tv [untitled] April 24, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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foundation is interested in taking a look at what are the empowerment strategies, what are the banking strategies that young people use and what's currently in place with our youth employment programs and in the second and third year, they'll take that information to expand the tools and strategies and the resources for community base providers to help provide more financial empowerment resources for young people. and i wanted to mention one of the things that we've been doing for the last three years as a part of the summer jobs initiative is to survey summer partners on what are the available opportunities for young people in training are on employments. we do surveys of every city department and all of the cbo's that serve young people in the city, not just those we serve but city wide. we want to find information in three different areas. what programs are
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available for those 14-24. what direct hires do either community based organizations or city departments do, so hiring -- you might hire summer counselors or staff for someone up to the age of 24. and finally which of the city departments can serve as work sites such as youth works. last year we found that there were 53 city departments that either funded, operated or served as a work site for our summer programming. this year what we're trying to do, in an effort to get information out to young people about the available opportunities is we're creating a page on the dcf website. this year it will be an opportunity for young people to find out about the training and employment programs, who is eligible for the programs, what the stop and start dates are and what the application process is and to help move forward, we created a
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searchable page to help those other city programs funded. before i move onto the summer jobs plus, do you have any questions about the dcyf strategies? >> supervisor norman yee. >> thank you. i'm not too sure. you mentioned the number of youth all these programs are serving -- >> i don't have the exact numbers for this year. last year we were table to serve well over 2,000 young people through our strategies. i can get you the exact number. we were able to get supplemental funding to expand our programs. >> and then in 2000, you're talking most of them would have
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had some employment opportunity? >> yes, thank you. that's one thing i for got to mention. aside from the career awareness strategy, which is really more kind of work shop and career awareness activity for young people, the other strategies i mentioned in our youth force portfolio has a paid work force component, so a work experience or an extended work force or a shadow. >> i'll be interested in knowing the numbers for the john oconnell. >> so in that strategy, there are three levels of work that are being done. the first is some core and more intensive work with 25 students at each of the schools and that includes counseling, work shop training and then a paid work experience or internship.
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the second level is general career counseling that's available to all the students in the school, so students can come and get advice on what programs are available, get referrals and get information on resources. and then the third level is really more of a system change strategy, working with the schools around whatever their system goals are and figuring out how youth work programs can help to support that. so it could be things like curriculum alignment for example. >> this is probably a comment more than a question and it's probably directed towards the school board members here. i'm wondering if the strategy could be expanded or oconnell in terms of being able to involve a greater number of 25
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that would have internships or possibility use that as a marketing team. i know a few years ago, the school had difficulty convincing potential students to actually enroll there, so if we can market it in a different way, maybe we can change the climate. >> it's sharon from the school -- would you like to respond to this? >> sharon and i'm a supervisor of career and i oversee the career and technical program and at john, on connell, they have three. they have building construction and energy and utility and a
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hospitality students and receiving support from my office and including two year technical career programs in that sector program. and 65 percent of the class are career programs. 25 percent of them are receiving more intensive mentoring during dcyf partnership with -- >> great. any other questions or comments from board members? seeing none, i just -- i have the same questions as supervisor yee. i was curious how many students are in the partnership program. it on be great to get a sense of the past couple of years, the demographics of the youth that are served in the programs and
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then also i think some of these programs have been around long enough that we can do a longitute for these students and college readiness, so it would be great -- we've been doing this for quite a while. are we funding the right things, are we providing the right types of trainings and experiences that are helping young san francisco residents succeed in our city? i don't know if you have perspectives that's not in the power point related to these wes. -- related to these questions. >> also our justice involved strategies and we're going through an evaluation component right now, so maybe at a later date we can present the findings from those strategies. >> that would be great. thank you. are you doing the next presentation as well?
