tv [untitled] April 29, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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works has shifted the course and are asking for a much wider street and asked the budget in charge of the to conduct an analysis of the fire trucks and other best practices around when you have narrow streets in san francisco and what is the best size of the fire trucks to be. and also what the trend of san francisco have been in terms of fire trucks historically so i understand they have bigger over time. we want our fire department to be able to respond and we have smaller fire trucks 40 in telegraph hill. finally we are working with the
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city attorney's office to address the fire code and administrative code to clarify the policy of the city and that's in terms of the street width having walkable safe streets so i looked to having more discussion around that the rest i'll submit >> thank you supervisor wiener. supervisor yee >> thank you, madam clerk. i was up attending an active with the logical cities last week in sacramento. the league itself is an organization that really advocates for cities like san francisco to make sure we have local control as many things as
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possible rather than having a bunch of mandate taking away our control. it was interesting it was the first meeting i attended and realize they support many of the bills that gave us more local control and opposed bills that gives us less control. it was up there that the league was supporting unfortunately, one didn't pass senator leno's to allow kill switches on phones it's interesting that the phones companies have loibtd against this. we know, in fact, that if i put
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a kill switch it will prevent a lot of people getting robed. the other thing i went to was a press conference that was interrogating what they call the massage therapy act also by bonding yes and gomez. and this act actually is a response to what happened a few years back when there was legislation that the passed that made it impossible for the local areas to control the massage parlors so this is a loophole for some of the bad players that
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open up those massage parlors and make it a front for prostitution and human trafficking. i'm hoping to get the language so i'll ask the board of supervisors to support a reducing resolution to support in massage therapy act going through legislation. several people have talked about the children's amendment. i've been fortunate to have been around for most of the activities from the beginning in 1991 as an advocate and supported the first children's fund and then 10 years later being part of the effort to reauthorize it and being the co-chair of the campaign itself.
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and also with the peace piece was actually in coming up with the piece with the preschool piece with when it came out about 10 years ago. i have the prospective of the advocate and the prospective of supporting the campaign and the prospective of many years of being actually in the field itself working in programs that support the same children and youth we are trying to make sure they get help in san francisco. so i know personally that with our colleagues in the community that the children's fund and pete are very, very important resources that should be truthful is unique to san francisco and we need
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especially, when we talk about the economic divide we have the gap we have. one of the things you'll notice we talked about all the time how families children and families are leaving san francisco for a lot of reasons and, in fact, our percentage of children in san francisco is the lowest of any major city in north america forgot about the united states just in general. here we are we're in the position of reauthorizing and supervisor avalos and supervisor kim b will talk about is children's fund and peace but we're in the position to reauthorize we can look at this like we have done a good job or how can we improve the effort.
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one of the things in talking to people in the field and talk to others that care about our children population in san francisco we realize that there's one - >> couple aspects that we have to focus on the service end and the educational end in which we were doing but one of the - part of the discussion that gets lost is other things the infrastructure that supports families and children in san francisco. that doesn't seem to get the same focus as our service or education yet when you look at it there's a big factor in why children and families especially those that are in the low income and middle income don't succeed in inform. i'm proposing to create a
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charter amendment that creates a counselor. it's an opportunity for us to do something better and where we can focus on our children throughout our departments in san francisco. so the idea of the children and family council is to provide an opportunity for all of us to say to the city let's work together and create common goals and vision and strategies that will make our services not only our services but our infrastructure more efficient in how we focus on our children and families. i'm excited to be able to offer this piece that will get lost in the news but it's the most important it's forcing us to have a series discussion beyond
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services. as a native san franciscan i know first hand that services can be improved and education but how we coordinate our efforts we'll never, never be able to reverse the pattern of losing our children and families in san francisco. i'll ugly my colleagues to support this piece that's an independent poise but at the end of the day this amendment i'm introducing hopefully, will be the offer arching piece for everything we are trying to do as we submit things today and move forward just a thing like services services but education it's the bigger picture one
