tv [untitled] May 5, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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and individuals, can actually stay in permanent housing and i think that is good common sense proposal and we are having the vacant units and essential and i think that we are having the people on the street and the vacant units unoccupied makes no sense, and we are also grappling with the national picture and we have seen over the past 25 years of the dismentaling of the social net and we have seen a rapid build up in the complex and we have also seen a significant transition from the manufacturing base economy to a serve based economy and all of those have implications that the communities like ours are dealing with and so we can't thing that there is a magic bull. i want to highlight a piece of the report that looked at the expenditures that are allocated and one figure that did jump out is the fact that we are spending about ten percent of
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the total allegation of 116 million, and ten percent of that only ten percent is going to the employment and education, initiatives and i think that we need to bump that figure up i want to close with a comment that i saw this morning and something that i was familiar with over time, several years ago a group of people gathered in this city to propose, an alternative model on or for cooperation, and i am quoting here. the reason they were proposing this model, is to reaffirm faith in the fundamental rights and equal rights of men and women and to practice tolerance and live together in peace as good neighbors. and that is from the preamble of the charter of the united nations in san francisco in 1948 and that should guide us as we move forward to our
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exploring cost effective strategies on tackling homelessness. >> thank you. >> next speaker? >> brian bassinger with the aids alliance and thank you for opening up this conversation and impressed that someone is doing their homework and is listening. i have looked forward to be continued dialogue that we are going for have because you know that i have many points to may, but i think that we share some common ground on looking at the out comes for our investments that we make as a society. i started the aids housing alliance with $100 off of my disability check and yesterday, we just served our 4,000 clients and i think that is a good return on my investment and i bought, a 2100 square foot condo in san francisco with my roommate, off of my disability income at that time, between work and disability was $20,000 a year.
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i have got 14 others into home ownership and so i am kind of a freak about a penny and i know and i am a small business owner and i run a cafe and a non-profit and so i think about these things in important ways and i am a freak about it and so are you. and as we look at the investment, in to a capitol projects to build more housing, and then, also at master leasing, one of the things that we want to look at is the impacts, not just on the organization, but also on the community, because as we take units off of the market we actually drive up the price for those people who are not able to get into these programs. and so, we are having this intensive, rental inflation, in the sro market, that far out strips the inflation in the private rental market and poverty is not going to go away
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and healthcare need is not going to go away and aging will not go away, i would like to look at it as an investment for the future in taking as much land off of the private market as possible and putting it into these types of happeneds. >> thank you. >> supervisors, dan bower with the homeless pregnatle program, and i wanted to address the amount of spending that we are doing as a city. and the number has been kind of thrown around of $165 million a year that we are spending and yes that sounds like a lot of money, but if you look at another way that is 2 percent of the city budget that we are spending on most vulnerable citizens, i think that i support of using those dollars,
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but because of the fact that more is more and we know that our programs is effective and we know that they are efficient and we have looked at the ten year, homeless plan result and we have seen, what it takes to hold the line on homelessness in a difficult economy and knowing that we can house a homeless family for $15,000 a year and knowing that we can save off an eviction for $1,000 and those are cost effective programs we can really put a serious dent in this problem, if we devote the right resources to it. we have a plan to start hitting the ground on the various grounds, and to start investing in these programs and we can get results in today.
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>> janet ray, johnson, gilman, and jennifer fredeboc, and katherine, and don falk, kim, ambusto and michael wright, thanks. >> i am with the hampton emergency center and representing the emergency center association, and that he just spoke about and i want to give you a brief summary of the cost effective strategis that we are presenting to you and we met with many of you already and we will be meeting with some of you, in the coming weeks. regarding our proposal for solutions to homelessness in san francisco, this is acting
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about just 8 million dollar, and ending in homelessness, and it is cost effective. and we are looking at providing aoe prevention and the grants and the subsidies, and medation and supportive service and supportive in the city, funded housing. out reach in education and this could reach 25,000 households in san francisco and prevent displacement of 3300 households. we are looking at housing those who do become that has proven effective and opening up affordable subsidized housing through the san francisco housing authority, and throughout our lost subsidy.
