tv [untitled] May 8, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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enforcement there are a number of theories, one is that the police officers are better trained and two, could be that there is a better relationship between the police department and the community through the community policing, and when you look at the satisfaction rate, and that through this and the survey that is taken at 76 percent satisfaction rate, and it may not mean that the officers are less mistakes but that the people have a relationship with an officer that does not drive them to file a complaint. and another on the other side of it, to be self-critical, and
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some have said, well maybe the public has lost confidence, and in civilian oversight, but, we just we don't know. >> okay. >> but, what i would say is it is not for lack of us getting out in the community, and doing out reach, and in various venues at homeless connect and at community fairs and black history month and on and on. and so, i do not know. >> okay. so, with on the on-line complaint filing system, i am understanding that it is now has become on-line in june of 2014. does it need to be on-line before we pass some type of beta testing of the system.
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>> that is under way among the staff. >> okay. >> and we have something that is very close to something that could be released and it is going to take a little more review and i am actually sorting through an issue with our host which is actually the department of technology and how we receive the data. and that is really otherwise, mechanically it is all there and it works from the start to finish. and perhaps, we may be able to see some additional refinements and we are really close. >> and when you say on-line in june, released by the public. >> okay. >> and then, the auto prompt calendar system. so, does it give, repeat sort
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of prompt as to the schedule or like i said you are approaching the black. >> yeah, it refreshes daily at this point. and we are looking at adding a module that will actually do kind of pop ups, in the course of the day, but it is not too disruptive. >> okay. >> we will have to figure out a schedule for that. and now i can tell you that just basically, every milestone that we look at finishing intakes and how long a case has not had a entry in the chronological, and the cases that are approaching those milestones as well and the cases approaching the submission to the management, for the review, and that all, comes up, and as they approach and then, if for some reason they become overdue. >> does it require that be entered in on the individual
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investigator, or attorneys, own calendar before the auto prompter is on another larger system, and then to the attorney? >> it is tailored to the individual. and so that the individual investigators when they log in to the, it is a data basis temperature and which they have been using every day. for quite a number of years now, and the senior investigators have been using their application for even longer than that. and the individual investigator receives you know the reminders that belong to them, and the seniors receive, all of the reminders for their teams, and the management sees it all. >> okay. >> and i will be interested to come over and see how it works. >> sure. >> that is what happened at work myself and for my system and my secretary comes in every day and says do your time or we will not get paid.
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>> and commissioner turman, we don't have one of the attorneys, we only have it for the investigators, the, and the attorneys having worked in law offices in the past and the city attorneys offices and the like, are accustom to having that, that we don't, and that we do not have it. so we are not going to have it for the attorneys as well? >> well, they participate with the supervisor tracking system. and so that they are a part of it. >> okay. >> they don't do a lot of data entry and that is mostly upon the senior investigators to do. >> but, i am just concerned that you know time waivers and due dates on the particular matters and cases and stuff like that, you know, that is critical.
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>> yeah. >> the legal process has not historically at occ has not been followed real tightly. you know in our data systems that the design is there but it is just, >> excuse me. >> the attorneys follow it tightly, but, just makes me not have the data base. >> in the law office, we are, an investigation. if they had adequate technical support to facility that information that you have all been following, but thanks to him help is on the way. >> commissioner loftus you are on the air. >> yeah, just a couple more points here. i am concerned director hicks, the last parts of your next steps, it concerns me because i
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know that we are out there seeking to recruit talent but with vacantcies which we cannot fill, and sometimes it is just disheartening and discouraging to people and we need to work. and we need the helping hands and so it is a little bit how is that brought down the pipeline? how that has an effect and probably very interested in this. and commissioner turman, and when we, post our job announcements, and the department, and we have and i must find the people to help to conduct the exam because we will be flooded because there is the talent, and there is the desire, and we need the budget, and we need to get our job announcement up, and but, yes the reality is that if i am
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hearing from the budget folks, you can't still position number 17, because you don't have the money there is, and there is nothing that i can do, except what i am doing with through the budget process, requesting the mayor's office to take a real close look, but then that is not the end of is it the story because last year the mayor's office recommended an additional position and the board of supervisors took it away. and what i was told was well your cases are going down, we see a downward trend, and he just don't need that many position but no one was talking about the step adjustment factor and how that and how the departments are forced to over almost, over budget for the positions so that you had that cushion to
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deal with it. since we have so many members here and we often see director hicks and deputy director in and of course, miss marion but we don't get to see all of you folks. but i do want to say, how grateful this commission is, for the very hard work that everyone in your office does. thank you so much for the very important work you are an important part of what the public sees as a community and an oversight and thank you so much for the hard work. and we need to find a way to better support you financially and in other ways and we are going to be working on that, thank you. >> commissioner loftus? >> thank you. i am going to be quick, i just