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>> the next one as well. >> i want to recognize that we do have eric mcdonald from united way along with matt poland from match bridge program. >> yes, commissioner fewer. i apologize, i didn't realize that popped up on the screen. commissioner fewer and commissioner wynns. >> thank you supervisor. i had a question about the high school partnership. as you do the work with those who are at risk of not graduating, can he this get school credit for this toward their high school graduation? >> i'm going to ask sharon to respond. >> sharon again from the school district, college and career readiness. we're currently putting on the summer school deck courses that are associated with the cpe programs under whatever industry sector they're studying under lab and depending on how many hours they're in the classroom, we're looking at 2.5 and 5 credits
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and that's for our cpe students. >> so the students he's working with -- >> at john oconnell. >> what's happening downtown? >> they're not in the cpe program. right now we're looking at the school district under a work experience education plan for the district and so some of this is language around that plan. do we have a certified teacher assigned, how many minutes, is there a visit to the work site. there's elements in the school partnership model that we certainly could include for downtown and we can discuss that. wells and oconnell. >> these are students of low credits so during the summer what we prefer our students to take the classes and give them credit to
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help them graduate. that's why i'm wondering if this also allows them to gain credit while they're doing an internship and getting some support. that would be the ideal situation because i would encourage students to participate in an academic summer offering so they can graduate. we have students from these schools who don't graduate on time. if they're at a continuation school, they're not graduating on time. these students are behind in credits so they're going to have a summer to make up credits, i would think we would encourage students to be in a program to give them school credit. >> if i can mention, i forgot to mention. as apart of that
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initiative, it's done in partnership of a class that's talk during the day that students get credits for. it's done with the heat of the kitchen class that students take with the hope that by also having an after school paid activity, that will help keep young people engaged in the classroom. >> maybe sharon, that we can work on that with downtown. that they can actually get credit too when they're participating in this program because it would be icing on the cake, too. right. thank you so much. >> commissioner wynns. >> thank you. i want to thank you for the presentation and i may have missed this but it's followup on supervisor -- it's a long term evaluations but also breaking down the participants, so when some of the programs that you
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mentioned, you know, career or awareness, i'd like to know how many young people have paid jobs during the school year. i understand that many of them have jobs that don't go through any programs, that's fine. for all the programs we are facilitating, how many get jobs and how many have paid jobs during the summer? because when i've looked at these reports before about the summer jobs program, there was nothing that distinguished between those in the awareness program or it's connected to a school program and those who have a paid job, so i'd like to know the distinction and know what followup we do to that. i'm presuming and hoping that you and the people who manage these programs are interested in knowing what kind of real world impact we have, so people who have a paid program or a summer job that's paid
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that's facilitated and therefore training is provided through a program, what happens to them after they graduate. is there employment history or their ability in a difficulty con economy once they get a job. i know a lot of these schools go through 24. so if we could as soon as we have some useable or accessible data in those areas provided, i would appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioner. i want to recognize our time. we have department presentations after this and another item. so if we can go through this one. >> i'm going to start the presentation around our summer jobs plus initiative. one of the things to understand is our summer jobs plus initiative is the umbrella of the initiatives going on in the city so it includes the training and
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work force programs that dcyf funds and also all those from the city department and the city as well as the private sector opportunities that our friends from united way are going to talk about. the numbers and strategies we're talking about plus all those initiative ss -- summer jobs plus started two years ago. it is a partner ship between the mayor's office and dcyf and odwd as partners and they manage most of the outreach and the overall coordination of the program. primarily with the career technical career program. our cbo partners and employers the initiative was launched in summer 2012 in response to the obama administrative call to action. our challenge in
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2012 was to provide 5,000 training or employment opportunities for young people 14 to 24 and we look at paid training opportunities and not volunteer experiences that's not paid. that year we provided 5,206. and 700 pledges were made. in the summer of 2013, the mayor up that goal to 6,000 training employment opportunities for young people and we were able to surpass that and provide over 6800. there were advances made last year. one was a new on online tracking system. a system that young people applied to to get access to the opportunities. we introduce doorway opportunities where young people can access the system and get support in terms of applying
