tv [untitled] April 22, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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statistics 4 hundred thousands are suffering from psychosis. we're not throbbing anything but psychosis. 4 hundred thousand is 40 percent of the million that would have been institutional listed had the rate in the city not having had institutionaltion. the point is we have people institutionalized and 40 percent of the population that would have been institutional listed (inaudible) >> thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> i'm going to sit this up this is the way to (inaudible).
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>> scheme could you speak into the microphone. >> okay. i'm sorry. could you start that there. since we've heard about the history as a singer he's getting better but i want to give contribute could what you're looking at in san francisco. i've been around for two years or so this is not an illustration i support the union supervisor campos but i'm here to talk about nasal - nostalgia and there's a supervisor that talks about 31 flavors but i want to demonstrate could you
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shine over here i want to give to my supervisor breed for putting together a historical hearing that's going to be coming her on thursday. here i go way back ladies and gentlemen, with the housing authority and the issues. i'm here to say because of that it should be no illusion that still or anyone should be calling the board i was the founder and put together the board of supervisors in hang valley i didn't get the credit but i helped to get the hud community funding and here were on a go around with rad. i've deelt with hud and unfortunately actually forced them to be part of the horizon so call on ace. this is about the rad should
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demonstrate a whole lot of information please supervisor call me, i'm ace and i'm on this case. thank you very much i can't say this in 3 minutes >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i'm neil on behalf of the putting the name of mayor ralph on some or part of the bay bridge. a little bit of background from time to time when i came here. now the day after tomorrow theirs the 24th is the successful rupture be of the world first occur come navigation of the globe a major landmark in whole history of transportation and in general it's in the record books even though it's been widely
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forgotten and wanting harrison sales i have a headline. farewell while your dollar steams away leader globe circulating plea and the 2 thousand 5 hundred cheers. as the preliminary opening fester of the scheduled service earlier which is sponsored by san francisco chamber of commerce to spread the word of the importance of san francisco we've seen on the president harrison the head of the company robert dollars and mayor raul. there was 15 or so young ladies who were present and i'll mention their name hawaii was represented and china was represented and america by mabel
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johnson and italy by another lady in the picture you'll see ralph standing between ms. america and ms. is japan the significance is that most politicians would never bother to meet an asian person never mind having their photograph taken with them at that time in life - >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you very much. >> mr. president, members of the can balance i'm christopher i live at sea level i rise to recognize earth day and to recognition a safety earth.
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the human impact will disdesignate our we don't have enough trees and nature and all the carbon traps heat. plan to have more trees all you need is empty land and fresh water and all you need for freshwater is a convenient ocean and blocks of power you need to get the power plant so-called black smokers and the technology to capture that interpretation heat energy already pouring into the ocean. california can require net zero carbon load for the ecomy and california can provide the marketing mechanism to download the cost to upload the burden. california can support of the
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water if we mandatory this service it's tax free we can create the infrastructure to turn the center valley into a water park and into a rain forest. california can find the caliber if we have a contest to create of the energy and we can have this as a whole for the economy. thank you, mr. president, >> next speaker >> next speaker. >> he mrs. >> hello supervisors i'm michael running for district. >> - excuse me, sir. i just want to state there's no
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campaigning in the champ >> i'll look for to rule afterward i'm here about the chronic editorial yesterday about the new regulations being proposed for the public library. i hope you can show those photos that appeared in the chronology from the public restroom at the public library. those photos appeared in the chronicle after the chronicle wrote another picture of women changing their clothes in the public restroom. now the controllable california is calling for embarrassed enforcement of the rules at the public library. and those rules include not taking photos in the library. there's also the matter of state
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law section 647 j one. and which prohibits taking pictures in public spaces i've asked the police department to see if the chronicle on two separate occasions violated state law when they sent in two staff froofrz to hang out it's hilltop california so have the homeowners who spell the last need a bathhouses to wash up while the library is violating the rules in my opinion and violating the rules at the library when they run the
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pictures in the paper we need fairness thank you. thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> tom on south beach apartments. in the spirit of the season of the book of neil revolutions are the first nov church of god and capitaism. it begins with in the desert many years ago some guy had 12 sons and his firefighter was the last one he told interpreted dreams and interesting stories he could have been guy he we're flashy clothes expect the older
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brothers didn't like him he got himself throne in jail and the word got out to pharaoh here's a guy that interpreted dreams he had fat cows and they said on the seventh year of the good grain pharaoh you're going to take us to heaven and we want the healthiest heaven possible we want to privatize the grain and up the cost of the grains so for the slaveries they're a little bit chubby and get rid of waste set up a commodity exchange and make more money for
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the treasurer. we don't have to privatize everything. what we have here is the beer destroying the planet because of privatization and profit taking care >> if there or any other members of the public who wish to speak step forward. >> i'm pretty sure within a number of the districts represented in this body this community of color and mostly all of your districts so when we talk about multiple billion dollar developments i don't care if the citizens pay for it with public money or not put the pressure on the private section but you've got homeless people in the city and low income individuals in the city and
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people with inadequate education and people going through the exit programs that needs to be engaged those are the developments that carry our city to the top and you know where it's going to find itself in the near future and if we don't put the pressure on the private sector to how can i is not only to engage the public the people not necessarily other city departments it seems like other city departments get to sit at the table and lobby for their base which is the vice president itself as opposed to the people that got them in the brurts.
