tv [untitled] May 6, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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used for laundry and did not effect his living area. i don't know if you have questions for me >> colleagues, any questions. to the departing interest. supervisor cowen >> i want to make sure your splitting the lots for two single-family homes. >> we were looking to split the lot to keep the front duplicating election and eventually someone will sell it it and we recorded those as a deed restriction. >> any further questions colleagues. okay. at this time i'll ask if any members of the public that
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support accident interest. seeing none, why don't we hear under the appellant supervisor breed a question? okay. back again for 3 minutes from the appellant >> first of all, i'd like to address the notice that was placed in my unit. i did not realize at the time the scope of this project. and it wasn't upon visitation from the planning board i found out that portion of my unit will be reduced it's not true it's not part of my unit. i have direct access from my bathroom and i pay for the laundry and storage and use it on a regular basis. furthermore it's true i don't have access to the parking but i
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refer to the planning code section 159 where is veterinarians have been sought and removes parking issues for myself and everyone in our community for the if i blocks. also again, it maybe an issue for the rent board but i'd like to stress the fact that section 135 of the planning code even though there's an a vanes granted it will reduce my private space to less than 86 square feet from approximately 3 hundred square feet with editions that are made by me over the years and were made under the understanding that at
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least with the previous owner that i would have use to and of. so again, i request that appeal be overturned on the grounds that will effect the block and the aesthetics of the block there's been the only other subdivision granted in 2008, but i would like you to consider that was sometime ago and the city has changed >> thank you. >> any final questions to the appellant supervisor breed. >> no, i don't have any final questions. >> let me ask the members of the boards any parties involved in the appeal. this hearing has been held and filed >> supervisor breed i want to make a motion to hold the hearing open. >> okay.
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>> and i ask for a continuance. i have a real concern about the particular project and i'm not certain what the project is and the legal itself are and i know whether or not we have the basis to where we couldn't or support the map. and clearly there is more time and more information needed before a decision can be made and supervisor breed made a motion to resend closing the hearing and move to continue this for one week supervisor breed? >> oh, yes one week. >> let me ask the city attorney is that enough time for feedback from the parties and i'd leave that to the party i suggest we
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have a date by which the appellant and applicant and the departments do so to file additional or irresponsible brooeflgz so the board can make appropriate discussions when you come back. >> and i was, of course, supporting that mostly because i am hearing two different things and am not certain of the legal itself i've not been provided which side is accurate is the space being lost or is it, is the map appropriate i'm not having enough information. >> so let me first suggest we reopen the hearing we is he
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render coloring the hearing it's been reopened. i see both parties want to speak for a moment to provide us additional documents first, the appellant and the real party of interest for a minute >> the most major factor to move in a timely manner in thursday i'm be undergoing reconstructive surgery but it will prevent me from gaining all the things i'd like to submit to you and thereby would q request two weeks but i'll work to get it. >> so two weeks to get information. >> because of the surgery i have scheduled. >> let me scotland the real party of interest how much time
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to provide additional information. >> two weeks is fine with us we could possibly get you the information before that. i want to clarify the space that's a one story extension of the existing building is shared by the tenants above ate a laundry room as well it's my understanding they also use it. and if upper to see this portion here there's a photograph let me show you the photograph. >> president chiu. >> sir why don't i suggest, sir. why don't i suggest rather than you trying to present this consider asking both parties to present the information and bring back the hearing three weeks from now to give the
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departments time to respond >> any only question who shall and i i direct this information to. >> this board of supervisors and actually we did that i don't know who screened them but we'll be happy to provide them again. >> okay. i i understand may 20th i want to give our city departments to review the information and give feedback unfortunately, there's not a meeting over is 27 so it will be june 3rd so supervisor breed we transparence a motion to get the information by the 20th and the city departments can provide us with any analysis on the third make sense. yes
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>> seshtd by supervisor kim. any discussions >> i want to concur it will be significant to get more information from dpw when we're making decisions it is very difficult again given the limited amount of information you don't i know when we have an appeal i don't understand the facts and finding and just what was behind the subdivision initially and think there is a higher level of the information that is needed. >> so okay. so supervisor breed is making a motion to direct the parties for written information by the 20th and back on june 3rd to continue with this hearing seconded by supervisor kim we'll take that without objection. that will be the order.
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>> question will this be a 3:00 p.m. >> yes. as our special orders are. okay. colleagues i believe we are at the end of our special orders if we can go to our adaptation calendar >> item 32 through 36 a single roll call vote can be considered. >> colleagues anyone want to sever any of those. >> on item 3 it through 37. >> 36. >> okay supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed.
