tv [untitled] May 1, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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communications i've received from various women's groups about the importance of having women in those positions and especially a woman of color. so i will be voting against the motion not because i have anything against the candidate the other candidate should be on the police commission to the extent the mayor can fulfill that maybe both on the police commission but i believe we should reward good work and when someone has done everything asked of that you should honor that and revote them in >> supervisor yee thank you president chiu. >> as you see from the discussion both candidates are individuals that want to be on the commission are highly
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quality. we went through this at the rules committee listening to speakers after speaker and looking at all the e-mails and documents there is no doubt in my mind that both victor and angela i'm sorry. thank you. but both of them are well qualified and it's true when i flrlt what the data is with regards to angela on the commission she was doing her job and when it comes down to look at the qualifications i have to give my lot to the person that's been doing the job so i will continue to support angela as
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the rules committee recommended with positive recommendation and i will be voting against the ocean. >> supervisor kim thank you. >> happy to be here to support supervisor tang nogs motion to amend. victor was one of the first people i met he interviewed me for a position. asian law caucus was something i was interviewed for and he spoke at a convention i was cerritos. we have different stories but victor immediately as he did with asian-american who embroider to work he introduced
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me to other asian-americans and he started a group in hi living room many projects came out of his living room like happy hour and victor was well known and that's in his community and countered a leader. he wrote many of us into many campaigns. so, so. people were scared to speak in this campaign but i know victor who represented an under dog an american who was false skewed of leaking information from china and no one would advocate for mr. lee.
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but victor 0 took on the case and become his national organizer he never hesitated from doing what was right and pit himself in the fight for justice and never shietd away from controversial issues he was a lawyer but inu unlike many of us he got we had had to organize the community and federal investigators couldn't sub at that time, his charges and victor won the case he, he filed a case against the federal government and the federal judge apologizes for putting him in
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solitaire confinement. i sat down with his daughter who left her job to go to law school she wanted to protect other families we all looked up to victor. during this time i met an individual in san joaquin. we called on victor for help and immediately went to learn more about the individual and we had a campaign and victor co- k0u7bd because the prisoner was engaged in non-violate cases and we finally won and he was unable to
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get assistanceship and he was telling his story to the chinese press. eddy serves the community center doing the work for non-violence work he's nationally known for immigration rights he was one of the first and few asian-americans honored. he was honored by chinese local hero in 2005. i found this quote from kristen wong when victor departed she wrote people would call for victor. the bay guardian called him an advocate so far all people.
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at asian law caucus he advocated a case against police officers because this gentleman held a stick and refused to let cal's wife while cal laid had found on the pavement and died he filed a national class action the 18996 reform law and filled the class-action lawsuit against public housing for failing to defend asian-americans. and in 2004 when the police shot a couple of asian-americans victor pulled together the
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advocates to be on the forefront to be having this put so what the front and the police officers were trained again. victor was one of the first asian-americans that joined the asian-american fight at a time it was hard to get asian-americans involved. he also drafts the brief on behalf of the hiv community for marriage equality but before all this work victor joined the last public defender's office working homicide cases. when after 15 years as a public deferred he became a district
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attorney. he responded to many cases reiterating the importance of having individuals grounded in the community for the voice also and for compassion and could work on hate crimes and other issues we cared about. i remember when he said he, he wrote from my experience the lack of access to law enforcement the lack of sufficient interpreters meant they weren't aware the silence. and not making eyewitness it is important and victor held his commitment in the public defender's he pushed hard to get
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hate crimes and other crimes in light and he took head on a case of a subpoena presses case that targeted minority. even when people were saying there wasn't a white subpoena presses case and despite his retaliation two members of the gang were successfully convicted of beating two mexican nationals and then another person who was beaten a woman who was a transgender and others talked about how victor are empowered