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so looking for the people unprivileged by this body that i city hall itself by the mayor's office they're working so hard about the homeless task force thing that all the development has gone down and the diesels ideals now we've got to figure out what to do with the homeless if we had only figured out in the beginning - >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm with the san francisco. i'm here to thank personally supervisor david campos and mayor ed lee in the mission districts this is an important piece to preacher the latino culture also to help our
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businesses and residents stay. i think this will actually stabilize the area for the future of our businesses on 24th street. so thank you also to let the workers know we've get our support also thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. since i off and on out today is earth day there's issues with stuff like this the google buses whatever they're called. now but the thing is if there's any land left in the city because i'm quite sure low income housing won't be built on the land that's left but maybe we can have some kind of connection for the google buses they all met up in one spot like
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the busses from the east bay and i and other part from the bay 0 o to have the community connect to the muni here in the city so then that way it will cut down the confusion of the tech buses not enough in the community just have them meet in one place like candle stick park and maybe the transportation can get better and since they have commuter checks that companies can utilize then the money about still go to muni and the tech buses will still be out there and not charging us a dollar per stop it's common sense
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politicians to me >> thank you is there any public comment in general public comment. seeing none, jmd. i understand that are a couple of folks to revisit >> supervisor kim. >> i want to sever item 3. >> colleagues, can we resend the vote on the content agenda we'll take that without objection. let's sever item 3 and do a role call on items one through 11. >> supervisor kim. supervisor mar. supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor cowen.
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supervisor farrell. there are 11 i's. those onions are adapted item 3 >> it's a resolution adding the competitive vicky or lane in recognition of the transgender and her lasting legacy in the tenderloin and supervisor kim. >> thank you president chiu. colleagues it's really exciting to be here for a historic vote. yesterday, i attended the uptown tenderloin museum for those who are familiar with the tenderloin we know that many people call tenderloin their home and there's a diverse history from the musicians and performances to various members of our immigrant community and the lgbt you community that call the tenderloin their home we've had
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families performances like the grateful dead and stars like mohammed ali. it's today, we get to honor one of the faces of the tenderloin with a street change designation. our office has been working with the harvey milk club and the vicky lane memorial campaign and the original members of the screaming queen for the past year and a half to designate the one hundred hundred block of turf after vicky mary lane. the group gathered over 15 thousand signatures some in the neighborhood and to show support from the residents throughout the city of the recognition of this amazing performance activist teacher. they've raised $2,000 for the purpose and designation for the
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vicky mar lane street sign. as i mentioned this is a historic vote here recognizing an important face and also an important sector of the returned to community our transgender community that there be the first street named after a transgender in san francisco. the vicky lane memorial group has the ceremony street this street has significant for the transgender and broader lgbt community. it's been the home of many historical 2r5ir7bd liberty like the cafe riot that rocked san francisco in 1969 and the stonewall riots. i want to recognize several of the folks first of all, a close
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friend of vicky felicia she's often talked about the transgender community as well as the larger community she created a memorial exhibit at the history museum entitled vicky i'm your lady. seen never before the artifacts the dress from the lounge and many of her wigs. vicky mary lanes 50 year stage started out with the girl gill of the liquid spine that's what she was known as and she was a mentor to many transgender wjs and she said if she could make it so could they. she held the tenderloin together
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and was wildly created with helping to make sure that the lgbt were inclusive of transgender people and she was named the grand marshall that before she passed in 2011 of aids recommended complications. i want to mention several people (calling names) and members of the harvey milk club for all the work on this issue. again vicky will be the first transgender revoked to have a street named. and tenderloin is an amazing neighborhood there is so much work we need to do to make it
