tv [untitled] May 9, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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for the san francisco health commission for wednesday, may 7, 2014. the minutes are for approval i'm accepting our motion for approval is there a second any corrections to the minutes. hearing none we'll precede all in favor, say i. opposed? the minutes are paragraphed. next item, please. >> item 3 it is director's report. >> good afternoon, commissioners ac a had it's first open endorsement and california closed on april 15th during the six months one $.4 million people signed up and other number went to medi-cal it is on the 1/3rd under the athens
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it is a success to dpw and the network who partnered with covered california and open enforcement for the 20017th century 15 plan did you say to special kishgsz brown the state health and human resources coverage loss and comboerm in the medi-cal is available all year round p will receive $100,000,000,000,000 discolors from the bill gates project. this larked award is a robust project there is no the exams and key partners including our
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health commission oar under jonathan for the center of leaning innovation and curtis chalking from our adolescent health that has reduced the ethnic and racial disparities in preterm birth it is the sector partners for the innovative seclusions for complex health issues he it will help with the strong outreach with the community partners were focusing on in wraech to other agencies to turn the curb on preturn birth in vulnerable community. dph nurses the 2014 the nurses week is this week and the dpw will recognize and celebrate the dpw furriers staff within an
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award ceremony on may 8th at san francisco general hospital please join us for them and we've also have the honor to have the nation's first library social worker that gives hope to the homeless and we have an allen f p with the psychic public library was interviewed twice about the social services she provide at the library and interviewed empty be k go library and it was a wonderful social worker she tries to engage with people in the local libraries to get the resources and they need and the fact she helps with the insuring the safety of the folks if the library on april 24th we opened
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with opening day at the treasure island nurse clinic and the community response has been positive and we have ages from 8 to 60 and dedicated worker will help to staff it on wednesday and fridays. we work closely with treasure island agencies to insure that there was some medical presence at treasure island's this is a furrier referral incline and many of the people that are on the i'm doing have preliminary care of providers so having our presence there during the week is positive for the residents. this is a clinic we'll see how it does in the future. that's in oar report commissioners >> questions commissioners? let me starting with the last
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one. on the nurse clinic who does the in your report to therefore under >> - and it reports that to our nursing director in sfort of the nursing program. >> good one other question what the preterm birth initiative because it's a very large and long lasting one 10 year initiative what would be an appropriate follow-up we understand through our community or subcommittee first and here to be able to track how well, we're doing. >> we could ask the partners the doctor chang and others to talk about the history of it and have ever 6 so give an update
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and booked for our public health committee the chair will appreciate i'm hoping the commissioners agree a hundred million dollars grant should be of interest to us i think. >> thank you. we'll do that. any further questions if not the next item and the the general public comment i've received one request >> mr. moody my you have 3 minutes. >> mr. vice president and members of the commission i'm jacob moody the director of the community improvement. over three weeks either as a representative of the community
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member i mean, i'll operate in the two cbs focus group for the affordable health care and the department of the environment issues of importance to the black community in the south east and an interview with american people consultant working with with the cbs to the follow-up even if interviews 40 in treasure island and the interviews with the hope ucsf that w the folks in the site and a meeting with the puc an supporting the food guardians of the food access working groups a meeting of the congress of african-american on issues of importance to the black community including the violence response and reauthorization of the children's fund and a meeting to plan an impact
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funding for bayview hunters point with colleagues from dpw. the point that to say even though the african-american population in san francisco will dwindling some say forced out there's a growing interest on some of the departments and the issues faekz aechlts in san francisco not all of them are diagnose well, and the failure of the destroying to move systematically from the recommendations from 920092009 african-american report makes the responses less than optimal. having said that, i want to encourage the commission to support of the robust and cost cutting efforts on please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of the project sponsors partners to develop and implement a board program on behalf of the african-american
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health and well-being. senior leadership and i at dpw is supporting excellent population and work in the southeast an update we hope to breaking and entering to the committee with pious african-american program. i encourage you to ask the african-american ask. for i'm had your that dpw and senior leadership and all of us who are community participates will be able to provide meaningful what's-her-name to programs with measurable results thank you >> mr. moody thank you for your work. we have one more public speaker deanna from the 70 clinic >> we should make everyone perspective autopsy i'm the president of the clinic
