tv [untitled] April 23, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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body mounted cameras i'm not clear if they're the right way to go there could be a cost analysis incidents of dispute around police brutality or there could be cost savings i'm willing to have a more thorough conversation. >> thankfully as was reported your complaint are now u adopt and the cameras have shown that the complaints almost disappear because once people see how people talk to police officers since the officers are wearing them they know it and conduct themselves as i hope they do without the cameras. happy to have the conversation we're doing the background work
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>> i really appreciate it. there's a lot more combairs of the mount cameras this is anecdotally what i hear it's notable to say that >> again happy to have the conversation. >> supervisor mar. i know the former chief talked about the tazers and will anything b be coming forward for the use of training on tasers >> mr. prolong lost his license after the assault in the chocolate factory so i took place the argument but when we went to have the conversation
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about the policy it became so cumbersome when the community that came to the meetings i don't know if it was the majority of san franciscans it became so cumbersome on the officers that large people and thin people and people with a drug problem and wet people and people in bicycles people in high places the california includes what so much we were only asking for one hundred cameras someone was going to get hurt one way or the other so i abandoned my ask. if someone wants to bring it up perhaps it could happen but at the time it wasn't something that san francisco was wanting to have so we only have a stick
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and the next thing is the gun so - >> i'm really pleased to see the use of technology to help the officers and department and looking forward to seeing how much they cost the different apps. you mentioned the smart phone officers in year two what percentage of officers have the smart phone are they android device >> they have to be android quiz by the attorney general. but the ios is okay. the system we have is good we put out two android phones and an i o s system and the officers picked the android phone. we want them to use it and know
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they have input so at least in the first reiteratetion. the phone we have another 2 hundred phones from the airport officers they have not gotten those in year 2 the officers majority will be retiring and the academy officers get them and we'll make sure that the airport gets the phones as well >> the smart phones are on top of the other communication device. >> yeah. i don't want to say that my radio is in the car and my phone is next to it so that's no more than that they have a sleeve and put that in there it
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has the video and text it's obviously a phone they can get their e-mail and check for wanted suspects and facebook and twitter for bike thefts and so on. >> supervisor breed. >> chief thanks i know you have a little bit more for the prosecution i was hoping we as a city would your police department and fire department would hire more kids in our high schools her in san francisco and have hire more young people from the neighborhood in order to address certain issues. i know when i was growing up her there were a lot of cops living in san francisco they knew the neighborhood and folks it's the difference between reactions that can lead to someone being arrested.
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so i wanted to know what you're thought are is there anything to move the department in the direction to hire locally >> sure the reason as you and i know when you yeah. - (laughter) so you're joining with supervisor avalos. so in 1981 and before you had to be a city resident before becoming a police officer you knew everyone that lived in san francisco so the homegrown folks. so over time that was proved to be unconstitutional as a condition of employment. however, i share with your belief i really think people need to have skin in the game
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have would or gone to school or currently live in san francisco to know the folks in this neighborhood it's giving you a better handle on the traffic issues. i'm in the schools reggie was in the schools lecture and i'll be in the schools tomorrow. we talk. i constantly tell those kids and thankfully dpw and muni and rec and park have come with me so it intrigues a lot of the young people those are the same kids that were given jobs last summer and some of the kids we started with in 19784 are currently san francisco police officers we can't be a police department
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that goes in and out we need to be there all the time if something happens we're doing wasn't we have to do like the fire department every time they come they're going to save somebody we want to get the same image but we're struggling to get that. so, anyway it's all about the kids in high school and express upon the kids we want them to be police officers and firefighters and teachers in nurses in san francisco so this online hiring thing i meet the folks and will be tracking their progress. so capital improvements so we
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have golden gate park are in tremendous disrepair a lot of leaking and the horses need places that are dry and lake merced is down with some things that weren't done correctly so renovation is needed and in 2014-2015 the mission security fencing again roofs are leaking and the parking lots could last longer the occur air - the continued improvement to the counter fenway and academy we are trying to consolidate
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property storage. so the next slide is about vehicles. so what we should be doing to keep up with what we have and not fall into we're out of warrant and upkeep and the price for fuel for less efficient fuel we should be doing about one hundred and 38 cars last year, we have one wagon that was a 1995 still in the fleet. we have an exemption because there's emergency vehicles but we still shouldn't be trying to get there. this year, the fiscal year 2014-2015 for 60 cars which overwhelming sound like a lot it is half and supervisor wiener
