tv [untitled] April 23, 2014 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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>> so moved. 2nd on favor aye. >> [inaudible]. >> [pledge of allegiance] >> our apologies to those of you who had to wait a little bit. we are having a lively discussion in a closed session. >> please be advised the ringing use of cell phones and pagers and similar devices electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting.
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these be advised the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any persons responsible for ringing of her use of a cell phone pager or other similar so producing electronic device. please be advised that member of the public is up to 3 min. to make pertinent public comments on each agenda item unless the port commission adopts a shorter period of time on any item. item 8 public comment on items not listed on the agenda. >> any public comment? seeing none,, public comment is goes. next item >> automatic executive directors report. >> good afternoon port commissioners. members of the public and ports that. welcome to our april 22 meeting. i have a long executive directors report today because apparently is is incredibly busy time but i hope to move through it really quickly. i want to start by talking about a cruise out with 4 2014 and 2015. we are really excited to report that
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2014 will be a record-setting year for crew shipping at the port of san francisco. we are expecting 75 cruiseship calls carrying approximately 260,000 guests plus of course the cruise. so this is a new high record for the port in modern time and were very very excited about it. this has been continuing over the last couple of years and 2013 the port hosted 64 crucial calls at 213,000 cruiseship passengers and that was our highest number of guest since 2006. so we are seen incredible growth in our business here on the west coast for any number of reasons but were very excited about it. 2015 is looking even bigger with 84 calls booked. we are expecting to cross the 300,000 passenger mark for the 1st time in modern times. so we are really excited about that. it's time perfectly for the inauguration of our new cruiseship terminal, james r
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herman cruiseship terminal, which was its 1st port crews called on september 18 and will be just a great place to welcome our passengers. it's a modern design, modern terminal. will be able to do clearing of customs office ship in our new building. will be hooking up to sure power to be able to be environmentally friendly. will be able to use large site to get the provisioning trucks off the embarcadero and tour vans and buses off the embark to daryl so were really excited about. where are your own homeport for cruises to alaska mexico and hawaii and 39 of the 75 bookings for 2014 our home port calls good that about 52%. 33 of which are offered by princess gould. so princess cruise it continues to be our largest clients. so, the cruise industry is really important part of the port strategy including maritime recreation and transportation which we
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value very much and looking forward to the inauguration of the james r herman cruise terminal at pier 27 in september. we are looking forward to breaking to 300,000 passenger mark. so onward and upward. they said and i want to thank in particular, your daily and michael nuñez commissioner adams, and members of the ilwu been traveling around pressing hard to witness more business and it seems to be coming to fruition. it takes a long lead time given that the cruise ships booked out almost 18 months in advance. soak your marketing today 18 months before you'll see the 1st of your lip fruits of your labor but clearly paying off and could not be more proud of everyone's effort and again, looking forward to a marquee year for our cruise industry. this coming saturday, april 26, san francisco coast guard appreciation day. this is going to be a very fun event. hosted at pier 39 in fisherman's wharf. the 7 cisco does guard appreciation day honors the
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active-duty men and women of the us coast guard who operate in waters around san francisco it. at pier 39 visitors will get to see them in the act of rescue air and water exhibition. visitors will get a chance to go aboard coast guard vessels. the watch rescue swimmers dropped from helicopters and no meet with both men and women and k-9 units and get a better sense of what the coast guard, who because guard is and what they do. the events take place from 12 noon to 4 pm. they will be 2 showings of the k-9 team demonstration. building 2 showings of the flight and rescue swimmers demonstration and though be a couple of great speakers coast guard servicemen will speed as well as the helicopter pilot and a rescue swimmer. so, a number of [inaudible] coast guard foundation heroes evening last week. it was incredible with the men and women of the coast guard do, how they put their own families on hold and risk their lives to rescue the rest of us. so, it could not be more
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touched and inspired by them and this is a really fun way for the general public to get to appreciate the coast guard. hopefully, people can come out to pier 39 this coming saturday. next i'd like to report on the budget profits for the port. this year the port will have potentially 3 hearing dates. we'll start off on april 30 at 1 pm and the legislative chamber of the city hall. this year's budget committee has asked for a presentation in advance of the actual budget presentation. something they're calling a state of the ports effectively you'll be looking at the whole part goals and where are we thinking are to your budget will take us, our resources and how that will hope us to achieve our goals in the next 2 years. so we welcome anybody from the public that would like to attend and support us and the actual budget will be heard on, ominous get down here, wednesday, where did it go. i , where did it go. i lost my dates. wednesday, may 14 i