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stronger and healthier it wasn't until i went door knocking i got to see the residents in the hotels i met people who spoke cantonese and at that gag we've talked about this how many members of the lgbt community call the tenderloin their home and how many of them fled from places they were not expected i have to say it is one place i feel comfortable being who i am. i know that this is where people call home this is the first
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place you call home that acceptance and takes you as you are. for this reason i think it's real important we recognize the diversity of people that make it the tenderloin. really want to recognize someone who couldn't be here today a woman that led the charge to make sure that the lgbt landed in the tenderloin that's jessie she made sure with the tenderloin community were recognized and through the castro and the mission and the tenderloin of the transgender community. shows not here today but i know she would be so proud it have one of her friends to get the name symbolic in the tenderloin.
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we look forward to city manager's office all of you at the actual street designation ceremony on the transgender march in june. financially i want to recognize supervisor campos and supervisor wiener and give them time to speak on this item >> supervisor campos. >> thank you supervisor kim for the work it's gone into this and as well as the individuals i think that the timing of this is very appropriated. because we are facing an affordability crisis and because of that crisis many in the lgbt community are being pushed out of the san francisco and it's especially difficult for the members of the transgender community to live in a place as expensive as san francisco. i think that the fact we're
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moderating with this recognition is very meaningful and important. so i want to thank evidentially who has made that possible and, of course, i'm glad it supervisor kim mentioned jazzy collins i know that she is somewhere watching this and probably saying finally about time but thank you very much. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you, mr. president, and thank you to supervisor kim and her staff for moving this forward to the board of supervisors. what i really love i think the most about this is that i think a lot of times the transgender community has a lot of challenges around access to health care and employment and safety and a lot of challenges shared by the lgbt community in
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general but a lot of unique challenges that go beyond that. i know that so many people worked hard to make sure the transgender community what move forward and address those challenges but some things that get lost in the shuffle is so many positive strengths in the transgender community we get caught up with the challenges we don't focus enough publicly will the about how far and strength of this community just a few kwoogz weeks ago at the transgender center we subjected the biggest event of the day remembering the crimes and the murders and thefts let's also recommend not only the negative but the many, many positive things in this beautiful and have wonderful you community
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which has been i sometimes envision the transgender community as part of the lgbt community that's cracking the whip keep moving forward and don't let anyone get you down keep moving forward. it's a critical part of our community i'm proud to be a co-sponsor for today >> supervisor breed. >> i just wanted to give a shout out to felicia and other residents that today, the lgbt is not silent our loud and clear thank you for work together and ray's the money to never let this thing stop. thank you supervisor kim so far leading the way. supervisor kim >> thank you. i want to thank supervisor wiener for
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celebrating our achievements and successes. i want to recognize sunny so i want to thank her and recognize her i know she spent a year and a half working on the name change designation we're so excited for june we're going to have our splitter our new logo t lgbt. and look forward to seeing my colleagues for the historic street designation >> thank you supervisor kim. colleagues, can we same house, same call? we'll take that without objection. and madam clerk, go to our adaptation calendar. supervisor campos >> i'd like to go back to item 12 and resend that. >> the vote shall be resend. supervisor campos. i want to make sure we have a
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full compliment of the board voting >> colleagues, same house, same call? >> roll call apologizes roll call vote and we, take it same house, same call? >> roll call vote. >> on item 12. supervisor kim. supervisor mar. supervisor tang. no arrest supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor cowen. supervisor farrell. no. there are 9 i see and 2 nos >> with that, madam clerk the adaptation calendar. those are being
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