tv [untitled] May 10, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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coming from the wall itself. >> yes. >> and all wood. >> so, what part of the building is stucco and part of the building is unreinforced plywood. i mean that it really vibrates. the wood vibrates and they have tried to and the leaks in the doors they have tried to put the sound proofing on the leaks, and it just, you know, it has not helped much. >> okay. there might be a way to insulate the duct and there are a few companies that do that and i don't know if they can afford it. so, you know, we are going to talk about that later. >> all right. any other commissioner comments to the director, and the inspector reports? i don't see any, so let's open this up for public comment. is there any public comment to the executive director and the inspector reports? i don't see any, so the public comment is now closed. and we are going to move on and
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actually just got a request to is this out of order if i... why don't we do number four, police comments and questions and then we will pose to the commissioners if we can change around some of the agenda items to move the permits up before item 5. >> okay. >> hello commissioners, and staff, from central station, we had a couple of quiet weeks since the last hearing, different incidentses, we had a fight on monroe at about 12:15 on april 7th, from a party bus and several people were fighting and 9 units were responded and two people were arrested. there was another incident at
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monroe, they were door man was attacked by a patron, and several females involved in this attack and the club declined to make an arrest or declined charges for that. a drunken public arrest on atmosphere on april 26, at 11:20 p.m., playing at the hungry eye bar, on april 25th and, they were told to turn down the music and the alcoholic beverage control was out on may second. and they went over to the club cosmo and said that under cover, abc agents conducted an investigation, which resulted in the arrest of one drunk subject and two citations were issued to the bar staff. and there was a drunk patron at the parlor, on april 25, at 12:30, the patron refused to leave after being cut off, as far as not being served alcohol
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at that point. and they, the club did the right thing and called the police and we responded, and the person tried to get in the club and was arrested and taken to jail. and had a couple of bike thefts from one from vasuvio and one from osha tide and i don't know if these establishments are being looked at. for the bike thefts and the last one was of the complaints regarding vessel and there is the hotel that is right next door, and you have the alley and then the hotel right next door. and it has had kind of a series of noise complaints, where they have to refund, besides the complaints and people going on yelp they also have to refund the general manager said to refund tens of thousands of dollars in rooms and two e-mails that i got from the last two weeks was, this one was from april 23rd, and we had one more desk complaint on thursday night, the 17th from
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vessel and the guest spoke to us the next day and we had to wave off the night charges, the loss of revenue was $425. and then, the one that i just received on monday, and dear steve i had a guest that had two rooms booked and they were upset by the noise that came to their room on the third floor, and they could not sleep all night. and they said that they heard, loud voice and people shouting. we had to wave both rooms as they refused to pay for the rooms, the loss of revenue for us was $650. i spoke with her today, she, you know she was wondering, is, i don't know, is there a condition that the entertainment commission could put on to reimburse her for the losses for the hotel and i didn't think and i know, and the separate building *rks and the separate buildings.
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>> and including right there, i had worked with sean, and both of us, have made slap jacks. and dealing with this and so it is not the first time that we had to go out there and talk with them. >> and he knows that the hotel is losing all of this money? >> yes. >> okay. >> and could i chime in, because this is an ongoing issue and we have been addressing it and one thing that i did ask, the officer to see if he could find out if whether or not there is a consistency in the room number at which these complaints are coming from and whether or not there is a sensible way to not necessarily rent that room or those rooms to maybe, folks who might look at this and might not be here to party, but that is just a thought. and in addition, again, you know, we are doing the regular patrolling and the club is doing literally everything that they can to keep the patrons
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from massing it any way at all near the hotel and moving them all wait down the alley way past where we can manage the folks because you can't smoke in doors and this is an ongoing issue to try to monitor and going to bring the sense into it and just having the complaints about how much money they are losing coming to us and somehow being blamed entirely on vessel. >> okay. >> okay. and too, i did ask, the general manager regarding which rooms that were involved, and she said that it actually varies, and we were wondering if it is that specifically like right across and she says that it does vary. >> the camp ton faces this thing and it is an old building and i think that they remodeled
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and they put in the double pain windows and i'm assuming that if you did a remodel lately, they would have double pained. i can find out more, and... just the cursosety and they have no double pained windows there and that could be, a problem? >> yes. >> commissioners, any more questions or comments for the officer? i don't see any. thank you very much. >> and is there any public comment on the police report? >> vessel or anything said? >> no. >> public comment is closed. and we are going to move on, and i would like to actually move item 6, up to item 5. and so swapping the two, so that our permits go up before we hear from atmosphere. and i don't know if we take a vote on this or we can just do it as is. >> all right. that is what we are doing. >> so, thank you, atmosphere for being patient and we are going to move on to our hearing
