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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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plan and you have in the packet, the 2014 community out reach plan. and the mission of our community out reach is the transparency about the occ services and accomplishments and to strengthen our relationship with the communities that are historically and statistically likely to have encounters with the police to enhance the ties, who are isolated from the police service and to work with the community groups and the other agencies and the police department to find effective solutions to enhance the police community relations and services and some of the examples of that community, elaboration, and the community based organization, and involved juvenile policing, policies working with the youth commission, and language access, and services during the police, interactions, with the limited english proficient individuals and as we saw
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tonight, children of arrested parents and the way that we do the out reach in addition to collaborating with the community groups, and also includes the community presentations, and nacol presentation and the oversight of law enforcement. and both, tamara and donna and i have done training at the nacol annual conference about our areas of expertise. and we also conduct training to other groups, and eric and ed mcmahon have done several trainings at the police academy on the function of the occ. and we also distribute materials and our website also provides out reach to the community by having calendars, and calendars of events and the calendar of events and our
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reports, and the news worthy items and moving to the information technology, which is i will not say that it is led by chris, because he is it it is handled by chris, and in 2013, he continued to wrestle with the developer with the on-line complaint filing project. >> this is a project that we paid for that he developed, and he finished that on time and in budget and now the investigaters have a system that alerts them when key deadlines are coming up and it grabs the information from our data bases, and props.
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and both the investigators and their supervisors. and in addition to those projects chris also maintained and enhanced, and that he gathers the data and develops it for this annual report and all of our reports, that i present to the police commission as well as the reports that investigators might ask for in addition to that, he maintains and actually enhances our computers so that they support the data that we need. and our phones, our website and other technology and equipment. we have clerical units led by taylor and in addition to the profits and the complaints that we received and the closures that we make, she also with the
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assistance with the aattorneys, response to in 2013, responded to 400 document requests involving 742 officers, and that is the motion and the subpoenas from the federal court, and the back and in 2011, with the officers who are ultimately indicted and that was a massive, subpoena, from the federal grand jury, where we actually had to hire outside individuals to come in and copy and document, and it is labor intensive and this year we did not have to contract out, but, we have to order the materials from the storage facilities and about 7,000 dollars and reendorse the costs and moving to our report card. and well we closed 2013 with the fifth lowest number of
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pending cases in 21 years and we met, or exceeded that are gets which included things like investigators case loads, and as well as policy recommendations, and the percentage of concur ens between the chief of police and our sustained findings and our sustained findings and the police commission. and in addition to meeting our exceeded our performance measure targets we decreased the number and we have a recognized medation program and we have a successful community out reach plan and our according to an expert in civilian oversight, dr. sam walker, professor from the university of nebraska says that ours is the first in the country and ours was in first in the country and he posted it
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on his website, in addition, we continued to address ongoing investigator vacancies with a temporary, and you will hear next week that we have two temporary, and the next step, continue to manage the occ case and continue our program and continue to evaluate the sfpd policy and practices and continue to implement the community out reach, and continue to recruitment to fill the vacantcies and finally, to seek budget adjustments to fill the vacantcies and that concludes, 2013. thank you. >> i want to say, that if you have done a great job, the occ was a new agency at one point and it was an agency in complete disarray at some point and then you came over and it was an agency that was putting together and we talked about policies and procedures for the police department and you put the policies and the procedures and you laid a level of
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predictbility. and the level of professionalism and it is just, it is evidenced and in how we see that you know, the ongoing, or the ongoing goals are to work on policy procedures, and the police department, and i think that is an excellent report and thank you for everything that you have done. >> you are welcome. >> commissioner turman? >> she was first. >> i want to thank you for the report too, but i have to tell you, on page 3, the organizational and budget matters, i have questions, and as you know i am not really schooled on a lot of this so i am just going to put... and i understand that talking to you this is really stats from last year that we are talking about so i get that. so from last year, when we have and i also am bringing this up because you really should have a 17 full time investigators. and this budget requires, and you have not been able to do that given the budget. and so for last year you had 15
