tv [untitled] May 6, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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community and people who had been involved with this project for much longer than we had. we dropped a number of ideas that seem to be unpopular. we feel there's a very good considering among the community for the project has become the uses that were proposing. and the feedback we are not getting on a consistent basis is to please stop talking pre-start doing something. were trying to get there. we should be on the cusp. i want to talk briefly about the mix of uses. one challenge we have right now is that it's very hard to do any leasing the transition documents in place because tenants feel that there's a significant amount of regulatory uncertainty until we actually have our deal in place so hopefully this summer when the deal is in place will be able to really reassure the market that at this point all that's left is the construction execution but we have talked to a lot of tenants on what talk a
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lot more about tenant mix later in the presentation but in terms of mix of uses our goal is really to build a community and every project we do the community is really an evolving community and some of the considerations we have at this project of the types of uses so we have industrial uses, large industrial uses. we have office use. we have restaurant uses them we have small maker type uses and accommodate all those together. then we have commendation of public space and private space. there's major balancing act between things like loading and public areas, but it's up there with extremely focused on that the transaction documents cover and that the community have been very involved in and that ought not to talk about. following are just a few examples of the kinds of uses we put into other projects and which may be
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indicative of the kinds of uses we would see at pier 70. in terms of industrial which is many of the buildings on the south side, this is a picture of the project called [inaudible] that we did in 2009 and 2010. this would look like when we acquired it had a lot of the same problems. this would've looks like today. this tenant is a donkey and goat their winery and this is a page of the interior of their space. this is one set of industrial space the micro to pier 70. one aspect of the way they operate which also seems like something you would see for most of our industrial tenants is that while this is an industrial tenant that makes one, also other office in the space. they also the tasting room in the stated goals was to do some minor retail industry. dose of events and happenings for the community in the space. so they've done a wonderful job. weber barbecue pit bocce ball courts. they have picnic tables that all the tenants share in the committee shares in their industrial tenant weber number
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of ancillary uses would've really activated space. we expect many of the building south of 20th st. to have it variety of uses even if they are predominant character is making industrial. with respect to office up your senator to buildings though the circle become office because historically were office. building 101 and building 104 this is a picture of what fort point looked like prior to renovation. this is what [inaudible] look like today. what was seen in the market is love creative office type uses to my lot of nonprofit type uses, and a lot of tech type uses. the really drawn to historical buildings. we are talking to all those groups actively though no one has committed yet. again waiting to see the project get to the stage with the transaction documents are approved. the 3rd type of use that we have worked very hard to create at pier 70
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are small maker type uses. one of the changes we have that right now the spaces are huge and we have a lot of historical constraints of cutting them up so we looked upon as many small existing structures as possible. were also look at some opportunities for temporary container or other type structures in the courtyard where you could have uses that are smaller, that our local, that are affiliated for example sf made and they would be faced with 50,000 square-foot space. instead they maybe have 1000 square-foot space. so this a picture of a small space of a protocol 1414 product. b became [inaudible] which is a local boutique and it is uninsured and their shirts in the back warehouse their shirts and so their shirts. and it really been a huge part in turning around the block in the epicenter of where a lot of the
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[inaudible] had happen and change the way the community sees this portion of downtown [inaudible]. that's great a lot of the small combined spaces as well. if something we can continue to design and coordinate with the port and with the community. last, we are going to have a number of public space. is a picture of it [inaudible] pavilion in richmond and acquisition and what it would look like upon completion. the a lot of events that have in that space that's a picture of the [inaudible] symphony playing on 3 july. it's an annual free concert. uses range from music festivals to food and wine to roller derby to foreclosure workouts. it's very active space. it's a really driven by the different interest of the community it's a mix of free event ticketed events, large ones, small events. they not have a good weekend events. the number of rules and regulations that we are negotiating with the port, with the goal of activating this area as much as possible
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but one thing we've heard from the kerry would like an opportunity to come down the part of the site. so to that end, there to public spaces that we create in this project. the 1st one is an indoor space. it is an atrium in building 113 that building is currently in danger of collapse. after seismically retrofitted, there'll be a space in the middle showing green on the upper right-hand corner of this slide loose will have a number of small uses which lessons were retail support opportunities for food and beverage, public restrooms, and then also ability to do indoor defense. the other thing this will provide are very beautiful core doors. when you walk in to the site of glass of vacuuming to look down and see into the tenet space and a sense for the grandeur and size of the