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and possible action of permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission and this may be newer, i asked the staff to put the items that basically met sort of all of our conditional requirements and so including the limited live permits and the applications on the consent calendar which means that we will not hear them independently, we are going to vote on all of them altogether, unless there is a member of the public, sorry. >> so today there are only two. >> yeah. >> for the consent calendar. >> unless there is a member of the public or any commissioner that wants to speak directly to one of the two, aor b, on the consent calendar we can take a vote. >> so, do we have to do public comment on that? >> i think that we do the public comment as a whole, right? >> right. >> and so, the item 6 a, is
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urban putt which is applying for a mechanical amusement device and item 6 b is club 93, also, looking for a mechanical amusement device and bill ard parlor permit. is there any public comment? >> i am happy to entertain a motion to approve? >> move to approve. >> second. >> to amove these two on the consent calendar? >> akers. >> aye. >> hyde. >> aye. >> lee. >> ayed. >> tan. >> aye. >> great, congratulations, we are going to move on to item 6 c, which is mission bowling club.. >> they have been opened for bowling and food and they would like to have the dj for events and you will see in the binder they do have several pages of
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signatures in support. and have submitted a list of conditions. >> hi there. >> hello. we basically operate as a bowling alley and a restaurant and bar and do a lot of private events and a lot of questions about djs and just having someone that could come in and play music, so we thought that it was worth applying to see if that would be fine. but it is limited, so everything would end at 10:00 o'clock. >> just to be clear with the staff, i thought that we gave them an entertainment permit. no? >> they were before us for some reason. >> for one day for new year's eve last year. >> okay. >> but we didn't do a hearing it was just a one day. >> was it a mechanical amusement thing?
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>> no. >> no, bowling is under recreation. >> yeah. >> with planning. >> so it was just the one time event. >> okay. >> and commissioners any questions? or comments? >> are you familiar, and i know that you are open later than with the permit would allow you to be, doing entertainment, so you are aware of that? >> yeah, and midnight is our closed time. and that we are fine with 10 clock. >> okay. >> it is like brunch and everything that we do is like 6 to 10. have you seen the police conditions? >> i believe that i am looking at them right now. >> yes. >> are you okay with that? >> yeah. >> okay. >> yeah. >> all right. why don't you have a seat. >> okay. >> if we could bring the police up to speak to the commission.
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officer parker? >> hello. so, i am looking at the wrong ones, hold on. and i have got so many tonight. hold on. there it is. so lucky. so many. so, mission bowling club is applying for the llp, and mission station has no objection whatsoever, they have the no call for service to speak of, and to the mission bowling club, and they work very collaborativively with the neighborhood to make sure that everybody is satisfied with the events that they do hold, and also they do a lot within the community to help with fund-raisers and including toy drives and whatnot. so, the conditions are pretty status quo, i think. and we wish them luck. >> okay.
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>> commissioners any questions? >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> okay, let's open it up for public comment, is there any public comment about mission bowling club getting a limited live permit? >> all right. i don't see any. let's take a motion. so commissioner joseph? >> so, mission bowl is fabulous, and because it is so fabulous, i would like to move to approve this permit. >> i second. >> third. >> and with that, any other commissioner comments? >> okay, same house same call? >> motion carries. >> the motion passes, congratulations, good luck. look forward to the music there. >> and we will move on to item 6. d. and which is drift wood. >> yes, so this is a crystal said, doing business as drift wood, and seeking a live
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permit, and the bars have many bars, and last year it was reopened as drift wood and they would like to have motions and mission station, no objection and their recommendations are in your binder >> tell us about yourself and why you are applying for the permit. >> we have been opened for ten months, and the bulk is during happy hour and we thought that it would be great to provide mostly acoustic music for the happy hour, which probably will end before ten, and even though the permit says that we have to end by ten because happy hour ends around 8:30 or 9:00, so, you know, we are hoping to provide acoustic music for the patrons while they are enjoying their cocktails for happy hour. >> i am sean, and i partner with chris over at drift wood
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and i also own on valencia street, which is a live music for 12 years now, almost. and so, yeah, i just thought that using the connections that i have the all of the musicians around the city it has been a great thing for me personally that that connection and having a place for people to play, especially acoustic musician and quiet start and hard and limiting and thank you for having this limited live music permit available because it seems almost ridiculous not to have it. you know? and so, i think that it is going to be great to support musicians around the city. >> great. >> thank you. commissioners do you guys have any questions for the applicants? >> commissioner joseph? >> just, you said acoustic so you are not going to mic it. >> it is a small space. >> i know the space.
