tv [untitled] May 6, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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>> good afternoon. welcome to our rules committee meeting for thursday, may 1, 2014. happy may day, international workers day. i am superivsor yee and i will chair this meeting and joined by supervisor campos and supervisor tang. the clerk is lisa miller. the committee would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgtv. mark bunch and jim smith who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online. madam clerk are there any announcements? >> yes. please make sure to silence phones and electronic devices and speaker cards should be submitted to the clerk and appear on the may 13 agenda of the board of supervisors unless
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otherwise stated. >> if there is no objection i want to take things out of order right now and start with item two. item number one we will need to wait for our city attorney to show up. >> item two is a hearing to consider appointing one member ending november 19, 2014 to the rules committee. there is one seat and one applicant. >> okay. come on in if you would like to give a brief statement. >> thanks for having me. i prepared my statement of purpose before and i come from a background of being a daily commuter in san francisco. i have been a district 9 president for 10 years so i was around when the board of supervisors voted to over turn the injunction against the bike improvements and that's what i have seen before and after and i am impressed what has come of it
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and i am excited finding more about the process and the city and organizational level and being an advisor for the mta and other groups that require. previous to my job i was at day side cycle for three and a half years and there i was part of the safety committee which was a project to develop a safer ride to become the safest ride in the world basically and it was a great process. it was about personal accountability and rules of the road but i think it applies in this context because there's so many individuals using the space and it would be interesting to see what communication around safer cycling looks like so yeah. i wanted to make myself available if you have questions. >> any questions? okay. seeing none. thank you. >> okay. >> thank you. and then is any public comment on this item?
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seeing none public comment is now closed. [gavel] . supervisor campos this is your appointment. >> thank you very much mr. chairman. i want to begin by thanking amar parry for his application. we are lucky that we live in district 9, a district where biking is truly a big priority and it's part of people's lives. that facts makes it challenges when selecting someone to represent the district on this important body, biking advisory committee and we received a large number of applicant apts and i was impressed with his background, professional background and involvement and commitment to biking and i think he's going to
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be a tremendous addition to this body and i am very proud to today vote for his appointment, and i look forward to working with you and i know district 9 will be well served by your work, so i am very appreciative you're willing to serve the city and i am excited to looking forward to work with you. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you. i am also happy to support this candidate and want to thank you for interest in serving on this body, so i guess i second that motion. >> okay. i don't always complement supervisor campos on his choices for appointment but i have to say you made a good choice on this one, so there's a motion on the floor. with no objection the motion pass. [gavel] . thank you. >> i'm going to quote you on that supervisor.
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>> okay. why don't we go back to item one. >> item one is an ordinance amending the governmental and regulations and campaign and municipal elections and park police subdivision code to make nonsubstantive changes. >> good afternoon. city attorney john gibner so about two years ago our office created some new processes for reviewing ordinances before they're introduced and catch legal issues along the way and along the way we have been picking up errors from old codified ordinances we want to correct so this is an attempt to correct all those we found over the last year and a half or so. we will probably come back in
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another year with a ordinance like this but this ordinance is completely nonsubstantive. it's pure clean up, typos and cross references and that type of thing. >> it did get rid of the noise task force which was about two pages long. >> i believe that one was -- there were sunsetted provisions tha reremained in the code so we tried to remove those as well. >> just to make sure -- >> i am glad you're reading it. >> yes. any questions? okay. no questions. any public comment on this item? seeing none public comment is now closed. [gavel] could i have a motion supervisor tang? >> sure. just want to thank the city attorney's office for implementing the new review system and it's going to be
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helpful so i would like to have a motion to for this to be sent to the full board with recommendation. >> with no objection the motion passes. thank you very much. madam clerk could i have item three. >> item three is a hearing to consider appointing one member term ending april 10, 2015 to the graffiti advisory board. there is one applicant. >> i am jana lord and the chair of the advise ree board. it's my distinct pleasure to represent clear channel to the contractor for the sfmta. that's my role on the board. i have been on the board for six years and i look forward to many more. >>i am curious you ever on the f. -- you have been on the board
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for six years and do you see a difference in the discussion from then to now? >> yes back then it was education and abatement and not sure where to g now we're actively involved in london breed's legislation and also we're looking into advertising campaigns, psa and both television and radio and hope to launch that in the next couple months. basically inform the public call 311 so when you see something happening so we can help the police department catalog and go after vandals and clean up the city. >> any other questions? seeing none thank you very much. >> thank you. >> any public comment on this item? seeing none public comment is now closed. [gavel] supervisor campos. >> yes. thank you. i want to thank ms. lord for her interest and for her service and for her
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continued interest in serving. this is a very important body and so i am happy to make a motion to move this item forward with a positive recommendation. >> okay. >> mr. chair we need to make a motion to include the residency waiver. >> i will include the motion to do that. >> could that be done in one motion? >> yeah. >> so there's a motion. any objection? seeing none motion passes. thank you very much for continuing to serve. >> thank you. >> item four. >> item four is a hearing considering appoint one member ending december 31, 2015 to the sro task force. there is one applicant. >> i am bruce burge. this is actually a renewal request. i have already sat on the sro task force since i believe political 2010, and i would like to continue on as owner operator.
