tv [untitled] May 3, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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bottle. >> all right, thank thanks. >> and they are supposed to and the way that people are actually doing it. >> right. >> are there any other commissioner questions or comments for the officer? >> no. >> thank you. >> and we can open it up now to public comment and is there any public comment on the police report? >> come up and state your name into the microphone. >> hello, commissioners my name is gale and i actually came here on another matter and i feel compelled, and we have sent a letter to the owners of atmosphere, asking that they attend our main meeting because we have concerns around how they are administering the business from a business perspective and the party bus and we will have the executive director on the results of that meeting in may and i want you to know that we sent that letter in the last weekend and we have requested that the owners come in for the cvd for
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broad way. >> great, thank you. >> and any additional public comment? >> all right, seeing none, public comment is now closed. let's move on to item five xh is hearing and possible action on our permits. and i will now hand it to our deputy director. >> all right. good afternoon, and good evening commission and commissioners our first permit is beluga this is vargdeg kazaryan doing business as belug, 5323 geary, and they opened the russian restaurant last year and at the time that they applied for the place of entertainment permit and this was back in july however they were held up by a planning issue and they had to go through a conditional use to add entertainment and in the meantime they have pulled a few one time events and they had big, events and weddings and party schedule but no problems
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occurred during those events, richmond station has no opposition to this permit. you should have an e-mail from officer moore in your binder and at this time i would like to invite you up and the folks and they can tell you a little bit more. >> you don't have any? >> speak into the mic and let us know about your business. >> it is a ethnic food and restaurant. okay. >> there you go. >> and i am sorry. >> arm enian russian, restaurant and we don't have anyone and there actually and i just, one to open one, and... >> great. >> are there any questions from the commissioners? >> so what kind of events are you planning to hold there? i know...
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>> actually to like a birthday and weddings and just the family gathers. >> would you bring in the music or dj. >> we want to bring in one man or two man band, like the one person playing on the second one to singing. >> hi, my name is (inaudible) and i am a designer for ta restaurant and i about been working for them for a year and a half and we had a difficult time to go through that process and a city planning and finally we got it through and all of a sudden we realized that the entertainment required for the conditional use and we want to
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go through that to finally approve, and we have the restaurant market next door, called the royal market. >> and they are driving the business in a bad location and very night people and they had no problem with the neighborhood, and supporting them and i have seen that the police department drive by and make sure that no one double parks in the street and knowing the business, and they are hiring some people to attend the bartending stuff like that and, there is a mall event that is going to happen and the wedding and in fact, they had recently they had the funeral after dinner for them. and very nicely to be recommend to stop by and the food is excellent and the atmosphere is very nice, and i am sure, that they have a plan to hire someone to manage the place for them. because it is their businessman, and they have
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experience of, you know, having a food business and well, i am going to help them out and i have been doing this for a long, long time. and i am willing to support them. 100 percent. so if you have any questions, i will be around and i could give my number for stuff and you can ask me anything that you would like to do. >> thank you. >> are you part of the ownership. >> no, i am just designing for them and we are very close and that is working with each other because i like the personality of this two yes and they own the place and they have to work with them. >> okay, thank you. >> any additional questions. s >> i do. commissioner lee? >> be nice. >> be nice. >> it is a stand alone building? >> yes. >> are there apartments upstairs. >> yes, there are offices upstairs and that the people that work for the place and they stay in the building and so they sleep there. >> i am not sure, just you know,
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>> basically it is single use. >> yeah, just single use permit. >> so when you designed a spot knowing that there was entertainment did you do any sound proofing. >> yes, the walls and we had the, you know the neighbors and they came in and we run the test and we, you know, nobody complained or anything, and the double wall and insulation inside and the ceiling and it is extensive insulation and so i am looking at the floor plan and the stage is on the second floor and. >> no, on the first land. >> i see a ground floor and on the back here, i guess that it is a reverse image. >> and so, there is no sound system that you put in there. >> no. >> and when they advance it still brings their own. >> very simple. >> if this is very simple
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banning, and it is not the lab rate on the music and the dance. >> i know. >> sometimes when they come they will bring their own amplifier and there is the next door neighbor that they can hear. >> with he had and they put in the new fence and the higher fence on the property line, when we changed the whole thing so that it would be very thick fencing so that the sound will not travel and there is a door and a safety door in there for the egress and all insulated door and so the sound cannot get out and even if you open the door there is a high fence in there so the bounce, the sound bounces on the wall and comes back. >> okay. >> all right. >> good evening. commissioner perez? >> one more follow up question. >> so, i understand that you guys are doing the best that you can to manage the sound and you guys will be good neighbors to your neighborhood. but just in case there is a complaint from one of your
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neighbors about the sound, so what is your process for handling that? >> i have a friend in sound business. if anybody complaints we can bring him in and ask him to put up some sound barricade inside so... >> and they have and what they, right now, you are trying to go to bed and i see the loud noises from yaour establishment. >> what is the process, what do you do? >> we will stop it and the close the business, you know, we will close the music portion of it so that nobody will be harassed and i am sure, that we are not into it. >> the big business and entertainment, it is pretty quiet parties, very simple private parties. >> okay, thank you. >> is there something. >> sure if you want to say one more thing. >> yes, we will get three or
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four license for the music, and we have like a birthday and they will get any complaint and anything from the neighbors, also, the over populate and so the music will not go too high. and we will control that. and so, four times has never been any complaint or anything about the issue or with the police department or the neighbors or with anybody. >> great, it sounds like you have been running it well then, thank you. >> and i visit and you know that i can. >> and all right, oh, commissioner campagnoli? >> is this the spot where the sullivan sporting goods used to be. >> yes. and you have the royal market. >> yes. >> and so you are right next door and what is the on side. >> it is on the door and it is right. >> and right, okay, and okay, and then upstairs are the offices. >> right. and you are going to be open until two a.m..
