it affordable for the efficiency studios that they have and remodeling of existing s-r-o's because we need to keep the existing facilities in place and s-r-o's, people with disabilities who can't afford the rent, who can't afford to move into, you know, other facilities. and because the money will take awhile to build new construction and make it accessible, there isn't enough housing for the supply and need out there. so, to make anything existing, bring it up to standards and make it comfortable and livable and safe, and most of all accessible for people to stay in their community i think is very important. thank you. >> any other comments on question number 1? okay. then that's -- sorry [speaker
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not understood]. >> as far just being able to kind of categorize these or better kind of lump some of them together, just looking these over again, i'm just seeing, you know, there's issues regarding access within current infrastructure, right. that's huge. i mean, you know, there's the issue of looking for new housing. that will be a challenge. it should always stay at the top as well, but what is really going to be in place to maintain the current infrastructure? i agree with councilmember wong about, you know, the elevator situation is just ridiculous. just slop it off as being that's just business as usual. can't do anything about it. that to me is -- that can't happen any more. that just can't be the reasoning behind the delay. there are even people, not just stranded up in their apartments, but they can't get out. they are trapped in their own homes. that is not what i call offering equal access in our
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community to member. so, i just want to second what councilmember wong said. >> thank you. thank you, everyone. all right. shall we have our question number 2? which was referring to -- could you repeat the question? thanks. >> the second question is what are the greatest service needs of the clients you serve and what are the greatest gaps in services for them? >> let me just preface anything by saying that the disability community in particular is broad and includes so many different peoples. it's hard to speak for the community as a whole and say, these are the gaps in services, or, these are the service
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needs. but for particular populations of which many of us can speak of, there are differing needs. so, i just wanted to start by saying that. councilmembers, do you have anything to add? >> i would say security. i mean, you can have people living like in affordable housing, but i mean, if you get like one bad egg in there, then they might be doing a lot of illegal activities in the lobby. so, there needs to be some sort of security.
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i don't know if it's the cameras or -- because your tenants in there are not going to speak up. oftentimes there is illegal stuff going on and people living there will not speak up. so, -- >> thank you. ~ i have a couple things. i guess first would be that for our most severely impaired populations, transition or services that help keep people in their homes and out of institutions, that keep people in their communities and with their families is money very well spent. it's not only a quality of life issue for the individuals, but it's for society as a whole, to be integrated, fully integrated
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into the community, whenever and wherever possible. so, something like the community living fund needs to be funded fully to ensure that people aren't being swept into institutions out of convenience. and that every effort is made to integrate them into the community. my other area is referring to hopa funding and people living with hiv/aids. and we have so many facets influencing this population. they're aging -- well, we're all aging, but the population as a whole is skewed, over 50% of people with aids and hiv in san francisco are over the age of 50. many of them have been on disability, fixed incomes for like 20 or 30 years and we're coming up to a point where two
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thing are happening. because rents are sky rocketing so fast, when people go off the hopa funding, for whatever reason, they move away or whatever, the money is eaten up by higher rents of our existing hopa recipients. so, no new subdifficulties are coming out of that. very few, if any. ~ subsidies so, you're seeing a declining pool of people being served. and the other thing is that seniors, when they reach 64, if they have a private disability insurance, it's canceled and they must rely solely upon their own resources and social security. we're going to see a cohort of people who are very likely going to be ripe for eviction relocation and displacement. so, if you could keep that on your radar, that would be great. thank you. tanya.
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>> one of the things i think is very, very important is education within the industry itself, you know, to get more people involved directly with people with disabilities, seen and not seen. in many times they're just bypassed. everybody else is going to handle the situation, but not allow them to really be directly involved. i think that's paramount. and as the society ages, it's not going to get any better. especially among people who don't speak english, i think that, that is the most bypassed community of all.
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>> councilmember zarda. >> i just want to go ahead and thank you for can you having today. this is a very touchy subject, as you must know, so, tensionseses can run high. so, thank you for coming here today ~ and talking about this with us. and among some of the great ideas that were already mentioned by our fellow councilmembers, i just want to kind of touch on what we can do to actually make some of these ideas stick. councilmember wong had pointed out something very important that does come up. for our community members living in affordable housing units, you know, there are people who are engaging in illegal activity. there are reports to the front desk that go unheard consistently. i hear it again and again and again and, so, it almost makes me feel like what can be done to strengthen the voice of our tenants? what can be done to give them more of a voice besides just this bode and i other nonprofits? can there be a council made up of tenants that's better informed, that's better
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equipped with the feedback response system so that it can be in place, beside the one that's already in place, but something that can be more effective? because otherwise it just falls to the wayside and these complaints that come again and again, somebody stole my cane. somebody has [speaker not understood]. i'm all about being proactive, preventive measures first, instead of rushing in reactive trying to apply bandages. so... >> any other councilmembers have answers to these questions? all right. are there any questions from staff?
