tv [untitled] May 7, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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auto u out there that come tooth to make a project happen thank you very much for your commitment and building this affordable housing. so it's wonderful to be here to celebrate the finished project and see the deserving residents and what a difference in their lives to celebrate what bridge housing has done and f b e ore tag line is nothing we'd rather be doing nothing we'd after be doing than financing and being a with the bridge housing >> i'd like to introduce the next speaker i'm pleased to be able to welcome this gentleman who is a person who has led the
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affordable housing in san francisco and calvin is the director of the san francisco information clearing house a nonprofit that is with community and land use issues. thank you calvin (clapping.) i just want to spend on the i'm unaccustomed to speaking for the next 20 or thirty minutes. first of all, i'd like to thank gail and james tracingy two of renee's farther people. gail was the last executive director that renée helped and was the first executive director from chp that came from within chp and james trashing was
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closed to renée and close to my heart the only community organizer poet in the hate beat tradition a tradition that renée greatly appreciated now with the work and the point of james is to keep everybody real and the point of gail is to keep james real so they both work i think very well together. iran in a was a dedicated community activist. i was more than that he was a state of history, he was a man of the left, he was a material lit who believed that material reality could be changed by the actions of organized and empowered people and he dedicated most of his life to figuring out ways to make that
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work and in a city that he was born in and grew up in and loved. he understood that place was important that empowering people in place was incredibly important, and that building empowered people in a specific place was how you built community. and that through community true power of people is expressed. this building represents in a fundamental way the material manifestation of that ideal that i don't think it's an exaggeration that renée dedicated his life to purring so it's good it's a bright sunny
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day it's well, and good this is housing for homeless people, and it is well, and good that the sign that you read coming in about renee's life and work is with the struggle it continues because the struggle does continue. and continues in this city. it continues now and it's up to us to carry that struggle forward it never ends but it should be a joyfully and happy activity for all who knew renée you knew how joyful renée could be on test and thursday the rest of the year he was as serious as
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a heart attack. i'm to close with a small poem my heart is with the goal and friends i have. all the roses clipped made evens and the light footed lads. by brooks to brood for leaping the light foot lads are laid, the rose lipped girdles are sleeping and roses in fields where roses fade. i'd like to introduce renée was look at many other things a light footed lad and i'd like to introduce you, you his rose flipped maiden sylvia
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(clapping.) thank you. >> thank you. my son and i would like to express our gradually to chp and everyone who expressed renee's work to his memory. iran nay in a loved san francisco and spent 40 years of his life working to provide affordable housing and making living in san francisco and that's what chp has accomplished with this building chp has been building to build the apartment in a prime location surrounded by million dollar condos to
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provide housing for formerly homeless individuals is an establishment. the chp had to overcame things was enormous. over the years in other projects renée experienced with many of you the difficulties and challenges to accomplish the same goals. by choosing to name that wonderful building the renée apartments chp has not only revoked iran nasal accomplishments but claims victory. renée would be thrilled about this building and also embarrassed to have his name on it because no one would be sirnld out it had to be shared with others. on his behavior i'd like to thank chp and all who
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participated in this great project. renée would have wanted your names next to his and finally my perm be thanks to you gail and to michael where are you are and i'd like to introduce barry white 0 who is is resident of this building (clapping.) >> good morning. my name is a bar white i'm honored to it up to speak on behalf of the fellow residents iran in a apartments. believe me we're grateful to a call this our home. over 12 years ago i lost any apartment i was a self-employed
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artist the 9/11 attacks and a challenging marriage and it medication in the form of meths it's not spiraling i became poems homeless on the street many were dealing with challenges greater than my own i become nor patient i xheshd checked myself no rehab and have been clean ever since i met my case worker she held my hand while i waited for hours i was not on the street very long i moved in here a little over 4 medias. i realize there's no typical story. every circumstances and person is unique. apparently when this project was conserved and the building was
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designed those responsible for this project economy that. i love this building aside from the sanctuary of my own room i find sincere relative in the garden and the court yard but as nice as it is it would not feel home without the services the positive and generous support of the staff is an sdrarl aspect of high recovery attendee the art groping group and the art group and the recovery group i enjoy fridays where we sit and socialize in a congestive heart failure atmosphere we're greeted with confined smiles gradually i'm getting congestive heart failure with my neighbors he feel safe and secure in my apartment and regaining my
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self-respect and over the 12 years i'm setting up my first love my art. thank you for your time and support (clapping.) >> thank you so an sdrarl part of our village that helped to bring this tooth our elected folks who have the political will who invest in the city dollars it's my honor to introduce the chair of the joint bay power authority supervisor kim (clapping). >> i get to really be here under several hats one, of course, is the district supervisor for this part of the
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city and chair of the joint powers committee to oversee the plan with ocii who's here today and, of course, the transbay joint powers authority and feinstein has an organizer for the member of chow chow the chinatown community center we built the affordable housing but worked closely with renée i'll say it is so existing that one of the first parcels to be built is affordable housing. a hundred and 20 units for the formerly homeless and it's in the inner city not only providing housing but providing services on site that allows people to stay in their home. we have a couple of through the 0 plaza hotel on significant and howard and others and the reattention rate is amazing it's
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90 percent over 90 percent of our residents stay in the homes but community housing fairnz is one of the organizations that does that right we need to provide folks services where they stay in place. in other aspects of the neighborhood it's great to build the parcel this was a piece of dirt that wasn't serving the community and now supporting the community in a large way besides it providing stylists we also have retail something that the neighborhood wanted to have as what we built and rincon point and people don't feel like they have the amenities and this site will provide some of that not only the additional activities but supports the retail and under ocii and transbay support open space through the this area
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and 35 affordable housing. for low income and middle income. i want to recognize we have our director tiffany and two commissioners elton and monohow far who lives in district 6 and, of course, olsen lee from the mayor's office of housing. but i really want to end on how meaningful in building is renée was congressmen known for the advocacy around building affordable housing and really pushing, pushing the city and pushing the mayor and myself at every layer to look at in terms of how we can fund and build more. but the other part of renée i think he's most known for amongst our community is that renée cared about building
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community and mentorship that's a later in our field we often forget about how to mentor young folks coming up through the pipeline that make sure that the work renée and cal van vin has done over 40 years to build this needs to continue to go on and renée understood that so for his family noisome name to be on affordable housing on a building that's for building a community and building an affordability space so i'm sure sure he'd be impasses to have his name but we have to remember his legacy we carry it on our showers onward so i'm glad that chp and bridge and i want to thank them for taking on this project.