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>> actually not until like less likely for 12 or 12:30, and one there is nobody there and we start cleaning and we left. >> that has never had any entertainment on it so i wish you good luck, be sure that you do not blast the neighbors out. >> actually the neighbors and we are in for the grand opening and all of the neighbors and some time even in the private party and our neighbors will just come inside of the bar. >> okay and then happy for us and we don't have any problems with the neighbors. >> thanks. >> let me add one more thing to this thing, and while you are doing the reconstruction, we put the compressor on the roof and they want us to do sound proofing and we build the wall on top of the market and the diverse and the sound of it and not towards the neighbor and so
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we did that before, and even before this entertainment come up. >> impressed and that is what you should do as a compressor on the roof. that is very good. >> i think that we have heard enough and go ahead and have a seat. it does not look like officer moore is here tonight but if there is anyone from the alu that wants to speak to this. >> no, we have a letter from officer moore that says that he does not anticipate any concerns and and not any conditional conditions. and so is there any public comment now opened up to public comment on beluga. >> i don't see any, public comment is closed. commissioners, the matter is now with us. >> i would like to move to approve this permit. >> second. >> great. >> on the motion to approve with the good neighbor policy. >> akers >> aye, nexter pier. >> aye. >> joseph.
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>> aye. >> lee. >> aye. >> campagnoli. >> aye. >> tan. >> aye. >> good luck. >> all right. let's move on to the next permit, i think that it is one that we will have to vote to continue on. >> yeah, this is the buzz works and so good luck and be careful. >> they are located on 11th street and they are still under going a change of use there and so the applicant has asked to be continued. and i moved to continue. >> and it is not our continuance, we are accepting his continuance. and his request to be continued and do you rephrase that >> and accept the continuance. i will second. >> i will second. >> and all right, let's vote. >> any public comment? >> sorry, any public comment on continuing the item? >> thank you, for calling it out. >> i don't see any. >> on the motion to continue
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the applicant's request. commissioner akers. >> aye. >> per hes. >> aye. >> joseph. >> aye. >> lee. >> campagnoli. >> tan. >> aye. >> all right. moving right along. so this is specs and marilinis here, and they have applied for a limited live, and the specs institution north beach and actually one of the venues on the sf heritage list and they would like to add to the legend of specs with the live music and the jazz and the players and the like, and the central station does not oppose this permit and has offered no additional conditions. >> great. >> hello. >> hello. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> go ahead and tell us what you would like to do. i know that we should give a summary. >> we would like to have the music periodically maybe once a month. >> great. >> let's see if our commissioners have any questions. >> or comments.
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>> i have to say that your bar is one of my favorite in san francisco, so thank you for making it such a wonderful place. >> you are welcome any time, all of you. >> any questions? comments? >> go ahead. >> commissioner perez. >> hi, on your application you said that your neighborhood contacts you spoke to a bunch of groups. >> i did. >> do you have any documentation. >> i do. >> i have a note from the restaurant and and i have a letter of support for larry who is at the north beach's project and one more that i am not finding and should i pass these here? >> and i know that we have the support of toska's next and we
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could, which is reopened next door and the also the cbd. all right, any other commissioner comments or questions? >> if not... okay. >> and so i know that flex has been there for a long time and i have been there several times as well. but, you know, when we ask you to do community out reach it is generally not to other businesses special for a business association. and this is for limited live. and so did you do, you did the cbd and that was your neighborhood community organization. >> and larry with the north beach musicians. >> okay. >> and then i asked the first of all there is nobody around us and so i spoke to oskas and so i mean, for example, there is like the tell graph hill, dwellers and there is a lot of community groups like that and i wonder if you had done any out reach to them.
