tv [untitled] April 26, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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whatever fits in pest with the houses along sanchez streets. that's a standard condition in our motion. >> so commissioners there's had a moved and seconded open the floor commissioner antonini. commissioner borden. commissioner moore. commissioner fong. commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero. >> on the closed session of the variance noticing. thank you zoning administrator >> i'm to acknowledge them for providing us with the update i appreciate that to see this in the context of the discussion.
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commissioner that places you under our discretionary review calendar >> sorry why don't we tak >> thursday, april 24, 2014. i'd like to remind did audience to please turn off see the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. . commissioners we left on and on off on your discretionary calendar request for discretionary review >> good afternoon, commissioners david lindsey from department staff the 6 avenue includes an edition with the
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story family home it's set back 9 feet from the property line. the 18 hundred subject louse house is on the east side of the intern sunset arresting and the subject lot t is 95 feet deep within the zoning district. the lots adjacent are couped by single-family dwelling and there's generally aligned and each had editions constructed beyond the maintain rear walls. the notification for the project was conducted in october of last year and a request for discretionary review was filed by the miller mick kinss to the
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north and cynthia smith to the south. since the packet ways sent to the commission we've received an additional e-mail from christen this would be in support of dr request and i believe this e-mail was sent to each of the commissioners within did last couple of days. i'll pass this. the concerns raised in the dr request include the following. loss of light and shadowing to neighborhoods property and loss of mid plain clothes open space and visual openness and the fact it is out of schedule and characterly out of scale. the vice president reviewed it and determined the project meets
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the standards of residential guidelines in that the light loss and additional shadowing are within reasonable exception of the development impacts and the proposed you you are talking about e debt has minimal effects on the block spates. in conclusion the department finds is to be inconsistent with within the guidelines and didn't create extraordinary circumstances we ask for your approval that concludes my presentation >> thank you. can i ask for procedure is there one dr filer i heard you saying there's two. >> there are two filers to the dr the staff kurjdz people to
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file separate dr requests but we can't preferential people from filing jointly. >> so procedurally we only acknowledge the dr requests so their entire team ca can be provided this. >> so dr requester you have 5 minutes. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm christen i represent ken miller and julie with regarded the property. the proposed expansion project at the rear of the project property will box in the light on the property and the project further threats the open space in the neighborhood. the miller ask for discretionary
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go review in correspondence that the guidelines. carotid to the guidelines when expanding a little into the rear yard the impact on the expansion for light must be considered. i have some photographs i want the commission to review. this the photograph the miller mckenzies portion it was recently remodeled to add openness and light but you can see they have the light wells it create an abundant amount of light and have a rear yard openness. the miller and mckenzies were concerned about the remodel open their property. they hired an architect to
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review the design so they know what kind of light and shadow would be occurred on the property are. you can see there's sufficient light that comes into the skylight and sufficient light onto the back patio. you get a sense of the scale between the buildings. the next photograph here is a rendering of the proposed expansion project and you can see there's significant shadowing covering not only one but both skylights. you can also see from this rendering the drastic increase in bulk that will happen. in addition to the light aspect
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the miller mckenzies have concerned about the rear yard being blocked off. due the expansion extends 6 feet out. the current conditions of the property this portion right here comes out about 6 feet. it has minimal impacts because it has a sloped roof and it allows an open feeling into the background. with the proposed edition there will be 2 feet added on and bay windows will with extended out 10 feet from the miller mckenzie home. and you can see that it is a
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subsequential wall from the open space and you can see the neighboring property they've be blocked off and they'll be trading off the open space for a view of basically a solid wall. the proposed project will be a dominating structure that's out of harmony. the roofline issue you can see at the bedroom and portion here there will be 1ib9 unbelievable in shadowing. the architect more the miller mckenzie incorporated a slope line it helps the shadowing and light. this was discussed between the architects and the project sponsors but they backed out of
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the discussion. we have a significant mid block open space it's hive hive cherished by neighbors there's numerous neighbors have this built into the footprints of their homes. ms. mckenzie wants to share her thoughts with us >> i'm sorry unfortunately, your time is up. you can certainly add our comments during the rebuttal period. >> your time is up. >> okay opening it up to the members of the public who are in support of dr. so to restate it members who are