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for jobs and opportunities and starting to expand what as the summer jobs initiative into a year round effort so working closer with the school district to provide work base opportunities for those young people during the school year. i'm going to turnover to our partners at the united way. >> good afternoon supervisors and commissioners. i'm matt poland and i'm the director of united way and along with our partners at the school district and cities and employers across san francisco. we help manage san francisco summer jobs plus and i'm excited to be here today to tell you about cool stuff we're doing with summer jobs plus. the first slide that we have here after going through the history is just giving you a sense of who has hired young people in the private sector and this is a variety of jobs, internships and other programs that these various companies
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also our cbo partners and pron partners institutions that are involved in summer jobs plus with offering opportunities as glen mentioned, these are paid opportunities of various types of summer jobs and inter ships and work base learning and training opportunities. to go into more detail about the outcomes from last year, and we do have outcomes from 2012 available if you're interested in those. i don't have them with me. we can send them to you. last year as glen mentioned, there's over 6800 placed in the private sector and that's over 2200. a lot of the programs that glen was talking about earlier is over 4800 -- i'm sorry, 4600. the age of hires is in the 14 to 18 and then the next level is 19 to 21 followed by 22 to 24. as far as the race and ethnicity, this is the break
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down. and we believe we served a wide diverse group of young people. and the family income level was pre-dominant low income and 30,000 for the family and lower. a lot of the different programs has different ways of measuring or tracking that information and when we put it together, it's about $30,000 for a family income level. as far as the top san francisco neighborhoods, this was the break down with baby at the top, and visitation and portolo, so this was based on zip code so the primary zip code is what we use for the state here. so i wanted to get into talking about the plans we have for the coming summer. we want to extend doorways year round so we found that doorways which i'll get to in a minute here was
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extremely successful part -- they provided access point for young people so they helped us identify the young people ready for help and helped us identify those not ready for help. we felt it's necessary to continue them all year. we're starting a college out of the guardian scholars and we finished up our program and we're about to make those announcements and we may expand the number of doorways as well. as glen mentioned earlier, we want to provide year round services which is going to provide closer work with the school district and i have a slide at the end. we're going to have upgrades to the online system and i have a little pre-view for you in the next couple of slides on what the new online platform will look like. we added the tracking system and we want to add more things to that including an easier log in.
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the log in was difficult. a post partner and listing and job opportunities from other sources. another good -- really cool strategy we're working on is the california champions. a letter went out to the mayor's office that went out to the employers urging them to pledge jobs. we have the job challenge that's on the 21st. i have a slide on that. that's to prime this event and bring employers in that's going to post internship and we can get young people to apply for that. we want to focus on small business engagement and we're going to do some of that through our doorways which i'll get to in a minute, working on the neighborhood associations and neighborhood businesses. and we want to provide services for undocumented youth this year. i have a special slide as we had a pilot
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last year with meta chalk and lyric which i'll get to in a minute and we're planning on doing a similar program this year for undocumented young people. the main functions of doorway are access points for summer jobs plus. they all use a common screening tool. so we work with the youth coalition to come up with a common screening tool. how do you know if a young person is ready for work. they provide support and referrals for those not ready. and they provide workshops for the not ready youth. if we're helping recruit for starbucks, all of the young people have to complete the application at starbucks. a couple of new things we're going to do, we want to go out in the neighborhood and work with the mom and pops and all the
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neighborhoods to get some small business engagement and a lot of big companies but there's a lot of jobs in small business and there's a lot of opportunities there we want to end gage on. we're adding a youth outreach provider, so we put out a grant for an organization to make sure that disconnected youth throughout the summer know about the opportunities available, know about the doorways and they're able to access those. so last year, these are our six doorways. and again, served almost just under 500 young people with walk ins, screening and assessments and referrals for services and really i think stellar park that we're looking to continue. we're looking to partner more closely with the school district. the school district has been a partner of summer plus, but during the school year we want to bring employers into the