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building. to a greater extent than even historically is possibly this historically there were number of walls which would have blocked your view. public hours bart daylight hours so an hour after sunset. we expect to have a letter programming in the [inaudible]. epa's. outside we benefit from the best weather in san francisco. the abruptly in acre of plaza. the plaza is a shared use space. so, we have a lot of work with the planning department and the port staff to figure out how to trucks can come in safely. were going to have a lot of rules and regulations but when trucks can come in to accommodate the industrial tenants. we also have extensive bike parking in this area. we have storm water management in this area. then we have the ability to do a lot of events in this area. both gimmicks of tenant is shown in
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the light gray strip around the courtyard which at times will be used exclusive portions of which will be at times used exclusively for tenant tenants and other times will be used for the public. for example, the tenet had some equipment because it was the tenant need to silo something they may have their silos in a portion of that light gray area but the public was to be able to walk [inaudible] base of the building. this area will be used for construction staging. it will be closed for 18 to 36 months to count how long buildup takes as his construction is completed near it will be opened up to the public. their number of wilson regulation but the way the space may use. again, we open during daylight hours. will provide new writing so it's safe. restrooms bike stations,
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we have the ability to close the area at night. for safety. we also have provisions for a limited number of special events each year. similar to the views happening in the city right now is done fort mason. if things like off the grid. so, we really look at the space as what we dubbed the kaleidoscope of time the notion being that very early in the morning like you might see an apposite in europe the beer truck activity that segues into an opportunity to come down and get a copy in the morning then you have a lunch crowd that's a pedestrian driven then in the evening you have music and events with bigger events and festivals on the weekends. in fact one thing we would like to do is coordinate with the [inaudible] to do a big festival may decide to a jazz festival which is happening right now or coordinate with the rest of the development and
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initiatives happening down at the site as the site develops. a quick notes on potential tenant team with they run the gamut in terms of uses. we have one tenant who has really committed to the project subject to getting the transaction documents approved. they been very patient with us were extremely excited to have them on board. we actually have a representative from the group here. craig anderson. with a blood centers of the pacific. the wonderful lifesaving group. they are currently looking upon the sonic david and san francisco for about 75 years and this is an opportunity for them to remain in san francisco to consolidate a number of their industrial and other operations in one place. to
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build. beautiful publicly accessible space and continue doing all the really good work that they do. so were extremely excited to be in talks with them. we are looking for to firming up the deal in details once we clear the final regulatory pieces of the project. the project, like phil said, as a major capital stack hurdle and lifted to 50% prerace to get some of our bank financing in place. so were still working with great credit and [inaudible] blood centers also gives us a significant start on it requirements. briefly, benefits, kaiser marston is an independent 3rd party for the port estimate approximate 9 on $20,000 in annual property taxes. this addresses the hundred and 50
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million capital liability and deserves these buildings hopefully before the past the point of no return. knock on wood representing [inaudible]. finally, in terms of neighborhood benefits, early in the project reach an agreement with the hrc. we have a 25% goal for workforce local and disadvantage higher. 50% goal for new hire being vocal and disadvantage. 17% local business enterprise participation rate and then on top of that we have additional requirements for the city loan which include a 25% goal for women and business enterprises and minority business enterprises. the reached out to the local community and the local chambers and have had an opportunity to some of the court port initiatives to meet with some of the people who we
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might not have had the chance to meet with before and we are really committed to be engaged with the community and to create a great jobs that benefit the community. so, to the extent that were interested we masturbate to contact us make sure they have our information and we will make sure every group that expresses interest hears from either us or the [inaudible] brothers the general contractor which is very capital capable card general contractor on the job and will make sure everyone wants a shot at putting on this on the work that remains has the shot to do that. so it is great about 4 and 5450 construction jobs and once the project is a up and running at least 500 permanent jobs. so i'll turn it over to fill. will stick around for questions. thank you >> commissioners, then fill it