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want to echo what my colleagues have said, two things to the occ staff and director hicks obviously i get to see you and a wonderful reports and such an incredibly professional staff, you know, being nationally recognized and i know that mario n, we can count you on for your diligence and your nature on the policy pieces and just grateful for the way that you approach your work, so happy director and the professional trial attorneys, miss frankle and forbes and appreciate all of the work that you do and i have just one question, which is i noticed on the complaint by the language, i am sure that you have have because part of what gives me the cost is the exhaustive out reach that you do and i saw that there was less than one percent complaints that came in mandarine or cantonese and i wonder if we had any speaking staff and if there is any out reach to those communities
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because i know that we have language access issues in i think that sunny dale and the housing projects and the large community of the folks that speak those languages. >> yes, we have staff that speak those languages. and burm ese and tagalog, and french, and see if i covered it, spanish, of course, i said that earlier. and have we, we are always available for out reach and tamara through the work that she has done, the policy work that she has done and the collaboration with the collaboration, and it has met
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with collaborate with several asian groups including the asian law caucus and there were several others that we listed in the community out reach and in our materials. and they are in several languages. but, of course, the languages in written, would just be chinese. but we are always open and maybe a further answer to your question is that we are always open to visiting the community groups, and doing more out reach, and these were conversations that we had with the former commissioner chan, and so, you know, we are ready. >> yeah, just want to make sure that you have the resources and the language access and i want to make a complaint about the police and english is not my
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native language, that is a hurtle and having the people speaking the languages doing the out leach and you can report back if you had the success identifying ways to do that out reach with the materials and the language but with your folks who speak those languages and see if you are able to net any result. thank you for all of your good efforts. okay. >> thank you. >> dr. marshall? >> and lastly, i just want to echo commissioner mazzucco statement and this is probably longitudinal of the job that you have done since you have come and you said that the occ was in sham bells and that is an understatement. and the controller report confirmed that and you have done a wonderful job of restoring order and complying with all of the recommendations and given what you have do, and on the budgetary constraints.
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and in the controller's report. and you are probably a victim of your own success. and you have been forced to, you know, do more with less. and that is probably an issue for me when i hear the board saying something like that and you know, i almost feel like they are taking advantage of you, and i guess what bothers me here is that we convinced the board in the city that the department back up the numbers and 19, and so we will restore the academy and we need do that with you based on the recommendations that the controller made and you have been operating for a long time and when your cases are down and yeah, we have been, enforced to do that, and however it recommends a certain number of investigators and it should honor that and so i just think that we need to keep that
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and, we are pressing forward and we should try to do that and make that case with you and continue to make it because at some point it is not going to be like that based on what they have suggested and i just want to say that. >> commissioner marshall, i very much appreciate that. and it is a burden for the investigators to have to keep trying to do more with less. and they come to work every day wanting to do the best job that they can, to be fair to the complainant and to the officer, and to follow the evidence. but when their case loads are increasing and their cases are becoming more complex, and it is and we are not getting the help that we need and the staffing that we need, it is problematic and we will always do our best. and we have no doubt about that. but, people get warn out. so thank you. >> thank you, director hicks. >> and thank you, to the entire
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occ staff, for all of our hard work and for being here tonight. and you know there is consistency and it is great to see you all. >> call the next line item. >> and we are staying until nine and so we have to keep going. >> occ commission reports and discussion, commission president's report and commissioner's reports. >> i will move this quickly because we do have closed session items. i like myself, commissioner wong and commissioner loftus, attended the police academy graduation last friday night and, we picked up 38 new officers, and i don't think that half of them are old enough to drive yet, but you know they are great and appreciative and there was one officer who was 53 years old and the youngest was 22 and it was impressive and i met with last wednesday, and i met with some of the folks from the ten dir loin and the sro and they raised the issues about and station transfer and is seems like we are in the budget
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season and the people are jockeying for positions and i think that the sheriff has offered to transport the prisoners and i explain to them that we do the policy procedure and that is operations and the chief is working on that issue there. and last but not least, this press release that went out today, about the arrest of the officers made, on market street, i don't think that the people realized the impact that they took four really bad players off of the street with three, really bad guns during broad daylight while it was daylight in that hour and very busy area and one of those guys has a murder under his belt and so the police work not just four people got arrested and not just three really good guns were taken off the street but something really bad was about to happen and so your officers at southern station, the public does not realize what they prevented and so congratulations. >> commissioner loftus? >> i just want to time is
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short, police academy graduation, and three fierce amazing officers who joined, you know i just i always talk about what the chief says because i think that it is so important because i am going to read an exert from his speech because it is not too late to do that. a lot of what we do is he is spouse policy and things but at the end of the day, what the chief of police says is probably the biggest statement of where things are at and so i want to give a lot of amazing quotes which i am going to put up on my wall. this academy has provided you with the skills and knowledge and tools you will need to need to deliver quality first rate public service, we have instilled in you the ten ents if you can keep your head when all about you or losing theirs and trust yourselves as all other doubt you and allow you to distinguish between a criminal and a person in mental crisis and switch from a cop whose instinct to rush to danger and a social worker creating time and distance and a rapport not to create a