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journy men, and so just the question that i have was there 13 for last year or did you have one temporary investigator as well? >> okay. so the question is how many did we really have? >> and then i noticed here that the positions 15 only 15 could be leveled, and only 15 level investigators could be felt in the budget mandate, and including the vacantcy back here on the step adjustment, and what does that mean? and what does that leave you with last year in terms of the number of investigators? and of course, i point out to you that is says, you have reduced the personnel budget of 370,000 and what does that mean? that there was a loss? or a surplus or able to attribute it anywhere else? and i guess that it comes down
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to what do we have now? this year. and i can look through all of that. >> and i know that you have some more reports coming up soon. >> thank you, so much. >> commissioners dejesus. yes. it is confusing. but the bottom line is, the city's budget process, for the departments is that, for each position, and that is included in the budget, but would it give us it takes away through two things and one is a vacantcy factor and the other one is the step adjustment factor, and the step adjustment factor assumes that every is mid step and so, it takes away anything that is over mid step,
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and so what a department has to do is not going into the deficit spending like we used to do because we are part of the police department budget and they didn't pay attention. but now they do. and, it is, not a deficit that is created by buying things, and it is a deficit that is created by having positions that one was budgeted for but this is, and this is a very typical of, public entities
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that are not paying, and it really becomes an issue when you have the deep classes where it is just a class and we start at a certain amount and it may increase by 100,000, and so the mid, and so it will be problematic and so what we have at the occ and i am grateful for that, and is that we have the staff that those is experienced and has stayed with the occ for a very long time. and so, they are at their top steps. and so i have requested through the budget process, that i be relieved of that, and that take away, because we are such a small department, and the impact of three positions is
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huge we do have, we say, we say 15, 8124 and investigators, and two temporary, and we have got, but we have got, four vacantcies, and three 8124 and one, 8126 and 8126 vacancy was created when he was promoted and so sherry hall is an acting 8126. and so, she needs a vacantcy. sort of. >> and then i guess that the question is so that similar to this 1650. >> we have 15. >> and of those two, one is
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acting and is there another temporary in there? >> well we are going to ask the deputy director... >> well, actually that is okay. we just did the math. >> we have 15 and out of the 15, one is the acting senior investigator and right now we have 14 investigators. >> okay. >> one acting senior investigator and we have two temporary police. >> okay. >> yes. >> and that is correct. but we, we, the charter requires 14, and it would require 14 based on the current police department staffing, and we have not fallen below the 14. and if we do fall below the 14, i have the authority, i am not sure how i do it but just to
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hire on my own. >> and the last question is that i know that the occ... something about last year. complaint and the complaints from last year. (inaudible). >> right, and i will provide you more detail next week with the first quarter report and the answer to your question is yes, there has been a spike but more important and i think that the spike is about i am thinking of, and it may be around 20 percent but it may be too high but more importantly, it is the types of cases that the occ is now receiving, and i have not seen in my six years of the director as many high
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profile community engaged cases. where it was interesting, when the individual spoke and the woman spoke this evening about it. and she showed two different complaint forms, well first of all those complaint forms, they are almost like the place holder, and it is the first impression that an investigator gets and an investigator is going to conduct a full investigation and that complaint form is not the whole case and plus in that case there is more than one complaint. and they are complaining based on, any number of things such as, what they saw on the tv and what they heard on the radio, and what they heard at a community meeting. so, the we have a number of
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high profile cases and what that means and it does not give them as much time as they would like to review them. because of and complexity of the cases, and the investigators are getting pretty backed up. and i envision that unless we get some relief we are going to be higher and higher pending cases, that as a backlog is going to grow. >> and so any way, thanks those are the questions that i have and thank you for bringing your staff and your staff does a wonderful job and i am glad that you are here tonight and the child dgo that we just did
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tonight was also very well done and i want to thank you for all of your hard work. >> commissioner turman? >> okay, so just to pick up on where commissioner dejesus left off, a little bit. so i think that i heard over the last four or five years 29 percent drop in complaints? but, 2013, we saw a 9 percent spike, but still over all, over the last few years, is that what you said? >> of law
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enforcement there are a number of theories, one is that the police officers are better trained and two, could be that there is a better relationship between the police department and the community through the community policing, and when you look at the satisfaction rate, and that through this and the survey that is taken at 76 percent
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satisfaction rate, and it may not mean that the officers are less mistakes but that the people have a relationship with an officer that does not drive them to file a complaint. and another on the other side of it, to be self-critical, and some have said, well maybe the public has lost confidence, and in civilian oversight, but, we just we don't know. >> okay. >> but, what i would say is it is not for lack of us getting out in the community, and doing out reach, and in various venues at homeless connect and at community fairs and black history month and on and on. and so, i do not know.
