tv [untitled] May 5, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT
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few important design features of the project. can you see on the first slide, this is a view of the project as if you were standing on indiana street looking south near the 18th street overpass. this is a picture of existing conditions as you can see from the plans, the site is kitty-corner to osprey park, just northwest of the esprit park and espirit park.
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esprit park in green to the northeast. we're an extraordinary transit-oriented development site and a few blocks from the mupi 3rd street ultimately subway central 20th street station and of course pier 00 and the park are just four blocks to the east and we'll get back to that in a second. moving close to the project site you can see why we dub our name project oem, and we occupy a slender site. we back up onto a landscaped
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embankment. across 19th is a warehouse that is currently occupied by an equipment rental company and to the east is the ucsf administrative and planning building. this is a diagram of the massing -- on the left, one of our emphasis, our goals in the design was to create a very articulated and diverse building facade. on that note, we were committed to really four things when we approached the building. we really wanted to build a block, not a project. we wanted to actually create a series of buildings, an experience of a series of buildings. we also wanted to give back to the neighborhood and that is why we have proposed this public art plaza. and this corner cafe. whenever possible we attempt to activate the street with
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everything from stoops to small plazas to a voluntary mid-block passageway. and then above all we wanted human-scale design. so moving on to the site plan. this is the site plan with the plaza. we are proposing a substantial redesign of the western side of indiana side consistent with better street standards that would actually result anyway widened sidewalk, planting, street trees and of course, as you move forwards 19th, the permanent closure of 19th, i want to emphasize in all of our schemes this remains fully public and would be a public plaza dedicated to large-scale rotating art and we're in conversations with caltrans about getting an easement to do work on their land as well, to build an urban bleacher. again, we'll come back with the specific plaza designs in two weeks. here is a project view,
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hovering above esprit park to the northeast. the o green building and m, reddish building to the north. i think a really important perspective view if you are standing in the corner of esprit park looking across the street and see the green o building with the playful rhythm along the fagaed, a full 17-18' clearance, transparent base and that is a double-height space with corner arts cafe and further down the block, the m building changing the palette. this is again looking back and standing to the north and looking southward and you can see the m building the reddish color and white exclamation point of that tower
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accentuating the lobby. this is a materials pal yate pallett that we're proposing to you. balconies with the same typology. as i mentioned we were really concerned making indiana became a living street. these show all of the various entrances from the large lobby entrances to individual stoops to access to the mid-block publicly accessible -- i'm
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sorry, mid-block passageway which was voluntary and something that we added. the code did not dictate that mid-block passagewayment now we're back at the plaza corner and we're just going to move down the street. again the plaza does not have to be part of the project and we'll show you the non-plaza option in a minute. the idea was to connect into the neighborhood. in fact, we heard at four different dog
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patch neighborhood associations. it's really important to talk about the urban context and what we see as an opportunity to catalyze a bunch of other changes in the neighborhood. when we were studying the plaza site we suddenly realized it's the book end, if you will, of the extraordinary work at the park proposal that the port is deep in the process of designing. what is nice about this is that 19th street kind of becomes this green corridor and start at crane cove park and land at esprit park and land at the book end of this hard-scaped plaza that would be dedicated to public art.
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when we climbed up to the embankment, we saw this extraordinary view to the crane at crane cove and that is this view. i will try to speed up. i apologize. that is the relationship between esprit, the plaza and the cafe, that is semipublic and courtyard to the overbuilding. we put great effort into having a continual floor plane, when you sit in the cafe, not only do you appreciate the public plaza, but you can see the interior courtyard to the o building. this is the corner without the plaza. jonas, should i wrap it up?
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>> yes. >> thank you. streetscape improvements and these are the stoop entrances for the o building. we're at kokomo muse. further down the m building one of the small courtyards and stoops. and then finally the tail-end of the m building and the 18th street overpass. looking down the roofline and ending up with the southern perspective. apologies for running over the ten minutes. thank you for your attention. >> thank you. let's open for public comment. [ reading speakers' names ] >> i support these 111 new units at 650 indiana.
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i decided to come and speak in support of large housing projects, whether i realized that the entitlement process is biased against ben beneficiaries of new buildings. the rest of the rental market benefits from more units. so i'm part of the generate community of renters in the bay area and i'm affecting by the lack of housing through high rent and lack of options.
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and to consider all the people that will benefit once it's built, because they don't exist yet as renters. thanks. >> thank you. next to speaker, please. [ reading speakers' names ] >> hi i'm susan vice president of the dog patch neighborhood association and as michael said we did vote unanimously to support this project. we met with the developer numerous times to discuss our concerns and suggestions to what we wanted and did not want in the design. major suggestions from neighbors and our members, which the developer responded to were creative design and exemplary quality finished materials, one-on-one site bike parking and on-site atorridable
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units and three-bedroom and open space at street-level. ample loading zones that will not impede the slow of traffic and parking. additional grooming of sidewalks and sidewalk-level. sidewalk lighting, car-share, electric plug-in for cars and to decrease and move back peripatetic walls to love boyding heights so buildings fit better to neighborhood height and bulk. this isn't the first project that building has done in our neighborhood. i can't even remember -- they did the esprit project years ago and at that time that was 147 units and there was not one vote of opposition. we feel that we benefit so much from the in the dog patch.