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supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor cowen. supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. supervisor mar. there are 11 i's. those resolutions are adapted. supervisor mar do you understand you have an impart of item is interest >> madam clerk, call item 37 submitted by and their declaring may 9 in recognizing the fokt anniversary in the city and county of san francisco. >> colleagues, we have a resolution with the finding and supervisor mar has made an adoption any public comment on this item. >> okay. seeing none seeing
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none, public comment is closed. if webb we could took the resolution same house, same call? can you read the memoriams >> yes. mr. president, today's meeting will be adjourned in the following at the suggestion of supervisor kim and supervisor chiu on behalf of the entire board for stefan and added suggestion from the entire boards of supervisors for the late rubbing i didn't and i want to thank sfgovtv crew jordanian madam clerk, any other business before this. >> that concludes our business for today. >> ladies and gentlemen, we're adjourned.
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vote. >> welcome to the 2014 online budget you town hall with san francisco mayor ed lee and supervisor farrell and the mayor's budget director kate howard this is the third year it is hosted and it is important to enable and engage all as follows to become a active part of his process this is is social 3 to 4 so we're happy to engage the public many a live conversation about they're spending priorities we want the hour to be inclusive i'll explain how to join the xfgz first, you, send an e-mail to a mayor edwin lee at the and it's smooe
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not ed you have to include in the subject line or tweet us at the mayor ed lee yourself the sophisticating budget or post our comments other than the mar package first, i'd like to introduce mayor ed lee. >> thank you, barbara. i'm glad to be here and i'm glad to join supervisor mark farrell, as the public knows generally we have to make an agreement as to this budget and i'm glad we will be working together. there's a lot of priorities for the city and i want to explain and take the opportunity to explain some of them. we now have a two-year budget. we have been just implementing a lot of good fiscal discipline in the city which is why i think there's so much investor confidence in the city that you see all over. there is a lot
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of construction, there is companies wanting to move in, and we're confident that we can get a budget that will effect the needs of the city. for me i'm wanting to make sure that we continue those fiscal disciplines that have kept us as a strong city so two-year budget, 5 year financial planning that we have imposed on ourselves, putting enough noipb reserves to get our credit ratings up so when we ask the public to fund special things they would be willing to because we know they will be able to complete them and complete them well just like the sf general hospital which is on schedule to be completed very soon and we're expecting to open it up. having said that, it's about an 8 billion dollar per year budget. and we are facing, surprisingly for a lot of people, and that has been surprised us that we've gone around different parts of the city that we do have a deficit,
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about $66 million dollars in the next fiscal year and the second year about $133 million dollar deficit. this is reflective of rising costs in the city. it would be two to three times more had we not done smart things like pension reform in the past or gotten some more confidence in our system to put in reserves. so we're looking at probably this year's being a year where we will be transitioning into perhaps future years to enjoy certain things eeb more and not have deficit problems to face. but i want a city that is safe and we continue to be so and i think a lot of the public understands that at least this first quarter we're looking at some record numbers of less homicides and less violence on our streets. that's a good thing. our education system is very positive and we have a school
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system that is now being more and more praised for what it's doing and a good part of it is our support for our school system. we have at this time before the voters in november an opportunity to re-up our support for public enrichment, public education enrichment and children's fund, that would be important, i think, for us to consider. we're also making sure that we have strong infrastructure and i've been before mayor head of the capital planning city administrator and we have put forward a plan particularly for transportation that has a 2030 look that cost the city $10 billion dollars and we want to make a good stab at it, if you will, this november with a $500 million bond. but we have other transportation needs that are within the budget and we're
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trying to keep it affordable for everyone. part of my budget is to make sure government is affordable as well as other things that are challenging us affordable. i've been very aggressive to try to build more housing, making sure the budget can reflect support for that, as well as having safe streets and then i want to make sure that the departments, particularly in the areas of health and human services, can continue to be a strong social safety net for those in need. we are a city not only economically successful, barbara, but i think we more and more also want to be one of the most compassionate cities you can find so that people in need find themselves, either loss of a job or disabled or other accidents can actually find help from the city. so having said those very general things i also want to make sure we know that kate howard, our
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budget director is here today and she has the minute details that we're working on. i will remind everybody that one of the challenges this year is that we have 27 of our labor unions having to renegotiate all of their union contracts. and that is not an easy job. but i will say we came to an agreement with the first one just the other night and it was by negotiated agreement so hopefully that will spell we're willing to negotiate through agreements with all the other 26 unions and that's part of the budget as well and we're going to be reporting that up to the board of supervisors as we're challenged with all the other needs from departments and from the communities that are telling us what they think and this is another great forum for that to happen so i look forward to the questions being asked. >> you've covered so many topics that are really important and as we get on into this conversation we're going to be asking you and kate a lot
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more detailed questions about them. but now let's go to supervisor mark farrell, welcome, glad you could join us. supervisor farrell is the chair of the board of supervisors budget and finance committee so he's the fellow who is going to be present siding over this entire budget debate when the mayor transmit his budget to the board of supervisors. mark. >> thanks, barbara, for having me and thanks to mayor lee for your continued leadership and certainly kate howard, the mayor's budget director, who plays such an integral role to all we do here inside of city hall. it's an honor and also a great responsibility to be chairing our budget and finance committee and we are now entering the heart of budget season, if you will, where there are a lot of all-nighters spent inside city hall by a lot of people but it's an important part of what we do inside city government. what we want to make sure city government does is make sure we
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are providing for san francisco, that we have a vision for not just this year but 20 years from now. we want to make sure it's a budget hoo positively affects all san franciscoans and affects everyone's lives in a positive way and also that it's very transparent. part of why mayor lee is doing these forums year after year and we have meetings all in the neighborhoods is to make sure we pass a budget that reflects the values of all san franciscoans. that's an important part of what we did last year and also continue to do. on a personal level, as mayor lee mentioned, despite great economic times in our city, our greatest challenge, those of us intimately involved in the budget, we are still facing a deficit in the city and we need to make sure we not only communicate that but also balance our budget in a responsible way going forward.