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>> this is carla johnson. through the chair, i know with your permission, i actually had a couple questions of our presenters. they aren't necessarily the same questions that were asked, but they came up from listening to the presentation. >> okay. >> the first question that i would ask is whether or not mayor's office of housing currently is working on a affordable housing database? i keep hearing that out in the world and i'm always very excited when i hear it, but i wondered if you could validate that rumor. >> sure, brian chu from mohcd. yes, so, we are currently working on an affordable housing database. those of you who have been around for sometime know that this is an issue that's been discussed honestly for years, but i think that we're actually
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closer to putting this database in action. we are looking at trying to integrate a number of different databases. we have currently put together a database for all of our below market rate rental and ownership units. we are currently putting together a document to solicit bids for a developer to create another database to integrate all of the 100% affordable developments that the city has investments in. we are also entering into some preliminary discussions with the department of public health and the human services agency to see what kind of connections we can have with their direct access to housing units and the
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homeless access points. as most of you know, each of those different kinds of housing has a different entryway, a different selection process. some of them have lotteries. some of them have clinical assessments. we're also reexamining the hopa wait list. and i think that what we've realized is that for most individuals, unless you have a case manager, it's almost impossible to navigate this system. we've also been working with many of our tenant counseling agencies. and at our last meeting, we asked them what would be most useful in term of access to information and what they told us is that an online affordable housing data portal -- and with that or more than that is what they called a hotline where someone from any service agency could call one number and
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[inaudible] for example, you're familiar with the disability community services list that comes out. often when you look at that, it can still be very confusing. so, is it a tax credit unit or what's the eligibility? so, what we were hoping to design was a data portal in which a resident or a case manager could actually enter in the characteristics about themselves and their families and then hopefully what would pop up would be all of the unit for which you are eligible. it would have information about whether or not is there a waiting list, is the wait list open or closed. and in an ideal world, if it's something that has a lottery, for example, they could take that information that you've put in. it would populate into a standard application form that could be used across all
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affordable housing providers and you could actually apply online or submit it online, or you could print it out if you needed to and handwrite it and deliver it. we're a long way from that system, but that's something which we feel we would like to get to. so, for us, we're trying to make sure that we create a vision that captures everything, understanding that we'll probably have to move it stage by stage by stage. we're not going to be able to phase it all in at the same time, but that's what we're hoping to do. and we hope to release the solicitation to get the software creator -- i'm hoping by may or june. then when we have that, i'll feel more secure that we can actually start building it piece by piece. so, that's my update up till now. we would appreciate any input as you have as we try and build it to make sure that the actual
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interface is accessible now. we also realize that an online database will not work for people that are on the other side of the digital divide. so, and we're -- we also are trying to figure out how you integrate the language accessibility issues with anything online. so, we haven't gotten all of those answers yet, but that's what we're looking at right now. >> and then i had two more quick questions. from your presentation it says that your current pipeline is 10,500 units. is that over the five years of the com plan or is that an annual number or how do i interpret that? i tried to qualify that 10,000 pipeline. it's actually more than the next five years. it's actually a long-term pipeline. it includes -- honestly, it includes units that are projected to be developed in
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the hunters point shipyard, which are -- there's a number of housing sites and housing opportunities that are projected to be developed out there, but that will be over time ~. >> thank you. and then one last question. i've heard recently about a new group within the city called hope, which is going to be working, i guess, on some of the rebuild of our old public housing projects. and i was hoping that you could tell us a little more about how this new group interfaces with the mayor's office of housing. this is not [speaker not understood] group. this is hope a in -- >> hope s.f. >> hope s.f. . >> oh, okay. hope s.f. is actually an initiative that was created by mayor newsome back in 2007 that was given to public housing specifically. and the goal for that initiative was to demolish the existing public housing and rebuild it into mixed income communities. so, that is still an initiative
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that we're undertaking. we just had a grand opening at our first hope s.f. project, hunters view just yesterday, the first phase. and that is slightly different than what we're looking to do to renovate the majority of the housing authority's portfolio currently. we have received approval from hud to renovate about 14 projects in the next three years to the tune of about 1500 units. and then we will be taking on additional number -- 14 additional developments in the following three years. so, that is not like hope s.f., it is not demolition and rebuild new. it's renovation so that we can maximize housing quality in the near term versus hope s.f. which usually takes a lot longer to demolish and rebuild given the amount of resources it takes to do that. >> thank you.