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opposed to the project. >> good afternoon. my name is is cynthia i live on sipth avenue. i have lived and enjoyed my home >> i have to ask a procedural question are you part of the dr team. >> are you an architect or a representative of this in any fashion i'm sorry, i missed that. >> ms. smith is one of the dr filers. i'm sorry if your name is on the application you can't speak at
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this time because you're a party to the team >> i was only presenting the thoughts of of the millers and mckenzie. >> she would have been able to speak if you provided her with time within our 5 minute time the rules and regulations of the planning staff says the dr team is allowed 5 minutes and that includes any dr person 0 on the application as well as their legal council representing them and any architect or engineer that has obey hired to help. >> so far no one has ever in the responses to the dr has every notified me of anything i've not received anything in the mail about this meeting. so it was almost as if i was go
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forward on the dr. >> i don't have is copy well, it's in the application oftentimes with one application we forward that to whoever address is on the application for the dr i don't know why you weren't invited. >> the only notification i got was from kenny was left out of the loop totally and i apologize for the item. >> i apologize. >> are there additional speakers who are opposed to the project. >> hello, i'm morgan ben's i live on sixth avenue north of
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the property proposed remodel. as neighbors to the north the amount of light in our kitchen and rear yard will be reduced as a result of the light that is negatively impacted the view in from our yard is reduceed we were told that this will have an impact on the property as well as the property of other neighbors it was suggested that the sunlight u result would be negotiable the photographs say we'll be suffering a loss of light and quality of life and also property value as a result. we would like to say to the neighbors to the north we would
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like to acknowledge the persistence they sat when conducting their own remodel they were careful to preserve the light and space to our property their neighbors directly to the north and appreciative. they now stand to lose the benefits it's unfair. we recognize the need for those folks to renovate their home how much space is needed. there's a potential for this remodel to add the value to their homelands without diminishing ours. we respectfully ask you to create a compromise so all the neighbors can preserve their quality of life and value of
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their homes. thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm regina carson i'm a long time friend and close to the miller mckenzie family they've indicated they've remodeled their home to bring a sense of their raked garden expands into their home with minimal expensive to their neighborhoods. on a personal note julie mckenzie suffers if a disease and their son is home from a furious of treatment. the proposed project will have a significance impact of overshadowing light in the home and basically have a very, very comba bad impact to the family
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of life for this family as well as the neighborhoods as has been indicated. so i believe the request here is to ask the commission to please enter seed and get compromise going it didn't seem to be the within the scope of the current project so we really appreciate your consideration in this manner >> further speakers in support of the dr. >> good afternoon commission i'm dillon i'm a constituting student with ken miller taking lessons below the deck that is used for private instruction. i've spent my life there. i'll speak and the rest of the
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students we're benefited there's natural light and using a large instrument you can get into the basement so i worry about this project will compromise that light and make the use of the space the structural space negative. and see for that reason i want to support of the discretionary review. thank you >> further speakers? commissioners thank you for the opportunity to speaker in support of the dr. i'm brendon this is my wife patty we live on hugo street our property abuts the property
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that's been discussed here. we share that mini garden space we're concerned with the restriction of light from this particular projects and projects that might be encouraged will change the nature the neighborhood. we encourage a creative compromise >> i'm brendons wife i work at st. marys hall an expert for the sales tax. my mother owns the property on hugo street we've been living there over 11 years our
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backyards abut their property and we're concerned about the amount of natural light that will be effected by the building and construction as it is now. we also i also want to say that we support a compromise for both parties and also we're concerned about the as it stands now the amount of construction work that would be down and the noise that will effect the neighborhood and the time of the construction. as we tend to work late and we get up early and we're concerned about the amount of noise that would effective the neighborhood but mostly the national light
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that effects kens house when looking at the aerial i couldn't have it looks like the light would be effected in many different areas so we do support a compromise. thank you >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is randall i'm a native san franciscan. i've lived in the inner sunset over 40 years i've been a close friend of kidnapping this is a smith and met ken and others through the community events. i've been active in the inner sunset as a member of the inner sunset and merchants association. i was acquainted with ken miller
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who worked on the tree project in the neighborhood. we all appreciate ken's festers. i'd like to point out the number of people who can come to this hearing for the support it would be detrimental to the spirit of our neighborhood. as a long-term fifth avenue resident i'm concerned about the encroachment of the structure into the park like space that sets a dangerous precedent. i ask you not approve this in its current form it's out of scale and would detrimentally effect the two adjacent homes >> thank you. next speaker.