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voice. so i want to thank the co-sponsors of this supervisor cowen and supervisor kim and supervisor mar and supervisor wiener and thank you very much. thank you jennifer lowe who's been working on this piece and the other pieces the rest i'll submit. thank you very much >> thank you supervisor yee. supervisor avalos >> thank you madam clerk. as a legislator and in the spirit of the process i'm submitting legislation. i'm submitting a charter amendment for the children's fund i want to thank my skifrz e supervisors supervisor mar and thank you his staff member peter
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for his work. supervisor breed, supervisor campos. supervisor cowen. supervisor kim and supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. thank you for your support about two months ago i asked to the legislation to be drafted we started a process meeting with stakeholders from the community and allowed the ideas and the recommendations came from the children fund grassroots organizations from across san francisco people who were interested in receiving the services thank you. i recall one of the first meeting the gathering what in the bayview we worked to get the reauthorization of the
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children's fund we're talking about our ballot for november we have 3 complimentary measures i support each one of them the coordination of the children's fund and you council and to have the enrichment fund for prop h that was drafted by a former supervisor tom. we have a real need to do this today. in san francisco we're experiencing the greater economic boom we've had in many, many years that boom is lifting some boots but leaving many, many behind we're seeing the challenges for the families and evictions increasing that and making it difficult with
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families with children to find opportunities and services here in san francisco and the children's fund has been a godsend. what we've been able to achieve since 1991 there the 2000 versions it to make sure we have a backstop for our families in san francisco. margaret is here i want to revoke her, she was an advocate of the children's fund in 199. margaret was my i had an interning and margaret was my supervisor and actually led me on the pathway that led me to become a supervisor margaret was a big part. i've provided children's services through the boys and
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girls club and through the youth institute and the conservation core working with people and i'm raising two kids a 9 and 12-year-old that are in the public schools and they've been in family daycare setting and swim in the pools and get microscopic lessons and their exist about the public library. and it's been an incredible experience. it's one of the harder things to raise kids in san francisco it's a great place and it's a great place because we have the children's fund. there are people cross san francisco like the sunset district the don's fickle youth
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services i'm not sure if there are others organizations that are providing those there's the beacon center and if not for the children's fund we wouldn't have the services. there's other neighborhoods across san francisco that have benefited from the children's services. we wouldn't have the development in bayview hunters point and visitacion valley and the old neighborhood and the excelsior. so it's vitality we have the reauthorization of this we have to reauthorize it we're meeting the unmet needs in the city we have transitional youth that have no support we must bridge
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the gap between a young person with barriers. and expanding this will help if you're disconnected from your families and having job training and jobs to be able to have that opportunity. we're looking to expand this to make other unmet needs. we have many, many working families seeking childcare and we have to expand the funds for early child education besides k. this expands with the current children's services provides $0.03 have had $100 to $0.05 on assessed property value. i'd like to be able to keep it. i know we have to be flexible
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but we're able to provide the experiences that families seek to enable them to make sure their kids have educational experiences that will help them in the public school system. all this the the children's fund provides. we will have supervisor mar talked about from 3 to 5 year funding cycles h that enables the nonprofits to get the funding and membership support. there's been a lot of talk about the sporting nonprofits it's not just that it's about supporting many people in the room that give their hearts to young people every day of their lives. san francisco is a better practices for it and they've
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achieved miracles in their lives. we owe it to future generations of san francisco to make sure we authorize the children's fund and the spirit of many people who talk about not only looking at the next quarterly report but actually 7 generations ahead that's the work we have today and we'll make sure the children's fund passes. there's been a lot of discussion about this not being a collaborative progress my staff has been working tirelessly to make sure we have the interest groups at the table we have a stake from the foundation community and the mayor's office and community groups people who receive services and the offices that want to take part and the board of supervisors. now we're looking for the mayors
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supported i know he'll be on board to make sure we have a really strong dialog to advance the centers of working families with this measure. so colleagues thank you for your support and community members in providing the services and extending the funds >> thank you supervisor avalos supervisor campos. >> thank you xhoifd i want to thank supervisor avalos and supervisor yee and supervisor kim for their leadership the children's funds and the public education enrichment fund and acknowledge the foresight of one of my colleagues that made this possible and more importantly thank the community that's been involved in making this happen. the one thing i want to
