tv [untitled] May 7, 2014 4:00am-4:27am PDT
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summer internship program. getting started, i'm going to quickly -- the cte program are school year programs, two year programs. we have 24 cte academies at sfufd representing 12 industry sectors. those are two year programs that align to california state standards around cte industry sectors. and they're taught by cte credential teachers within that industry sector. we have work base learning throughout the year and this is -- this was referred to earlier as match bridge and dcyf helping us out with that. those are guest speakers, field trips, job shadows. but we're talking specifically about summer, so let me get onto summer. we are using the term a little bit more around a productive summer --
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productive summer and with that said, we are looking to -- we have 75 paid internships this year. we are going to be expanding, so last year we had 86 paid internships that came through our private and public connections. mostly through our advisory boards and that included i believe 30 from youth works which was also referred to tonight. we're going to drill into these numbers at the last slide. the intent of the summer internship is really to expand the learning that's happening in the school year programs. so to give them the 6 week intensive, you know, all day experience as opposed to these one or two hour experiences. and we're also exploring and letting the students expand, so
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if they're at the one of the health programs, they have an opportunity to apply to other industry sector programming and this is because we actually have more opportunities this year, and i think that has a lo the to do with having a work base coordinator. details about our program. it's six weeks and we have 77 placements. the students receive a $600 stipend and that is coming through the actual donation from an industry partner or and or a donation from one of our other partners such as united way or dcyf. each of our students become temporarily employed. they complete the whole hr packet and it's
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supervised by our straf. they're at a contact host site. that completed an mou and that provides worker comp types of language for our students. i'm going to let darlene talk about additional parts of our summer programming. i thought it would be great if just to make it clear, we have other new programming coming on and i'm going to let darlene explain that. >> i'm darlene and we had a utility and building program and we're trying to launch it this summer. this program is -- the
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students stipend are funded -- we want to have 36 students to participate with the goal of 20 students per program. we're going to have two programs. this is going to mirror the dates and times. students who need credit recovery can take a credit recovery during the first period and they're eligible to complete the summer program and students will receive $600 for their participation in this program. we also have another program that john oconnell and this program is going to target 20 students and we expanded the student enrollment to include those for agriculture
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at john oconnell and ibd and a college at lincoln. this is a five week experience that includes three days of classroom instruction and two days of work base learning, work site visits. again, students will have an opportunity to complete credit recovery if the morning and they'll participate in the program in the morning and students will receive a $200 stipend and this is a partner between sfusd program and we're launching an automotive program. the students stipend is funded by the labor agreement. the goal enrollment is 20 students. this program is a five week experience and students will earn ten credits towards high school graduation and it will be two week rotations to one of the
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muni areas. we're excited to launch a media production house. this is going to be launched ought galleo. this has 20 students and we have 10 students to participate in the first session and another 10 students to participate in the second session. students are going to utilize their media arts to put together a public service announcements for our non profit areas. we're getting non profit organizations to help so if you know any, please let us know. students are able to earn 2.5 credits for this program. we have stipends funded by comcast.
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this is sprout funding the teachers. we're excited to talk about our students success structure. one thing that we're careful about is making sure all of our students receive an orientation prior to being placed in summer internship program. we're going to have a week long orientation that's 20 hours long and that's going to focus on professionalism and literacy since this is the first paid organization for our students. all of our students will have a work site visit by their summer internship counselor and check on the students and the host to make sure both parties are mutually satisfied with the placement. it's important for us to get feedback from students and from the employers. this feedback was done last year and we were able to make recommended changes so we can have a better program for this summer. and i
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apologize. i think we have run out of time on this item. >> so what i'm going to do is open up for questions from board members and then open up for comments. commissioners fewer. >> thank you supervisor kim. this isn't a question, but i wanted to let the supervisors know because the city has generously funded summer schools and it has been hard years for us. this year we have dedicated $2 million towards credit recovery and part is to offer summer school at the following high school sites, ball bow y'all high school, george washington high school and galleo and they'll serve high school students throughout the city offering classes to help them graduate to those who are behind and need graduation recovery. thank you very much. >> thank you commissioner fewer. i know that was a priority on the school board, but on the board
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of supervisor to insure that we fund summer school which is a critical piece of our education system and was sadly cut for one year when we have massive state cuts. it was an unfortunate decision, but i'm glad we were able to fulfill that need. >> commissioner wynns. thank you for the presentation. i'm interested in what students go to these programs that are located at certain schools during the summer, so do we get students from other schools or do they get filled with students from the school where the program is located? >> sure. i can answer that. the way we organize our recruitment, we expanded it so we're not having hospitality students only apply for hospitality. we listed all of our different opportunities and students were able to rank their opportunities based on their interest. which provided us with additional information about the
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importance of providing exploration opportunities this summer. we expanded it which is the first time for us, so we have students at other students, they're not ct students because they're sophomores or students that for example at low have an interest in building construction, so we have a lot students applying for programs and again, students that are interested in exploring summer programs that's unrelated to their academy, so it has been exceeding for us. >> what's the result? do we know yet. you can tell me. >> tomorrow is the deadline to get all the applications in. so we'll probably know that in a couple of weeks. as of today, i received 150 applications from kids throughout the district, but i'm anticipating 75 more. we have 220 spots total. >> enough for them to get into some program. >> yes, they'll be able to
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participate in some program and most likely their first choice. >> i want to know what schools they come from so we can see if we got a mix and seeing how much access they have to programs that's not in their neighborhood. >> we have a data base that we were able to collect data and where the placement is, so we can share that information in the future. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> supervisor yee. >> just a quick question. have you ever thought of not you personally, but the school district, thought about how you could somehow combine this effort with the kindergarten to college fund? >> they're only little kids.