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a annual cost of $10,000 per household and this is definitely, a lot less than the cost of sheltering families, and individuals in san francisco. and providing emergency services. the direct impact of this proposal will be on 4,000 households to assist them in obtaining affordable housing for much less than the cost of displacement, and rehousing in what you know is a very high cost market today. >> (inaudible) we are living in
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the most richest country in the world. >> we need a result. >> thank you. >> next speaker please? >> robert weber and i am a part time counselor at the housing rights committee and a community activity on several levels. >> and this tuesday we are going to be going to sacramento to be lobbying for the factory form and, you know, as home sness prevention goes, this is going to be and this is a huge issue, people that become instantly homeless, they are scared to death and getting evicted for various reasons and the bottom line is the big breed of the housing market and
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its impact. i believe in supportive housing and i think that is works and it is a great model, but i also, i have been on the and talking with the people about these cbas with the high-tech companies in the triangle and those funds could be... i would encourage, and i would encourage them, to put it, and put the money in the housing, for the homeless, and why not use those cba funds and tap into those, but we have another issue, of, i hear about these people, being bused from nevada, from mental institutions to san francisco, because san francisco will make care of them and let them have them and i am sure that is not the only city in county that is doing that. so, on an individual basis, without sounding cold i would
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like to somehow prioritize the people on the streets here for a while and may not have the facilities to be able to physically access them. they may not be as competent as others who can come in and work the system from another state. but they have been here for years. and so, thank you for hearing me. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> hi, my name is allen and i am coming over here with the hospitality house and about three years ago, jane kim had a hearing on homelessness, and some of the ideas that were put forward were pretty much put down, but some of the things that got brought up were the lines that the people have had to wait in since maybe 5:00 in the morning or 4:00 in the morning ar 3:00 in the morning, and i just think that is outrageous and i think enough rooms are out there and i think that we are able to find rooms
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and bet people off of of the street in the shelters and then into the transitional house and then affordable housing and then i think that is the route to go but we need to get the people off of the streets and into the shelters. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker? >> my mame is yenna ray and thank you for allowing me to be here, there is an average two year wait, we need to work towards reducing the housing waiting lists, and due to me being chronically homeless, it tends to put limits and freeze on my success and i wanted to mention about the job because i went for a case manager, and because i am not messed up enough, i didn't allow to get the housing through them because i helped to take care of somebody and it is just a part time job, but i found that was unfair because i want to,
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and in a shelter, i got a 90 day bed because of 311 thoughing is that going to last,? and you know, that needs to stop, you know? we need to build and we need to renovate and we need to occupy the vacant housing. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please? >> good afternoon, committee members, my name is tessdavis and i am a organizer at the hospitality house and given the scope of the crisis, 166 million is not enough and i am sure that we know that, with the limited funding that san francisco does have, we need to focus the attention on the effective strategies that result in fewer doors leading to homelessness, and we need to eliminate the vacant housing units but, the last assigning to rehab tait these units and they remain empty while 5,000 go without shelter at night, and it needs to be a city
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priority and in san francisco, there are five times as many people needing shelters as there are beds and all housing providers have a wait list and the wait list has been closed for more than a decade and given the housing costs, and the competitive housing market and the gap between those who need shelter and the number of beds, we clearly need to act strategically and that means more money allocated to five specific areas, rehabing vacant units and finding more shelter space and making it legal and legal resource to fight eviction and building more housing that is truly affordable for working class san franciscans and thank you members of the committee to come together to work to find the solutions in addressing the housing crisis. >> good afternoon, supervisors, jeff, with the hampton family center and i think that everybody here agrees that supportive housing is the answer is the best way to address homelessness in our city and however, our shelters
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are full and it takes six months for the family to get into a longer term shelter bed and the pipeline is unfortunately getting close to empty and there are projects in the pipeline but it is not as ro bust as it was ten years ago when we started this journey to build the 3,000 sun its and the cities needs to be looking at the affordability issues and the land banking and the other initiatives that the folks are going to be talking about during these hearings and my colleagues from the affordable housing community will be talking about but right now before you is a proposal from hesba to modestly increase, i think, less than 10 percent of the current funding on homelessness to provide option and access to housing without the construction of affordable housing which by the ways costs half a million dollars a unit to build, to answer that question. >> with the 13.8 million dollar investment we can help to prevent, 3,000 evictions and