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>> okay. so how many do you actually own? >> actual ownership? zero. i work as a property manager and we have probably 30 plus properties here in san francisco as a operator. >> okay. got it. would one is the biggest one that you guys manage? >> our biggest properties would be the heartland under a master lease with thc, senca. acquired the baldwin house on 6th street as well as hills dale. the big properties are on our master leases. >> how many years have you been serving on this in. >> april, 2010 i believe. >> 2010. what's your reason for wanting to continue? >> i'm sorry? >> what's the reason for
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wanting to continue? >> actually i enjoyed working with both the city people, rosemary boss, dr. moho, sam patel who is also a owner operator. things move slowly with the task force with just one meeting a month at an hour and a half but we accomplish some things. i know that we made recommendations. most recently was the bed bug issue and in my opinion it was late in coming we provided the board of supervisors with a comprehensive package i disblbl okay. supervisor tang. >> actually i think some of the questions they had were addressed through superivsor yee's questions but i wanted to know given your past work on the task force already what were things that you worked on and hope to achieve if you continue serving? >> the bed bug is the big one and we're working on safety
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issues in the sro's -- beyond my joining the task force there was a push for sprinklers in the 80's when there were fires in the sros taking out the housing stock. i building the task force was instrumental getting that ordinance passed through. again we're working on safety issues but mostly on a tenant basis. we think that the properties are primarily cleaned up and safe but there are issues with the individual tenants and how to get a handle on that. >> supervisor campos. >> yes, thank you. again thank you very much for your service. i had a question wondering if you have any thoughts -- some of the challenges that we see with some of the sros in neighborhoods like the mission, north mission area. you have a number of privately owned sros and there are many challenges
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that come with them, and challenges that include the very issue raised of safety. any thoughts on sort of how we can move forward and address some of those concerns? >> well, from an operator standpoint? yes. i believe that it's almost better sometimes to take a tough love approach and i know that the city as a whole is adamantly against eviction, but when you have certain tenants who are actually causing the problems because they're not following the rules. they're bringing in people that are using and selling illegal substances. i think they need to be removed and removed right away. personally i live in an apartment and quite frankly i don't have those activities going on and it's a pleasant place to live and i think we can
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have the same thing in sros if you get -- not a different class of people, but a more community sense of tenant, people that want to become involved that aren't causing problems. >> how do you also get to get the right level of engagement and response from the operator themselves? because sometimes that can be a challenge. >> it can be, and i know that mr. sam patdel was working with the operators and it's gone by the way side and not an active organization anymore. i think outreach to the owners from other operator owners i don't think -- there's really almost two sets of people running in this city that are operating. sort of the old school -- they don't want to do
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anything and there's the younger people and they want to improve the properties. they want a nicer product out there for the public and i think they need to be engaged almost on a one-on-one basis, and if there is a particular problem with a owner or property i think it should be brought to the task force's attention and let us discuss it and see if we can do outreach to them. >> okay. thank you very much. >> certainly. >> thank you. any public comments on this item? seeing none public comment is now closed. [gavel] is there a motion? supervisor tang. >> so i would like to make a motion to forward this to the full board with recommendation with a residency waiver. >> okay. any objection? seeing none motion is now passed. [gavel]
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thank you very much okay item five moving along. >> item five is a hearing to consider the quarterly reports of the shelter monitoring committee. >> so let's see -- bernice -- hi. >> [inaudible] >> department of public health. right. >> good morning supervisors or good afternoon. i think you all have the reports. great. there's two reports that the committee has. one is the 2012-13 annual standard of care report and the second report is the first and second quarterly report of this fiscal year. we had the opportunity to meet with either you directly or your staff to go over the reports so there's some things i would like to highlight and also talk a lot
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about the work that the committee is doing with the department of public health and the human services av -- agency to make the reports in front of you more user friendly so that the committee can help identify issues as they come up and notify the contractor and the providers. so the first report which is the standard of care annual report goes through the last fiscal year's complaints. there were 128 clients who complained and the committee issued 64 complaints so the committee issues complaints when they do a site inspection. of all the committee issued complaints all of them are closed which mean when is it was issued to the site the site responded in a way that the committee felt the issues brought up were addressed. of
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the 128 clients who complained the majority of clients, 72% didn't have contact informationo no phone number or email or mailing address for us to follow up once the site responded or we did respond with the information they provided and they didn't follow up, so i want to spend a little time on this category. one of the areas that the human services agency has brought up to us is how this area, the no contact area, isn't really the way the committee is presenting it, isn't really helpful to the providers, so what happens when a client files a complaint the site responds, and then the client, the complaint antd has an
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opportunity to read the response and decide whether they agree or not. with this category and the majority of the complaintings we're not seeing if they feel the issue was addressed so what the committee started doing last fiscal year and this fiscal year is any area addressed in a complaint within this category the committee divides these issues up and conducts their own investigation or site inspection to see if the fact -- that the issues that were brought up -- that there is reason to file a complaint on behalf of the committee or if the issues have been addressed and this has been a pretty successful way for us to see what's happening with this large portion of client complaints. the break down at the end of the report is that appendix -- and it gives you shelter by shelter look at the type of complaints that were