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on a personal level i continue to fight for, as does mayor lee, issues that affect our economy, making sure we continue to have a strong economy today and in the future, that we do things that positively effect the quality of life for san francisco residents and also that we continue to have a vibrant city. there are so many exciting things happening, the warriors obviously just announced a big project here in town but we have been an exciting and vibrant city not only in our neighborhoods but in the city as a whole. i think we all share the values that we want to make sure san francisco continues to be an exciting place to live. i look forward to the conversation. >> thank you so much, supervisor farrell. finally we're going to hear from kate howard, the mayor's bunket director. she's going to give us a brief overview of the process. >> good morning, everybody, thank you mayor lee, thank you, supervisor farrell. my name is kate howard, i'm the mayor's budget director. with i'm
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going to do is briefly talk to you about some high level elements of san francisco's budget. as i think the mayor and the s*urp both indicated, a budget really does reflect the priorities and the values of a city or of a community. it's also a spending plan just like in your household your budget reflects your spending plan for how you are going to spend the money that you have and then in san francisco and in all public jurisdictions a budget is also a legal document. every year the city is legally obligated by its charter to balance the budget no later than july 31st. so this year as the mayor mentioned we are beginning our next two-year budget where we will take all 50-plus of our city's departments and balance the budget for the next two years. i have some slides that you'll cecuming up on the screen momentarily so san francisco's budget is very large. as many of you will
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remember, san francisco is both a city and a county. what that means is we have all the normal responsibilities a county has, things like running a blic hospital, operating a jail, having a public defender and a district attorney. and it also means that we have all the responsibilities that a normal city has, things like public safety such as police and fire or recreation and park services. we do all of those things. then in san francisco we do more than that. we also operate a water system for the region through our public utilities commission. we operate a public transportation system through the mta, we operate a port and of course san francisco international airport is part of our budget. so that's 7 poib 9 billion dollars, almost $8 billion really reflects a broad rank range of responsibilities the city has. moving on to the general fund, when we talk about the city's budget a lot of what we focus
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on when we talk about balancing is really about the general fund. and the general fund is essentially the money that is unrestricted, it's money that's not in our enterprise fund for providing services to the public. the general fund represents about half of our overall budget in the city, about 3.9 billion dollars this year. and the slide that i think is up on the screen shows you that in san francisco in the general fund what we get about, well, the vast majority of that money comes from the taxpayers, it comes from property taxes, it comes from hotel room taxes, it comes from business taxes. we have a broad base of revenues but they are all paid for by you. except we also get about one out of every five dollars from
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the state and federal government. and that's really largely because of our role as a county and that's unusual compared to other cities. sometimes people ask me how do we spend our money. and so i think the chart that you see here gives you a high level summary of that. the easiest way for me to think about it is of our total budget we spend about half of our overall expenditures every year on people, on the city's staff, and those are the people that bring you all the services that all of us value, things like police officers and fire fighters, the nurses who work in the hospitals, the people who are producing this event here today, all are valuable public servants who are contributing to the benefits that we all see. we spend the rest of the budget on a variety of other things including contracts for
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services and other priorities. finally, as both the mayor and the supervisor mentioned, even in these good economic times the city's revenues are not growing as quickly as our expenditures and it's a hard thing sometimes for people to understand. we are in a time of very, very favorable economic growth. just this coming year we're projecting that the city's revenues in the general fund will grow by more than $160 million dollars. at the same time, though, our expenditures are growing more quickly. and those expenditures are largely driven by the thing we just talked about, by our personnel costs. we are, we have had experienced really significant costs in our pensions as well as our health care costs over the last several years, though i think work done by both the supervisor and the mayor as
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well as the board more broadly have made some significant headway to bring those costs down for the long-term. just to put some quick numbers on it, over the next 4 years we project that our revenues will grow by 7 percent and our expenditures will grow by 14 percent. so the task in front of us and the task for the mayor and for the board really is to figure out how do we bring those two things into line over the subsequent two years. thank you so much, barbara, for having us and also for hosting us today. >> thanks, kate, and for those of us just joining us, this is mayor ed lee's twebt 14 online budget town hall. with us today are mayor lee, of course, supervisor mark farrell, the chair of the budget committee, kate howard, the mayor's bunket director, and i'm barbara taylor, city hall bureau city for kcbs radio. quickly again if you'd like to submit some questions or comments you can email
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