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300 families can help to get into permanent housing in the affordable and private market and over 400 adults do the same thing, supportive housing, more affordable housing incredibly important but right now we have over 5,000 people on the streets who don't have shelter and we should be looking at interventions like eviction presvenings as a way to reduce the homeless population in our city. >> next speaker. >> the city of san francisco is spending 1.7 percent of the budget on homelessness and this includes everything. about half of that is for housing, on people who are housed and the rest on shelter and behavior health and emergency homeless services meals, intake out reach etc. and multiple studies on the connection of homelessness shows that it results in the frequent use of the systems that drive up the healthcare systems costs and as mentioned
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for the cooperation of supportive housing it costs $40,000 annually to keep them homeless. and in san francisco, which was mentioned it costs about $12,000 a year, for supportive housing, and as a side note, the master lease units which are only slightly less, and the money goes to private land lords, and people who are paying often, 85 percent of the income, and on the rent and leaving them to extremely des taout is just less than that, and for about 10,000 and also the same cost, we can put the people into non-profit housing, and affordable units that are run by non-profit housing providers that have kitchens, and bathrooms, and bedrooms, and it costs 1400 to keep a household in the rent control apartment, and it costs the city, 12,000 to fix up, one time cost to publicly funded or a public housing. and it costs 15,000 on average
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to subsidize a household in the private market, all of these are substantially cheaper than keeping someone homeless and there are innovative solutions that could be put into place this year and they result in subnative savings and we have a proposal from hesba calling for just that, a 13.8 million invest that will do all of these things and given the city how expensive it is to force the people to remain on the streets it makes sense to invest in solutions, thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please? >> good morning supervisors i'm gale, the executive director of community housing partnership and we touch over 1,000 units of supportive housing here in san francisco. and i do want to reiterate the supporting housing is one, and rapid housing and eviction prevention is critical to our system and i do want to highlight a couple of just sort of fact checks and, so it costs
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about $33 per day, for a fully funded unit, with losp and service dollars supports by the city and it is roughly 8,000 a year for the losp and on average, it is close to, and anywhere between 2 and 3,000 dollars per year for the service package which is roughly 12,000, 33 a day which is less than hospitalization and incarceration and you should not be looking straight up and comparison to a shelter bed and a place where people that have access during the day and other amenities in the home and i do want to say that when the city invests in the permanent housing for every dollar that they spend they receive $4 in return, on average the city will invest, 9 million dollars one time cost into the property and leverage 31 million dollars either private investment or state funding, rca which opened yesterday, costs, 51 million
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dollars to build, but, every dollar, again, this is the city invested came with a $4 match. i also wanted to use this opportunity to highlight the fact that zero local dollars are spent on workforce or education activitis for homeless individuals and feel that 30 percent of the tenants could go back to work if there was adequate funding in the job training programs and harvey rose that zero dollars go to that and i hope that we use the opportunity to reinforce the workforce service and supportive housing. >> thank you. >> hello, my name is johnson and i have been homeless, and i homeless for about 20 years and i have been housed to 14 years, and 11 years in sro and three
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years in studio. we need more housing and more beds and, we need to think dramatically different about homelessness and we need to study a program called job corp it has, you could, actually live on the sight of the two years, and they have job training on the site, and you could become a mechanic and you could be worked and this is just a full functional thing that works from anywhere to two to three years and you graduate and you have a good job and you end up being able to afford a good place to live and so we need to go to la, los angeles, san francisco, arizona, and study the job corp program in the how they are hooked up and i think that we can come back to a place like treasure island and set something like that up for just a two year period of time and now shs once the money and all of that stuff is on, i don't know, i could do the research and come back with that and i think that we need to start looking at dramatically different things
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and thank you, and have a good day. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors, don faulk the executive director of the tender loin corporation, 700 are set aside for the formally homeless people and i am pleased to say that i hope that they will approve, and which will include another 40 units for homeless individuals and family and there is a growing understanding that it is clearly understood that there is savings from supportive housing and a growing understanding that housing is healthcare and that is a part of a bigger movement sweeping the country understanding of the social determ nants of health and as she pointed out most of the capitol to build the housing is not local and the real issue with that capitol is that a dollar spent on supportive housing is a dollar not available for other supportive, or for other