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>> i know, but there's supposedly an account for each student. so my question is, whether or not anybody has explored the possibility of rather giving all the money to -- it's not very much, but the stipend total to the students, is there a possibility to put some of it into that account to help them save for their college and maybe find a donor that can match each $100 that each student is willing to put into the account or something like that. >> i just wanted to address the kid college account which is for our kindergarten so we've been doing it for four years. we don't have anything for our older kids yet. with the ideas with the funds that gets deposited for the kindergarten is for college. >> we have seven years to think about it. [laughter]
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>> thank you. i'm going to open up for public comment. i believe we have one of our commissioners in the room who wanted to speak on this item, so i'll call up our commissioners first. >> it doesn't matter. >> good afternoon, supervisors and board of ed commissioners. my name is nicholas and i'm the chair of the youth commission. i was appointed by district one supervisor erik mar and i serve on the youth and immigration committee. we've done a lot of work around both youth employment and also especially the immigration part of our community is making sure that i am grags youth and undocumented youth have access. we want to do more to employ more
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undocumented youth. there is a program last year, a pilot program which was a huge success, but it employed 42 undocumented youth. and compared to -- that's about point eight percent of the entire undocumented population of san francisco whereas for all youth, it's more like eight or seven percent, so undocumented youth has one tenth of a chance of becoming employment verses those who do have documentation. what we want to say, there's lots of barriers respect to federal and state law especially in san francisco, where there's a will, there's a way, especially in our programs that's funded by general funded dollars and not funded by the state and not funded by federal government, this city a sanctuary city and the school
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district who has supported undocumented students very well, we hope that you can do more to take accountability to employ undocumented youth because while there's fwraet programs going on, it's serving less than one percent of the youth that needs it. as you go and start this program this summer, we hope you can do that and we're looking forward to work with the board of supervisors and the mayor and the board of education to make that happen. thank you. >> perfect timing. thank you commissioner pesque, it's important for us to have the perspective of the young people because this is dedicated to young people. thank you for coming here today. any other public comment on this item. seeing none, public comment is closed. any final comments or questions? seeing none, madam clerk, can we call item number two.
