tv [untitled] May 1, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PDT
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board of supervisors. >> yeah. >> okay. >> don't they paragraph commissioners the general council bryant did not the board of supervisors adapt the budget as part of our budget as part of in the record or is our budget separate from the cities. >> i've not done the budget process but for the rest of the city it's a adapted by ordinance it may be a similar process as well. >> from my experience the old agency was adapted by resolution. >> so, yeah it's an ordinance yeah. this is not an action item it will be an action in our may 6th
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accounting meeting where that will get passed onto the board of supervisors. yeah, well let's finish up. the next item >> the next item is public comment on non-agenda items. thank you very much is there any public comment >> i'm sacrificing because i should be down at the board of supervisors because you may or may not know because i get the word with the fbi was here and they'll be here today for the board of supervisors ambassador and i was going to sing my song i would in shape to do it here maybe next week. i'm really kind of i want you to understand the frustration i can see i'm the only one here i'm
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dedicated and rededicated now because it's something that's in me. i don't know why i'm here but there's a reason for it and get used to it, it's unbearable to go home after all those meetings i've been doing this for a number of years you all should be getting paid by you all do it because you have to put up with me i'll approve that but i'm going to ask respectfully again, i know i don't have the clerk california no staff or computers so i ask you request that at least consider of us coming and i know budget time is coming up
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but if you could gives us 15 minutes to present something in the first amendment. i'm not faulting anyone my frustration goes back to 1948 when they put this together at the redevelopment agency. i hear in the parkinson's pampers that governor jerry brown is going to put together another light agency in a different form. so therefore without a doubt i have to come forth and have a hammer and is before you do anything governor jerry brown you've got to check. i'm not faulting none of you all but my reverend and african-american leaders you all read the papers of the
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corruption in the city but i'm here asking for yes, ma'am path i'm representing any african-american communities and generations my can i see kids kids. and so in closing i've got to run downstairs please ask me to put something together. thank you very much >> thank you very much i'm not to break protocol for a second mr. washington i want to hear what you're going to presents. >> oh, oh i'm sorry. >> that's the number i call i can't contact you (inaudible). >> wait i'm going to correct this call my number and you'll
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get christen good morning or afternoon. >> okay. so thank you. next item, please. >> the next sort of business is the report to the chairman and chair. >> so, now we can talk about the next meeting next week is a special meeting april 29th is a special meeting. >> through the chair that's a meeting to deal what the acquisition of cell block 33 and 34 and april is not a long month we're squeaking in a third meeting in the month of april. >> if you have questions commissioner mondejar about the budgeted we'll be talking about this next. >> okay. that's my report.
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may 6th i'm sorry low blood sugar >> the next orders of business is item 8 the report of the directors. >> thank you, commissioners i have a few items to let you know the status of ralph 14, 15 a with the department of finance. earlier this month we will received a letter of the initial review and it's a long letter there were two items that are focused on and adjusts that having to do with expenditures from a different fipd source in prior focuses this is more of an accounting function but there were two items we wanted to appeal i've requested a meet and
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confer in sacramento we object to item 40 this is a the yerba buena gardens capital line we requested $400,000 in funds and yerba buena lease funds to do capital work dof thought that was a reserve into a reserve account so they did understand that item they said you have $400,000 we'll apply to 0 other request so they selected line 9 that's a reerments plan so at the said take the 4 hundred from there and apply it and you'll only need a hundred so we've submitted an appeal to show them that's work that's needs to be
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done and for restricted funds for yerba buena gardens and therefore line 40 and 9 should be oeshl and so forth. and we will hear a final declaration to the distribution date. we'll keep you posted on that. i wanted to let you know of a couple of events this thursday is the grand opening for you hurntsz view it will be a great event with nancy pelosi and the mayor attending at the 10:00 a.m. there has been scheduled a grand opening of the leroy carrousel
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skeleton for april 26th rescheduled to may 17th due to fabrication of one part they pushed it back to may 17th. also in our packets i want to let you know an informational memoranda about senate bill 1404 senator leno has asked for bonding for affordable housing this is bans our sb 2014 for our replacement housing that bill was treed and in our packet is a copy of the bill with a fact
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seat from senator mark leno that he expect it will be heard by a committee at the end of this month either april 24th or maybe may 7 we'll keep you apprised. and finally, i wanted to you heard in the budget presentation that filling staff positions we've got two new staff ray mom and dad lee and jeff white who commissioner singh remembers is a houser commission is returning to us after working with bank of america he'll be returning as as project manager on monday. we'll make sure to introduce them to you but we're excited to be staffing up that concludes my
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report >> thank you very much. lots of >> can i ask a question. >> sure, yes senator bill 1404 will pep help to build the housing obligation were we smiled a request with the department of finance that's pending they've asked a number of questions and certainly having state legislation, you know, putting this into state law obey helpful to us. >> thank you very much. next item. >> the next order of business is the commissioners questions and answers. >> any questions and matters. >> i don't know how many people get the e-mail anybody get the e-mail because in this was mentioned today that ace
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washington said the other thing i heard that the fbi is here in the city auditing. >> what was - >> what's the fbi doing here. >> i don't know. yeah, they don't like to devoyage >> can you talk about the first item the what? the public ceo >> public ceo yeah, i'll bring the copy next time. >> okay. i hope that everyone was make it to the hushts view and okay. next item. >> i'd like to state on the record that i wasn't present for item one that i would have to recuse 0 myself because my
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business company - received a source of income and i also would have recused myself from 5 c ignore the same reason i've also recused myself with braxton rum is bag awarded a contract because my law firm is a source for my income. >> i move for 0 that. >> next item please. the next order of business closed session we have no closed session >> and next item is adjournment. thank you we're we're adjourned and
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>> if you have phones or things that make noise if you could put them on vibrate. >> if you have a comment to make, we have speaker cards that should be up front, if you could fill that out and with your name and what agenda item you would like to speak on and hand them over to our staff and finally thank you to sfgov tv and media services every time that we meet for presenting this to the public. and we are going to go ahead and start with this a roll call. >> hyde.