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believe it is. yes. wednesday march may 14 with the primary port budget hearing and then if there's any reason to need to come back the committee has reserved wednesday, may 21 as well. if any of you would like to join us and be supportive we would very much welcome that. this was, again, our 2nd time presenting and helpful getting approval for a two-year budget and were looking forward to the dialogue with members of the board of supervisors. next, the sunny streets coming to bayview which is sunday, may 4 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. this week the 1st bit here that sunny streets has visited the neighborhood of 8 un.patch. this is the longest contiguous routes, i guess, for sunny trees. it's 3/2 miles of [inaudible] space. so it makes for really unique experience. a lot of fun. everyone is urged to bring their bicycles so they
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can traverse the full 3 and half miles. each end of the sunny street 3/2 miles will be amusing music and events. at the northern and which we near china basin, there are stern grove as the festival association with putting on performances by the democrats and odc dance. as well as instrumental petting zoo with magic magic orchestra. other things. at the southern end, in the bayview, the hunters point shipyard artists will be hosting a spring open studios nearby. bilby artis from 7 buildings booed by the bayview underground food scene pop-up market, and of course local vendors, live jazz, youth art, and other art for kids. so we urge you to come out and participate in sunny streets and if you would like to volunteer their are always looking for volunteers to help organize and run the events. that's available also. the next item i found earlier today is close to be a secret. hopefully
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it will still be a secret. that is, that there will be a dedication ceremony for mrs. catherine bacardi at the fisherman's wharf chapel on may 9. mr. bacardi is not supposed to know so if any of you watching on tv, don't tell him or i'll be in great trouble. mrs. bacardi passed away in august of 2012. she and mr. alessandro bacardi have been members of fisherman's wharf since the port committee for most of their lives. mrs. bacardi was actually born in italy and came out to california and she was quite young. mr. bacardi of course grew up here in san francisco. they have done an incredible amount for the port and for fisherman's wharf. most notably, helping to have the port keep open since fish processing center at pier 45, being able to secure state
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funds to do that. and creating a fisherman's wharf chapel which is a memorial to the seamen who have been lost at sea. as well as a couple of other key people who have been notable in the fisherman's wharf area. so, on may 9 if you can come up and asked to invite all the commissioners and any members of the public that would like to memorialize and celebrate the life of catherine bacardi. again, please don't say anything to mr. bacardi. a little awkward. the next event is saturday, may 10 at 6 pm at [inaudible] ionized it is the annual heritage soirée. this is a black-tie dinner dancing and silent auction and concede all of them. it raises funds for san francisco heritage as well as just a great opportunity to interact with the community and celebrate all of the great historical features of our city the most important ones all
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been at the port of san francisco. also on saturday, may 10, from 6 pm to 9, at joe dimaggio playground, a piece of [inaudible] will be having their annual celebration and fundraiser. since the telegraph [inaudible] center is one of the oldest community nonprofit could be celebrating the 1/24 this year and 1/25 next year and they celebrate they serve the community and the telegraph hill area primarily children and youth of 18 months through 18 years of age. this year's case [inaudible] will take place on saturday, may 10 from [inaudible] will take place on saturday, may 10 from 6 to 9:00 pm jodi maceo pregnant on elegant white. they'll be a lot and silent auction and though be a lot of fun so we hope people can turn out and support both of these great organizations that san francisco heritage and [inaudible] neighborhood group. lastly, i would like to
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memorialize a good friend of the port, a gentleman we had here recently named bob billingham. bob was here in the fall following the success of the america's cup events. bob was a member of the america's cup event authority. he was the liaison between the authority and the port and the city. he was instrumental in a number of great solutions and frankly, inventions, that made the event possible. one such invention was that he was trying to figure out how to put up temporary structures in pier 29 and cruise ship terminal to create separate areas for the events. in another part of his life he was a shipping a vessel for someone else and was looking at for lack of a better word the shrink wrapping that vessels arrived in with her shipped and determined that maybe that might serve as a temporary wall.
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so he had some of the wrapping ordered and he brought the fire department out and fire tested it and low and behold it created not only great walls to separate the facilities into effectively temporary structures of pop-up but also it was made of recycled material. that was just one of his many creative solutions. in the words of his family, he never met a problem he couldn't solve. what you may not know about bob is that he was an olympic silver medalist. from 1988. he sailed with jonathan seki and [inaudible] both year from the bay area. he has been served as a member of the olympic sailing committee even through his illness. he was still working on different ways the olympic and paralympic times can be effective in rio de janeiro and some of his solutions will be presented when the olympics debut there in 2016. based on his guidance.