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>> okay. so, with on the on-line complaint filing system, i am understanding that it is now has become on-line in june of 2014. does it need to be on-line before we pass some type of beta testing of the system. >> that is under way among the staff. >> okay. >> and we have something that is very close to something that could be released and it is going to take a little more review and i am actually sorting through an issue with our host which is actually the department of technology and how we receive the data. and that is really otherwise, mechanically it is all there and it works from the start to finish. and perhaps, we may be able to see some additional refinements and we are really close. >> and when you say on-line in
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june, released by the public. >> okay. >> and then, the auto prompt calendar system. so, does it give, repeat sort of prompt as to the schedule or like i said you are approaching the black. >> yeah, it refreshes daily at this point. and we are looking at adding a module that will actually do kind of pop ups, in the course of the day, but it is not too disruptive. >> okay. >> we will have to figure out a schedule for that. and now i can tell you that just basically, every milestone that we look at finishing intakes and how long a case has not had a entry in the chronological, and the cases
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that are approaching those milestones as well and the cases approaching the submission to the management, for the review, and that all, comes up, and as they approach and then, if for some reason they become overdue. >> does it require that be entered in on the individual investigator, or attorneys, own calendar before the auto prompter is on another larger system, and then to the attorney? >> it is tailored to the individual. and so that the individual investigators when they log in to the, it is a data basis temperature and which they have been using every day. for quite a number of years now, and the senior investigators have been using their application for even longer than that. and the individual investigator receives you know the reminders that belong to them, and the
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seniors receive, all of the reminders for their teams, and the management sees it all. >> okay. >> and i will be interested to come over and see how it works. >> sure. >> that is what happened at work myself and for my system and my secretary comes in every day and says do your time or we will not get paid. >> and commissioner turman, we don't have one of the attorneys, we only have it for the investigators, the, and the attorneys having worked in law offices in the past and the city attorneys offices and the like, are accustom to having that, that we don't, and that we do not have it. so we are not going to have it for the attorneys as well? >> well, they participate with the supervisor tracking system.
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and so that they are a part of it. >> okay. >> they don't do a lot of data entry and that is mostly upon the senior investigators to do. >> but, i am just concerned that you know time waivers and due dates on the particular matters and cases and stuff like that, you know, that is critical. >> yeah. >> the legal process has not historically at occ has not been followed real tightly. you know in our data systems that the design is there but it is just, >> excuse me. >> the attorneys follow it tightly, but, just makes me not have the data base. >> in the law office, we are, an investigation. if they had adequate technical support to facility that information that you have all been following, but thanks to him help is on the way. >> commissioner loftus you are on the air.
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>> yeah, just a couple more points here. i am concerned director hicks, the last parts of your next steps, it concerns me because i know that we are out there seeking to recruit talent but with vacantcies which we cannot fill, and sometimes it is just disheartening and discouraging to people and we need to work. and we need the helping hands and so it is a little bit how is that brought down the pipeline? how that has an effect and probably very interested in this. and commissioner turman, and when we, post our job announcements, and the
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department, and we have and i must find the people to help to conduct the exam because we will be flooded because there is the talent, and there is the desire, and we need the budget, and we need to get our job announcement up, and but, yes the reality is that if i am hearing from the budget folks, you can't still position number 17, because you don't have the money there is, and there is nothing that i can do, except what i am doing with through the budget process, requesting the mayor's office to take a real close look, but then that is not the end of is it the story because last year the mayor's office recommended an additional position and the board of supervisors took it away. and what i was told was well your cases are going down, we
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see a downward trend, and he just don't need that many position but no one was talking about the step adjustment factor and how that and how the departments are forced to over almost, over budget for the positions so that you had that cushion to deal with it. since we have so many members here and we often see director hicks and deputy director in and of course, miss marion but we don't get to see all of you folks. but i do want to say, how grateful this commission is, for the very hard work that everyone in your office does. thank you so much for the very
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important work you are an important part of what the public sees as a community and an oversight and thank you so much for the hard work. and we need to find a way to better support you financially and in other ways and we are going to be working on that, thank you. >> commissioner loftus? >> thank you. i am going to be quick, i just want to echo what my colleagues have said, two things to the occ staff and director hicks obviously i get to see you and a wonderful reports and such an incredibly professional staff, you know, being nationally recognized and i know that mario n, we can count you on for your diligence and your nature on the policy pieces and just grateful for the way that you approach your work, so happy director and the professional trial attorneys, miss frankle and forbes and appreciate all of the work that you do and i have just one question, which is i noticed on the complaint by the language,
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i am sure that you have have because part of what gives me the cost is the exhaustive out reach that you do and i saw that there was less than one percent complaints that came in mandarine or cantonese and i wonder if we had any speaking staff and if there is any out reach to those communities because i know that we have language access issues in i think that sunny dale and the housing projects and the large community of the folks that speak those languages. >> yes, we have staff that speak those languages. and burm ese and tagalog, and french, and see if i covered it, spanish, of course, i said that earlier. and have we, we are
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