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once in project management for. thank you for the favorite to mother to wrap up with a few next apps as you might expect over the coming months and of course be available to answer any questions along with other port staff, jonathan stern and byron [inaudible]. of course the court and development team. so, the next immediate thing you would see if we are able to continue progress with the making of late is to bring this to you for approval as soon as the evening. right now our your for cover shows this committee on may 13. were doing everything we can to make that a reality. following your approval of the project there some other things to secure all the finance we talked about
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today. including completing the seismic loan, due diligence, taken that information to the capital planning committee approval process for the seismic loan also to the ift individual bond issue that would, the loan approvals. beyond that we would be at the board budget [inaudible] these documents and the board approval would also be required subsequent to the committee recommendation. at that point would be ready to execute the lease fully an issue port building permits would be applied for and been reviewed by port staff. concession concert as soon as the sum group talk about august which is a good goal and will do our best again to achieve that. with construction anywhere from 24 months in this good market
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potential a little longer if the market slows down i will be. 2nd was a presentation. again thank you for your time and were available if you have any questions. >> public comment? upper speaker is current words central waterfront advisory group >> good afternoon president@commissioners and director moya. my name is karin was. i am cochair with [inaudible] of the port central waterfront advisory group. we been working on peer 74 more than 12 years now. we are absolutely delighted to recommend the wharton project move forward. for your approval. orton has been incredibly creative incredibly patient incredibly committed to this project. we think they have, it's going to be a very
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comp kidded difficult project to achieve. we believe orton has not only the experience but also the tenacity to see it through. they been very responsive to the community. i brought a letter that toby and i wrote. i did a few good a copy. i've got copies. if you don't. one thing that we want to be very sure of is that the public access, the public open space is open to the public. to the greatest extent possible. we don't want we want to be able to have people recognize that it is public space and be welcomed into that space on a regular basis. so they get used to the idea if you want to go down to the havoc of coffee is open to the
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public. not be unduly shut off by loading or 5 private events. it's extremely difficult with the historic buildings to have to get loading areas. apparently there is great differences on the streets that make it tough will it really like to see the port and orton try and work out some alternative loading strategies. so that public open space can be kept publicly accessible as much as possible. where you urge you to move forward. if they have to have 50% pre-leasing to get their construction funding the sooner we do it the better. thank you >> thank you. next he or paul nixon. >> commissioners, i just want
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to say that i have been for 12 years with the central waterfront advisory committee. my function in that group basically is nonmotorized vehicles. both vehicles, as it were. the kayaks and the out river canoes and things like that. however i became very early interested in orton because i'm a bicyclist and i've heard a lot about what orton had done in [inaudible] for my friends in berkeley. so when i found out that gordon was going to do 370 was very excited. so, i talked to andy [inaudible] of the symphysis go advisory commission to [inaudible] a big bike ride
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this was a couple years ago to bring people to san francisco to look at what they're doing over there. it was marvelous to see the ford assembly plant the restaurants the other pieces they had done and we felt this was a group that would really be great at peer 70. i talked to the commissioner about that a couple years ago. i just want to say that since then i'm fairly convinced that these are the people that can solve the problems. they are good people. they understand the problems they want to work with the community. this see why group is also willing to work with seems to be so there are some areas with a look at the public and private uses but i'm sure [inaudible]. i hope you will approve everything today. thank you very much >> thank you. any other public comment? seeing none,, public
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comment is close. commissioners? >> i just want to say thank you for the informational presentation. were honestly not approving the final project and all its terms is very useful to hear what they'll position of the developer is and like the characterization that james i'm not there on the one-yard line. i think there are some things are so trying to clarify and finalize. before this does comport. for final approval. i'm very hopeful that staff and orton will come to agreement on those terms and that we can the commissioner looking for to hear the final proposals. so we can move forward and that we can get that touchdown together. appreciate it. thank you >> i think this is a great
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project and aventine by that site for the last 35 years has been blighted for most of that time. my hats off to the developer for taking on this. but that a lot of these projects myself over the years and i know what it's like i think it's going to be a great partnership with you guys in the port.. it's also about jobs construction jobs and let's complete permanent jobs. our tax base [inaudible] benefit from all of this.. is just incredible project. i envy you guys. i wish i was doing it 35
