tv [untitled] April 29, 2014 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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their powers. youth leadership is not easy and what those youth leaders at washington high school dpo do is important i'm asking you to honor them in the richmond district and becoming authentic voices for the board of supervisors. with that, i wanted to introduce a number of the young leaders. we have with us (calling names) jamie and pat drove and jenny lee and amanda and patricia. so can we have a round of applause for those young leaders (clapping) let's here about your work you guys >> hi my name is france hill
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i'm the youth lisp for the d x-3 i've been with the w x-3 for 2 years and my first year as the project leader. we've seen a lot of amazing results especially this year we've seen instances of youth underage drink on the downward trend that's fantastic. and one of the things that's important about your group and i think a lot of anti under directing campaigns don't address those messages need to go out to their communities in a positive way. so instead of you, you know, statistics about your liver or your health problems or driving
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or abuse of stress we talk about, you know, most of the people at our school don't drink and join us, you know, all, you know, we're all in this together and all a community and that speaks to people much more than those negative messages. so the group looks to continue next year and hopefully, we'll be the same results, of course, at a time lower rate and hope to get more sports at my school and community. thank you very much. >> is there anyone else that want to say a few words. thank you very much to the students and thank you.
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(clapping.) >> thank you supervisor mar why not go to 3:00 p.m. madam clerk, call item 21. >> the board of supervisors will convene into a committee as a whole to a motion for a public hearing to consider the release of funds on the board of supervisors receiver in the amount even if 1.4 more homeless
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services for 2013-2014. thank you president chiu. i'll be making another motion to continue this for one full week and put it on the full board of supervisors we've within meeting with the stakeholder group and building we're making progress and we'll have something to vote on next week at the full board of supervisors >> so supervisor mar is asking for the next week. >> may 6th. second to that senltd by supervisor cowen. any public comment on this item? please sir, you have two minutes >> director of san francisco open government. i'd like to say that this does need to be continued there is something needing to be
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considered in simply taking money and throwing it at the homeless problem you have to publicly telling the people that the library commission they need to be in their completion of throwing the homeless and out of the public library. they tried to jam through a thing of the american civil liberates they took violations that had been a 7 today extension and turned it into a 3 or 7 year suspension. the mayor doesn't want to do anything to softly this and personally feels that forcing a board under his control control to deal with the homeowners
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problem. when you're thinking about the money think about the uses of the money and consider whether or not disfranchising the homeless who's only access is to computer and the ways of looking for homes is the public library you do something to counter act messinger heart also position as far as the homeless go. simply throwing money at a problem doesn't solve is i'm a conveniences and people who have served their country and given they're all and yet when it comes down to paying the bills we look the other way. >> are there any members of the public who wish to speak obtain. seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues on the motion to continue to the 6th of may.
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call roll >> supervisor mar. supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor cowen. supervisor farrell. supervisor kim there are 11 i's. the motion to continue passes >> please read the next special order and 3:00 p.m. >> item 22 is a special order for the board of supervisors to sit as a committee as a whole to hear a public hearing to hear the release of funds in the
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amount of 4 million for the nonprofit stabilization services after the next item is considered. >> supervisor kim >> i also want to make a motion to continue this until may 13. >> thank you. is there a second. seconded by common carrier. any public comment on that item? on this motion to continue >> members ray the director of open government. having intashgd with the several nonprofits with the money is going to i want the people of san francisco tongue if you're under rent control he need to understand that much of the money is going to groups controlled by the rent board so
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if you go to them because of evictions please recommended not to expect the fact that because they're doing something for free that's it they're on your side. the attorney was on the payroll in my building and sat their quietly i was unbelievable. >> the person who owned the origin on building that was asking for the mr. and mrs. was basically, they said it doesn't matter he's missing half the numbers by the time yet the community they looked at everything whether their getting public assistance and in terms of there's a dual system here one for the landlord and one for
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the tenants so when the money is given out for inform to the nonprofits keep in mind san franciscans. those folks are not always honest brokers their he sometime on the rent board not to provide real, real representation >> are there any members of the public who wish to speak please step up. >> had a i'm anthony williams i
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represent the publications of the meshes. we're a number of organizations and we're ending up trying to get money that should go to or even the councils approach to private tenants. we're talking about nonprofitstion. we're here to ask the board of supervisors to make available money for nonprofit organizations like ours. that are being presented with
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very large demands from our landlords that are a nonprofit organization. and as a society has been ♪ existence for 25 years and we're asking the supervisors to make money available for nonprofits are going through displacement there the rent situation so far as we're concerned in san francisco. your turn >> our organization has been around for many years i've actually been a part of the
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organization since 2005 i've returned to teach art with the youth. and just to be moved around like this it is just daylight savings time to our program we've been having trouble raising funding to stay in the building our landlord presented an agreement we'll pay $100,000 for rent a year in order to renew our lease didn't make a group like ours the nonprofit can afford. we're asking you guys to release the funding and help our organization. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> i'm danny.