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the plaza is maintained and the plaza remains 100% public and that is really important to emphasize. we're talking with the mayor's office and dpw and others about should it remain a street or should it become another form of public property? and even to this 19th street location. it doesn't get as much benefit one thing to explore with caltrans to get that far is the addition of potential sound
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wall. hopefully, artfully designed at the very end, if for some reason that looks like it's desirable. >> and then you have got kind of part of the caltrans right-of-way as part of the plaza. i method imagine the stairs? >> the bleacher steps, yes. >> it's a great part of that plaza and is it a separate track with caltrans? >> i believe it comes bask in date -- back in two weeks the in-kind agreement, which covers with other sources that were identified, cover the right-of-way, the stub end of 19th and includes budget for approximately 4,000 square feet that is in the caltrans'
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landscaped easement. >> thank you. >> commissioner antonini. >> agree that petrino transformed the dog patch neighborhood. it's a wonderful restaurant and i always enjoy going there and this project is one that will further transform dog patch in a positive direction. it's already moving that way and helps to create the critical population mass that is needed in the neighborhood and therefore, we can start seeing more neighborhood-serving retail, going in, because you need enough population before it makes sense to have the neighborhood-serving services there. so that is something that we are moving towards with this and i'm very much in favor of this project. it's well-designed and well-planned and gives back a lot. >> commissioner sugaya. >> i have a question. is there rentals or condos or do we know yet? >> diego sanchez, it's a rental project. >> that is more encouraging
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because i think they are probably a better fit. so we're getting 16 affordable units, is that right? okay. i will move to approve with conditions. >> second. >> commissioner fong? >> well, you beat me to it. >> go ahead, you make it. >> [laughter ] >> incredible project and i am supportive of the project. >> commissioner moore. >> it's a great day to see great architects on housing and we have been searching for innovative housing and i think we have seen three projects today that are doing it and i'm delighted to approve it with all the positive accolades, repeating what the neighborhood organizations already summarized, i think we are right ontarget here. >> commissioner antonini. >> i think it would be remiss
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not to mention part of what we are voting on that we do agree that the shadow on esprit park is not significant and that is one of the votes that we will be taking because often times projects come up and with small impact, tiny impacts like this, become big issues. but i think it is a great project as are many others and i'm glad that the commission and public don't have any problem with the very small shadows that will result. >> on that thought, i just want to add i do agree on this project. it is a diminus impact. but this is not a protected parks and those parks fall in different categories. >> so commissioners there is a motion and second to approve the project, as proposed with conditions, including the findings for shadow. >> on that motion commissioner atbion. >> aye. >> commissioner borden. >> aye. >> commissioner hillis? >> aye. >> commissioner moore?
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>> . >> aye commissioner sugaya? >> commissioner fong? >> aye. >> commissioner president wu. >> aye. >> that motion passes unanimously -06789 commissioners that will pace you on item 14 or case no. 2012.04 the 3x1201 request for authorization. >> good afternoon agencies, rich sucre department staff and the project is a large project authorization for proposed project at 1201-1225 tennessee street and seeking modification for rearar, dwelling unit exposure, off-street loading, horizontal reduction and accessory for dwelling units. the proposed project including demolition of existing two-story commercial ware hughes building and automotive service station, and new construction after i 6-story residential building with 259
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dwelling units of which 34 will be affordable dwelling units. and grund-floor corner retail, approximately 2260 square feet. 2-car share parking spaces, 147 off-street parking spaces and 259 class i bicycle parking spaces. the project includes a dwelling units consisting of six 3-bedroom units, 105,2-bedroom, 49 one-bedroom units andet studians including common open spacious approximately 2300 square feet. private open space for1 7 dwelling units. with approximately 37' of frontage along 3rd street and extending out to 75' of frontage along tennessee state. to-date. the department received coordinatence who expressed support for the project and the department has received opposition from two individuals
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who own properties adjacent to the project site. another correspondence was received by the department which expressed opposition to the timing of the publication of staff report. the commission has been provided copies of all correspondence. under this option the project sponsor greats to rent out all units for a period of no less than 30 years in exchange for a reduction in the affordable housing requirement and a $1 reduction in their impact fees, neighborhood impact fees. copies of the agreement and rental agreements have been passed out to commissioner. after analyzing all assistpects of the project, department staff recommends approval with conditions. specific le the project is consistent with the objectives and policiest general plan. the project is located in zoning district where residential and ground-floor retail is generally permit and produces a new mixed-use development with
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significant site updates and including landscaping, private and common open space, and a publicly accessible mid-block alley. the project is consistent with and respects the existing neighborhood character and provides an appropriate massing and scale for large block. the project adds 259 new dwelling units to the city's house stock. the project proposed parking ratio of approximately .57 spaces per dwelling units or 147 off-street parking, which is below the maximum permitted ratioing of.9 5 and fully utilizes the plan controls and play the appropriated development impact fee. the project sponsor is present and has prepared a short presentation. this concludes my presentation and i'm available for any questions. thank you. >> thank you. project sponsor. >> president wu, vice president fong and commissioners, thank you for your time. it was about ten years ago, almost to the month that we first -- i first came here
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for the first time in my career as a fledgling local minority-owned real estate development company and i am very grateful that ten years later we are still here. we have developed 900 units of infull multi-family housing in san francisco. roughly 100 of those 900 are vmrs and we're very fortunate and proud to be part of the community developing housing in san francisco. we want to be doing this for the next ten year and we're also fortunate that our funding partner california public employees' retirement system is supportive of continued san francisco housing development with on-site affordable. we work with great partners in addition to calpers. a nationally recognized architect, also a woman-owned and local business and david fletcher with is helping with the 22nd street plan in the dog patch and specifically for that reason we selected him.
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i will turf it it over to jesse herzog. >> when we started this entitlement about two years ago we used acid guy post the concept caused three c's and a successful development really needing to be able to balance, one being capital and it would be disengenius to say not to hit the returns for our partner investor pal calpers and then, three, code. working with the
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