tv [untitled] April 29, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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ahead of and skip some steps is look at the regional and score system. this refers particularly to the places where the local interfaces with the regional network and obviously more downtown in our new emerging growth areas of mission bay and south of market but it includes all of the different touch points of the regional network and freeway network across the city. the first priority is safety of course to respond to the vision program as well as the threshold needs we're seeing in pedestrian and bicycle facilities. our next look is at system management opportunities and manage the demand across the bay. utilize the network for more efficient modes of travel such as transit and walking and biking as well as freeway management strategies and refers to carpool lanes and how we might add to those on 101 and 280. in conjunction with
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other counties doing the same. san mateo is also looking at this so there would be a coordinated facility all the way from san francisco to san jose. finally capacity. i can't tell you how many meetings we're at that this came up in the last months, the capacity of the network, the transit network, in particular a major need in face of all the existing crowding we have as well as the new development going up in the city. this is something that i know director reiskin and other transit leads are aware of and working electric ifz and increase capacity and working on the caltrans project with sfmta and add capacity and improved performance and of course for the bart network we're looking at multiple levels of capacities and improvements in terms of the main line and stations downtown and adding vehicles and the like and doing
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so requires us to work closely with all of the other agencies involved and mtc and the metropolitan transportation commission and other agencies. treasure island mobility management agency i mendle here and it's a laboratory in many ways. it will channel us to meet the demand. >> >> created when we add the housing on treasure island and the mixed use development. our commitment to caltrans was to ensure the growth would not hinder the bridge performance and enhance the mobilityity of the bridge and treasure island and the inmain part of the city. in terms of partnerships we are working with countless agencies and caltrans and mtc, the transportation commission and
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other agencies and muni and transit as well. we hope this will result in a very robust and effective demonstration of things like pricing and parking management so that ultimately we will find a way of sustainable footprint on that island and lead to implementation role for this agency heretofore we hadn't played. we recognize this is a new role and as a governing board the transportation authority you will play a role as well so we're in the process to set that up so we have coordinated yet separate financial management and hard walled fire walled operations so that the two agencies are distirnt and we may come back for clean up legislation to make sure that we have independent operations so that the tima which is funded
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by the treasure island development authority and the developers will have an independent operation from the main transportation authority efforts. down the line this could anchor a larger program in the future. as i mentioned we're looking at tolling on 101 and 280, just at the study level coming up this summer with santa clara and san mateo and looking at hov lanes and as well as express lanes and that refers to as a solo user you could pay to use the carpool lane if there is capacity and if it has value to you and pay a fee during those times, so this strategy has been used in other parts of the state and world to have a integrated management system for freeways that then can potentially generate revenue to improve transit such as the cal train corridor next to the 101 corridor for example and that
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way you can manage mobility at the corridor level referring to not just one facility whether the 101 freeway or the cal train commuter rail. you're looking at them together and giving people good choices that meet their needs. shall i pause there before moving onto the proposed structure for the reorganization? those three areas of strategic roles for the agency, the neighborhood transportation improvement program, the core program and the tima are three areas worth highlighting but by no means they're not the only things we're working on and there are analysis reports and strategic planning and other kinds of functions that we will continue to play. >> just before you go into this i want to add that from my perspective, my experience working on the board and the
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transportation authority for the past five years there's been an increased collaboration between the commissioners and the authority staff. there's a lot of expectations that we have about your work enabling us to support our districts and the city around transportation needs which is a significant factor that i think you need to address with your staffing plan. >> no, absolutely. i think that coordination -- we have taken it to heart. it's always been there but the question of how active can we be, how proactive can we be supporting the initiatives and coordinated across districts and the city? so we enjoy that, i think the planners and staff like to get out in the community and see things on the ground, and show -- demonstrate the options to folks and give people good choices so when we have opportunities for funding when they come along we're ready and that is the key, but thank you for recognizing that. that's a
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definite goal for us to be more consistent in playing those roles. so how do we do that? our proposed agency structure on slide 14. we're essentially proposing to add eight positions and add to this and starting from the upper right the first recommended new position is a senior communications officer who would assist me and the management team and ensuring consistent communication it's yes please? >> chair avalos can i ask a question? have there been vacancies in the department that haven't been filled like others in the city? >> thanks commissioner mar. there has been some in the course of the last seven years. it's taken that long to fill in the positions. last time we
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have nine positions added in 2007 and as i mentioned the competitive, job market is competitive and especially for some positions, and computer modeling and engineers and we have folks interested but it's hard to retain them. we had senior planners look to other agencies for a growth opportunity but that's not great when we can't offer competitive growth opportunity. so yeah we have lost a couple and we believe to either the market or to other agencies that had advancement opportunities when we didn't have that path clearly laid out. >> how many vacancies would you say you have? >> at this time we only have the one -- no. we have -- pardon? >> [inaudible] >> i think we just have -- we
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don't have any at this moment so we have been able to fill them recently but last year we had a couple, so we were able to fill those in this past year but it's been a challenge and i think when i go to conferences what i hear a lot oftentimes is this challenge of having a balanced organization, and making sure that we're offering a competitive work environment and that the changing demographics in the city, especially with the economy right now, we're feeling vulnerable especially without certain boxes filled in. skipping down to the division level, the finance andad min -- i am going to go from right to left. the finance administration division is proposing to add three positions and reflects the value to us and our operations and other agencies as well. increasing we're delivering projects for other agencies and the yerba