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here where the world ignores victims. there's so much more i can talk about. he was also a top litigator and the trailblazers by the national bar association and with the golden gate park law school in a documentary he was featured and hiss he's a parent with children attending public school. it's unfortunate that is a divided in the asian-american you community we have not said there are two qualified lawyers who help with the police department an important commission unfortunately, the board of supervisors has only one seat and i'm supporting this
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gentleman when i also supported a white gay male when there was another gay candidate. victor is a rare progressive not only as a civil rights attorney but we know sfpd imitating and when we talk about public safety he talks about specifically how we can rise erase the profiles he's worked on hate crimes and domestic violence and police procedures for glgs and done it for two decades. i'd talked about victor's insistence of building mentorships it's a rarest he's caring about listening and
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relationships. often we need super intelligent people on how to build an important relationship this is important for a person to deal with explosive issues. he is someone i look up to. it's important to have victor bus he's one of the most experienced individuals i'll have voted on in 4 years. so i got a lot of calls today asking me to vote my conscious for the best commissioner for the seat i feel i'm doing that today. victor i can't believe you want to serve on the committee but i'm happy to support you and plan to vote on quickly before
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you change our mind so members of the board i ask for your support >> thank you supervisor kim. supervisor wiener. thank you >> thank you to supervisor kim for the very nice report. i will see we have two clear expressive candidates and we have a responsibility to make a choice and i'll be supporting victor and i'll be supporting supervisor tang decision it's challenging there are supporters on both sides and i have friends on both sides of this one and people whom i respect numerously. unfortunate as is often the case in politics no matter what the
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similarities between two candidates there's a tendency to define somehow there are two waring camps and factions. we have to candidates not only with strong professional backgrounds who are both incredibly hard workers and bright but two candidates that have very very long track records in terms of progressive telling them around law enforcement and other and civil rights this is not someone who was competing with each other and it's unfortunate that some have cast it that way. those are two candidates that have things in common with civil
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right issues. victor is nuke qualified for the position. i have to say as i got to know more and more about his background i was just blown away. and supervisor kim's statement a moment ago it was lengthy because there is so much when it comes to victor. his work is not only extensive but diverse so much around civil rights and community empowerment and work on both sides as being a public defender and civil rights attorney that's wonderful for any commission. he'll be a huge educate to the police commission and a unique opportunity for the board to
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make this appointment. i want to say taurl first of all, in terms of the advocacy going on around health ms. chang came out of the rules committee i have enormous reporter but every one of us have the responsibility to make our own determination and because we came out of the rules committee doesn't change any calculus to appoint the best candidate for the job. you've seen on the board of supervisors where a commitment comes out of the rules committee and the board makes an
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adjustment it's only 3 members out of 11. i want to address reappointment i have a lot of receptor for ms. chang i represent her commitment and i'm not critical of her on any of the traits. but in the end when someone comes up for appointment or reappointment we have a responsibility to evaluate all the candidates and have the candidate that fulfills the needs of the position. because of victor's stellar and skill set and background i'll be supporting him today >> thank you supervisor wiener. supervisor avalos. >> thank you. i'll be, you know, voting against the motion.
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i do want to thank supervisor tang and supervisor kim for el gent e conventional describing the work victor has served on the police commission but we've got a candidate that has already served but she has more to do making sure the background of the commission they can get the reports and she's been great great to work with san francisco's diverse community not only the chiropractors community and all communities across the city that's important as we put forth the cultural competent she's an advocate day in and out. there's an opening 90 on the
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mayors side i've communicated with the mayor and talked with the mayor last week the mayor could appoint victor and urged the mayor to run and he's someone h that has been supportive of the mayor there's room for both to be on the commission i'd like to ask that sxhauns u supervisor tang and commenting withdraw their motions and ask the mayor to appoint both commissioners to serve san francisco's diverse communities on the commission i hope you'll join me in that mission >> (clapping) >> supervisor avalos. president chiu.