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years of score you're not catching up so we've asked a additional 39 motorcycles vehicle. at some point we're going to have to spend the people on the new cars or it's going to be more expensive to keep the old cars. this is something that's ticking and sometime we're going to have to take care of that. next mislead is overtime we're proud we're managing the mire makes this appropriate as recently as 2008 we spent $3 million in general overtime we've been knocking around $10 million it's cheap. when you think about the event we have and how short we are on
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staffing to try to make it work i'm proud of the captains and for the staff for making that work when it gets tight we spend a little bit of money over the weekend for the park we figured out. but some folks are experiencing tough times we're not trying to rely on overtime. some people about talk about the $10 million for 10 b it's privately paid for by other folks that are not taxpayers >> supervisor breed. >> do you think that i know we recently started to beef up additional officers in the department but clearly there looks like interests on a significant decline over the years even before we began to a
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hire new officers. do you think that i guess we can attribute the decline in some ways to the increase in officers and can we expect to see numbers lower than what we're looking at now in the future with the increased officers >> you have to have a certain amount of overtime this is as low as it goes the officers work shifts and for instance, when the 9/11 experience comes here before the super bowl. we have to fund the footprint we've never funded before the only thing that's close to the long endeavour it's important to
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have a certain budget so you can make sure you have enough to put people in places without taking away from baseline services in neighborhoods. so once we get to our full compliment of officers the first thing to go away are the foot beats so back at webb take care street or more officers on the west portal people get used to have them there you have an event and hate to see them go 11 people are going to call me and ask where are the officers. >> supervisor avalos. thank you >> thank you conceive i want to commend the department on the production overtime and i do
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remember the years we were well above 17.5 million in 2007 and 8 it represents a change in employment you deserve a lot of recognition for that process. >> we try to stay on top of that thank you. the next slide it demonstrates the work that the officers are doing; right? so in 2008, as of this date there were 33 homicides in the city of san francisco and 2009 was the last time we were at full staff this time on april 23rd there were 4 homicides in san francisco. we're still struggling with shootings and shootings are the bellwether because everybody that get shot the shooter intends to do them harm this is
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a testament of the jobs programs and the community partnership and the efficiency like the smart phones and getting the right people the prosecution's the 3 of the 4 shooters are in custody. we're pitting the cases together and sending them down the line and doing this with a less amount of officers. this is everybody in this together. it wasn't that a long time in 2008, there were 33 at this exact at the same time. that happened in the neighborhoods it's not the same there's 5 that count someone was hurt just this year and the way they count the numbers but the actual injury unhappy there's 4
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in san francisco. you know the support of mayor's office and the support of this body and the support of this commission and everybody pulling together to engage young people to make right choices. and i'll take any questions >> thank you, chief. and congratulations on those statistics on homicides >> thank you, chief. we'll see you. at this point we'll open this up for public comment, please step forward if you have a comment >> good afternoon, supervisors thomas. i appreciate the police chief presentation in colorful grafts
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a couple of points regarding the 2014-2015 budget there are only be receiving $2 million in federal revenue seems like they could do a better job in getting additional funds from the federal government. perhaps a grant writer would be money well spent. regarding our recivilization it's a great word. you had budgeted 53 positions but only 23 filled. i want to see the police department fill those in a much more rapidly pace. regarding the statistics regarding homicides. we all know homicide rates rise and fall with the economy so although the police department is doing a great job i believe
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the homicide level is decreasing based on the economy. there's one other point. i don't recall is now. thank you >> thank you very much. anyone else want to comment on item one seeing none, public comment is closed >> colleagues can i have a motion to file item one. we'll take that without objection.. okay mr. clerk call item 2, please and item 2. hearing and receiving an update it on the fire department for 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. >> okay. thank you very much welcome chief joanne
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haynes-white. >> welcome i'll be joined shortly by my chief advisory officer. but short of that i'd like to acknowledge the ability to talk about the budget for 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 >> i want to acknowledge our chief operating officer as well as the budget analysis and right now the budget analysis has an audit going on in which they're looking at our staffing on little ems side brought before conceding we're all looking forward to the audit specifically to staffing. labor they did an audit on overall departmental operations but more with our ems staffing.