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affordable housing. and we really, our issue, the most important issue in my opinion, is the supply of affordable housing including supportive housing what we want and need to do is not a one time fix, but build a system that over the next 2 on years will simply produce more affordable housing including, supportive housing as a matter of routine of how we operate. and san francisco, is the envy of cities across the country, for our sophistication, and we super a housing office in the health department, we have been doing that for 15 years and most cities have not begun to do that and we are sophisticated and forward thinking. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please? >> hi, i'm cathy, i am the director of the shellers for the community services and managed next door, sanctuary, shelter in interfaith and we manage, 534 beds and what i want to is that the services are part of the hespa and the
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homeless j, provider association and i ask the board of supervisor to look at this proposal closely and it is based on all or most all of the homeless service providers in the city and it is based on knowledge, and experience, and years of working with homeless folks. and should be considered seriously, and the other thing that i would like to say is that we with the 534 beds, we are committed to staying open, 24 hours a day, and with dufty is that what we are seeing is increased medical issues among our homeless as they age and definitely looking towards a department of public health and hsa and looking at the issues of folks that can't self-care and have serious medical issues and that we are having a difficulty dealing with and so again, we support that evidence and the suggestion as far as the medical shelter, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please? >> good morning, i'm respit and
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the actor now, and some of you might have counseled with him and said that this is known as another... (inaudible) thank you for having this hearing. and impart of the hespa group and i am really committed to the proposal even though that i think that the two or three supervisors are already on board with the needs of our community. and so it is really like preaching to the choir, thank you for all of the support that you have given us, as service providers, and i know that you support what our work, and i thank you for that. >> thank you, very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors, i'm kim and i am the member of the local homeless coordinating board appointed by the board of supervisors, and i would like to reinforce what others have said with the request for information regarding the capitol costs, that as much as possible, when we are discussing the capitol costs to break down where the money came from to be invested from that
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capitol improvement or that new project, for example, how many came locally from business and how many came from private individuals, and how many came from outside of the city, and that i think this will be useful for the discussion, and i think that it would be very informative for the public. although, it does not guarantee, what will happen, in the future, it is a good indication, of where we are now and what happened in the past historically, thank you. >> thank you, very much. >> next speaker. >> okay. >> good afternoon, budget and finance. subcommittee. and i want to say, ♪ ♪i got sunshine on a homeless housing day ♪when it is cold outside ♪i got the month of... and welcome to the month of may ♪and when i get ♪you will say ♪what can make me feel that way
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♪my city ♪my city. talking about my city. ♪i got a sweeter house than the homeless bees up in the trees. ♪and thanks to you ♪city hall ♪you gave the key ♪well i will guess you will say ♪what can make us feel this way? my city, my city. ♪ push i want to say, it is a tragedy, we have lost everything and all of the money is gone away. you got no therapy, and it is going to be the city is skies are gray and it is hard to explain the money is going and housing is going away. and we need some money all that we can do is pray. and city hall we need is a
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money today. so it is hard to explain. housing going away. how will you make it on your own? this world is aufully big and you are all alone and you have the housing skills and go out and do it they are giving it to you and go out and use it. love is all around and no need to waste it. you are going to make it you might just make it after ll. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker please? >> mr. wright, the following information is not only directed to the board of supervisors but also to the city deputy attorney's office, attention, jonathan gainer i want to open up by pointing out the multimillion-dollar programs that are provided for multibillion-dollar corporations such as twitter.
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okay? and this money that has been allowed and big tax breaks for these big corporations which ends up displacing people who are residents in the city and county of san francisco is a violational of the constitutional law pertaining to the 14th amendment and due process and equal protection under the law on the grounds that you are giving big multidollar tax breaks for a certain high end back of the people whereas the people who are in the low income brackets are not receiving this type of benefit, and treatment. so, therefore, i recommend that you conduct with the city attorney to coordinate what i am talking about because, this violation of constitutional rights and due process is further compounded by this ellis act, where numerous,
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