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bob served us very well alter the america's cup, very intently, good un [inaudible] ill he somehow managed to handle his illness with grace and with his usual style. it never affected his mood or his willingness to participate. he left a tremendous legacy here at the port. we are really just very sad that he is no longer with us in life. but his legacy was strong and in his memory the yacht club has dedicated the [inaudible] gui just outside of the copy as the billingham bully. they'll be celebrating his life on saturday, may 10 in the afternoon from 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock. so commissioners, with your permission, we would like to recommend that we adjourn the meeting today in honor of robert billingham. >> absolutely. >> that concludes my report.
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>> thank you. any public comments? should have good afternoon commissioners. i am [inaudible] with special projects of the port. i just like to say a bit more about bob. i started working with bob. either good fortune of working with him starting in november of 2011 and at the end of 2012 when things really ramped up talk to him on the phone once a day at least maybe 3 times a day and have lunch with them every friday for a good stretch there. some small part [inaudible] because all nobody was frequently up to something clever on behalf of his organization but aback i loved working with a guy. the way he faced his illness was nothing short of heroic. his reservoir of ingenuity was
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really amazing. this belly laugh of his also something that would make everybody knew him will miss. i should point out one thing that he mentioned frequently that everyone [inaudible] his silver medal but he was on one of the, he crewed the dennis connor both the one the america's cup here he was on one of the boats. for some strange reason it's frequently overlooked. the thing that i thought was the neatest about his experience here was a groundswell of staff who asked them to entertain [inaudible] chief harbor position. which is a real testament to how much everyone who work with them respected what he did and i know he asked me about salaries and benefits a one-point soymilk he considered it for a minute checking his great that he give some thought to be part of our family here. so, in conclusion,
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i just like to say to the man who bought me my 1st dark and stormy, with the inspection, their wins and following seas just to bob. thank you >> thank you. any other common? we have commissioners report and we had a terrific meeting last week thanks to the incredible talent of renée and her staff, but also i really want to thank commissioner brendan and adams for bringing this to the forefront. i know i'd now like to: commissioner brendan to speak about. i want to just take a moment to thank both of you for making this a
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priority and a reality. >> thank you. as pres. katz said, last week a week ago today, we held our 1st san francisco chamber of commerce business exchange. i think it was a huge success. the purpose of the exchange was to help commission and staff get a better understanding of how we can do better outreach about the port [inaudible] contracting opportunities to small businesses. there were attendees from the african-american chamber not the hispanic chamber, the golden gate business association which is the lg b2 group, the san francisco chamber of commerce and the small business exchange. we also invited the asian, hawaiian, and filipino jammers but unfortunately they weren't able to attend. we had representatives from the contract monitoring division and the san francisco human services agency. there was a
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presentation by the contact management decision and board [inaudible] overview of the local enterprise program, local business enterprise program and z jones did an overview of the city business development initiative. we spent over an hour on that piece. we only had 2 hours for the exchange, which i guess was a little ambitious because we had such a great agenda. so we spent over an hour on that and we had to move on but i'm sure there was a lot more we could have learned about those opportunities. besides commissioner katz and i open the meeting and commissioner adams and i closed the meeting because the only have it to commissioners in the room at any given time. so, besides commissioner katz and i and director [inaudible] did a great job moderating the event, the staff that was participating the lane for susan reynolds
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byron [inaudible] renée dunbar, kim lyons, megan wallace, bill williamson, john dahle, then you homes and ricky to johnny, and i want to thank all of the particular time that afternoon to join us because their input was very valuable. susan reynolds and tim leon did a presentation on disney opportunity at the port and spoke about the rfp for the parking lot, though. 33 and have retail opportunity construction projects and service contracts. i think there was really engaging conversation around all of those areas so once again i want to thank susan and tim for doing such a wonderful presentation. we also have representatives from san francisco giants, jim g partners, and ae comm. though [inaudible] were invited but i guess we all know why the warriors did not show. i note
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[inaudible] have every intention of being there. each of the development representatives provided a brief description of their respective projects and stated how they would conduct community participation and outreach going forward. byron met a director planning development suggested that the outage start earlier in the process before the development team are formed probably during did plead did. many projects use multiple teams of architects, engineers, contractors and the minority firms should be a part of these teams prior to awarding the project. so that was a really great outcome of the meeting. overall, it was a very informative and engaging working group. it was a gentle discussion by the group about the purpose of the meeting and everyone was asked to be open and honest about their opinions. jim lazarus from san francisco chamber of commerce, said on the disappointment with the america's cup 34 and the amp [inaudible] jobs and business
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opportunities. he was repeatedly stated that minority communities, african-american and hispanic in particular, were not responding to the ports are these because it was a foregone conclusion that the same good old boys would win the contacts. so, there's a feeling of mistrust with the cities bidding process is something that we really really need to overcome and pres. katz, dir. morehead and myself along with vp adams, all committed to working with the chamber and their members to change this perception about providing technical support mentioning and more opportunities for purchasing under proposition q. what also to be more inclusive of the lg bt community. we received a lot of great feedback and ideas to help with the establishment of clear channels of communication and timely alert some of the
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business opportunities and how we can better work together. in our closing remarks, commissioner adams reiterated and i am for his pajamas to be involved in the process from the beginning of attend commission meetings to help us support the commission on effort to assist minority businesses and i'm glad to see you in that matt thomas. thank you for coming. i really want to say a special thanks to the renée jones alain forms megan wallace and any [inaudible] for putting together such a wonderful rent and all the other stuff participated i think was a great event. i think it was, it was our 2nd event. but our 1st exchange being able to just sit down and talk honestly and openly and hopefully we can continue to build the trust, come up with better ways to communicate and definitely looking forward to the next one. thank you.