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consortium i wanted to raise an issue related to the prenatal initiative of the goals conditioning on continuing to talk about the prenatal care in the governors proposed budget he released in january we got it a proposal killed to move a certain percentage of women who right now get pregnancy only on medi-cal and were left out of full scope medi-cal into the exchange instead of leaving them in medi-cal the reason it's important and hesitate pro tem is state will pay their premiums in the exchange so one hand it is for women to get the full scope vs. on pregnancy in medi-cal the problem is the con
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ceremonies i'm assuming the clinics use some time something called the comprehensive prenatal services program to provide supportive services to woman particularly focused on women in protecting community for example, this is the mission neighborhood has muni illogical support groups for women to stay healthy during their pregnancy and dealing with smoke and weight control in a culture comfortable setting so far as those women this program has produced great result but if you move the women so what an challenge we'll lose the program the governor said she can e, go
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through the challenge ensue it is ingratiated so a woman might be getting her prenatal care now they're saying he is qualified i left my heart in san francisco provides the same care by the health providers that have not had the experience may not have the experience and again, the culture linguistic capacity and history of providing those services i'm you're going i think we're in this together it's dpw and the consortium clinics that was let's open in the first round of the budget committees i've spoke up to mark leno but the last they know is to get rid of the c p f program
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when it's shown success in renewing the birthing rate. >> thank you very much for alerting us i'm sure our department will make sure that the services will be provided. the next templeton the agenda is the report back from the finance and budget planning committee earlier today >> good afternoon the finance and planning committee met today at 8 o'clock and went through a responsibility agenda that includes the discussions on how the finance and planning committee review contracted. we also have approved the contract report from may and 3 new contracts which are all list on the consent calendar for the commissioners to approve we also have heard from kim and her fabulous team on the healthy san
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francisco annual report draft that will be presented to the full commission in the first meeting no june. and latest we heard from ms. jackie the contract the rfp report the updated rfp report. any questions? >> what mr. the gentleman discussed in terms of what you may be reviewing contracts in the future the attempt at looking at the global pictures and trying to place the contracts in the context. >> so to put that in the context is that the finance and
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planning committee has their discussions with mr. wagner to really look at the big picture and also the transactional approval of the contracts so we can really look at the bigger policy directions that we're moving into for instance, because of the ac a and the changes in, you know, other federal and state mandate like a lot of the contracts were changed you know from term to temperature and we are trying to really grapple with an way that's meaningful to us as well being translate to our constituents in how and approve the contracts and mr. wagner is going to come back with
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additional suggestions for us to look at later on and actually, one of the things i fekt forgot to mention during the whole contract report there were a whole list of contracts that lifted to ryan white funding you know part b has been eliminated so we're going to have a discussion agendized later on in the latter part of the year to really look at how some of the funding changes effects our long term budget and finance planning. >> thank you. any other questions through the chair? all right. if not we've proceeded to the next item, please. >> the next item is the consent calendar. okay. the consent calendar is
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before you are there any extractions from the consent calendar otherwise the consent calendar is placed by the committee for approval >> so moved. it's been moved forward already and actually here by the committee we can precede onto the vote if not any distraction and all in favor, say i. opposed? the consent calendar has been approved thank you purify item 7 is the pedestrian safety and vision presentation >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm megan i'm an
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epididymis lost and co-chair of the city's task force it's my honor to be here to present on pedestrian safety in our initiatives in san francisco thank you for your consideration of the health care resolution in support of vision zero i'm excited to be here with my co-chairs including the department of public department of transportation and dr. rochelle with the general hospitals trauma center and injury center and julian from the mayor's office and ms. hernandez and our key sister agencies including timothy and don of the san francisco mull transmission agency and a
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gentleman from the police department and from the transportation authority and more detailed information regarding our co- presenter are in your paths and given we have a lot of information to share i'd like to starter our presentation and look forward to your feedback. so san francisco is a walkable city with approximately a fifth of the trips walking and ending in walking but we have work to do with respect to having safety in walking. every year that one hundred people are seriously injured or killed and an average of 8 hundred people human right those are pedestrians and seniors have a higher injury rate theirs 5 times more likely to be killed as pedestrians and the injury