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classrooms for guest presentations and bring young people foreshadows and mentor ship programs and something to ground their learning and i think that is important for youth that are off track are on disconnected. we've done a couple of events with the school district this year to try things out. we want to do more deeper work in the fall where we're going to plan during the summer for stuff we're excited about in the fall along with the grand tech program which you're going to hear about in a minute. and the website, so you'll learn as john bonjovi -- this is a mock of the new website. this is the top of it and the take away here is having a hub for young people to go and know about all the different opportunities that are available, so at the top is what i'm calling our managed opportunities so when we got
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out and we go to starbucks, in the middle is where we can put -- in middle is jobs from other sources so we're going to intern with other -- the building and scale is where community has said can you post our jobs. hopefully next year we can have city integration and this can be a one stop shop as we move through the year. finally, services for undocumented. for the money we raised, we gave money to chalk and meta and lyric. they provided a program which is a project based program to 27 youths and
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gave the youth $1100 each and this was go to go more in depth. they were planning a summit around undocumented work force issues so they went through a job readiness program, but focused on the issues of undom -- undocumented youth and they did a meeting. meta actually did something different and had undocumented youth in their customer service training and for -- i believe it was five young people that were undocumented and there were in their customer service training and they helped them, i believe, two of them going to the process for the docket services and we have one person who went through the whole process of getting their paperwork and becoming employed in the private sector. we've seen a young person getting their paperwork to work legally. we set aside money and we're working
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on some proposals from chalk and lyric as well as meta for this coming summer and we're looking forward to doing that again. we have the upcoming launch events that we have for summer jobs plus. on may 10th and i encourage you to be there is our youth resource fair. the purpose is to connect the young people to opportunities and have them sign up online. they'll be employers there. they'll get a mock interview and they'll be workshops and we connect young people who need help with cbo's on the spot. and on the 21st is the mayor's job challenge and we i viet employers to make their commitments at city hall funding and internships and jobs and those are the employers we work with in addition to other employers. we're doing outreach with the employers but these are the key employers that come to the events. and the champions letter, we're engaging some of them and they're making commitment well in advance
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to this event. i'd like to turn it over to mr. thomas mires from office economic and work force development who wants to you tell about the employer end of things. >> thank you. i want to note, we have rec and park presenting and we have to end the committee meeting by 5:00 so if we can be aware for the time so leave time for questions and discusses. mr. mires, we want to welcome you. >> thomas mires, did especially tea director of work force development. the only thing i wanted to add today is we've reached out to 500 employers this summer to have individuals, youth individuals work in various occupations and for various employers this summer. the outreach started last week with the mayor's invitation letter and we're following up with employers this week all the way through the resource
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face on may 10th as well as the job challenge on may 21st. we'll continue to end gage with employers to catch youth that are going to be coming out of school later or haven't decided what they're going to do for the summer and that's pretty much all i wanted to add to that. if you have questions, i'll be around to answer those. >> thank you, mr. myers. any questions or discussion from board members? you know, i think from my perspective, what i'm curious about is the response that young people have had over the job program. i don't know if there's a collection of the evaluations and what works for students and what didn't. >> so we've always surveyed young people, so first of all as far as response, there were, i believe a couple of thousand that signed up online. there's a little drop off for people who create a profile and the ones that make it to
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the next step and apply for something and so forth, but there's 800 young people that came to the youth resource fair. we did a survey for employers and non profit and youth and i don't know the exact number. there was 200 plus surveys from young people and some of the things we heard were, we need to find more opportunities for young people 16, 17, and that's an ongoing issue. a lot of employers are not eager to hire under 18 and that's something we work on with employers all the time. we heard that there was difficulties on the website with logging in, which is why we created a new way to log in that hopefully we'll take care of that issue. if general, i think young people are craving more opportunities and i think part of that solution is having all of those opportunities that are available in one spot so young people know about them well in advance, rec and park does their application in january and we're doing summer jobs plus through and having that on one spot where they can go
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and know about the different opportunities when they're happening is things we've been working on. >> thank you. all right. seeing no further comment, we have bob palachio from rec and park department. >> good afternoon, supervisors and commission erz. bob palachio, superintendent for rec and park. i have a short presentation. i promise to be brief. the areas that i will be covering are summer camps, summer recreation programs, our scholarship program, special events and
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