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>> we actually recently put up a bunch of sound proofing just because we didn't want sound bouncing all over the place and i am kind of really specific over how i like things to sound that i think drift wood could sound great and i designed it so the music will not bounce everywhere and that is what we are intending over there. >> cool. thank you. >> great. commissioner hyde? >> hi, can you tell me about your neighborhood out reach, please? >> yes. we did speak to all of the neighbors, i actually have a petition as well that most of them have signed. >> you know with you? >> i do, actually. >> sorry. >> we actually had a or have or a letter from our neighbor directly upstairs >> yes. >> and they love us, and we love them.
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and so, ronny i don't know if you know them by name, so he wrote a letter of support for us but chris managed to lose on the way but if you want to talk to him i am sure that he will come down and chat with you. >> and he is not organized and highlighted just a block. >> yeah. oh, nice, awesome. >> okay. >> you get extra credit. >> okay. >> yeah, we, we love that neighborhood, over there. and chris lives a block away, and for me, getting to know this new neighborhood, i have been in the mission for a long time and coming over there, you know, that is a vibrant neighborhood in san francisco, and it has been great to have this community, >> any other commissioner comments or questions? >> i don't see any, so why
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don't you guys have a seat and we may call you up again but you are good for now. >> could we have the police come up for the conditions. no. i don't, none? >> we will just the police are not here to speak to them, but have you guys seen the conditions, you have? >> can you come back up? >> sorry. >> he asked about the out reach that i did and i mentioned also the sound proofing that sean was talking about to him and he seemed to say that is fine and i am going to sign-off on that is how we left it. >> great. >> great. >> so, any other questions? if not we will open it up for public comment. why don't you have a seat.
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>> is there any public comment on this? why don't you come on up and there is someone right after her, come on up right after her. >> if you want to state your name >> my name is slavy and i have lived across the street for many years and i have to say that you are looking at the two best neighborhood community people that you have ever seen, it has been beautiful to watch how the community has been built around the hub and it would be a gift to san francisco to let this kind of thing take place, in the south of market area as well. so thank you. >> thank you. >> good evening, commissioners, jeremy, and a ten year resident and a huge fan and i play in a blue grass band that a lot of us met there, and it is home to a lot of griet music and a
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great place for acoustic music and excited to see that move over to drift wood and see a similar vibe over there with good acoustic music that fits in the neighborhood i hope that you will approve the permit, thank you. >> thank you. >> also, mission resident but a long time have a lot of friends in the drift wood, and neighborhood, on the block. and i played amnesia and brain wash and a number of places and i would like to see something even smaller, scale like drift wood a place for acoustic music and i think that it will be really cool. >> thank you, any other public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is now closed. and we will move it on to a vote. and if there is a motion? >> i make a motion. to approve the applicant. >> okay. >> second it. >> all right. motion and a second. >> same house same call? >> sounds good to me. >> yes.
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>> all right, that means that is approved. we will move on to the next congratulations, and we will move on to item 6 e which is chacha cha. at original mccarthy. >> this is jeffrey and this is actually isabelle puck, but he is here, and they are seeking a limited live performance permit. >> it is one of san francisco oldest bars, and i have been told, that they have one of the oldest abc permits in the city. and they have just been named heritage legacy bar list, and cha cha cha moved in like several years ago, 90s and now it is the cha cha cha original mccarthy and like to have music for happy hour and do have a lot of community support and you should see the letters in your binders and mission station has no objection and submitted the conditions. >> hi. >> hi. so, yeah, we i have managed cha cha cha location there at
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mccarthy's for the last 15 years and i had always hoped to expand a little bit and i finally got my boss's approvals, to try to do some more entertainment on the slower nights, and early happy hour, and nothing that would be louder than the music that we already play. >> great, and could you tell us a little bit about the type of programming that you george to do, is it acoustic? >> mostly acoustic and we are not going to provide any of the equipment and so if for instance, if somebody brings in a very small amp, and then we will allow that. but, it would be mainly acoustic sets and it will be, the room is fairly small and the place for the artist to play is fairly small. and so, it would not be anything more than, you know, three or four-piece, group, and you know, pretty quiet so that we do not deafen anybody who is sitting at the front of the