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highlight which i believe it is important i speak, you know, based on my own personal experience as a gay man is the inclusion and the extension of the transitional youth piece. it's important to make sure that that piece is included we're talking about a very vulnerable population it doesn't make sense to make an investment in children and then not do anything when they turn 18. i wanted to say that for lgbt throughout the country the youth come her to capitalize the miss treatment and non-expense by their families so they come to san francisco they see this as a
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mecca in the lgbt for civil rights so a strong safety net for the youngest people that come for that purpose that's an important component. i'm grateful it's part of the process and part of the proposal. the rest i'll submit >> thank you supervisor campos supervisor chiu. >> thank you. i have two memoriam one for john who is the father of debbie he was a great father and artist and as well as a grandparent to a number of grandkids. i have a memoriam for steven lee for the association a long time
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leader no chinatown that chinese association that's extended and his friends will miss him. colleagues i'm introducing a legislation to introduce a cancer initiative for the firefighters. a number of months ago there was a strong link brown the first responder and cancer. the data is city councilman there have been 200 and thirty firefighters since 2000 that have developed cancer. the national institute of the study of thirty thousand firefighters around the country showed sharply elevated cancer and with the firefighters and first responder who show up on
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the scene there maybe toxic chemicals their burning without endear i was surprised to learn that, too many men and women have had to fight for disability from cancer. in our administer code dollars issues cardio the eligibility for full agreeable reminders but this will electro if there's a member of the fire department or approve or disapprove that's diagnosed with cancer we've presume that the cancer is due to their job unless specific evidence to the contrary we need to make sure that our firefighters and police officers will be taken place.
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one issue involves a topic that supervisor yee's has tabbed the senate bill 962 the so-called kill switch bill i know that commenting asked us to support that. colleagues this pass week unfortunately, that was a bill that fell short by 2 votes the kill switch would allow people to kill the switch on cell phones that will be a tremendous disinitiative for robberies because the second value of cell phones would drop. it's tragic that the bill failed in that's vote i'm looking for a revote. and also introducing a second resolution to support the idea of a tax rebate for low income
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renters. there used to be a tax but because of the downturn in our history assembly members reintroduced the assistance act that will reintroduce this to create security for low income tenant for the state of california. the last resolution i'm introducing will help commend the fact that next weekend the new north branch library will be open and this is the last branch library that will be built and after a 10 year journey within my district i want to introduce this to thank the boarder
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members of our north beach communities and the community. the rest i'll submit >> thank you, mr. president. >> supervisor cowen. >> colleagues today, i'm proud to be introducing along with mia package of entitlements for the visitation site in visitacion valley. the solution of the redevelopment agency felt strong in visitacion valley. after 15 years of community planning and the adaptation of the redevelopment plan the project for the site were stalled with the government took away 50 millions of funding.
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i've been working tirelessly to get the project moving and today finally i'm so excited and proud we have two years later feinstein we're ready to reentitlement this site my moved with building affordable housing units this includes new parks and a long waisted grocery stores in the valley per we need this when we're working towards a more affordable san francisco. one that includes every person with difference social economic background. we've spent thelation year and a
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half with the components of this project and used all our city partners to make the original plan to make sure this is a viable project. colleagues, i couldn't be more excited to bring this to you for your consideration and look forward to the ordinances discussions and more importantly look forward to providing the visitacion valley the vibrancy the economic vehicle to help bring attention to this much needed section of san francisco. i having also have two memoriams. the first memoriam is on behalf of a man i've come to know in a special way but has grown on me. he's a gentleman by the name of
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jonathan born in 192356 and passed away in april. this memoriam request is on behalf of others supervisors. john was born and raised in the alameda county and after graduating from merry run high school in 1975 he attended the university of san francisco where we emigrate got a bs in public education he went to work as a certified public accountant and practiced to 1985 and became a cpa and many of pious clients were the wait companies in san francisco that are part of the
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ecology he served as an american senior account person. in 1974 he roved into the cycling industry but joining a variety of more responsible positions from 94 to 2001. in october of 2001 he was promoted to group manager of the san francisco region ecology and appoint to the administrative committee and was the offer seer the committee. he was widely involved in the leadership of the companies not only in the community but through civic and others organizations.
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