tv [untitled] May 1, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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habitually the deposition like title and escrow. some of the accomplishments of last year, we again, the goal is to transfer property we transferred we did that do that separate property plan for the museum sites we did the jessie transfer and they haven't transferred they had a long escrow period the title hadn't transferred but that was approved by the state. and then, you know, we've really completed significant groundwork with the city and yerba buena partners in transferring that asset and that's going along.
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and then as you know, we did a lot of work-related to the deposition platoon what it was going to be for the evaluates in transbay shipyard and mission bay and all the ones we've presented in workshops and we're summarizing the property management plan in november. and we also developed a capital financing plan for shore view park and hopeful that financing plan will transfer that to the city. we also did a lot of work working with the city to make their records and their system match what our records are what we own. they submitted a separate report to the state and we wanted to make sure that our assets matched and they do. so i'll start with yerba buena gardens and i won't go through
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each line but a high-level view of the budget. the yerba buena gardens the budget is 14.3 million. the sources of the revenue comes from about 12 b .8 from lease revenues in yerba buena gardens and also just a developer contribution with the st. regis hotel and we're using the fiscal year the developer action from 680, if you will, so on so many for caregiver improvements we're going to be spending in on a big chunk will be operating yerba buena gardens about 7 points 6 million and another 2.1 million for capital improvements in yerba buena gardens and whatever we have left over again, this is
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an estimate we think we are going to get off our leases we're going to put that back into capital resource. those modesty get tweaked slightly. we are expecting to increase the operating costs another 2 hundred thousand in the capital improvements another 2 hundred thousand so we'll notice that when we bring the final budget to you for approval. so then yerba buena center that is basically everybody else in the yerba buena center expect for the yerba buena gardens that budget is one .1 million and 3 about the 8 million 40 in garage revenue and using more in our
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fund balances. we'll be spending that money about 2 >> i pledge allegiance to the flag and 62 though for staff, 2 hundred and 50 thousand that is basically a pass through to the city which is cb g program income and for the jessie square garage and 50 thousand to the mexican museum and that money is new money that didn't include some of the money that was approved in last year's budget we're carrying forward so actually we are expecting to give the mexico amount one million dollars because we're carrying forward 9 hundred
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thousand plus from last year's budget and missouri at about we're carrying over previous capital improvement money that's why those numbers are looking low. and then 2.6 million will go to the city for which is the jessie square garage for the reimbursements for the debt you service and 20th century 1.8 million will be going towards developer acts from 7 of admission for open space and traffic combams and it's not clear exactly specific where that's going but has to be for open space enhancements and other amount for the community
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action. then south beach harbor this is a telephone month budget which my change slightly depending on when we transfer when we terminate the lease this assumes a transfer doesn't happen for the whole finger this is the kind of the highest it anticipates paying the lease payments for a whole year. the sources are 2.1 million for the harbor that's from the harbor revenues and the sub lease harbor revenues associated with the harbor will e that will be spent on staff and
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1.2 million that goes toward the harbors operating expenses. sown i'm going to talk about a few of the items in the summary budget in the other column in leo these master plan i'm focusing on the ones that have to do with asset management. so in south beach we have some budget you outside the harbor we have about 9 hundred and 4 thousand revenue outside the harbor that we will get this finger from our sub lease revenue again increase the lazy we assume this is a whole year
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this may not happen if we terminate the lazy at the end of this fiscal year we won't be making payments but this is the worst-case scenario. so, anyway 6 hundred and 4 thousand in the sub lease revenue and this one time from the gap of 3 hundred thousand which is is payment under their b da from the headquarters on embarcadero. they've heated the d b.a. were required to pay one million of security for the park and they were supposed to make within hundred thousands for the revenue and they have a lump sum to close out the d b.a. we're to take that money to pay for the security at the park.