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>> good afternoon. i'm marilyn coin i've lived in the hugging do street area for 43 years i'm a native san franciscan and i'm upset about the sprays. every neighborhood has the same integrity with interior gardens noah valley and richmond if we start to move back where people can bump back properties we'll lose the integrity of san francisco. we have golden gate park but you can't look out at that from our backdoor. please consider the proposal to bump back the proposal and come
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to a compromise there's so much support for the millers and cynthia please consider it. thank you >> thank you is there any additional public comment. >> i want to make a point of clarification and ms. empathic i'm looking the discretionary review it only lists ken and mckenzie and only lists one address that's why upper not notified. >> mr. mckenzie if you would - >> is the microphone on.
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>> she's not on the title page i think on page one of the actual told them in the dr request it states that ms. cynthia smith also johns joins in the request for discretionary review it's adjacent to the property on the south side. >> she's been considered to be part of the dr staff. >> so there's an opportunity for a response and rebuttal if you so diver the two of you could share that time. okay now project sponsor your team has 5 minutes >> good afternoon commissioner president wu and commissioners i'm david silverman i'm working with the family that has lived
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on the property for over 28 years. i'm not sure what the speakers were talking about. mr. lindsey stated in his opening comments that the properties are awe aligned with the two adjacent properties in the rear so the bump out that's going to ruin the open spaces is a fancy. the purpose of the project is to add approximately one hundred and 10 square feet at the level and one hundred and 16 square feet at the third level for a grand total of 2 hundred and 26 square feet with a change in the roofline to make the change more
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usable. the garage is behind is wasted space that will be enclosed that's going to improve the homes functionality and structure stability and energy efficiency. no changes to the house. the 2 hundred and 26 square feet will have minimal effects. the address was specifically designed as a good neighbor design. this hearing is characterized by the staff as a dr receive and the dr requester has not met their burden of incorporating generous set back from the shared property line as good
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neighbor gestures is torrid or justifies any structural change >> good afternoon. commissioner president wu and commissioners. i'm leslie. >> it's sfgovtv. >> this photo shows the existing part of the back of the house this has been added it will add only 2 feet to the footprint of the dr requesters property line. this photo shows the large void at the first level we're at the 4 hundred and 46 square feet that will be added.
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the plan adds one hundred and 10 square feet at the second level. the total of the addition is 2 hundred and 26 square feet. that's it down there the pop up. this photo shows the subject property within the consent of the block it, it's single-family units and multiple units 60 percent are homes and typically are 4 stories. as you can see the mid block open space is regular and it protrudes into the center of the block that are visible from my
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clients home. fundamentally the orientation is east, west so the back of the homelands on significant avenue we see full sun in the morning and by the early afternoon that's shaded. i don't know what this photo was taken but the impact the shod is minimal for all the buildings on the west side of the block. this will be foster out than the proposed project. as mentioned we are only adding two feet horizontally and still provides 8 photo more than the rear yard open space. >> sorry ma'am, your time is
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