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years ago. this is what i used to do 35 years ago. maybe not as big as scale as this but it's very exciting. i'm really excited about seeing them rolling those billions, to life in original splendor and that's going to be exciting over the next 4 or 5 years to see that. i still believe there is a little bit of negotiating to go on between the port and you guys. i hope you get that worked out in a speedy manner and let's get on with it and get the boots on the ground and let's are doing some work over there. >> thank you so much for a wonderful presentation and thank you for stepping up to save our historic buildings. i do think this is a great project, very exciting project and looking forward to the outcome. i also want to thank james for [inaudible] exchange last week and for committing to
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work with small business. i'm really looking forward this project getting off the ground. thank you >> i think the rest of the commissioners echo what i want to say, but i have to tell you, good on the one-yard line you can find. [inaudible]. i'm not letting you find, eddie. i just want to say see that korean is the koran is that conscious of the commission. as a community activist but the community is going to so benefit from this and the 1st time that i had chance to see the building [inaudible] gamy a walk-through i could tell this was a labor of love. sure you make money but this is a labor of love. this project will have long-lasting effect to the city for years to come. this we all new community that will be reinvented. i told you the only
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thing that i wish had breakfast with you guys is that you can do something for husband i toys support this project is a couple things that between 10 will get there. the community this is an area i want to live in because it's going to be revitalized the shot in the arm for the community in that area. also to those builders just going through them and imagine what they're going to look like when it's done going to be like a masterpiece. it will be like a masterpiece here in san francisco. i know it's been difficult but things are falling in place. i feel 100% that this thing will get going in august or whenever the date is in full support in orton and full support in separate told john earlier i get it done. they will get it done. so thank you. >> i will also echo the sentiments of my colleagues and really thank all of you for stepping up to save these building. i know it's not an easy project really appreciate
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your expertise and diligence in looking at fort. our firm for many football metaphors. i also do want to do a special thank you for the efforts to work with the local community and recognize that's only going to add more valuable to the project by having added community participation. and buying in, so to speak to making it a reality is so thank you for that. also as i said earlier today getting a lot of examples of the diversity of what happens here at the ports. so we've gone from small businesses moving into peer 33 1/2 to this project which is an incredible historic rehabilitation. and several older buildings and very excited to see what's happening. even more so when i saw the pictures of your before and after of some of your other project. also i think the [inaudible] for their interest in coming in and being ready to help the
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project move forward as well. i think will be very lucky tenant. osha had axes to become an attendant down there myself. it's a very exciting location but also appointed to the gateway to other projects here at the port and so what you do really starts the process as people recognize that this is an area in san francisco that's become an enlightened and along the waterfront we have our blue greenway which be a series of walkways and open space leading up to the entry to 20th st. some very excited and we saw that [inaudible] parked right beside. so very excited to see this project move forward and, as you succumb hopefully none too soon. thank you very much and also think our staff for working on this and helping to get it almost overline. so,
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thank you. >> thank you very much >> item 15 new business >> commissioners i want to point out one thing on the for calendar. due to some scheduling issues we'd really like to bring forward the metro agreement for pier 27. cruise terminal a little earlier than the forward schedule shows so were proposing a may 13 informational item and may 27 action item presuming the informational item to goes smoothly. with him best to get the word out so everybody knows that would relate to get that approval done in may to accommodate some scheduling conflicts and then i also like to take this opportunity to wish commissioner brennan a happy birthday later this week. happily is not actually a commissioner on the birth. i feel was the last year were you before so happy birthday to you. >> thank you >> now turn back. >> any other new business items
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for us today? we have plenty from other meetings. >> have one item. i'm sure were all just obviously reacting to what we saw in the headlines in the newspaper today. we are aware now that honestly. 33 is not going to be going forward as the arena. i guess what my suggestion is not certainly at the next meeting but that we start to have a staff tell us what the options for pier 33 given that we [inaudible] is not going forward and we understand that at some future commissioner meeting. >> certainly. >> thanks. that includes our costs of continuing maintenance
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which if we could find out what the costs are just to maintain it going forward. those can be even separate items. >> sure >> commissioner cason i have copy yesterday and we talked about come up with ways to come up with some ideas. i know that we had used to get a meeting way back 6 months, it was absolutely fantastic with the other people that came up and inquired
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