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>> thank you, chairman it goes without saying this is a difficult decision between two highly qualified candidates. i had the same thought as supervisor avalos and supervisor mar around the possibility of the mayor appointed one of the individuals and that's a question that i asked and i'll tell you a that's not going to happen it's not a practice for the mayor to solve the difficult decisions in front of us. 4 years ago i supported antonio la chang she is had he is an incredibly hardworking and intelligent and effective advocate for many of the communities within san francisco. our immigrant community and other community i very much appreciate the support she has
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from any individuals around san francisco. i'll say that victor is someone i got any start in proving action committee. i've followed victor as the president of the ethnic bar association i've known him and protesting and supporting domestic violence case. he knows that justice is not about supporting the system but when law enforcement is involved. if you look at the awards that victor wong has received from the san francisco dovrdz and the university of san francisco and the national legal organizations and the prospective services and
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the bar commission. at the end of the day for me there are many factors to consider but as supervisor kim said looking at the his deep history of fighting in the community and observing angela chang i have not observed but i'll be supporting victor wong i hope that angela may seek other positions in the future and i'm open for that but today i'll be voting that way >> thank you president chiu. supervisor kim did you have a comment >> the decision is before the board i don't think it's fair to ask the mayor to support both candidat
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candidates. >> we have asked the mayor for the difficult decisions in 2011 when mayor ed lee came on we had two members that wanted to serve on the water department and at the time mayor ed lee made a decision to have both of them to supervisor wiener to the transportation system so we have the roll that the mayor has played we can continue with the appointment of angela chang and i and many of us ask the mayor to appoint victor wong to the police commission that could happen. >> any further questions. colleagues. supervisor mar >> i appreciate my colleagues
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comments i see the writing on the wall i'll say i have nothing but tremendous receptor for victor and angela you've been a tremendous commissioner this is unfortunate when a strong case for the gender justice when a woman who challenges the institution that is so male dominated but i respect t colleagues and this is a sad day for many communities and i want to thank angela for her hard work on the commission. >> with that, we have a motion to amend by supervisor cowen. >> supervisor mar sparked something in me i want to go on the record i see it from a
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different prospective not a sad day we have two amazing candidates that want to serve san francisco. however, the vote comes down we still win and have two people that are committed to uplifting not only the api community but every community that represents san francisco. and it's a sad day when and if we appoint someone that doesn't have the same level of commitment and love and dedication to san francisco. certainly as being a woman of color i also advocate in support of the appointment of a woman to the board and commission and want to also go on record to encourage the mayor whomever he
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appoints he'll fill the avoid so there's a woman to hold down the seat now that commissioner kingsley is gone. in the a great day because we have two progressively forward thinking people that are interested if volunteering and signing up to serve this is an incredible thing >> actually supervisor cowen said my thoughts i can't think of a sad day with the candidates of this caliber and competition is a great thing especially, when you are able to have difficult choices it's sad if the candidates you're not
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excited but but we have city where people are passionate about servicing are going to throw their hats into the ring for a job that is so time assuming tough. so i hope you see that victor is an immigration advocate. >> supervisor avalos >> thank you. i'm told the motion there are two votes. no one >> the motion on the floor so e is to trike angela and put in victor. >> that's one vote. >> any questions or comments. on the motion to amend
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>> supervisor mar. >> so the motion to amend is to strike angela's name and put in victor. >> no. >> supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. no. supervisor avalos. no. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. no. supervisor chiu. supervisor cowen. supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. there are 7 i's and 4 nos. the motion passed and on the underlying motion call roll >> supervisor mar. supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos.
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supervisor chiu. supervisor cowen. supervisor farrell. supervisor kim pr there are 11 i's. the motion as amended is approved. with that, madam clerk, go to our 2:30 special accomodation. i believe that supervisor mar has requested to have this item >> thank you madam clerk. >> let me take a couple of deep breaths before i introduce those children from washington high school. colleagues i'd like to ask you to please join me in honoring a number of washington high school pressure group and if they could came forward and also the staff
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