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>> i did not. to the tell graph hill dwellers. >> okay. i mean, i am not saying that like you had to i was just wondering if there was a community group other than cbd, just the north beach musicians. >> okay. >> all right. why don't you have a seat. and then there are not additional conditions that it looks like the police are requesting at this time. >> that are not. >> all right. >> but, let's hear the public comment and then we can discuss the further if you would like to commissioners. >> good evening, commissioners gale and i have been in the north beach resident for the last 12 years and i serve on the board of the broad way cbd and i am also the vice president of the district three demographic club and by day i am the executive director of the community housing partnership, the largest developer in san francisco for the homeless individuals and i am here to marylyn is way to
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humble to let you know that out reach that i did on her behalf as someone who lives in the neighborhood and has a lot of ties and they did not vote because we are normally not taking positions on limited live permits or other kind of permitting that is happening in the district but when announced to the board, which also includes the gentleman who owns the property, that spec's rents they were supported of the permit and enthusiastic to bring the music back. and i spoke to stephanie green berg who is the president of the neighborhood association and they felt too that while they had no meeting in the month of april that they will be happy to see limited live music returned to that stretch and corridor and adjacent to them is the pearls jazz club which is taken over and has a concept for that space, and above them is the script club and the garden of eden and then the office space at 250 come lum bus and so there are no residential neighbors that will
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be impacted by sound in any way, i hope that you will approve this permit and i think that the community will welcome it and it will bring the activity back to a space and i also spoke to darin smith who is the general manager of a cafe and did not put a letter in writing, they were happy to support as well and hope actually folks will support their expansion efforts out into kearny street. and so i think that it is an area that is coming back to life that will be respectful of the tenants living along the corridor and will do well with music and so i hope that you vote to approve. >> thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> no? >> all right, public comment is now closed. commissioners, entertain a motion? >> i would like to move to approve this permit. and also, i think that for the limited live that she did absolutely enough out reach. so. >> all right tl, is a motion,
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is there a second? >> i will second. >> commissioner lee, second. >> any other comments? >> take it to a vote. >> okay, should we do this one, same house same call. >> yes. >> i think so. >> yes. >> thanks. >> that means that you are approved. congratulations. >> and we will move on to 5 d,al fred steakhouse and so this is marcello petri on 659 merchant street and applied for a limited live performance and this another legacy restaurant and bar, it has been known for their delicious stakes and would like to be known for comedy and the central station approved and offered no additional conditions. >> hello. >> how are you? >> commissioners. >> great, how are you. >> i am well. thank you. >> we would like to every once in a while and not with any consistency, offer either a
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comedy or a music venue in our private room which is down stairs in the basement of our restaurant can hold about 80 or 90 people and i have been listening to your concerns about the other permits i think that you know, the one concern that we would have, would be our sro tenants that are in the same building as us, and they share the second and third levels of our building. but they are separated completely by an entire floor of our restaurant. and then the private room is down stairs, and it is, you know, brick walls on one side and we have never had in our 17 years of this location, any complaints about noise from that space. >> i think that we have questions for you, commissioner hyde? >> so under the neighborhood contact, i think that these events, they will be within our regular hours and will not
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disturb our neighbors. so you did not do any neighborhood out reach? >> i did. i brought the letter that i sent to all of our neighbors. the management of the hotel above us, the restaurant that is next to us and the school that is next to us and the dialysis center that is next to us. and also the hotel, the hilton across the way. and i brought that to them, i think that the beginning of last week and i talked to a couple of the people and none of them seemed to have any issues with it at all. although i will say that i did not get from them any notes or signed statements saying that. >> when you were applying for the permit, did you see what was suggested for you to do, what we suggest that you do for neighborhood out reach? >> i believe so, and so far as contacting the neighbors and putting up the sign and all of that and i think that i am blanking on any other. >> so, we with permits like this, the greatest issue that i
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face as a neighborhood representative is integration of this kind of business, and the neighbors. and without being consulted that starts out of a bigger issue if you don't go to the neighborhood organization or a merchant's association or a non-for profit in your area and we have listed for a different things that you can do. and to do your out reach. and even though you will be doing it by your hours, and in a room down below, and a lot of things that people don't understand is the in and out, and the extra people that is often added, causes stress to the neighborhood. and by going to these neighborhood organizations, and non-for profit you learn the kind of stresses that happen. and so, i really think that i mean that should be followed because that is an important step in integrating this kind of business and these kinds of permits into the neighborhood. >> well, i apologize for not