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seen and who filed the complaints and if there were complaints around specific staff, individuals, if there were a large number of complaints about one, two, or three staff. three of the shelters, st. josephs, united council and compass received no complaints for the fiscal year. st. josephs received no complaints and every time the committee went out they felt it was to the standards of care and the others were generated from the committee and it's important to point out lark kin and mission neighborhood resources center, hamilton had a very low number of complaints and mission and larkin had one complaint
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for the whole fiscal year. >> supervisor. >> in the report -- >> supervisor campos. >> it's okay. i will go over you. >> so thank you very much and i do love the hat as well. looking at the report and looking at the types of complaints filed with some of the shelters for many of them a recurring issue seems to be facilities and access. can you tell me a little more about what that would include, the issues that come up, something like that? >> for the rules committee members if you turn to page four of the report there say break down that supervisor campos is referring to and it gives a couple of examples of the types of complaints but with facilities and access a lot of
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the complaints have to do with language capacity, and i apologize for using a term like "a lot." i can give a break down if that is helpful. so with language capacity there is three areas. there is the fact >> and then the last area with language has to do with printed materials at minimum from city and county and for the service provider need to be in english
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and spanish. so the committee has really worked with some of the smaller sites so if they didn't have the capacity to do translation it was small the previous staff on the monitoring committee was bilingual and she did a lot of translation for sites and now we have three members opening to doing smaller translations. other access issues have to do with being able to use a phone at certain times, being able to be at the site during the site hours that are posted. those are some examples of facility and access. >> how does that -- thank you very much. how does hamilton for instance -- they have seems zero complaints in facilities and access, so what's the
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difference between hamilton and -- take i guess compass. how is it that one can be doing so well in this area but not the other? >> okay. i don't know that i can speak directly to shelters' programs but i can give you an overview that some of the shelters are actually in a shelter so hamilton family shelter is in a shelter. >> i see. >> so it's run and operated by hamilton. compass on the other pand is cohoused in another facility so two floors of sro are a shelter and the other floors are for residents and they have a shared kitchen space and laundry space, so because this is a site i have gone to, compass i can let you know some of the issues were around
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signage and what was happening the agency that ran the shelter was putting things up in english only. the shelter who co-shared the space was getting dockd and the last two program managers made this a priority, so in the last three months we have been at compass twice and once there was one violation and this last time there was none, so i think some of it -- we need to be as a committee and the report be more descriptive of the shared space and i am looking here and i apologize if that's not noted that this shares a space with another program whereas hamilton has full -- >> sure. i appreciate that. in terms of translation is there a general policy if there is signage it's included in different languages sore depends on the facility? >> >> so the standards of care
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only require that the signage coming from the city and county be in english and spanish. another standard requires if a client asks for it they need to provide for it, so if you need something in turkish the site needs to work to provide that to you but the standard right now is english and spanish. >> i imagine there are cantonese speakers who would benefit from signage in that language as well. russian or -- >> when the standards were created there were discussion about including more languages but the end result was just those two languages listed, but again if an individual asks for something to be in vietnamese, in norwegian it has to be provided but i can't speak for
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the sites themselves or to providers here, but i think that's also a resource issue and they don't necessarily have the resources to make the translations in those languages. >> yeah, i understand that. i appreciate that. i do think if there is a way that we can sort of address that issue, so that there is more of a systemic approach because it may be that people who need that are -- maybe they're afraid. maybe they don't know how because of a language barrier so that's an issue. i wanted to ask you just a final question, and again i really appreciate the tremendous work of this committee. one of the issues that came up over the years was the issue of with lgbt folk not feeling safe in some of the shelters, and i am
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wondering if you could talk a little bit about what steps had been taken to provide more culturally competency around lgbt issues with staff and ensure there is a safe welcoming environment. >> so the committee -- that's not something we oversee. it gets confusing because we're reporting on it but i know there is a representative from the human service agency and there are two providers here that could address t what i can talk about the is human rights commission had a task force that ran for a certain period of time, i think 18 months, on housing and trans gender issues. they came before the committee last fiscal year and asked that we collect that data and by that data i mean when we do site visits and use a survey form that we're asking individuals if they feel like they're facing
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discrimination and one of the recommendations that came out of the human rights commission task force is that signage be placed up in shelters that says this is a safe space. the transphobic comments will not be allowed and things like that. it's not uniformly happening in all of the providers but the larger ones and st. vincent de pauls and msc south has signage and they have given the template to the committee and we are changing the names and circulating that out. >> going forward whether a site provides -- i mean puts up that signage something you will report on? >> we do report on it and check on it but because it's not part of the standards of care it's
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