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the remainder of the budget is to pay for leases. we have money here again, this is only if the leases go for another year $194,000 that's there. and i guess if we have that we would decide to do with that or offset other operating costs. the western edition budget in the other column is about 9 had and 65 thousand dollars that revenue comes from 4 hundred and 15 thousand garage revenues and estimated of $400,000 in loan repayments we've made or will make a request to the state of 4 hundred and 45 house of trust fund dollars for the uses of
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those funds would be 4 hundred plus for endangering operating expense and 3 hundred plus thousand that is a reserve that we've requested under our props 13 and 14 b an operating capital for the garage that goes away after i didn't request it under 14 a we'll have to request it again. another one hundred and 20 thousand in maintenance payments that assumes we'll have to continue making those payments for a full year the worst-case scenario that may or may not happen and 80 thousand this accomodation cost and three thousand in legal costs related
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to t to t to the bankruptcy. so finally the other of the will acknowledge some other little items 1.4 million are source of funds and 1.3 million in the cbc that's the funding that's been generated most of the money that's been generated from the ground lease anothers 345 williams since june 2012 we've talked about a little bit before and that money is money we will have put on and we've told the state we'll use that for capital improvements onshore view park and anothers one-hundred 6
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hundred plus for property management. the property management and water bills at the shore verify park and 75 thousand for deposition colts if noted during the year >> excuse me. what phase are you on. >> i'm on mine it's page 22. >> i don't have it. do you have it? yeah, the last package okay >> 22. >> and so actually, that's the last page so, anyway that concludes do you want to make concluding remarks. >> i have one question the investigation on the 25 thousand. >> can we get public comment
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first and one second. any public comment on the budget item. >> ace washington. >> first of all, i want to apologize we go back many years i was emotional i don't know if i can say all i want to say in 3 minutes i respectfully request i've asked you all to come out and i know the president wanted me to submit something to make a presentation and i will but exhibit a i want to present to you all in 2008, i spoke before the state and they sent me a letter for my participation i want to give you some copies. also my population of my services over 24 years in the city. and also something i want to
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show you i'm writing a book about the fillmore it's called feel no more. one of the things about the budget i want to talk about olsen lee is in the budget on the oversight board you guys have 50 thousands the record shows they've missed more meeting in city hall how can you give them 50 thousands. you guys talked about your transferring property over to the state. well dog o gone it we're losing population so i'm telling you you all lawyers i'm talking about some piece i'm going to present that doesn't look good in the western edition the numbers don't match. and also you're talking about money you're going to be getting
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how are you going to be getting money from a failed project in bankruptcy. according to the paperwork this is a bunch it didn't make sense at all because if you look at bottom line it's a failed project that very development had spent millions of dollars you guys gave those people millions of dollars and hadn't been collecting the fbi needs to knock on the doors of redevelopment agrees of what they've done in our community to feel no more. it's impossible that i speak up her in two minutes i feel sick
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inside but the bottom line is there have on a disservice to our community and this continuous and right now we in 2014 and what does this mean. this is ridiculous how can i gone. everything this is a going on didn't add up. i mean how can one is a in 3 minutes a 25 years service. but i'll say one last thing oar i'm preptd briefs and i will be foiling only injunction one, if you don't come out to the community or let us give a presentation in black and white when i go back to governor jerry
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brown he'll listen to me. you all are listening but i don't know if you're hands are tied i don't think so any reflects on what i'm saying i've done this for 2 seven years >> thank you. okay. so let's talk about the budget i know this is parting two of our budget workshop commissioners i'm sorry >> i want to know whether of this disposition costs 85 thousands what is the cost. >> those are documentation costs not just for the western edition it's for well, we do have to dispose of the garage and the commercial parcel and the driveway we own 3 properties
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if the western edition the l street division within the fillmore area and we own the garage and the parcel. >> it costs too much money for this documents i don't think so when you say $80,000. again, it's >> i thought we used to have in staff costs for the western edition time because we don't have any revenue sources for the western edition this is for the event we're able to transfer those properties over the fiscal year. >> when. >> in this case we're going to be transferring those properties in the next fiscal year. >> and the 25 thousand fees.