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>> through the chair, this is joanna fraguli with the mayor's office on disability. i have a question he and three suggestions. so, the first question is about the very exciting portal/database and i would like to ask whether you are taking into consideration not just language access for people who are automatically excluded from the digital divide, but also individuals who are needing electronic accessibility. people using assistive technology, screen leaders, in other words, is the database going to be 508 compliant? or have the item entered in it with the developers [speaker not understood]?
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>> we haven't discussed it with a developer yet as we haven't selected a developer. though are excellent suggestions. it would be great to work with your office to come up with language that you might have used so that we can incorporate those appropriate technology questions as they respond. so, we'd be happy to put that. we haven't finalized that -- [multiple voices] >> i would like you to work closely with my office on the [speaker not understood] of the database, and also in the phrasing of the different profile questions because, again, very similar to the point that councilmember zarda was talking about regarding information to access, the way that we ask a question, especially with populations who have experience with substance abuse, mental health disabilities, the way we answer -- the way we ask the questions
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to create the profile influences the type of answers we're getting and the profile that will be created. so, we can talk at length off line, but there is a lot that goes into create a thoughtful usable database and if the city is going to put hud or differently earned money to come up with that project, we better make sure that it's a really good product. so, that was my question/suggestion. the other three suggestions i have came up directly to your question about service needs. and from our perspective and the walk-in and the calls that we get, we find a great lack of case management. it spoke to the need that you talked about sticking with the
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service providers, we said in order to have housing you have to have a case manager. the case manager has to be really sharp. it's not just anybody who is willing to help. so, case management is something that we see more and more lacking with our populations, especially with folks who have dual diagnosis or mental health issues. desk clerk training and the escalation techniques, they relate directly to the sense of safety and security. and also we have folks who paid pretty low wages to provide this sort of safety net, especially in supportive housing or even in our low-income housing and they deal with populations that [speaker not understood] trained on how to deal appropriately with. a lot of tenants, inner conflicts, stuff like that.
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maybe mental health [speaker not understood]. and finally, eviction prevention. what we hear a lot from our partners in the nonprofit world along with the experiences that we have with clients is that oftentimes you work so hard to get a client housed and then either because of hoarding and cluttering or some sort of break in the rules or mental health exacerbation there is not the appropriate support. it is kind of ironic when it happens in supportive housing, the situation where we have clients with an eviction on their record. so, working with somebody intensely, putting up a structure in place that would really try to minimize eviction on the records would be really, really helpful. >> those are great suggestions. aside from this process, we've
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begun [speaker not understood] discussions with tenant counseling and eviction agencies and with our affordable housing developers where a number of our eviction defense agencies have pointed out that it's a strange dynamic, pharmaceutical, our office is funding both the affordable housing developers and the eviction defense folk that are sometimes in opposition to each other. and i understand that there is often some tension within that dynamic where one side is trying to represent the evicted party from the other perspective, sometimes the affordable housing developer is also representing other tenants that have issues with a problematic individual. ~ folks and i think what we are trying to struggle with is if we come from a place in which we acknowledge that every person
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deserves safe, affordable housing, even people who may be very challenging, how do we affirmatively address that? and i do feel that what often happens is that because of the scarcity of housing, people that often need those sort of supportive services may not be in a housing situation where those services are offered because you have to take housing when you get it. >> okay. >> and it become sort of a set-up for both that individual and the property manager. and i think it would be great to maybe interject a perspective from your perspective because you're not necessarily representing the attorney for one side, which has [speaker not understood] and the property manager. so, speaking from that client perspective i think would be a good -- another voice in that
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dialogue. so, i'd be interested in talking to you about how to work that out because it has been a very challenging dynamic. yeah. >> sure. and i dare to say that actually there is a lot of coexistence of some sort of mental health condition and chronic exposure to poverty. just by the basic trauma thing, trauma exposure. >> yes. >> we can talk off line. thank you. >> all right, i have a couple of public comment cards. first, ken hornby. in addition to the hopa situation, we also have people who are aging with hiv and aids who are in rent controlled apartments and they are on currently ssdi. and when they
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