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>> here. >> lee. >> per es. >> here. >> naomi akers is running late. she will be in in five minutes. >> we will start this with public comment and there is an opportunity for any in the public to speak to matters of the commission that is not currently on the agenda, and so is there any public comment? again, this is item are really just the agenda. please come up to the microphone and say your name and you have two minutes. >> all right. >> my name is bary, and i have not been here in a while. and >> i wanted to... >> hi. >> i want to congratulate you on getting the president of the commission, and the big shoes to fill because i felt that i was really impressed with your predecessor who did a wonderful job but i am here and i got incensed enough before i go to the pass over tonight and to speak on two subjects and i had one but a second one came up as a result of reading something
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on facebook. and the first one is about a club called infusion lounge and part of the place of entertainment permit involves having a security plan and how they handle the club and in the pictures and but it is not their job to control the transportation issues and the parking issues that do not directly impact the club and i just want to say that for coming to listening to my whining and she is very good at what they does. and she gives good direction on how to handle things and so i am here today, because i think that it is important to give the directions to the staff on how to handle without filing an official complaint, that allegedly or possibly could have relationships, and limiting the services or the visitation by a illegal or
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rogue taxiand to encourage the use and it would encourage them to get out of this safely when the taxis are nearby there and the fact that i had a problem and security person and that they tried to change the laws by saying that we can't park because we are near the fire hydrant and i am concerned about the clubs that are trying to influence the needs of the customer in the security and the venue owner i and would appreciate on how to file a official complaint and challenge the appeal on this particular venue. >> also, quickly, without naming names or anything. yesterday, there was a transportation hearing. and it went very well, and i think that if someone felt that taxis took over and i think that it was a point that we were invited and we needed to speak out about the concerns about late night transportation, and i think that it is important that we
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are part of the discussion to discount being part of the discussion and the need for it is beyond the purview of the commissioner heres and to really publicly state that you call one of these rogue vehicles here to here, and pier to pier ride sharing which you know full well as a commissioner that is not what it is. and as a member of the commission, it is for you to allow for the legal vehicles that are permitted by the city and yet you are yourselves have to go to the venues or you try to bust the venues that are not permitted and i think that you should not be on this commission. and it could come back to haunt you later. >> thank you. >> is there any additional public comment, again on items not on the agenda? >> i don't see any, so the public comment is now closed. we will move on to item two, which is the review and approval of the minutes from march 18th. and commissioners you guys have any comments or a motion? >> move to approve.