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>> we have bankruptcy council i'll be bringing before you in a meeting not to far from now a first amendment that we had because we've had a couple of brought upcy issues over or over the several years with carr man's and two more. when we were part of the city in ju june 2012 the city hired a company that specialize in bankruptcy sisters. that's the legal costs to pay for that >> thank you. >> yeah. that's been. >> can i follow-up. >> revenues is that the garage
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we've approved earlier. >> that's not how much they backing make but the garage generates. >> 4 hundred and 50 thousand. >> the garage generates it but we have to include their fee. >> their fee. >> yeah. >> thank you. thank you such. any other questions on this. oh, one question i know we've gone over the staffing costs for this workshop i know we had money set aside does it include the open role >> yes. we have a interim general council at this point and it's anticipated that will
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be felt. >> okay. but the interim general council isn't that current that salary doesn't cover the interim gentle council meeting because they have another job; right? >> well, actually if you look at the budget positions we're in the current bunted we had 3 deputy director positions and the commission added a general council in the budget, of course, the executive director. this budget only anticipates two deputy positions and a general council position >> so our i guess i'm trying to get to the interim general council right now is considered the general would you be able when we look at the budget for salaries. >> yes. i mean in a sense that there isn't a position for a
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deputy director and council. in the budget is two deputy director positions >> so you're saying if we get new general council we need to educate another deputy director in our budget if we needed that; right? >> yes. >> i think we've got it. >> getting an extra bang for our buck. >> okay since we're on local fees so i see there's a million dollars project specific. >> yes. and project for the city attorney's office is it only for the city attorney's office our the outside council. >> that's the total legal services. most of it it city attorney. it's anticipated to be city attorney there's outside council
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costs i believe if euphoric >> on 75 k it says 75 generic. >> on cover package of attachment a so you can see that our total overall is one million 3 hundred and 95 thousand for our budget. i'll have to addressing adds it up quickly and again most of that is attorney we have have specialized projects but we have flexibility >> i was going to say 75 thousand doesn't seem like a roof of money. >> here's one. >> that's the space for the
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services and we can direct them and adjust that. >> okay. that makes sense. the city attorney's themselves can recognize the outside sources >> and if they need extension and we demand more bodies those law enforcement are twice the price of the city attorney's office asia mention in the memo it's mentioned it would my power point but this year we have 2 hundred and 40 thousand under professional services bugged so that could be for an unforeseen expense and that's unchanged from what we budgeted last year.
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>> and with the mayor's office of housing of housing development are we going to see the schedule. >> that's schedule to come with the may 6th commission meeting. >> okay commissioner singh. >> yeah.. i talked to the director a couple of weeks ago about the commissions insurance and i mentioned and i'm in the city of commissions since 1987. i never see any different commission that the insurance for the commissioners in all i want to know why should woe we not put this in the budget this year? >> i can get back to a you with specifics but your liberate
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insurance covers the - >> for example, insurance, you know, health insurance. >> we're not - and every commissioner has health insurance. >> through the chair my understanding is that the board of supervisors ordinance 215 dash 12 set the commission up this way but we'll go back and discuss that with the director. >> it's reported here that it's deducted then we'll see. >> i don't have the schizophrenic information. >> this is a new commission i want the commissioners who come after me to, you know, so maybe i won't, you know, i don't know so it should be like add the other we've spent so much time
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here we use embarrass and others things and as a - it is appropriate we have some kind of compensation. >> benefit. >> i think that's unfortunately, i at one point impulsive an answer it's a special. >> - yeah. i want to know. >> we have to fight to get a sale lad. >> we have to have that discussion with the board of supervisors they put in the resolution we don't get message. >> did the mayor did you talk about to him. >> in the mayor's office because the board of supervisors does he - >> does he call me. >> no, no the board of supervisors you know, i talked to a couple of supervisors and -
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and they is what. >> it was not presented in the budget. >> no, no, no that wasn't present in the budget because the resolution that created that commission. >> i can see that otherwise i won't say that again. >> no, no, no it says in there we don't get any compensation including insurance so why it's in the budget and because there's no other commissioners there are no other commissioners that are like this. >> i don't know. >> i like to see the resolution you say you have the resolution and i don't have it on me. >> i don't think it said including insurance that's a matter or of health insurance
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vs. compensation and the same thing. >> but do other commissions get benefits. >> yes. >> it's interesting our commission does not. >> they get lunch. >> yeah. lunch i want a reimbursement for parking but chart commissions get they can join the health benefit. >> i don't mind, you know, but still it's maybe you, you know, it should be. >> okay. i will take up that charge i know what the answer will be. >> but if it's an ordinance the board of supervisors will - >> that's a discussion for the
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board of supervisors. >> yeah. >> okay. >> don't they paragraph commissioners the general council bryant did not the board of supervisors adapt the budget as part of our budget as part of in the record or is our budget separate from the cities. >> i've not done the budget process but for the rest of the city it's a adapted by ordinance it may be a similar process as well. >> from my experience the old agency was adapted by resolution. >> so, yeah it's an ordinance yeah. this is not an action item it will be an action in
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