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buena and the folsom ramps for example on behalf of land use and economic development and this is in the staff and the procurement processes for example come into play. on technology data and analysis there is a gap here. the senior planner is meant to fill that as well as under finance and administration. we have a analyst. these are the next layer of senior staff below the management level who are going to help alleviate the work load and distribute that decision making power across the operation and provides a track for the staff to move up and across all divisions you will see the analyst for ad min and the data analyst for the modying group. we have creating a deputy district level and allow the two large divisions to have
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distributed management capacity to assist the deputys in both divisions and on capital projects you see senior engineer proposed to be added and that helps provide that senior management support. and for the most part i think this structure should be able to help us respond to the three challenges that we identify in the memo, the new work and the new goals we're trying to respond to, the capacity and the work load management programs that we did see starting to crop up and the succession planning so we can remain a competitive and sustainable organization. >> i had a question chair avalos. could you explain the difference between what policy and planning or policy and programming as a division does versus what planning does? >> sure. that was a similar question earlier. let me pop back up to the previous slide, slide five. so policy and programming i would say tries to
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look at the big picture in terms of the over all funding resources available to the capital program and for a given project or initiative will craft a strategy or funding plan whether it's the brt project and funding level and prop k or prop aa and you're looking across the whole program and that financial planning that is happening right now with the prop k strategic effort and looking 20 years into the program and this is what the sales tax is looking like coming in. how do we allocate each of the years of funding across all of the different project needs while being mindful of new opportunities and other fund sources at the city, whether mta funding or dpw or that group -- the policy group will look at that information and come up with a strategy at those levels
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to basically keep the funds flowing to support project delivery and it takes advocacy, a knowledge of the city's operations. it certainly takes knowledge of the regional and state and financial funding environment and legislative and policy environment and staying in touch with you on your priorities and getting projects unstuck when they're stuck but also keep them moving. the planning division, which i used to lead, looks at what should we do? we have these problems, congestion, safety issues, slow bu. buses and what do we do? and that could be at the project level with a study or the corridor level. as i mentioned the 101 corridor is a great example and you have those areas and the planners will dive in.
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these are the needs, these are the problems and these are solutions and bring a recommendation to you working with the community what we should do. at that stage it goes through the approvals of environmental and otherwise and we coordinate with the funding and staff under policy and programming and in that way they work closely together. >> so it makes sense to have an assistant deputy for both divisions but a transportation planner additions to the planning department to make sure those neighborhood level or those projects kind of move forward efficiently and effectively so i understand now. >> yeah, thank you very much. the reason, yes, as well for the additional positions under planning and we're at a new cycle for planning work and the plan was adopted last year and initiatives were identified and the transit corridor and the
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trans bay core capacity studies and the freeway network. those are brand-new in addition to n tip, the neighborhood transportation improvement program and brand-new and enhancing at the neighborhood level and that and the treasure island work indicate new planning we will see more work coming out of the planning division. thank you. >> on this chart just another question. in the policy and programming and in the planning divisions you have the first line is create an assistant deputy director level. those two -- out of the two divisions you have the one ftes. >> right. it's not an new f.t.e.. it's an inc. management and you will see -- increment and currently they're filled with principle planners and chester and rachel and we have them filled as principles. the
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idea is change the title and the job description slightly to encompass more management functions so more staff management, more representing us externally with agencies and giving more responsibility to coordinate with the rest of the region and work on our behalf and alleviate the managers in those divisions as well. thank you. so these eight f.t.e. represent a quarter percent interest -- 24% increase over what we had. this is less than the last round of increases in 2007 when we expand d by nine. that was after prop k and aa was coming and we knew there was a growth period coming and we wanted to be ready. in this round i would characterize this as a way to respond to some new initiatives and reset our focus in the future but be more
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responsive on the board and the ground and the public and right size our own operations which got a bit heavy on the existing staff and we want to be competitive and sustainable. now we're proposing this 24% increase and the cost would be if hired immediately $1.1 million. we don't plan to hire them all immediately and only as funds are secured and committed so we have half of the funds identified at the that moment and if the board approves the position we would have two or three go up immediately for job postings but fill in the rest over time and identified in the work program. >> so over time what would that be? >> well, i would say over the strategic plan is anticipating and contemplating this work program over the next several years with the agencies but several things are in the hopper. there is a regional plan core capacity study that i
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had a meeting with mtc and other managers of the transportation authority and that's likely to come in and we had a grant and whether it comes in we want to lead that study because we're seeing so much pressure on the trans bay corridor and cal trans and other areas and we believe those positions would be in the summer. possibly the ad min functions are there in the first crop because we need those now and the communications director as well. >> so you're saying that the sources funding for the positions -- >> sorry, as you will see here the sources primarily would draw from the prop k program. off the top we're at 6.1% of the operations. if we were to increase all of these -- or excuse me if we increase about four and a half positions, half of the positions it would increase up to the 7.9% level.