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taking that action. being that this is my first into the entertainment world, i didn't really know exactly what to do and i am sorry that i fell through on that. >> so, lesson learned and we have a commissioner lee comment or question. >> can you explain the type of entertainment and there is a live, or a show? >> yeah, the particular show that we have worked on is a three piece band and a singer. so jazz style with piano, drum and base, and i believe only, i believe only the singer will really be amplified at that point. and we have thought about doing a comedy night as well in the future. >> but there is something that you guys are going to promote in house or the dinner show kind of thing? >> yeah. and our i do absolutely
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understand, i mean, you know, having neighbors that hear other bars all night long and i have heard their complaints about, you know, listening to people coming in and out of bars all night long and i can certainly understand that. i will say that we have over these years done a lot of private events and rehearsal dinners and all banquet and that kind of thing where the people do get a little rucus and to date i have not had any complaints from our neighbors. >> and i think that you know, the alley and that is, we don't know where you are, i mean that nobody will even know. >> right. >> i mean it is a very unique space, it is very, you know, they, the library, that we had our summit, it has the forbidden city, exhibit from back in the day and in the 50s and they had a little, the folleys you know these, that are 75 years old. and they had a singer, jimmy
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who was the actual singer back in the day, and they did the frank sinatrsxa, that is the kind of show that i think thatal fred would be great if we could do that, that is... >> and you know, we have the or because of the space we have a limited amount of people that can attend something like this. and you know, because of that, i feel like generally a little more calm of an event, and it is a little more sedated, and you know, it is certainly not a rock show, and certainly nothing where anything would get amped up too much. but, you know, i do really hope that everybody has a good time and leaves it quietly. >> and it is a couple of more commissioner questions, and commissioner joseph and then commissioner akers? >> so i have been to alfreds and i have gotten taken there twice on my birthday and it is
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very elegant and it is a nice place. i can't imagine you doing anything, i mean, i just can't imagine it would work with your business. to do something that would be loud or so you are cognoscente and the business is good in >> yeah. good enough. >> okay. i mean, so, you are cognoscente that you will not do anything that would disturbing dining floor above? >> no. and that is a goal as well, and in fact, you know, part of it is a family business, and my family bought it 41 years ago and i took over 4 years ago and you know, why goal in taking it over was to keep it the way that i remember it when i was a kid going in there and i don't want to change it. >> the signs in the bar are great. >> and the pictures of them. >> yeah. >> and i don't want to change any of that.
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i want to keep it as classy and elegant and i don't... calm as we are. you know? i feel like even on a busy night when we were as packed as can be, it is still a restaurant where you can hear yourself talk and where you can have a conversation and we don't want to disrupt that in any way, and we don't want to disrupt that on the floor, outside of our restaurant, to our neighbors, or anything. we want to keep things exactly the same and if this does not work out, then i would not want to do this. all right. >> commissioner akers and then we will wrap it up. >> okay, yes. >> my pardon that you have stated this already. but did you, do you do the out reach to the tenants in the sro? >> i did out reach to the management and i believe that they posted my letter up on their board is what i saw when i went up there last.
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you know, the sro that is above us, has i think, 200 rooms and so unfortunately i can't contact all of them, but, you know, the landlord for that hotel is also our landlord, the manager, and from that hotel we know well and you know when i brought this up, i did ask, you know, has there ever been any complaints from your tenants about us on any given night? you know? i got a no. >> have you had the contact with the sro. >> to be honest, over the 17 years we have seen a lot of action up there.
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but we have never really communicated with anybody up there. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> one last question, is the space currently used for dining? or is that just an underground >> it is used for banquets. we have the parties in this room and sit down dinners that can do 60, or 70. but, with the smaller table and that kind of thing i think that you can hold a few more people. >> are you planning on to ticketing or is it just to accompany your dinner. >> the goal with this particular event would be to sell a ticket that includes a certain amount of food and beverage for the evening as well as the entertainment. >> as a package. >> got it. >> okay, great. >> any other questions or comments? >> otherwise we with like to open it up to the public comment. >> have a seat. >> thank you. >> public comment on the steakhouse limited live permit? >> and it looks like there isn't any. so i will close the public
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comment. commissioners? any motion? >> i would move to approve this. >> i will second that. >> all right, is there any further discussion and it looks like the police don't have additional conditions to apply outside of our good neighbor policy. >> i would like to see more neighborhood out reach, personally. i mean, i just feel like if we are going to hold other people to it that we should hold everyone to it and i would like to see at least some sort of neighborhood group actually before we grant the permit to be honest. >> and do any of the other commissioners feel simply? >> no. >> i feel the same way, we are establishing this policy to require every permit to have a neighborhood out reach and so i think that we need to enforce it. >> but i think that it is
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