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so we'll be going through slide number one. and we'll come up first and have hard copies for your as well >> this slide basically give us an omaha budgeted in total our budgeted is $356 million for the 2014-2015. of which $329 million is operating budget covers the fire desperation and the specialized unit and the fire investigation unit and the training distinction and our support bureau. the non-you fund is the airport which are fully funded by airport and the port of san francisco. the next slide give us a brief overview regarding the sources of our budget.
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here's a look at the source that make ups our budget the dependent on the general fund to fund our operations about 70 percent and the remaining are from state revenues and public safety sales tax and those are the ways in which the department generated the medical emergency services. and but you can see the general fund is 2/3rd's of our funding. particularly we've seen grant funding for our department. next slide as we look at how the department has a program funding break down the large majority is designated for operations which are the direct fire desperation and this medical services provided to the public including
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did staffing of our fire department's station and ambulance here. as you know the department has a minimum staffing in addition, we have a dynamically deployed ambulance model. the budget covers all the administration and support functions including the workers' compensation and the bureau of fire prosecution prevention and investigation and do you have a question supervisor wiener. the vast majority of our budget in salaries and fringe benefits is 84 percent that leaves us with a challenge of 11 percent to maintain the infrastructure it's an aging infrastructure i'm sure you're aware of with the department to maintain our daily operations and as well as capital and equipment
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replacement when the builders passed the easter bond it helped with the project and we looked forward to continue on with the funding in the future. before moving to our budget proposal for the next two years i want to reiterate the current year some of the police department will see the graduation we have graduated 43 and another bunch will be gratulating. we're happy with the elective branch of the government like the police department we need more people coming in our police department there were literally
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years we didn't hire anyone. so the public safety hiring model is on deck. we've been provided with an overview new hires their anticipated to exposed our retires and we're looking at thirty retirements and as i stated we'll have 82 new hires into the department this should have a reduction in our overtime and i'll explain what's happening with the new construction you see in the mission bay. as a result of the net increasing with the staffing we're lower than the previous fiscal year the amount of overtime is directly related to the police department to the number of personnel we have on staff. in addition, we have worked closely with the department of hearsay and the local 798 to
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have a hard cap of 11 hundred hours this was fully implemented this past fiscal year we see a performance if our fire prosecution due to do on and on construction >> supervisor wiener. it's staffing positions it's similar where the staffing wise for a number of years it caused a slight overtime which part of that was intentional strategy but i know we've shipped this where we're increased staff where do you see the trend over the next 3 to 5 years with the staffing levels what that is going to mean in terms of overall furnishing of the department and overtime >> at one point we had close to
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18 hundred employees about 10 years. and we dropped to 1371 it was fiscally efficient but became problematic. we were at the point we're very, very low. i don't think we'll be at the opinion over 18 hundred employees because from a fiscal stewardship that is not necessary but certainly over 14 hundred is way too low so we're getting into the 15 and 16 hundred range >> is that open mall from your point of view. >> the budget analysis came back with the number although it was higher than we actually thought. i believe it's the 16 hundred
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range but we're building up certainly over 15 hundred and still analyzing that but it will have a direct impact and lower some of the overtime because the staffing is going up. we're going to have one academy place through 2017. and because there was no hiring done between 18981 and 87 we won't have people maximizing out so there are be a few years ago we're in the thirty to 40 range over the next 4 years although looking at down the line there will be large amounts of people looking at a retirement >> okay. >> there's a lot of similarities between the fire my
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safety one of the reasons our overtime will go down not dramatically in a fashion we'll be staffing little rock around november or december that is 9 more full-time equivalent so what occupier overtime. as we look at the projects hunters point and other locations we're going to look at the fire protections >> i among you've talked about that a few times the fire trucks and the size of them turning the road us of the fire trucks so i my understanding is that the department is dpraul replacing
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your fleet because their quite old and that your - i read in the paper actually that the department is going to move forward with 25 or $30 million purchases in new fire trucks did the press get that right. >> correct. >> how many trucks. >> we're looking at about $28 million request. in 2009 our fire commission passed a resolution specifically related to a american people race and replacement program and every year we've fallen short of that we're making do our fleet is old we're getting our money's worth i had to say wait this is not 1991 but 3 fire trucks
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