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we don't have any other affordable housing in your pipeline so the mayor and i are going to have to work to get more affordable housing in the pipeline as well. congratulations so many partners made this happen and i'm proud to be here today. thank you (clapping) >> and to close out our program none of this 0 would be possible without a man who's pledged thirty thousand new units by 2020 the honorable mayor ed lee (clapping). >> thank you. well god happy circumstances are not we hear. this is a very happy day and i want to celebrate it by being here with the family of renée and all the people that knew him and the people who are about to
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benefit from the residents of this great site it's a great are the judges of the facts to honor renee's name here and but now we honor what heats down by recommunity investment & infrastructure commission ourselves to a movement that is part of the san francisco we're a place for everyone no matter where you come from we don't hold that against you no matter wasn't challenges we help you got to the challenges sometimes, it takes longer than we want to but we welcome everyone. this is why this aggressive goal has been announced and this particular site this housing site of one hundred and 20 adds tremendous values for one we made a commitment some years ago almost 10 years ago we would house more of our homeless and
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we stated we would build 3 thousand ever those supportive housing units we're a few hundred shy supervisor kim is right we'll identify projects to get to the 3 thousand and if new data says we have to do more we will. i also had the larger goal of 3 thousand homes for people in san francisco additional ones at least 25 percent of them permanently affordable and we're on our way in quarter of this year, the macarthur park of the openings we've had in the first 3 months of this year we're almost exposing the entire production of 2013 in terms of housing. so we've got to use the celebration to continue to moving forward. i want you to glance at all the
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different community groups listed here but glance at the financial entities that came tooth with the government entities to compliment what we we needed to do but will be great partners going forward. silicon and enterprise our friends in all of the different partnerships that we have are important to put the pages tooth not only do we build the housing but make sure they're not subject to other things that would reduce our stock so building is a great contribution and part of the whole actor agenda but we have to protect our housing stock and make sure we have down payment assistance programs to help people get into them by the way, the high costs the first and end months are
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huge barriers we have to identify the costs of housing bring it down for working-class for the middle-income families not one being the sole answer so i thank you for the opportunity to ask all of you the best way to honor people like renée 'coz one half and their family to honor the tremendous sacrificing whether chp or bridge to say we're going to do more of this and you know it is ironic it's a challenge i've asked all the nonprofit housing providers to join me in a reenlighten public housing stock to maintain those
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there's not housing authority residents they're part of san francisco we need a lot of partners going forward are you up to it? all right. let's build thirty thousand more and if more is needed we'll figured out but make sure it's affordable and within reach and thank you all for providing a great example of how we are bringing people tooth. thank you very much >> bonnie banks.
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bonnie banks. my definition of noise is uncontrolled music. without format. pretty simple affair. pancakes, and you're -- people get up on sundays around noon, weekends or whatever. should not be too hard to walk into place. have your audio alarm clock go off for two hours waking your up while you are eating breakfast with many interesting visuals once in a while. improvisation. listening or not to the person you're playing up against or people or machines. trying to get as many different people in as possible. different
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genres, experimental noise, electronics, dissonance some drums.a tiny bit of ambient -- the first noise pancake shows, 1999, the first waffle noise, 2001. god-waffle noise, noise pancake came out of cubist art, place on mission street, brutallo, where the church -- opened up his house and saturday morning cartoons. a big space.
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you can have everybody set up and barely move equipment around; small room for an audience to move around, walkover and get pancakes without getting burned up in the kitchen. there's like people in their hard-core gabber; people into really fast death metal; black metal. people who don't listen to music at all. guy like larnie bock (sounds like) set up huge, motor driven harp. i don't know how to explain it. 40 foot of motors that he had
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running over strings and wires. and then played each string individually with the mixer. there is a feeling of euphoria when somebody's really good at what they do. experiencing a buffer, pushing your bowels out your rear. different. a lot of noise. you don't play clubs with a cleaning schedule, a guy coming in the morning emptying the beer bottles. you play the warehouse. if you travel around you will see the exact same kind of weirdos doing their own thing. it is like in the bay area it's even more absurd. there seems to be more people
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that in a place like new york or tokyo. we did a show in new york, i didn't think that anyone was at hardly, and people come up and said i saw the show. i wish they had some kind of breakfast noise going on over there. i think a lot of people were being, walking out of the shows. that was incredible. i can't believe it's over already, after two hours. if you are reluctant to enjoy something like this it will probably take a mass of peers to sell you on it. it's fine if you stay away. most of the people that come to the shows are pretty happy to be here. you may not be one of them.
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which is fine. >> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to
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the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features. >> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used
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appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really, really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay. >> this park is open. ♪
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