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i'm also representing the meridian gallery. i joined the directors in 2007 i want to say as a high school student are i want to say it's something i didn't think would be possible for an organization like them to go through. i just building there should be something done about the merry define gallery has changed my life because of them my life is focused and now i'm happy to say i'm working with the city of san francisco through the fine arts and i couldn't have done it without them they're doing something amazing here. i just, you know, keep in mind that's about it. thank you. >> >> thank you. next speaker,
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please. >> step up. >> i'm dr. white house and been lfltd with this since 2008. they do a number of things like activities they're really doing in the youth program that's been going on for 17 years. their take a look at risk high school students and giving them an opportunity to use artistic expression so i think that's an important place. they have all kinds of activities going on that are cultural and people from all walks of life i'd like to see them continue to do the good work they're trying to do and they've done in the last 18 years >> thank you are there any members of the public who wish
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to speak seeing none, public comment is closed. i just want to say this is exactly like the organizations like the meridian group that being said we have a motion to continue so city staff can came back and talk about this program and with that, can we colleagues take that same house, same call? until may 13 >> first up to introduce new business is supervisor mar. >> thank you madam clerk. i have a couple of items i'll submit but first speak on the importance do you have a numbering number of ballot measures to hopefully shape the 2013 bottle to become shaping of the children. i'm going to defer my comments
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on prop f it's an extension of the children's funds in the city but a creation of a new children's fund supervisor yee has taken the lead and i call this prop h but it's your nonprofit enrichment fund. but those 3 measures are incredible for the november ballot. i should say that the children's fund and prop h or peace came out of a struggle with the grassroots that our city do more for our children and families that are being pushed out of the city.
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my support now today in 2014 is with that historical understanding with the grassroots and parents need to drive our efforts to not only reauthorizes but as the gentleman from the japanese community said we need to strengthen them and make them better for the future. i want to thank former supervisor and new assemblyman i know we've worked hard on the proposition and angela and lots of work went into this to support our revolutionary peace so i'm proud to stand with my colleagues with the support of rising for that. i want to say that prop h was a third a third a third to
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preschool to all he was proud to stand with the first 5 commissions and many of the parents in the richmond district thought the city in town hall. they'll be mobile listing and it's k through 12 education and transitional aged group that are part of the broader coalition. i wanted to also acknowledge this new community coalition around the children's reauthorization and strengthening and thank so many others that have worked on this including supervisor cowen's office and jen leo from supervisor yee's office and sony from supervisor kim's office and from staff from supervisor breed and peter latter born my staffer
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has been working on this with it is school district it's not easy wanted to thank the hard work from the staff from our offices. the heritage of the children's hund fund is criminal margret was here easily we owe her a debt of gratitude. we need to continue to fight poverty and the family and children's flight out of the city. poverty i think some has said went up by 14 percent 0 over the last few years and by strengthening did children's fund we stop and reverse this flight of families especially
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the low income families. the establishment of the commission over the families is critical so the community has more input to make sure every directing is spent that helps our neighborhood a longer 5 year grant is better for the schools that administrator those programs. my daughter is 14-year-old she'll be a transitional youth but to for the people in the community youth from 18 to 24 years old is a critical part of the children's strengthening and we have the luxury of having community based organizations that are developing leadership like the washington high school to help move forward the
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reauthorization. i am proud to stand with our coalition with the family and children's services and the richmond fund and the now a council overseeing is programs in the city thank you for working with us is the rest i'll submit >> thank you kiebld supervisor mar. supervisor wiener. >> thank you madam clerk, i want to briefly comment on the children's fund i think supervisor mar referred to it as revolutionary that are this is our cities committed to our vulnerable our children we have a huge responsibility to give them the tools they need. so it is i look forward to
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making sure the children's fund is renewed. i didn't put my name on the supervisor avalos proposal but want to convey my thoughts around the children's fund. i believe that we should be providing funding for the children's be fund to transition age youth i've been a strong supporter to make sure we're funding the housing and others needs. it's a critical part of our social he safety net in san francisco to make sure that children who are on their way to becoming adults have what they need to succeed particularly those who are coming out of foster care.