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restaurant. >> what would they play if they have a live end in the front? >> yeah, we are going to remove the cocktail tables in between the two doors and have a little something up there. >> and so just, is there any notice that might go out of the door since the people are coming in and out of the time. >> yes. >> we will have to keep the doors and the windows closed i am sure. >> so, just, so if you george to have that that close to the door, and because i am familiar with cha cha cha, you might want to think about putting some kind of like a sound curtain. >> okay. >> by the door. i mean, they are not that expensive and your door is not that big. and just hang a sound curtain to act like a trap to keep the sound in. >> the main entrance has a wind break. >> exactly. >> yeah. that would be no problem. >> cool. >> thanks. >> commissioners, any other comments or questions for cha
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cha cha? >> no? have you seen your police conditions? >> yeah. >> very reasonable and common sense, no problem. >> why don't you have a seat. >> thanks. >> officer parker? >> good evening, again, so simply to mission bowl, the conditions are pretty no nonsense basic, and cha cha cha is a well, organized and well run business. and we have i can't remember a single call for service that we have had there. and i have been there, and numerous times and it is a good place to go. and it is a nice place to eat and the people are friendly and i wish them luck, i don't, i have never seen it slow, so i don't know what he is talking about slow nights. >> but since i have to wait to
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get a table. yeah, the best of luck. >> thank you. >> any questions, for officer parker. >> no. >> thank you. >> is there any public comment on cha cha cha's permit application? >> all right. don't see any, so the public comment is now closed. commissioners you guys want to put a motion on the table? >> a move to approve. >> second. >> and all right. motion and a second. >> all right. same house same call? >> sounds good. >> okay. >> great, that means that you got it, congratulations. >> thank you. >> we are going to move on to item 6 f, cana cuban parlor. >> okay, this is the business as cana cuban parlor, 500 florida, and seeking a limited live performance permit, on april first he was here before you applying for a place of entertainment which was denied by the commission. because the majority of the
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entertainment wishes to present, is in the daytime and early evening, they decided to instead try for a limited live and since april, he has held to additional out reach meetings and a number of letters of opposition and a number of e-mails of support in your binder, and mission station says that they have no objection to the permit but they have submitted a list of conditions that you will also find in your binder. >> hello. >> mr. president, and commissioners, i am here today with gary mitchell who is the managing partner at cana. and i believe that there were 17 e-mails of support and i think that those are with the commission. so if i could have the overhead for a minute and give you a little bit of background on this. this is located at florida, and mariposa streets and sort of the mission area. and sort of eastern mission. and it is an area if you will
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notice of a big, huge industrial buildings and there is a lot of one block zoning there and the muni bus yards and things and there are some of these big buildings have been converted to works including arto which is next door and this is what the bar looks like. and it is a beautiful space. and open, two story and there is a mezzanine and a kitchen. and the out reach march 31st, there were 25 people at the out reach and i was there and we have a sign up sheet with us today if you like to see it, and on april 10th, we put on posters and e-mails and talked to arto and nobody showed up to that meeting, on the 28th, we held another out reach meeting at 6:00 at the restaurant. and this one had been set up at the march 31st meeting. and
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and out of that group it is a slightly strange area and we did contact the president of the mission merchants and i know him well and we are in the process of joining and we contacted a judith who is the president of the east mission, approval association which is on florida street and also, saint martin and we do the weekly food donation and a lot of times we have too much or
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after the catering jobs we will send it over to martin. and my client would like to say a few words before i would like to discuss the police proposed permit conditions. and we are fine with all of them, but we would ask two slight adjustments. one of them on section 8, or paragraph 8, it says that we can only do 8:00 p.m. monday to tlus and 9:00 on friday and saturday and we would like this to read 10 every night because there are times when we have the corporate events and this will tie our hands if we have to close early. and the other one that we would like to see an amendment on, is section 11, it says, 30 days, the system that we are trying to purchase right now, well hold it for 14 days and we would like it to be amended to read 14 days and i think that mr. mitchell would like to say a few words. >> absolutely. good evening, commissioners. and thank you for allowing us
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to come back and apply for the limited live. i just want to go a little bit over our security plan, and you know, we are having carded the security guards that will be on the premises at all times and we do 50, and we will have one security officer per 50 guests in the building and that is what we currently do, and when we have an event going on during large events, again, we have quiet announcements for the ladies and gentlemen, to periodically remind them to be quiet and i am still a little nervous here about the neighborhood to keep the noise down. we already practiced to collect and confiscate all unconsumed beverages 15 minutes prior to closing an event and again, we put some notices out so that the ladies and gentlemen that
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