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>> thank you commissioner brendan. dimensions jim lazarus raising their disappointment over the america's cup was with the america's cup event authority not with support and there was a discussion about how the port can help it this future such projects guide minority businesses and other local businesses to potential opportunities. but i just want to add one comment i heard after the beating. after the exchange. from the every other department does this. this was so incredible and so productive. we didn't we couldn't receive enough praise from herself >> then she said if we could do that we need to take it and send it to every other department. >> so i really also want to reiterate the things that commissioner brandon exited to all our staff are really making this a reality. something productive and useful for so many of us. i think it went a long way in terms of starting
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to expand opportunities for businesses here in the city. thank you. >> also, i really want to think that about 19 for coming and engaging with everyone there and really thinking about new ways various community groups so thank you so much. >> any other comments? commissioner adam >> i'd like to follow-up on my fellow commissioners. i tank i came to the meeting late and one of the issues that was an issue was trust. one thing that i believe about trust goes 2 ways. you just can't, and i said this [inaudible] you can't sit on the sideline throw stones and not come to the dance. you have to come to the dance you've got to come to the [inaudible] you get the mike. i'm a union guy. i run an organization is a bottom-up organization rank-and-file. you
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know what, this port commission like a lot of people that are commissioners [inaudible] give a right to criticize. you can sit outside and who knows because i was believed in a fair [inaudible]. i believe that. i know that the african-american chamber, hispanic feel i'm sure that people to show favoritism. that happens. but i will also say this: in life nobody's going to give you everything. you've got to go for. you better take it. and you get to have your a game. unfortunately, about people in my life i'm sure we all have, some people interview well some people don't. sometimes only get one chance to make a good impression. sometime people, without resume where they turn something in and it's not that good. when you do something you have to be all in and you have your a game. so, i challenge all the chambers to come forward because i believe as commissioners, the 5 of us,
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everyone in the city we represent anyone everyone in the city with your homeless or whether you are a billionaire. that's our job as commissioners for the sid. it's plain and simple. jeff to get out there and sometimes people just aren't going to hand you think. mr. feith yet to make connections. more than anything in life, just to make alliances. something 7 or 10 ted kennedy, 10 user begins a really big advocate advocate for arguing very close to our union. he said a lot of people come to washington dc and work about this they serve term after term and never get anything done. he says, people want me to be president but one thing that i do as a senator i build alliances and him effective and i can work across the aisle. i build alliances. that's very important to be able to do that. you can take the negative role and say somebody does give [inaudible] that's true. sometimes you have to figure out a roadblock how
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you get around it and be effective in getting the gimp and build alliances with people that have the experience or talk to people i was watched people that are successful and i watch what they do. i learned what they do because it helps me. you don't want people that are failures, with 80. you watch people that know what they're doing, who are effective, and how to get things done. so i appreciate your comments. i'm hoping as a commissioner will continue but one thing that i want to see is , i want people that are qualified but i don't care what color they are. i want that qualified. i want the best. we have an obligation as commissioners to make sure every citizen in this city has a fair and equitable chance to get some of these contracts to participate in. thank you. >> amen. thank you. >> i just like to say thank you for commissioners and rev. whoever was involved in a meeting at the chamber. great
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work. i don't have a report i was out of town for 2 weeks. assured of it was to hear about [inaudible].. that's it for me >> that concludes mission support is there any public comments? seeing none, will move the next item >> item 10 a request approval of except and expend $1 million congestion mitigation and air quality improvement funding. for the metropolitan transportation commission in california coastal conservancy through priority conservation area grants program. for pedestrian and [inaudible] improvement within peer 70 park project area and committing any necessary matching funds. >> so moved >> 2nd >> the public comment rustic seeing none,, all in favor
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