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the question is really what the size of the fund should be. i know that there is a propriety to increase it from $0.03 to $0.05 it's an open article for discussion. we have a lot of demands on our general fund we have to make sure we're addressing all the needs. there is a debate how much we're spending out of our city funds on the transitional children. i look forward to those statistics it shouldn't be debatable we should figure out where to go. so i look forward to the conversation about moving this towards the ballot and getting it passed in november. on another item colleagues
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today, i'm introducing actually, two hearing requests a question to the budget and litigation laugh analysis having to be with the very serious issue of pedestrian safety and safety of our streets in san francisco relating to the width of our streets. colleagues i'm sure you're aware of pedestrian safety and street safety generally has been a major topic of conversation in city hall reflecting the serious problem we have in our city in terms of people getting hit and injured and killed on our streets. our streets are not as safe as we should have them. it's been a long time dope problem in san francisco and getting worse. we talk about it and pass resolutions and hold hearing
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we're interested in making sure we're taking the tangle steps. we passes vision zero to get us to no more pedestrian injuries on our streets. this has to do with the third e engineering. we know no later than how much education you do humans are not perfect and our streets have to be designed to prevent accidents. we have to make sure that our neighborhood streets are not overly wide. when we look at some of the streets south of market they become speedways and when you have streets who wide it's not
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safe it's harder for pedestrians to cross and likely that vehicles will speed and we'll have accidents. we in san francisco have worked hard to make sure we are not having overly wide streets not like caesar chavez and with gary are a street to chop back sidewalks to have more wireder streets. we use bold outs and sidewalk extensions. over the last few years whoever been engaged in a conversation with the fire department. i have enormous receptor they've responded to fires in my district and saved properties
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and lives i've been a supporter but we have a respect if you disagreement on how streets are designed. in my view the fire department says the streets should be wired. we don't want streets to be overly wide. we've passed legislation to make this easier for the bodily outs in place and have other conversations with the fire department and yet to many come to a resolution. the fire departments took a stand-in the hunters point the largest development in san francisco. that instead of the typical 20
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feet cleaners in the development has approved by the board in 2010 they should be expended but it will be less safe and less an urban neighborhood. this in my view a significant problem not only for the neighborhood but the precinct it sets in terms of the minimum street clearance should be. i guarantee we'll see the 26 foot mantra being stated in other context as well that's not pedestrian safety in san francisco. so colleagues i'm asking for a few things first, the hearing on the specifhunters point why thec
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works has shifted the course and are asking for a much wider street and asked the budget in charge of the to conduct an analysis of the fire trucks and other best practices around when you have narrow streets in san francisco and what is the best size of the fire trucks to be. and also what the trend of san francisco have been in terms of fire trucks historically so i understand they have bigger over time. we want our fire department to be able to respond and we have smaller fire trucks 40 in telegraph hill. finally we are working with the
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