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the rest would be filled in by other grant opportunities whether it's prop k grants we would come in with other agencies as well as other sources of grants from the federal and state government. for example we have a caltrans planning grant we're hoping to receive to fund the freeway management work. tidda -- as sponsors of treasure island program would fund us as we move toward design and implementation of that program. we're looking to shift consultant cost to staff where we're seeing up to 50% savings by doing so in some areas, and then the planning department and mta have agreed to help fund at least one position which we're appreciative of. this is the modeling position in the technology development and data analysis division to fund the senior modeler. we have a city budget request in for vision zero support that we hope to see happen.
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>> and could you just go a little deeper on the shift of consultants to staff? >> sure. right. in many of the divisions over the years and we found it appropriate to rely on captainant report and communications and we hired out for that support. by bringing in a communications function in house we would see a savings of that budget hopefully about a 25% reduction in that budget, but depending on the projects that come forward we might go ahead and expand that budget based on the projects that we do, but from actual management of the work i think that's an opportunity to help rationalize spending in that area. cynthia fong in her area, finance and administration heavily rely on temps for accounting. we're always in an audit or some accounting activity, so fewer temporary staff and more staff -- there is one new staff
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accountant proposed to balance out expenditures as well. finally we have some opportunities to reduce our reliance on contract project managers in the planning division as well. so certainly a cost saving rational in that but also the idea you're getting much more value than the dollars from each year's out lay on consultants. you're det getting a staff member that can be flexible and from a cultural standpoint and investment in the organization it's a more unified and cohesive staff especially when you can communicate regularly externally and internally across the organization. >> commissioner mar. >> i was going to add for the communication position i think the increase in the
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neighborhood transportation project and vision zero and there are many things that a regular communication person should get the framing from the ta out to the communities to and i think it's a wise choice. >> thank you. we're hoping those are the first initiatives we can have that person work on and partnership with other agency staff. >> great. >> all right. and then so i believe that is the end of our presentation. i am happy to answer other questions. those are good questions. >> thank you for your presentation and very thorough and i really appreciate that the staffing plan comes out of your strategic plan that was unveiled late last year and based on the goals and the experience of the ta so far and looking at what we want to accomplish next year and another layer of new work that the ta has been involved in, major projects in san
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francisco, so i am supportive of the staffing plan, and i want to make sure what we see out of it as well where putting our goals forward, that we make sure we're communicating with ta commissioners and our offices, so that we could be part of a more collaborative effort. not to say we don't have that but that should be part of the real effort moving forward. >> absolutely. great. >> i was going to add i am total agreement with our chair. i think the mission statement of transparency and accountability these positions help us become more accountable and transparent but clear presentation, and i really appreciate the break down of how our ta functions as well. >> thank you very much. it's great to have the opportunity to share that with the public and folks don't realize our roles and we want to make sure folks
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understand the role that we play and can help us be more effective in doing so. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> so this item we can now open up for public comment. any public comment of the public wish to comment please come forward? we will give a moment and seeing no one come forward we will close public comment. [gavel] and we will have item live before us. >> so i move that we adopt the proposed staff reorganization plan and job classifications and the baseline. >> motion by commissioner mar and seconds. >> commissioner avalos. >> aye. >> commissioner cohen. >> aye. >> commissioner mar. >> aye. >> the item passes. >> that passes. very good. thank you for the presentations and we will go onto the next
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item. >> number four introduction of new items. this is an information item. >> colleagues any items or issues to introduce? seeing none we will go onto public comment and seeing no member come forward we will close public comment. [gavel] and go onto the next item. >> item five general public comment. >> general public comment. public is now open and we will close general public and go onto the next item. >> item six adjournment. >> we are adjourned. thank you colleagues.
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it together to talk about those san franciscans toss from their you beds one hundred and seven years. the one hundred and 8 years powerful seismic waivers were across san francisco about 7.9 on the scale the san francisco would succumb to a wairj inferior for 74 hours. right now, i'm i i'd like to give you a moment by moment account of what happens one hundred and 8 years. this is not a borrowing history ladies and gentlemen, it's very real and can and will happen
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again. later on i'll introduce some san franciscans who worked not only on those days to make sure we all will be survivors of the inevitable next big one april 1906 at the 712 a great shock is felt some 25 seconds later now 3545 to 60 seconds along the first causalities when los allow rent buildings go collapsed and hundreds are kid. more have in mind are adams to the death town hall as collapsed structures immediately catch fire and protest rescuete
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