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>> second. >> second. >> great. motion and a second by commissioner perez. >> for the record, commissioner acres has arrived we will start with you. commissioner acres? >> aye. >> commissioner pier. >> aye. >> joseph. >> aye. >> campagnoli. >> aye. >> tan. >> aye. >> lee. >> aye. >> joseph. >> aye. >> that passes. and we will move on to item three the report from the executive director. you can go ahead and take it away. >> thank you. >> good evening commissioners. i have a really short report so there is nothing in writing for you to look at. we have had a busy couple of weeks, but hopefully most of you have been at the two things that i i want to talk about and the first was mentioned by the public speaker and the late night transportation hearing and it happened yesterday, and the land use committee. and i put it under the heading
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of the legislative and policy and because, i am really excited about it, i think that this is a big policy change for the city and i hope that it is the beginning of something really important and it will be something of a legacy that this commission can leave so just in a nutshell, supervisor weiner called for a late night transportation hearing and i mentioned it a few times in the commission and it finally happened yesterday, and it was about three hours, and there was a few of us agencies who had time to speak, and put some context to the issue. and then there was a whole lot of public comment around the needs of the people who use late night transportation in particular of the employees of the businesses that either start really early in the morning, in fact, like bakeries and places like that as well as obviously nighttime employees. so, the out come, at the moment, i believe will be that supervisor weiner on next tuesday, will put forth a resolution to create a task
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force, that hopefully will be led by myself and mr. vanhowten from the mayor's office of economic development to basically, you know, to be in the mind and scope out how we can create what we started to call yesterday, a late night integrated transportation plan. and it is a long process, that is going to include all of the modes of transport that you can think of, including personal vehicles, and taxis, and transit obviously, and it is going to take some work so that we will get all of the stake holders together but i am a little scared but i am going to do it and i will need all of your help and i will keep, and obviously coming to you, and for advice, and oversight, but i am pretty sure that this is sort of, or was in a long range strategic plan of the commission and it is a goal that all of you share and we will want to make sure that we include all of you, your stake holders and sort of groups in
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process it will not be the end of it and our break out sessions i think were well attended and interesting and we had less in the security meeting because you did not stress this year, and the safety and security at the summit, from the get go and i think that it okay. and i think that we are at a place where the security across the board at night clubs is functioning really well and so what we did do in the security break out and i think that commissioner joseph can speak to this as well as inspector burke is talk to the city of sacramento about how they do entertainment policing. and it is really interesting model and it is completely different than we do here, and it is i think, people who were interested in probably might pursue something as we get the police force in san francisco up to the numbers that it ought to be so that there is more
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people spread out among the areas that we need them at night. and those are the two highlights, i think. and we are drafting as you know, the additional stuff, and the additional words for the out reach, document that we used to encourage people to do the neighborhood out reach and the permitting process. and so that is ongoing. i did get some language today regarding the ten b issue and the follow up to the police commission. and so i might talk to you commissioner campagnoli about making sure that we are adjusting the police commission properly. and i think that is it. unless you have any questions, i am going to turn it over to inspector burkes. >> it looks like we have one question. >> so, first i want to compliment you joslyn because i can't remember how long it was
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before we brought up the late nature transportation and banging the drum and i think that your stick to it was outstanding and i want to say that from front of god and everyone and on television, having said that, and also just i just wanted to comment further to miss king's comment on the entertainment policing and just in really just in a net shell, we had a couple of really great guys, one was and i am not sure if he was a sergeant or a lieutenant but he headed up a squad and it does not mean that he was a sergeant, but he ended up a group of people that were equal to a squad of police and he was assisted by the manager of the local business association, akin to what rcvd would be here, and what this and this called tent and k and what this
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group did was raised the money to support this squad of people in their over time, and other things so that they could do this, they would trained in dealing with night clubs and it reminded me very much of the time that we went through the responsibility hospitality and the guy from chicago was talking about entertainment policing. and so all of these guys do. they are sacramento police and that is all that they do and they kind of understand the business, and they know how to deescalate stuff. and they rarely arrest or come down with a hammer, but instead, negotiate it was very interesting. i think that we are going to make a trip to sacramento and actually look at it and watch it and see what it does. because sacramento is a lot closer than chicago. >> so, those are my comments. >> any other commissioner comments?
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>> all right. >> good evening commissioners thank you. just a couple of quick notes. i have a few outstanding complaints and things that i am investigating. one being the complaint from a neighborhood at maze which is on polk 1233. and multiple complaints here and some homeless folk in the alley that are around and not necessarily our jurisdiction but adding to the complaints but the biggest one is the sound escaping from the side of their building and there is an alley doorway that i have noticed open two weeks ago. so i just spoke at length with the owner about monitoring the levels and making sure that the security was posted at those doors at all times preventing the patrons and staff from using it as an in and out. this past weekend, the neck of the woods, 406 clement had a
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call for loud music, and this was a san francisco police found a private gathering there after hours. so, we are going to set up a meeting, to speak with them. pardon me? >> rec room is a business that we are working with right now to address some ongoing sound issues. they are on california street and they have a few speakers sitting mounted in their ceiling, and on a very difficult sound system to adjust individually. and so i have been by a few time now trying to work with their managers and adjusting the sound systems so that it is not disrupting local neighbors. and made a lot of progress with them, regarding keeping their sidewalks clear and keeping patrons quiet outside of the premises. the first time that i had seen
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the armory, the new armory building in action was two weeks ago. and they had a party game of throwns kick off party and i noticed a little bit of congestion in the back of the building and generally speaking the lines were managed well and the crowd control was very good. and just on a general patrol of kt on the similar street and after, conversing with the manager there, and realizing they had some new staff on that night, but, i did notice a multiple open containers and one in the hand of a patron, outside of the establishment and two in the tree, just a few feet from the front door and so we had a lengthy information and i think that we will be following up with the notice of violation and notes for that. >> that is about all that i have, any questions? >> commissioner joseph? >>
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