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>> thank you. excuse me, file number 140349 hearing to review proposed legislation to reauthorize the public education and enrichment fund, with a funding presentation from the san francisco unified school district, and general discussion on draft language. number 140349 hearing to review proposed legislation to reauthorize the public education and enrichment fund, with a funding presentation from the san francisco unified school district, and general discussion on draft language. number 140349 hearing to review proposed legislation to reauthorize the public education and enrichment fund, with a funding presentation from the san francisco unified school district, and general discussion on draft language. >> sponsored by you supervisor. i forgot to thank all those here today to talk about an important gap during the summer type where we provide additional support to make sure young people aren't falling through the cracks so thank you for your time and presenting to us today. our next item is the public education enrichment fund. now in its tenth year of programming since it was first passed in march of 2004. this ballot measured was sponsored by tom who put on a ballot measure because he believe there should be funds dedicated to our public education system and preschool for all. through conversations in the community
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with many non profit organizations, teachers, parent advocates and youth, this ballot measure was put on the march 2004 ballot initially setting aside $10 million out of the city's general fund to our public schools, specifically for sports and libraries, apart of the program and curriculum of sfus has been cut with deep -- through deep revenue losses at the state level particularly after prop 13. and a third of the funds were set aside for the first five commission to deliver preschool for all for four year olds here in san francisco. now in its tenth year, the city must go to the voters. so our discussion here today is over the last ten years, a broad over view which we will get a
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presentation from deputy superintendent lee. but also an opportunity for this committee on both the board of supervisor and the board of commissioners and community members who are here to talk about what we would like the educational enrichment fund to look like as we go for reauthorization in 2014. it's popular with the residents and we believe the city should put in additional funding. we know that california is 49. instead of sitting back and complaining about it, that the school -- that the local municipality can contribute to the gap and bring back programming that we haven't seen in 15 years like our classes, like pe teachers and sports that are largely cut since 1978. this is an initiative
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that's of importance to me. over my time on the board of education and as a member of the member cac of proposition h, i got to see firsthand the difference these dollars are making in our schools and our classrooms and there's not a school that you can walk into where you can't see the impact of these dollars whether it's having a library three days a week where there was none before or whether it's having an art or pe program and other sports or funding our pier resource center, our health centers in high schools, restore of justice, these dollars have been essential to augment what sfuc receive but it's educating our young people and closing our achievement gap. i'm looking forward to introducing this
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next tuesday and having a long term discussion and parallel with the children's fund which must go for reargs this -- which must go for reauthorization this year or next year. so i did want to give an opportunity if any other board members would like to speak before we have deputy superintendent lee -- supervisor yee. >> thank you. 1/3 of the funding goes to the [inaudible] for all program and this was also a very important aspect of the education funds because we all know that practice the research, many decades of research that children enter kindergarten without having any of the
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early education activities, they're going to be struggling, especially those children coming from low to moderate income families. at the time there was a lot of discussion whether we should put it in there, mainly because there was a state wide attempt to do pre-k and there was a lot of hope that will solve the problem because the state didn't have enough resources for preschool, not only for low income, forget about the middle income, they had no opportunities. we should be thankful for the wisdom of the people in this city because if we had depended on that state wide ballot to pass, we would have been basically where we are ten years ago, not being able to serve the number of children that we're serving
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today so the program itself, i'm glad to report and first five commission has done a great job in implementing and the studies has shown the impact that there's increase numbers way above the national level, way above the state level in terms of the position of our four year olds and preschool experience and it has an impact whether it's in reading or emotional support or math. so the evaluation is proving us right from the view that the investment made was worth wild. i'm looking for to reauthorization of this. what it has done is
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given almost every low income child an opportunity to be participating and you would think that even middle income families may not even need the help, but in this city, as you all know it's so expensive that it's difficult even for middle income families to provide the preschool activities for their youngsters so one of the things that we're looking forward is trying to have it as flexibility as possible for this program. thank you very much. >> thank you supervisor yee and i forgot to mention that supervisor yee, avalos and myself are working on the reauthorization of the public enrichment fund and the language and the childrens fund which we hope to introduce next week, but finally be able to put together by the may 20th charter amendment that is set by the board of
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supervisors. >> and this is going to be a third piece introduced as amendment which is the children and family council that will be introduced. >> thank you. deputy superintendent lee. thank you for being here. >> thank you, madam chair for holding this initiative which i know you're intimately familiar. supervisor kim and yee did a good job of giving half of the presentation i was going to given. i wanted to give an over view of the investments that have been made through the voters of the charter amendment. slightly more than ten years ago. this is -- i'm about sure if
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i'm operating this device properly but we have a presentation. so -- >> sfgovtv, if you can help with the presentation. speaker: as supervisors kim and yee mentioned, this measure has been in place for slightly more than ten years. we are in our ninth year of implementation of the resources that the voters approved and the current level of funding is for all three parts of the public education enrichment fund is slightly over $80 million, 2/3 of which comes to sfufd which is administered through the first five commission. the general theme is that this set of resources really has transformed what education looks like not to mention early education throughout san francisco. so especially at a time when districts up and down the state and elsewhere have been cutting
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investments that have been provided speckly through peef. this has allowed us to protect critical programs that the measure was intended to provide. it has allowed us to expand them. we stand alone compared to a lot of our counter parts in the state and across the country. protected funding for libraries, arts and music, physical education, through the third or are -- or the use program. we helped our students meet graduation requirements, to launch a new investment in our science, technology and engineers math area and to fund learning support, nurses and wellness among other things and i'll go through more in the next few slides. here's a
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