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life-and-death situation for everyone involved. >> you know i think that it was a wonderful thing to watch the chief talk to the new recruits and really demonstrate in every word and deed that the department is asking a lot of our answers, and giving them great world class training. and always reminding them that there could be a hero to a kid and save a life of someone in crisis, and so, thank you chief. for always holding that line and being true to the values that this commission holds very dear. >> thank you. >> excellent. >> commissioner wong. >> i say dit toe on the graduation. as well as the emphasis on the community service and serving the children and i can see the chief's philosophy and as i mentioned before i spent the last two days, meeting with the family of steven germ o who really just seeking some answers and i want to thank the chief to taking the time to
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meet with them today to answer some of their questions. and i am going to continue to work with family to get the information that they need from the da office and the services from the victim witness unit. and i met today with the community tenant association which i believe is the largest association in san francisco. they raised a number of concerns and i will just mention, in passing, one is the increasing number of homeless, at portsmouth square and the specific sort of request was to see if the central station could be tasked with the homeless out reach officer similar to what the tender loin has and they actually want to see and the indication was that the homeless are not bothering anybody but there was an increase and i think that perhaps, being forced off of the market quarter and so what they want to see is the police department could do more out reach to the folks and offer services similar to what the tender loin station does. and they emphasize the
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pedestrian safety issues and coming out of the broad way tunnel and there is a lot of speeding and they referenced a series of residential robberies in the neighborhood where they have followed the seniors into the senior residents and robbed them and said that was a great certain in the senior communities and i will be meeting tomorrow with the same group. that commission mazzucco did in the central city and the collaborativive to hear the concerns and i am scheduling meetings with a number of rights groups and again just to hear the concerns and bring them to the commission in case they are not able to come here and join us. >> thank you. >> and thank you. >> call the next item. number d. >> commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future commission meetings. >> announcements? >> as far as scheduling they want to schedule the election of officers? >> yes, my term expires in june, which is great. and so if we could schedule
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elections for the first week or second week of june if that is good with all of the commissioners we should have another commissioner and we will have a full compliment and that will be my suggestion, first or second week of june. and next week we are here at city hall and the next meeting here on the 14th, room 400 and we are in the northern district this month, commissioner will meet in the northern district at saint heart cathedral high school on may 28th, at 6:00 to hear the comments from the public and the station, and concerning public protection issues in the northern. >> go ahead. >> one thing, does it say on the website that it is dark if there is a fifth wednesday of the month, she came last week and we were not here and i just wondered since that is if we could just make that clear so that the public will come.
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>> yeah. >> of the year, i have not surveyed the calendar, i think that it happens three times a year. to the extent that it does. save someone a trip. >> great. >> with that in mind, is there any public comment regarding all of these line item? s hearing none, closed. >> next line item. >> oh, you want to speak about all of that stuff. >> all right, juicy come on up. >> is this the last official. >> that is why i say. >> it is the last chance. >> and number 6, the comment on the matters pertaining to the line item. and i want to be leaving this city you know because i am losing my apartment, and my hotel and i think that it is good because i have been going through a lot of trauma, and i think that this is the first
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time that i have had to deal with so much crime and violence and i am not the criminal, you know, but i realize that san francisco is a unique indoors, and often, you can be fault that you are not in guilty of and i realize that the greatest thing to do is to have a good life and to plan to travel, to 35 states, and but, one thing that i want to and i want to address there was a lady here who grew up in my home town in 72 and 73 she was a police officer here and there was a guy that is 6250 and what a great officer that he was, and there was another officer in san francisco, michael and he was in the castro that the thing and those are three officers who really gave me a
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chance and in the city, to know that you matter and it is what we get as opposed as a police officer. and (inaudible) he some of the people have doubts and i am just glad that i could come here tonight and be around you all. because if that was not any place... (inaudible) and it is not (inaudible) you don't feel safe, (inaudible) and when you make it... (inaudible) i can't take all... (inaudible)
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>> and who you are and i hope that you bring a lot, of hope to the people, it is important. and it is important too. >> thank you. >> thank you, juicy have a good evening. >> please call the next line item. >> public comment on the matter pertaining to item eight below, and including the public comment on whether to hold item 8 in closed session, in public comment, closed session, hearing none, voting to hold item 8 in closed session and whether to assert the client privilege in regard to 67.10.
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>> action, so moved. >> president mazzucco we are back in open session and you have a quorum. >> thank you. >> do i have a motion with reference to disclosure or non-disclosure of the items we handled in closed session. >> i move to not disclose. >> second. >> all in favor. >> aye. >> there are no nays. >> okay. >> and adjournment, and item ten, adjournment. >> it is late. >> for the members of the public. >> all in favor. >> aye. >> aye. >> thank you. >> i don't know. >> aye.
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