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daylight approximately 2/3rd's of the time moistures are krietsd and the risk of death is 5 times when a vehicle is traveling 40 miles per hour vs. 20 missiles m miles an hour that is created to help educate ourself and the public what is the data on pedestrian safety in collaboration with our agencies. and the last of our next slide we see the pedestrian network that's the 6 percent of streets that account for 50 periods of time of injuries injuries are concentrated in san francisco that's important if a prevention
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prospective. the map at the right we see when are looking the facility and serious injuries there's in district 6 and 3 south of market and chinatown and the tenderloin. and importantly those are community where we have the highest transmissions e concentrations they walk a lot and people in those communities are reliant on public transportation but important susceptible to people with disables disabled and the department of public health is really involved from the prevention through the treaty of patient that are injured on tour streets i'm going to turn it over to now to dr. rochelle
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dicker of the san francisco general who's going to share things about the cost of injuries >> thank you directors my appreciate thank you for the opportunity to speak i'm wear my surgeon hat first pedestrians injury in our beloved city a a public health crisis and staring at thirty percent of our populations and admitted going straight city of attorney's office to the icu people get struck in the legs and flipped down and have head injuries so only 55 percent of our population pa a that's admitted get to go straight home usually go to nursing facilities a lot of people never get their lives back and because of the great
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team we have with the department of public health and megan we landmark splo into this more. we did we looked at not only the burden of disease in san francisco and as megan appointed where we need to focus but the crust 76 percent of the cost that's born for pedestrian injury that's dick cost to hospitals comes from public funding we also know that district 6 and district 3 and 4 are heavy burdened by not only again, the injury essentialist we see on a daily because but the funding situation. i'm absolutely in direct partnering partnership with my frenzy at the department of public health to help strengthen our prevention efforts in san
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francisco i'm going to turn it over to with my colleague with the health prospective branch in san francisco >> commissioners i've been working with the department over 12 years for pedestrian safety he work in the equity and promotion branch to do educational campaigns and i manager the safe rocks school program. i'm going to talk about our role we've been a key partner and pay a leadership role megan was the co-chair but now it in vision zero task force. this task force is really interested in looking at how to collectively change our
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practices in improving pedestrian safety as a whole. i will see there are a number of city departments working on this in the past we've been working individually and doing go collectively we are much more effective and efficient in reducing the deaths and injuries. so we at the public health department have been participating in the task force and the inner agency initiatives we've been sharing a lot of the outcome in support of the grants and any projects are happening we support a number of community groups we'll be meeting the walkable folks and the staff of the agency we award provide small wards to community partners we've worked with chinatown development and the
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castro benefit district stae the bayview hunters point and the community foundation a number of them to work in their individual neighborhoods to work on walking and pedestrian and traffic safety we've got american people foocht to focus on youth in school the transportation improvements that we are talking about is public health prevention it's a core function of the health department to prevent disease and injury we're collectively presenting it will feed into that core mission of our department so anything we're talking about is public health prevention. last year the mayor's office worked the pedestrian safety task force and the mayor released the san francisco pedestrian strategy in april of
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2013 you have in our pact the handout of the tvng but i want to highlight the goals of the task force and you can see the four of them here to reduce pedestrian injuries and reduce neighborhood inequalities and provide high quality walking environment those are directly related to public health we want people to be walking and biking there are healthy ways but we have to provide a safe environment so i encourage you to a lot through our pact and look at the process and how we're going to expand our work and i'm going to turn it over to nicole snider and another colleague with the bicycle
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coalition >> good afternoon and thank you for the opportunity to present. i'm nicole the director of walk san francisco our mission is to make walking in san francisco more liveable and healthyer that. if people are not safe they wointd won't be walking and if they're walking we know we need to prevent injuries their preventable. as a colleague i'd like to highlight the positive progress that the duty has made we've been working s with sf ph with pedestrian safety and sf dph has been a critical partner first and foremost as of the data has been important in highlighting this as an issue in the first
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place and under scoring the impact it has on san franciscans lives everyday. 3 pedestrians are hit by cars everyday in our city. we know from sf t ph protecting community and seniors people with disabled are the most vulnerable and our communities are suffering the biggest burden we wouldn't have known that without our support. dpw has been a critical partner in evaluating this and gauge or community partners to create solutions. we've worked with sf dph with safe routes to school and without your support our work won't have happened to slaets
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